Determination of Carbon in Steel by the Direct Combustion Method

Rapid Wet Combustion Method for Carbon Determination. Analytical ... Determination of Carbon in Steel and Iron by the Barium Carbonate Titration Metho...
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Oct.. i g , +



I I - ~ - T h e s t r a t a iii'c separated at scvcral points by beds of nearly pure limestone. III~--Ferr fossils arc found in the rocks of tile region. IV--The occiirrence o€ ooiitic iaycrs in t h e Allent o x n limestone. V-The silica seems t o havc been in solution and


was laiil down v h e n the rest of t h e constituents were precipitated. TI- rvc find bvaters containing carbonates of magnesia and liinc in about t h e samc proportion t h a t we find them i n t h e rocks of this region. La,* I(GT,,LE,