Detection of Lanthanum, Yttrium, and Ytterbium from Spark in Flame

bium in rare earth salts. Lundegárdh (ß) detected neo- dymium down to 0.01 M by a flame spectrum method, and. Piccardi andSberna (8) found limits of...
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Detection of Lanthanum, Yttrium, and Ytterbium from Spark in Flame Spectra 0. S. PLANTINGA


C. J. RODDEN, Washington Square College, New York University, New York, N. Y.


HE simplified spark in flame spectra method of Hultgren

in which the concentration of praseodymium was 1.5M , showed a limit of detection of lanthanum only one-tenth of the value of pure lanthanum. A rough estimate of the amounts of the three elements may be made b y examining the spectra of successive known dilutions of the sample until the bands disappear. The method of detection outlined is economical and rapid, about 0.1 cc. of solution being used in a test requiring about a minute. The value of the method as applied to laboratory samples of the rare earths is illustrated b y the examination of a sample of c. P. erbium which was found to contain 40 per cent of yttrium. The method has been successfully applied, in a few cases, in following the fractionation of rare earths.

previously reported b y the authors (4), has been applied to the detection of lanthanum, yttrium, and ytterbium in rare earth salts. LundegPrdh (9) detected neodymium down to 0.01M by a flame spectrum method, and Piccardi and Sberna (3) found limits of 0.01 per cent for lanthanum oxide and 0.001 per cent for yttrium oxide, using molecular flame spectra. The method employed by the authors involves the visual spectroscopic examination, with a hand spectroscope, of a spark discharge in an ordinary gas flame in which the chloride, nitrate, or acetate solution of a sample is volatilized. The three elements studied were detected by the appearance of the following band heaods in the spectra: for lanthanum, 4372,04418, and 5600 A.; for ytirium, the group 5892 to 6200 A.; and for ytterbium, 5700 A. The limit of detection, based on the dilution of a solution of each element of known strength, is in each case about 0.0001M , although for concentrations lower than 0.001 M , the spectra flashed unsteadily. The limit of detection is affected b y the presence of other rare earths or of large amounts of sodium. For example, a mixture of lanthanum and praseodymium chloride solutions,

Literature Cited (1) Hultgren, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,54, 2320 (1932). (2) LundegPrdh, H., Svensk Kem. Tid., 42, 51 (1930). (3) Piccardi, I. C., and Sberna, A., Atti acad. Lincei, 15, 83, 309 (1932). (4) Rodden, C. J , and Plantinga, 0. S.,Phvs. Rev., 45, 280 (1934).

RECEIVED December 17, 1935.

Note to Authors


knows that no possible harm can result from the most liberal interpretation that can be made of such expressions as “to the faintly acid solution,” “wash the precipitate,” “ignite,” etc. If new or uncommon reagents are needed, the author should state their probable cost, where they can be purchased if rare, or how they can be prepared, if not on the market. The author should distinguish carefully between precision and accuracy. Briefly but somewhat roughly stated, accuracy is a measure of degree of correctness; precision is a measure of reproducibility. The precision of a result does not necessarily have anything to do with its accuracy; it serves merely as a measure of the duplicability of the procedure in the hands of a given operator. No claim €or accuracy should be made unless the author believes that he has satisfactorily established the correct result. The author should be frank and define the limitations of the method. Tests dealing with the effects of foreign compounds should be made on mixtures in which the ratios of the compounds sought to the foreign compounds ale varied and simulate conditions that are likely to be encountered in practice. If the author has made no such tests, he should state that he has no knowledge of the effects of foreign substances. It is desirable that possible applications of methods should be stated. A summary or prefatory abstract should acquaint the reader with the main points of the article. This should give concisely where possible the substances determined, nature of material to which determination is applicable, interfering substances, range of concentration t o which method is applicable, whether or not a sensible constant error is involved-that is, the accuracy of the method-and its precision. *Either the summary or the prefatory abstract is so often used by abstractJorsthat the author may well spend considerable time in their preparation, in order to be certain that proper emphasis is given to the main features of the contribution. Our “Suggestions to Authors” is available t o those unfamiliar with the form of manuscript and illustrations preferred by INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY.

N THE preparation of manuscripts authors should address themselves to specialists in their particular fields, rather than to the general reader. If the article describes a new method, the author should endeavor to tell the complete story, so that the reader will not have to wait for succeeding contributions or duplicate the unpublished tests in order to find out whether he can apply the method in his own work. The following is suggested as a general outline to be followed in preparing analytical methods for this edition: 1. Preliminary statement or introduction, in which the need for the method should be stated, brief reference to other methods or literature given, etc. 2. Experimental Outline of proposed method Description of apparatus and reagents

Procedure Data Interfering substances or conditions Concentration range through which the method is applicable

Accuracy of the method Precision of the method 3. Discussion and summary The author should state a t the outset what the original features of the paper are. If it deals with a method of analysis, he should give some comparison with established methods in point of speed, applicability, accuracy, and cost. Extensive reviews of the literature should not be given and such references as are cited should be carefully checked. Incorrect references are inexcusable and cast doubts on the author’s reliability. The theoretical considerations on which the method is based should be clearly set forth. I n the experimental part, previously published or well-known procedures which have been followed should only be designated or references given to them. If, however, the method is new, the data upon which it is based should be preeented but in no greater detail than is necessary to prove its soundness. New procedures should be clearly described, that readers can easily duplicate the work. Loose directions should be avoided, unless the author 232