Determination of 1-nitropyrene in extracts of vehicle particulate

(6) Schraml, Jan; Pda, Josef; Jancke, Harold; Engelhardt, Gunther; Cemy,. Miroslav; Chvalovsky, Václav Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1978,. 41, 360-3...
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Anal. Chem. 1986, 58, 1894-1895


Registry NO.HMDSO, 107-46-0;HMDSN, 999-97-3; HMDS, 1450-14-2;29Si,14304-87-1.

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J a n Schraml* Vratislav Blechta Magdalena KviEalovQ Lubomir Nondek VQclav Chvalovskf Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Prague 165 02, Czechoslovakia

REXENEDfor review December 16,1985. Accepted March 11, 1986.

Determination of 1-Nitropyrene in Extracts of Vehicle Particulate Emissions Sir: We have developed a rapid and inexpensive procedure for the routine quantitation of 1-nitropyrene (1-NP), a nitroarene found in vehicle exhaust particulate extracts and other combustion sources. The motive for this work is that nitroarenes are an important class of compounds from the standpoint of mutagenicity and that 1-nitropyrene, as one of the more abundant nitroarenes in vehicle exhaust, is a useful index compound for that class. The procedure uses two disposable liquid chromatography columns to clean up and preconcentrate the vehicle exhaust particulate extract. Isolation of the 1-NP fraction is achieved by using a disposable silica column to remove polar Components and a Florisil column to remove aliphatic components in the extract. The concentrated sample is then analyzed on a capillary column gas chromatograph with electron capture detection (GC/ ECD). The preconcentration process was shown to have a 1-NP recovery of 96.3 f 9.5%. Standard solutions containing 1.25-26 ng of 1-NP in the 0.5-pL GC injection are reproduced with an error of