Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Polluted Air - Analytical

Mitsugi Mukai , Jerome Francis Thomas , and Bernard D. Tebbens ... Mitsugi. Mukai , B. D. Tebbens , and J. F. Thomas ... J. F. Thomas , E. N. Sanborn ...
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Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Polluted Air JEROME F. THOMAS, BERNARD D. TEBBENS, MlTSUGl MUKAI, ond ELDON N. SANBORN Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory, Universify of California, Berkeley, Calif.

b Techniques have been developed for th e separation of the fluorescent 01.ganic material found in polluted aiw x a l samples. It is believed that m ast of the organic contaminants fhioresce and belong to or are derivati! ies of condensed multinuclear oromotic hydrocarbons. Previous work hl:IS shown that most of these contciminants ace produced by the inccmplete combustion of any combustibl‘e organic material. The particulate 0,'genic component wos separated into three broad classes by conVf ?ntional techniques involving solubiility. Each group was separated in to pure components by means oi’ paper strip chromatography or electropharesis. Identification was ma d e by measuring ultraviolet absorpti