Determination of Base-Flipping Free-Energy Landscapes from

May 24, 2019 - Although numerous free-energy simulations are performed in the base ... In the current work, we report a general nonequilibrium stratif...
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Article Cite This: J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Determination of Base-Flipping Free-Energy Landscapes from Nonequilibrium Stratification Xiaohui Wang†,‡ and Zhaoxi Sun*,†,§ †

State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China ‡ Institute of Computational Science, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Via Giuseppe Buffi 13, CH-6900, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland § Computational Biomedicine (IAS-5/INM-9), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich 52425, Germany Downloaded by UNIV AUTONOMA DE COAHUILA at 00:38:22:515 on May 25, 2019 from

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ABSTRACT: Correct calculation of the variation of free energy upon base flipping is crucial in understanding the dynamics of DNA systems. The freeenergy landscape along the flipping pathway gives the thermodynamic stability and the flexibility of base-paired states. Although numerous freeenergy simulations are performed in the base flipping cases, no theoretically rigorous nonequilibrium techniques are devised and employed to investigate the thermodynamics of base flipping. In the current work, we report a general nonequilibrium stratification scheme for the efficient calculation of the free-energy landscape of base flipping in DNA duplex. We carefully monitor the convergence behavior of the equilibrium sampling based freeenergy simulation and the nonequilibrium stratification and determine the empirical length of time blocks required for converged sampling. Comparison between the performances of the equilibrium umbrella sampling and the nonequilibrium stratification is given. The results show that nonequilibrium free-energy simulation achieves similar accuracy and efficiency compared with the equilibrium enhanced sampling technique in the base flipping cases. We further test a convergence criterion we previously proposed and it comes out that the convergence determined by this criterion agrees with those given by the timeinvariant behavior of PMF and the nonlinear dependence of standard deviation on the sample size.

1. INTRODUCTION Understanding the fundamental driving force of conformational changes in DNA systems are of great importance because of the unique functionality of DNA molecules. Duplex, triplex and various other conformations are observed in DNA systems.1−5 The information carried by DNA systems is mostly buried in the hydrophobic core of the helix and the phenomenon called base flipping enables the interaction between external agents and the bases. Base flipping is widely observed in DNA methylation,6−9 melting,10−16 bubbling,17,18 breathing,19−21 and protein−DNA interaction.22 The experimental community remains very active on base flipping.23 For instance, the protonation-dependent base flipping is observed in RNA systems recently. 24 The protonation-induced conformational change includes the transformation from the unpaired GA mismatch to the paired G-HA+ base pair. Advanced experimental techniques such as hydrogen exchange (HX) experiments with UV spectrum or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for detection25 and formaldehyde kinetics15 are widely employed. From the experimental data, the major features of the physical systems are extracted and theoretical models are devised. In the early stage of theoretical investigations, the models are mostly extended Ising models. © XXXX American Chemical Society

The double rod-like model is one of the extended Ising models proposed.26,27 The helix−coil transition model originally applied to helix formation in protein folding16,28 is altered to study the thermodynamics of DNA duplex.15,16,29 The Peyrad− Bishop−Dauxois (PBD) mesoscopic model uses the hydrogen bond interactions in base pairs and the stacking interactions between neighboring bases to describe the potential energy function and other factors, such as the DNA−solvent interactions, are included implicitly in the two terms in parametrization.30−32 The PBD model is employed for simulations of DNA systems and agreements between predictions and experimental data are observed.33−36 These models rely on simplified descriptions of interactions and thus have low transferability. The development of computer architecture, efficient algorithms, and optimized software enable simulations of DNA molecules at atomic details. Using all-atom force fields to describe the system,37−41 with enhanced sampling techniques to increase the sampling efficiency,42−48 we can perform nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, and even Received: March 28, 2019


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 1. Illustration of the nonequilibrium stratification scheme used to calculate the free-energy landscape of the base flipping process. We use 2° increments in nonequilibrium stratification and bidirectional arrows represent bidirectional pulling and bidirectional reweighting of Crooks’ equation, which is used to recover the free-energy differences between neighboring states from nonequilibrium work. According to the closure of the thermodynamic cycle, the free energy of 0° and that of 360° are exactly the same. At the center of the thermodynamic cycle, we present the definition of the reaction coordinate describing the base flipping process in the poly A7-T7 system. The pseudodihedral is defined by the four centers of mass. An illustrative picture of the flipping process is also given at the center of the thermodynamic cycle.

During the flipping process, energetically, the base-pair hydrogen bonds are broken and the stacking interactions between adjacent bases vanish. These vanishing interactions are replaced by the base-solvent interactions. Numerous reports on base flipping rely on free-energy landscapes to investigate the mechanism and the mutation-dependent behavior of base flipping.49,50,56−68 Enhanced sampling techniques are employed to enhance the sampling efficiency and reweighting schemes are used to recover the unbiased statistics. The postprocessing estimators are mostly based on free-energy perturbation (FEP).69 For instance, the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM)70,71 is the multistate version of FEP. Another

longer molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with supercomputers. Examples of recent reports of nucleotides simulations are the protonation-dependent base flipping,49 the polarization induced variation in the free-energy barrier in DNA base flipping,50 the coupling between the bending of DNA duplex and base flipping,51 and the ion-induced BI ↔ BII conformational transition.52 Recent benchmarks indicate that modern computer simulations already have some predictive power for DNA systems.53−55 Free energy profiles or free-energy landscapes along the base flipping pathway give the thermodynamic tendency of the transitions between the base-paired and flipping-out states. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

where h is the harmonic potential, q represents the coordinate vector, k denotes the force constant of the harmonic potential, ξ0 represents the time-dependent CV defining the configurational pathway, and ξ refers to the current value of CV. As the harmonic restraint cannot fix the value of CV to a specific point, often the nonfixed behavior needs to be considered in nonequilibrium reweighting. However, in the stiff spring limit, the distribution of CV under restraints is extremely narrow, and the need to add such a correction vanishes.82−84 Three systems are tested and we use one of them as an example to make the description of the method clearly. The first test system is the model poly A7-T7 DNA duplex and the flipping base is the middle A4 group. The slow structural observable used to investigate the base flipping process is the pseudodihedral defined by four centers of mass (COM). As is shown at the center of Figure 1, the pseudodihedral is defined by the flipping base of A4, the sugar moiety of A4, the sugar moiety of A5 (the 3′ side of A4) and the bases of the base pair A5-T10. An illustration of the base flipping process is also given in Figure 1. No other positional restraint/constraint is applied. Because the whole pulling process from 0° to 360° is quite long for a single run, the pulling speed must be extremely slow to reduce dissipation and narrow the distribution of nonequilibrium work. Therefore, to reduce dissipation the staging regime, the stratification of the nonequilibrium pulling, should be applied. The whole process is divided into a series of small segments and the nonequilibrium pulling are performed between neighboring states. As the stiff string limit is achieved, we define the conformational state by the value of CV with 2° increments. This setting in dihedral pulling is employed in our previous works and satisfactory results can be obtained.85,86 As a result, there are 180 conformational states in total, as is shown in Figure 1. According to the closure of the thermodynamic cycle shown in Figure 1, the conformational states at 0° and 360° are exactly the same and thus their free energies are equal. In Figure 1, bidirectional arrows are used to represent both the bidirectional pulling between neighboring conformational states (ξ increasing and ξ decreasing) and the bidirectional reweighting procedure used to recover the unbiased free-energy differences. The dimensionless free-energy difference between two neighboring states is obtained from the asymptotically unbiased and statistically optimal estimator of CE defined in eq 2 and the corresponding variance is defined in eq 379,87,88

perturbation-based estimator is the variational free-energy profile (vFEP),72 which relies on maximum likelihood estimation and cubic spline interpolation. In most studies, equilibrium sampling based techniques are employed to study base flipping and examples are replica exchange variants, accelerated MD, umbrella sampling, and the quasi-equilibrium metadynamics.49,50,57,60,73,74 By contrast, the nonequilibrium work based enhanced sampling technique, the steered MD (SMD) approach, is seldom used to investigate the thermodynamics of base flipping. In some studies, the SMD approach is used to investigate the feasibility and the behavior of base pairs upon pulling in the nonequilibrium ensemble, but no equilibrium thermodynamic information is recovered.75−77 In others, the SMD approach is coupled with the nonequilibrium generalizations of FEP, termed as Jarzynski’s Identity (JI)78 and Crooks’ Equation (CE),79 to compute the free-energy difference between the base-paired state and the flipping-out state.80,81 However, the extreme length of the pulling distance results in huge dissipation and slow convergence. Also, previous nonequilibrium constructions of free-energy profiles of base flipping do not define the computational cost for each independent sample in a theoretically rigorous way,81 thus further lowering the efficiency of the nonequilibrium pulling. The above theoretical and technical difficulties hinder the applicability of nonequilibrium free-energy simulations on base flipping. To fully exploit the applicability and maximize the performance of nonequilibrium techniques for investigating the base flipping processes, we proposed a general nonequilibrium stratification scheme for feasible construction of equilibrium free-energy landscapes from multistage nonequilibrium pulling simulations. The whole base flipping process is divided into a series of short segments and nonequilibrium pulling simulations are performed between them to accumulate the microscopic nonequilibrium works. These microscopic nonequilibrium works are ultimately combined with the statistically optimal and asymptotically unbiased bidirectional reweighting estimator of CE to recover the unbiased free-energy differences along the base flipping pathway, giving the free-energy landscape. We compare the performance of the nonequilibrium stratification scheme with that of the equilibrium umbrella sampling coupled with WHAM70,71 and vFEP.72 The convergence of equilibrium umbrella sampling and nonequilibrium pulling simulations is monitored with care, and the empirical simulation time required for convergence of these methods is determined. The results show that the nonequilibrium scheme is able to give comparable accuracy and efficiency with the equilibrium sampling technique.

l ⟨f (Wji + C)⟩j o o o o +C ΔAij = ln o o ⟨f (Wij − C)⟩i o o o m o o o ij nj yz o o jj zz o = Δ + ln C A o ij jj n zz o o k i{ n

2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. SMD Approach and the Construction of the Potential of Mean Force (PMF) from Nonequilibrium Works. During conformational changes in physical systems, there are often several slow degrees of freedom important for describing the process. These slow degrees of freedom are often called collective variable (CV), order parameter, or reaction coordinate. The SMD method biases the simulation by driving the system along the CV space with a predefined timedependent harmonic potential according to the schedule ξ0. The harmonic potential is defined as h(q) =

k (ξ(q) − ξ0(t ))2 2

σij 2 =

Var(fij ) ni2fij2



Var(f ji ) nj 2f ji 2


where the canonical bracket with subscript i refers to the canonical average over nonequilibrium realizations initiated from state i, Wij denotes the dimensionless work accumulated during the nonequilibrium pulling initiated from state i and ended in state j, n is the sample size in each ensemble, f is the Fermi function, ΔAij = Aj − Ai represents the dimensionless freeenergy difference and Var denotes the absolute variance. The definition of f ij is

(1) C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Note that in the above equation all quantities are dimensionless. We will discuss the validity of this criterion in the current nonequilibrium stratification in the base flipping case. 2.2. Brief Review of the Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling Technique and Reweighting Schemes. The equilibrium umbrella sampling adds biasing potentials (often harmonic) to enhance the sampling in specific regions of the CV space.89 The definition of the biasing potential is similar to eq 1, and the difference is that the center of the biasing potential ξ0 is no longer a function of time but remains constant during the simulation. The statistics obtained from the biased ensemble are often reweighted with maximum likelihood estimators, such as WHAM70,71 and vFEP,72 to construct the free-energy landscape. These two reweighting estimators often give similar results and the vFEP result is smoother because of the interpolation procedure employed to smooth the free-energy profile.

fij = ⟨f (Wij + Cij)⟩i f ji = ⟨f (Wji − Cij)⟩j nijfij = njif ji from SCF of CE j=i+1


Because nonequilibrium reweighting estimators require the initial configurations to be extracted from equilibrium ensembles, short initial configurational sampling in the equilibrium ensemble is needed. As the free-energy estimator requires statistically independent samples as the input data, the autocorrelation time of the CV (the flipping dihedral) in each conformational state τi is computed and independent configurations are subsampled from the initial data set by the statistical inefficiency φeq,i = 1 + 2τi. Therefore, in the initial configurational sampling at state i, each independent configuration requires the sampling time of φeq,i. Each nonequilibrium pulling lasts for τNEW. Thus, each bidirectional nonequilibrium pulling lasts for φNEW,i = 2τNEW. By combining the above quantities, we obtain the overall computational cost for each pulling as ϕi = ϕNEW, i + ϕeq, i

3. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS 3.1. System Preparation. The test system used to illustrate the applicability of our nonequilibrium stratification method is the model A7-T7 DNA duplex. The A7-T7 duplex is built with the NAB90 program and the system is described with the OL1539−41 combination of modifications of AMBER force field. The system is solvated in TIP3P91,92 water molecules in a truncated octahedral box replicated in the whole space with periodic boundary conditions. Sodium ions parametrized for the TIP3P water model are added for neutralization.93,94 The minimum distance between any atoms originally present in solute and the edge of the periodic box is set to be 12 Å, and the resultant number of water molecules is 3275. Another example of the A9T9 duplex is constructed in the same way and the number of water molecules is 4561. We also simulate the A7-T7 system described with the bsc138 force field to illustrate the applicability of the nonequilibrium method when coupled with different force fields. The bsc1 force field is another modification of the AMBER force field published recently. Its accuracy is similar to the OL15 modifications. Its older version, bsc0,37 is also tested. 3.2. MD Simulation. First, we perform umbrella sampling to get the reference PMF. The umbrella windows are equally spaced from 0° to 360° with 5° increments and the force constant of 100 kcal/mol·rad2 is used to ensure phase space overlap and enhance the sampling efficiency. This 5° increments’ spacing regime is widely used in base flipping studies.49,50,57 In each umbrella window, we perform 5000 cycles energy-minimization, 100 ps NVT heating from 0 to 300 K, and 1 ns NPT equilibration before production runs. Then we perform 8 ns production sampling with the sampling interval of 2 ps. The quality of window spacing is checked with the overlap matrix,95 which is a quantitative estimator of phase space overlap. For reliable reweighting with perturbation-based estimators, the main diagonal and its neighbors in the matrix should be appreciably larger than 0.03.95 In our case, the matrix is given in Figure S1, from which satisfactory overlap can be seen. The A9-T9 duplex and the A7-T7 case with the bsc1 or bsc0 force field are simulated longer until the convergence is reached. Then we start our nonequilibrium stratification procedure. The segments are equally spaced from 0° to 360° with 2° increments and the large force constant of 2000 kcal/mol·rad2 is used in nonequilibrium pulling and initial configuration sampling to achieve the stiff spring limit. In the initial configurational sampling procedure, the initial configuration in each configurational state is extracted from last 2 ns of equilibrium umbrella sampling. The snapshot nearest to the


As the free-energy landscape only depicts the variation of free energy along CVs, only the free-energy differences between different states are meaningful. Therefore, we can define a reference state with a free energy of zero. Here we set the conformational state at 0° as the reference state 1. The free energies of the other states (e.g., state k) can be obtained by accumulating the free-energy differences of multiple segments, namely k−1

Ak = ΔA1k =

∑ ΔAi ,i+ 1 i=1

ij Var(f ) i ,i+1

∑ σi ,i+ 12 = ∑ jjjjj k−1

σ1k 2 =


k−1 i=1

j ni 2fi , i + 12 k


Var(fi + 1, i ) yzz zz z ni + 12fi + 1, i 2 zz {



For the periodic dihedral CV, we employ periodic imaging to ensure the closure of the thermodynamic cycle in conformational pulling from 0° to 360°. The round-trip error (ΔA0°,360°) is equally distributed along the whole free-energy profile. With such setting, the free energy at 0° is exactly the same with that at 360°. We note that in our previous studies and the current work, the round-trip error is very small (about 0.1 kcal/mol).85 This small size of cycle closure error indicates well-converged sampling in the nonequilibrium ensemble. The curve or surface plotted from the free-energy differences is the free-energy profile or the free-energy landscape of base flipping. In our previous work, we proposed a new convergence criterion for bidirectional nonequilibrium pulling. If the statespecified SD is obviously smaller than the phase space overlap, the convergence behavior is good.86 The overlap scalar88 can be computed from the variance of free-energy difference σij 2 =

1 ((Oij)−1 − 2) n


Here, the equal sample size rule is used and the sample size n = ni = nj.43 Then, we can write our criterion as σij < Oij

(9) D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 2. In the A7-T7 case, the convergence behavior of free-energy profiles constructed from equilibrium umbrella sampling simulations. (a−c) Freeenergy profiles constructed with the vFEP method from 0.4, 1, and 2 ns blocks, respectively. (d) Free-energy profiles constructed with the WHAM method from 1 ns blocks. x−y ns in the legend represents the time blocks used to compute the free-energy profiles.

applied and long-range electrostatics are treated with the PME method.99 MD simulations are performed with the AMBER100 suite, and all other analyses are performed with homemade codes.

configurational state is selected. This ensures that the initial configurational sampling is initiated from well-equilibrated structures. From these configurations, we perform 5000 cycles energy-minimization with steepest descent algorithm. The system is gradually heated from 0 to 300 K in an NVT ensemble over a period of 100 ps, after which 2 ns NPT equilibration is performed. The initial-configuration sampling is performed with the sampling interval of 2 ps. From our previous experience, the autocorrelation of the flipping dihedral (the CV used to describe the base flipping) typically decays to zero at this time. We calculate the statistical inefficiency and then subsample independent configurations to ensure that all initial configurations are uncorrelated.95 The nonequilibrium trajectories are then initiated from these uncorrelated configurations. For convergence check on the pulling speeds in nonequilibrium pulling, we tested a series of pulling speeds including 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 ps per 2° segment (ps/segment). In all simulations, the SHAKE96 algorithm is applied to perform bond length constraints for bonds involving hydrogen atoms in all molecules.97 Langevin dynamics98 with the collision frequency of 5 ps−1 are implemented for temperature regulation. Isotropic position scaling along with Berendsen barostat is employed to regulate the pressure. The time step used is 1 fs. A cutoff of 10 Å for nonbonded interactions in the real space is

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. A7-T7 Duplex. 4.1.1. Minimum Sampling Time for Converged PMF Estimation from Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling in Base Flipping. The first question we need to answer is the minimum length of sampling time required for convergence. First, we check the results of equilibrium umbrella sampling to provide a reference free-energy profile for later comparison with the results obtained from nonequilibrium stratification. The block-averaging method is often used to check the convergence of sampling in PMF construction. The question that how many samples are required for convergence or how long the simulation should be for converged sampling in base flipping simulations remains unanswered. The simulation time in convergence check differs among existing publications. For instance, some researchers just check the time-dependence of PMF for blocks of several hundred picoseconds in length,50,60 while others tend to simulate at least several nanoseconds in each time block.49,57 When there are minor differences between E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 3. In the A7-T7 case, (a) the statistical inefficiency in each state in the initial configurational sampling and the convergence behavior of freeenergy profiles from nonequilibrium stratification on (b) the pulling speed and (c) the sample size. x ps in the legend represents the pulling time for each 2° segment. We notice that 0.5 ps per segment is slow enough for absolute convergence and thus the statistics under this pulling speed is used for discussion. The initial sample size is 5 and in each iteration further 5 samples are added to the data set. There are small differences between the 5-sample PMF and the later ones. To avoid exaggerating the performance of nonequilibrium stratification, we use the sample size 25 as the sample size required for convergence. (d) Time-evolution of state-specified SD. The standard deviation in the ith state is the sum of the components contributed by samples initiated from that state, namely, σi =

Var(fi , i + 1 ) ni 2fi , i + 12


Var(fi − 1, i ) ni 2fi − 1, i 2


blocks, the convergence is reached. In the current model poly AT system, we revisit the length of block issue and emphasize the importance of the size of each block.

The free-energy profiles obtained from different time blocks are presented in Figure 2. We use 0.4, 1, and 2 ns time blocks as these are the typical lengths of time blocks used in base flipping F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 4. In the A7-T7 case under the OL15 force field, (a) the comparison between dimensionless SD profile and overlap profile in nonequilibrium stratification and (b) the comparison between free-energy landscapes obtained from equilibrium umbrella sampling and nonequilibrium stratification. In vFEP, as the curve fitting is used, the free energy of inner base-paired state is a bit overestimated, and the some details of PMF along the flipping pathway are smoothed out. The WHAM PMF remains these details. The PMF obtained from nonequilibrium work agrees with the equilibrium freeenergy profiles.

observation, we define 1 ns as the minimum length of time blocks for convergence. In practical use, to ensure the ergodicity, we recommend 2 ns time blocks for the reliable estimation of the convergence behavior of the free-energy profile in base flipping simulations. As the vFEP PMF is smoothed by curve fitting, some details of the curve are missing or weakened. As in our nonequilibrium scheme, we do not perform curve fitting and these details are reproduced, we then check the WHAM PMFs in Figure 2d. We notice that the WHAM PMFs computed from different 1 ns blocks are also similar. Thus, in WHAM PMF construction, we also use the 1 ns sampling time as the minimum length of time blocks for convergence. 4.1.2. Estimation of Free Energy Landscape along the Base Flipping Pathway from Nonequilibrium Stratification. We then turn to the multistage nonequilibrium method proposed in the current work. First, we check the statistical inefficiency in the initial configurational sampling in equilibrium states. As is shown in Figure 3a, φeq,i are of similar values and minor statistical noises exist. Because of the sampling interval we use is 2 ps, the statistical inefficiency cannot be smaller than this value. We have tested smaller sampling intervals and the autocorrelation time of the flipping dihedral is similar. Therefore, we conclude that the typical sampling time required for each independent configuration in the base flipping simulation is 2 ps. We note that if a different force constant is used, the relaxation time may change. Therefore, the relaxation time in umbrella sampling differs from that in initial configurational sampling, but we expect the deviation to be small. Then, we check the convergence of PMF on the pulling speed. The PMFs obtained with pulling speeds of 0.5, 1, and 2 ps per 2° segment are shown in Figure 3b, from which we notice that the pulling speed of 0.5 ps/segment is slow enough for converged PMF constructions. Therefore, in the following parts, we use the results obtained with this pulling speed as the results from nonequilibrium stratification. As in the initial configurational sampling of the nonequilibrium free-energy simulation, the system needs to be well-equilibrated and the statistical inefficiency in Figure 3a is small enough, here we just need to check the ergodicity of the

studies. The reason we compare the vFEP free-energy curves is that vFEP uses cubic spline fitting and the free-energy profiles are very smooth and easy to compare. In Figure 2a, we show the free-energy profiles calculated from 0.4 ns time blocks. We notice that the results from different 0.4 ns blocks show significant differences. The differences exist mostly in the flipping-out region. The height of the free-energy barrier varies from 17.6 to 23.0 kcal/mol. Such a significant difference in freeenergy barrier (about 5 kcal/mol) is much larger than the thermal energy kBT, and thus, the sampling cannot be converged. By contrast, the inner base-paired state is relatively well-sampled. The curvatures of free-energy profiles calculated from different time blocks are very similar in this region. When we lengthen the time blocks to 1 ns, as is shown in Figure 2b, we notice that most curves overlap in both the base-paired region and the flipping-out region, although there are still two curves deviating from the other. The PMF from the first 1 ns sampling is obviously higher than the others, and the 3−4 ns one is significantly lower than the others. The PMFs computed from the other 6 time blocks are almost identical. The reason for the deviation in the first 1 ns could be the nonequilibrium condition, while the 3−4 ns deviation should be caused by the nonergodicity in the block, as all its neighbors are equilibrated. When the time blocks are further lengthened to 2 ns, as is shown in Figure 2c, we notice that the free-energy profiles obtained from all time blocks are quite similar. Here, as we are comparing the efficiencies of the equilibrium umbrella sampling and the nonequilibrium stratification, we should neither underestimate the performance of the equilibrium umbrella sampling nor exaggerate the performance of the nonequilibrium method. The statistical errors in the free-energy profiles are estimated with the bootstrap error analysis and the PMFs with error bars are shown in Figure S2. In Figure S2a and b, the vFEP PMFs from 1 and 2 ns time blocks are shown. The statistical errors are obviously much smaller than the differences between PMFs obtained from different time blocks, which indicates that the bias elimination is the major issue hindering the convergence of the free-energy profile. Equilibrating the system, lengthening the sampling time and obtaining sufficient samples are necessary to remove the bias and ensure ergodicity. Therefore, according to the above G

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Table 1. In the A7-T7 Case, Total Simulation Time for Converged PMF Estimation in Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling and Nonequilibrium Stratificationa terms and methods equilibrium umbrella sampling nonequilibrium stratification

φeq for each initial configuration (ps) same with initial configurational sampling 2

φNEW in each segment (ps) 0 0.5 × 2 = 1

number of segments

number of realizations per segment

total simulation time (ns)







a The total sampling time in nonequilibrium stratification is given by Nsegments·Ntraj·(φNEW + φeq), where Nsegments denotes the number of segments and Ntraj represents the number of realizations per 2° segment. In equilibrium umbrella sampling, the time for nonequilibrium pulling φNEW is zero and 5° increments are used in window spacing. For convergence, the equilibrium umbrella sampling requires 1 ns sampling and thus 500 points in each window, while the nonequilibrium pulling requires 25 realizations in each segment. We note that here the value of φeq in umbrella sampling and that in initial configurational sampling in nonequilibrium stratification should not be exactly the same as their Hamiltonians differ, namely, the force constants of the harmonic potential differing. We assume that this does not significantly alter the time scale of the local relaxation.

Figure 5. Convergence behavior of free-energy profiles constructed from equilibrium umbrella sampling simulations with vFEP reweighting in the A9T9 case. The lengths of time blocks are (a) 2 and (b) 4 ns.

overlap scalar, the convergence behavior should be very well, and when SD is of similar size of overlap scalar, the convergence is acceptable.86 In the current nonequilibrium stratification in the base flipping process, we also check whether this criterion is satisfied. As is shown in Figure 4a, with 5 samples the SD profile is of similar size with the overlap profile, and statistically significant noises are observed. When the sample size becomes 25 and 100, the SDs are much smaller than the overlap scalars, which is consistent with our previous discussion about the sample size required for convergence. Therefore, the σij < Oij criterion can be used to check the convergence behavior of nonequilibrium stratification. Practically, we recommend using all of the 3 criteria to check the convergence of nonequilibrium stratification. The first one is the time-invariant behavior of free-energy landscapes. The second one is the n−1 dependence of state-specified SD and the monotonically decreasing behavior. The third one is the σij < Oij criterion. 4.1.3. Comparison between Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling and Nonequilibrium Stratification. The free-energy landscapes constructed from equilibrium umbrella sampling with WHAM and vFEP reweighting are compared with that obtained from our nonequilibrium stratification scheme in Figure 4b. From this plot, we notice that vFEP smooths out some details in the PMF, while WHAM remains them. The PMF from nonequilibrium stratification agrees well with the WHAM PMF and the vFEP PMF. This agreement supports the

sampling. Namely, only the sample size dependence of the freeenergy landscape is needed to be checked. The sample size dependence of the free-energy landscape constructed with CE is given in Figure 3c. The initial sample size is 5, and in each iteration, 5 samples are added to the data set. We notice that, in the first several iterations, there are still small changes in the freeenergy landscape. After 5 iterations, the PMF keeps unchanged and thus is fully converged. Therefore, the sample size (or the length of time block) required for convergence in nonequilibrium stratification is 25. Checking the time-dependence of the standard deviation (SD) in each state is also useful to determine convergence. According to eq 3, when the sample size grows with the sampling time, the SD should decrease monotonically. Whether the ni−1 dependence is strictly followed can be used as a criterion for convergence. If everything is estimated unbiasedly, the convergence is reached. In the current base flipping case, the state-specified SDs, σi = −1

Var(fi , i + 1 ) ni 2fi , i + 12


Var(fi − 1, i ) ni 2fi − 1, i 2

, shown in Figure

3d, follow the ni dependence and decrease monotonically after the fifth iteration, while in the first several iterations there are fluctuations, indicating nonconverged sampling. Therefore, according to the behavior of the SD profile, we can also determine the sample size required for convergence as 25. Another interesting phenomenon should be discussed is the relative size of the phase space overlap and the state-specified SD. In our previous work on multidimensional nonequilibrium pulling, we pointed out that when the SD is smaller than the H

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 6. In the A9-T9 case under the OL15 force field, (a) the comparison between dimensionless SD profile and overlap profile in nonequilibrium stratification and (b) the comparison between free-energy landscapes obtained from equilibrium umbrella sampling with vFEP reweighting and nonequilibrium stratification.

differences between the other PMFs. The PMFs estimated in the last two time blocks are almost identical. Therefore, these two curves can be used as the equilibrium reference PMF. To combine the results in the 8−10 and 10−12 ns time blocks, we extend the length of time blocks to 4 ns and the results are shown in Figure 5b. As is expected, the three PMFs from different 4 ns time blocks differ. The PMF estimated in the last 4 ns time block is used as the equilibrium reference PMF. The PMFs are plotted with error bars in Figure S2c, from which we again observe the fact that the statistical error is much smaller than the systematic error. Therefore, we need to accumulate sufficient data (i.e., simulate long enough) to obtain unbiased free-energy landscapes. 4.2.2. Estimation of Free-Energy Landscape along the Base-Flipping Pathway from Nonequilibrium Stratification. For the nonequilibrium stratification, the statistics are given in Figure S3. The statistical inefficiencies in the initial configurational sampling are shown in Figure S3a, from which the same fluctuation as the previous case is observed. Still, the typical statistical inefficiency of the flipping dihedral is about 2 ps. In Figure S3b, the convergence behavior of the PMF estimated from the nonequilibrium stratification is given. Still, the pulling speed of 0.5 ps per 2° segment is slow enough for converged estimates of the PMF. In Figure S3c, the sample size dependence of the free-energy landscape is given. The first 5-sample PMF differs from the later ones, but the difference is quite small. The PMF seems unchanged since the second iterations. From this phenomenon, we can conclude that the sample size required for convergence in the A9-T9 case is 15. However, to avoid exaggerating the performance of the nonequilibrium method, we still use the 25 samples as the minimum sample size to obtain converged PMF estimates. The sample size dependence of the SD profile is given in Figure S3d, from which we notice that in the first two iterations there are fluctuations in the value of SDs and the SD in each state decreases monotonically since the third iteration. Therefore, assigning the minimum sample size for convergence as 25 is reasonable. In this case, we again test the convergence criterion defined in eq 9. The results are shown in Figure 6a. The dimensionless 5sample SDs and the phase space overlaps are similar, while the 25-sample SD profile is below the overlap profile. The 100sample SDs are much smaller the other. These phenomena again

applicability of nonequilibrium stratification on the construction of free-energy profiles in base flipping. Then, we calculate the computational costs of the two enhanced sampling techniques and compare their efficiencies in the PMF construction along the base flipping pathway. According to our previous discussion, the sampling time required for convergence in equilibrium sampling is 1 ns in each umbrella window. According to the previous estimation of the typical autocorrelation time of the flipping dihedral, there are about 500 independent data points in each 1 ns sampling. In each 0.4 ns block, there are about 200 independent samples, and such sample size seems a bit small for converged sampling in base flipping. There are 72 umbrella windows in total. Thus, the sampling time in equilibrium umbrella sampling is 72 ns. The nonequilibrium stratification requires the pulling speed of 0.5 ps per segment. As the pulling simulation is performed in both directions, the computational cost in each segment is multiplied by 2. One hundred eighty segments are divided, and each segment requires 25 nonequilibrium realizations. The resulted statistics are summarized in Table 1, from which we notice that the nonequilibrium stratification is about 4-fold faster than umbrella sampling coupled with WHAM and vFEP. As neither the division of nonequilibrium segments nor the spacing of equilibrium umbrella windows is optimal, we would like to keep our conclusion modest. The nonequilibrium stratification scheme is of similar efficiency and accuracy with the equilibrium umbrella sampling scheme. 4.2. Another Example: The A9-T9 Duplex. 4.2.1. Minimum Sampling Time for Converged PMF Estimation from Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling in Base Flipping. We test the applicability of the equilibrium and nonequilibrium procedures in another case of DNA duplex. The system has the sequence of A9-T9 and is a bit longer than the A7-T7 system. The convergence behavior of the equilibrium sampling based PMF with vFEP reweighting is shown in Figure 5. This time we use 2 ns time blocks and 4 ns time blocks, according to the above discussion about the minimum sampling time required for converged estimates of the PMF in A7-T7. Compared with the A7-T7 case, A9-T9 converges a little bit slowly. The PMFs estimated from different 2 ns time blocks shown in Figure 5a differ, which is not observed in the A7-T7 case. The PMF estimated in the first time block 0−2 ns is not equilibrated, and there are obvious I

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Table 2. In the A9-T9 Case, Total Simulation Time for Converged PMF Estimation in Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling and Nonequilibrium Stratificationa Terms Methods equilibrium umbrella sampling nonequilibrium stratification

φeq for each initial configuration (ps) same with initial configurational sampling 2

φNEW in each segment (ps)

Number of segments

Number of realizations per segment

Total simulation time (ns)





0.5 × 2 = 1




a The total sampling time in nonequilibrium stratification is given by Nsegments·Ntraj·(φNEW + φeq), where Nsegments denotes the number of segments and Ntraj represents the number of realizations per 2° segment. In equilibrium umbrella sampling, the time for nonequilibrium pulling φNEW is zero and 5° increments are used in window spacing. For convergence, the equilibrium umbrella sampling requires 2 ns sampling and thus 1000 points in each window, while the nonequilibrium pulling requires 25 realizations in each segment. We note that here the value of φeq in umbrella sampling and that in initial configurational sampling in nonequilibrium stratification should not be exactly the same as their Hamiltonians differ, namely, the force constants of the harmonic potential differing. We assume that this does not significantly alter the time scale of the local relaxation.

monotonically and the fluctuations are small. Therefore, the converged estimate of PMF requires about 50 samples. The comparison between the PMF estimated from umbrella sampling with WHAM reweighting and that obtained from the nonequilibrium stratification is given in Figure 8a. The agreement between the two free-energy profiles is very good. The simulation times of the equilibrium umbrella sampling and the nonequilibrium stratification are similar to the first A7-T7 case. The efficiency comparison between the equilibrium and nonequilibrium methods is presented in Table 3. We still use 2 ns as the minimum sampling time in each umbrella window in equilibrium umbrella sampling. The resulted sampling times are a little different from the first case. However, the efficiency of the nonequilibrium stratification is still similar to that of the equilibrium umbrella sampling. The A7-T7 is built again with the bsc0 force field and the results in this case are shown in Figure S4. The statistics are similar to the bsc1 case and thus we just briefly discuss them. From Figure S4a, we know that in equilibrium umbrella sampling the PMFs in the last three 2 ns time blocks are very similar. Thus, we use the PMF obtained from the last 4 ns sampling (8−12 ns) as the reference PMF. In the nonequilibrium stratification, as is shown in Figure S4b, since about the 10th iteration the PMF remain unchanged with further sampling. After the 10th iteration, the SDs in Figure S4c also decrease monotonically with the sample size. Thus the sample size required for convergence is 50. In Figure S4d, we compare the WHAM PMF and the PMF obtained from nonequilibrium stratification. The two PMFs are almost identical. These observations again show the applicability of nonequilibrium stratification in the construction of the freeenergy landscape in base flipping under different force fields. Finally, as we have the PMFs of the A4 flipping in the A7-T7 duplex described with the OL15 force field, the bsc1 force field and the bsc0 force field, we now can investigate the difference between the thermodynamics under these Hamiltonians. In Figure 8b, the comparison between the PMFs is presented. Among the three force fields, OL15 gives the highest free-energy barrier along the base flipping pathway. The bsc1 one is lower than the OL15 one and the bsc0 one is the lowest. Thus, the base-paired state is of the highest stability under the OL15 force field, while the other two force fields give relatively less stable base-paired conformations. Which one agrees with the experimental value is unknown to us. Likewise, the PMF of A5 flipping in A9-T9 is also compared with the two PMFs of the A4 flipping in the A7-T7 duplex in Figure 8b. The free-energy barriers under the OL15 force field for the middle A group flipping in A7-T7 and A9-T9 are almost

indicate the applicability and the correctness of the convergence criterion. 4.2.3. Comparison between Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling and Nonequilibrium Stratification. In Figure 6b, the comparison between the PMF obtained from umbrella sampling with vFEP reweighting and that obtained from the nonequilibrium stratification with CE reweighting is presented. The phenomenon observed in this case is almost the same as the A7T7 case. The curve fitting in vFEP smooth out details in the PMF, while the PMF obtained from nonequilibrium stratification and constructed with CE remains these details. The agreement between these two PMFs is very good. Thus, the applicability of the nonequilibrium stratification with CE reweighting is illustrated again. The comparison between the efficiencies of the equilibrium and nonequilibrium methods is given in Table 2. Although we use the PMF obtained from the last 4 ns time block in umbrella sampling as the reference PMF, to do not exaggerate the performance of the nonequilibrium method and to do not underestimate the efficiency of the equilibrium technique, we use the length of 2 ns as the minimum sampling time for converged PMF estimates in calculate the simulation times. As has been discussed previously, the sample size for convergence in the nonequilibrium method is 25 in the A9-T9 case. The calculated sampling times for equilibrium umbrella sampling and nonequilibrium stratification are shown in Table 2. We notice that the nonequilibrium stratification can be very efficient, and the difference between the efficiencies of the equilibrium umbrella sampling and the nonequilibrium stratification shows system dependence. 4.3. A7-T7 Duplex Described with Other Force Fields. The next illustrative calculation we present here is using another force field to describe the A7-T7 duplex. In Figure 7a and b, following the first case of A7-T7 described with the OL15 combination of modifications of AMBER force field, we again present the convergence behavior of the PMF obtained from umbrella sampling simulations with vFEP and WHAM reweighting in this case. The statistical errors of the vFEP PMFs are shown in Figure S2d. The phenomenon that the statistical errors are smaller than the systematic errors is observed again. The PMFs estimated from the last 3 time blocks are very similar and thus we use the PMF estimated from the last 4 ns as the reference PMF. The sample size dependence of the PMF and the SD obtained from nonequilibrium stratification are presented in Figure 7c and d, respectively. In the first several iterations, the PMF shows fluctuations and it remains unchanged since the 10th iteration. The SDs decrease J

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Figure 7. In the A7-T7 case with the bsc1 force field, the convergence behavior of free-energy profiles constructed from equilibrium umbrella sampling simulations from 2 ns blocks (a) with WHAM reweighting and (b) with vFEP reweighting. x−y ns in the legend represents the time blocks used to compute the free-energy profiles. (c) The convergence behavior of the PMF estimated from nonequilibrium stratification on the sample size. The pulling speed of 0.5 ps per segment is used. (d) Time-evolution of state-specified SD. From the time-invariant behavior of the free-energy profile and the monotonically decreasing behavior of SDs, we define 50 samples as the sample size required for convergence. K

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Figure 8. (a) Comparison between free-energy landscapes obtained from equilibrium umbrella sampling with vFEP reweighting and nonequilibrium stratification in the A7-T7 case with the bsc1 force field. (b) Comparison between the free-energy landscapes in the flipping of the middle base in the A7T7 case described with the OL15 force field, the bsc1 force field, and the bsc0 force field, and in the A9-T9 case described with the OL15 force field.

Table 3. In the A7-T7 Case Described with the bsc1 Force Field, Total Simulation Time for Converged PMF Estimation in Equilibrium Umbrella Sampling and Nonequilibrium Stratificationa terms and methods equilibrium umbrella sampling nonequilibrium stratification

φeq for each initial configuration (ps) same with initial configurational sampling 2

φNEW in each segment (ps) 0 0.5 × 2 = 1

number of segments

number of realizations per segment

total simulation time (ns)







The total sampling time in nonequilibrium stratification is given by Nsegments·Ntraj·(φNEW + φeq), where Nsegments denotes the number of segments and Ntraj represents the number of realizations per 2° segment. In equilibrium umbrella sampling the time for nonequilibrium pulling φNEW is zero and 5° increments are used in window spacing. For convergence, the equilibrium umbrella sampling requires 2 ns sampling and thus 1000 points in each window, while the nonequilibrium pulling requires 50 realizations in each segment. We note that here the value of φeq in umbrella sampling and that in initial configurational sampling in nonequilibrium stratification should not be exactly the same as their Hamiltonians differ, namely, the force constants of the harmonic potential differing. We assume that this does not significantly alter the time scale of the local relaxation. a

work, is tested here to determine the convergence of nonequilibrium stratification simulations in the base flipping process. The convergence behavior determined by this criterion agrees with the n−1 dependence of state-specified SD and the time-invariant behavior of free-energy landscapes. The agreement between the PMFs obtained from the equilibrium umbrella sampling and the nonequilibrium stratification proposed in the current work is very good. In another case of A9-T9, the system is a bit larger and longer simulation time seems to be required in equilibrium umbrella sampling. The performance of the nonequilibrium method is illustrated to be comparable with the equilibrium method. The convergence criterion of σij < Oij again correctly provides the convergence prediction and agrees with the time-invariant behavior of the PMF and the monotonically decreasing of the state-specified SDs. The nonequilibrium stratification and the equilibrium umbrella sampling give almost identical estimates of the free-energy profile along the base flipping pathway. In the last case, we again simulate the A7-T7 duplex but with different force fields. With the bsc1 and the bsc0 force fields, the nonequilibrium stratification is still able to recover the freeenergy profile along the base flipping pathway with a similar computational cost, compared with the equilibrium umbrella sampling. The free-energy profiles under different force fields are compared. The free-energy barrier along the base flipping pathway is higher under the OL15 force field. Namely, the basepaired state is more stable under the OL15 force field.

identical. Thus, we can conclude that the free-energy barrier in the flipping of the middle base does not depend on the length of the duplex. Obviously, the conclusion is valid when the middle base is far from both ends of the duplex. Otherwise, the edge effect would play a role and the stability of the base pair will change.

5. CONCLUSION In this work, we reported a general nonequilibrium stratification method for the calculation of free-energy landscapes of base flipping in duplex DNA. The free-energy estimates are extracted from microscopic nonequilibrium works with the statistically optimal Crooks’ Equation. The computational framework is easy to apply and has comparable accuracy and efficiency compared with equilibrium umbrella sampling coupled with WHAM and vFEP. We further define the empirical simulation time required for converged PMF constructions for umbrella sampling and nonequilibrium pulling. In the first case of A7-T7 with the OL15 force field, in equilibrium umbrella sampling, the empirical block length of 1 ns should be used for convergence check in PMF construction. We calculate the statistical inefficiency to dig the underlying reason for this phenomenon. It turns out that the typical autocorrelation time for the flipping dihedral is about 2 ps and thus each 1 ns block contain about 500 independent samples. The convergence criterion of σij < Oij, which is proposed previously in our multidimensional nonequilibrium pulling L

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Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Comparison between the PMFs in the flipping of the middle base in A7-T7 and A9-T9 shows that the free-energy barrier in the flipping of the middle base does not show a dependence on the length of the duplex.

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* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00263.

Overlap matrix for overlap check in umbrella sampling, the convergence behavior of the free-energy profiles in umbrella sampling, and nonequilibrium stratification (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Zhaoxi Sun: 0000-0001-8311-7797 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported China Scholarship Council and National Key R&D Program of China (Grant 2016YFA0501700). Computer access to the CLAIX cluster at RWTH Aachen University and the clusters at Forschungszentrum Juelich is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the anonymous reviewers for valuable comments and critical reading.


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