Determination of hydroxyl numbers of oils, fats, and waxes--An

Determination of hydroxyl numbers of oils, fats, and waxes -- An accurate, rapid method. Willard L. ... Determination of Acetyl Number of Fats and Oil...
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Determination of Hydroxyl Number of Oils, Fats, and Waxes An Accurate, Rapid Method WILLARD L. ROBERTS AND H. A. SCHUETTE, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. The hydroxyl number, defined as the number of situation which has in the past HERE is an obvious need given rise to the criticism that for improved technic in milligrams of potassium hydroxide equivalent to the chief difficulty of the prothe d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the hydroxyl content of 1 gram of fat, oil, or wax, cedure appears to be in the dethose constituents of the fatty may be determined with economies of sample, oils and waxes which are reaccomposition and complete rereagents, and time if the reaction is carried out moval of the excess of active tive with a c e t i c a n h y d r i d e , in a sealed tube in the presence of acetic anhy- anhydride (as acetic acid) over i n a s m u c h as the current prothat required for the acetylacedures which serve that purpose dride. Upon completion of the acetylation, the tion without causing more or less are laborious and uneconomical excess of acetic anhydride is hydrolyzed and then of time and materials and, as h y d r o l y s i s of the acetylated determined as acetic acid by titration with 0.5 N fat (6). Another criticism of applied to rancid materials, inpotassium hydroxide solution. I n confradis- the process is that the fundaaccurate. The present method tinction to the current procedure for determining of t h e Association of Official mental reaction herein involved Agricultural Chemists (2) f o r will n o t p r o c e e d s m o o t h l y the acetyl number, the entire process is carried accomplishing t h e s e e n d s , rebecause excessive amounts of out in the presence of the acetylated product acetic anhydride are made to ferred to as the acetyl number, except in the case of such samples as contain free finds its origin in the studies of react with the m a t e r i a l under soluble acids when filtration, prior to titration, is Benedikt and U l z e r (3) who, examination for too long a time necessary. a t the elevated temperatures proceeding on the theory that the c o n s u m p t i o n of a c e t i c e m p 1o y e d . Undesirable side anhydride is a function of the hydroxyl group to the exclusion reactions, such as aldehyde formation, for example, are thereby of the carboxyl, recommended that the fatty acids of the oil made possible. be used as the point of departure. Lewkowitsch, after It appears, then, in the light of the above, that far too many demonstrating experimentally that anhydrides of the fatty steps are necessary for the determination of this value. The acids are formed in consequence of the dehydrating action of method here offered, serving the same ends as the foregoing the acetic anhydride when it is used in excess, eventually one, is simple and accurate, it involves but few operations, developed (8) a procedure in which the quantity of acetic acid and is far from being time-consuming. It is the result of the liberated from the acetylated oil serves as the index of the experiences gained and the information obtained in a critical hydroxyl content of the parent oil. Finally Andre (1) and study of the effect of varying the several major factors which then Cook (4),without disturbing the technic of Lewkowitsch direct the course of most reactions in organic chemistrybut utilizing the stoichiometrical relationships involved in the time, temperature, and concentration of reactants. change in saponification numbers of the oil before and after REAGENTS AND APPARATUS acetylation, derived a mathematical expression whose application materially simplified the whole operation. 1. Freshly distilled acetic anhydride, 90 per cent purity or The variable results which are sometimes obtained in the better. It should be stored in glass-stoppered amber bottles. determination of the acetyl number of the same oil by the fore- Under these conditions it has been found that its keeping going procedure are frequently due to the fact that the operator qualities are excellent with the result that standardization once does not arrive a t the correct saponification number. For a month is sufficient. This operation is carried out in tripliinstance, a corn oil showing an initial saponification number of cate on 1.5-gram * 0.01 samples in the same manner as the 191.2, after having been subjected to exactly the same washing determination of the hydroxyl number itself. Its strength procedure as for its acetylated product, then possessed a lower should be expressed in terms of milligrams of potassium value, or 189.7. The percentage error involved in neglecting hydroxide per milligram of reagent. The standardizations this situation with reference to oils of low acetyl value, when should check within 0.0008 mg. of each other. 2. Carbon dioxide-free 0.5 N * 0.01 potassium hydroxide the latter is calculated with the AndrB-Cook (4) formula, is appreciable. I n other instances the presence of soluble, solution. It should be adjusted to this strength so that the volatile acids, which are lost by washing and drying the 50 cc. which are added prior to hydrolysis of the acetic anacetylated oil, also introduces an error. Hydrolysis of the hydride will be within the proper range. 3. Distilled water. Whenever reference is hereinafter former in the operation of washing out the excess of acetic anhydride tends towards low results. I n fact, this was made to water, it should be understood that carbon dioxidedemonstrated experimentally with a sample of rancid corn free water is meant. 4. Indicator solutions. Either phenolphthalein or thymol oil whose initial acetyl value dropped from 18.93 with five successive washings, each time with 2 liters of hot water and a blue may be used, although the latter is preferable. 5. Reaction tubes may be made from 10-mm. soft glass 15-minute boiling period, to 18.58, 17.01, 16.09, 14.92, and 14.25, respectively. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find a tubing by constricting 300-mm. lengths a t the middle and then group of operators working in collaboration on the same oils breaking them a t that point. The large end of each tube is unable to agree among themselves ( 5 , 7 )for the same reason, a then sealed off, thus making two tubes. 257




4, No. 3

PROCEDURE The sample weight and quantity of acetic anhydride are controlled by the order of magnitude of the probable hydroxyl number as follows: HYDROXYL NUMBER

0- 50 50-100 100-200

ACETIC ANHYDRIDE Urams 1.5 I 0.01 1.5 f 0.01 2.0 I O . 0 1


5.0 2.5 2.5

By means of a calibrated capillary pipet introduce the acetic anhydride intQ a tared tube, weigh accurately the amount taken, add the sample, and re-weigh. Solids may be added in pellet form. Seal off the tube, place it in an oven a t 120" C. for 10 minutes, shake, and then return to the oven leaving it there a t rest in a horizontal position for one hour. (Carrying out this reaction under pressure as herein recommended offers no unusual hazards to the operator, for the total pressure within the tube will not exceed 2 atmospheres. Over three hundred acetylations were made during the course of this study without a single accident.) Open the tube after it has cooled and pour its contents into a 500-cc. Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 cc. of water. Rinse the tube several times, first with cold and then with hot water, finally completing the volume to approximately 200 cc. Now swirl the flask and add exactly 50 cc. of 0.5 N potassium hydroxide solution, throw in a few glass beads, attach a reflux condenser, and bring almost to boil over a moderate free flame. (The acetic anhydride is completely hydrolyzed in this operation, the acetic acid being taken up by the water layer.) Rinse down the condenser with 50 cc of water, wash off the tip of the condenser tube, swirl, cool, and, titrating in the presence of either 10 drops of phenolphthalein or twice as much thymol blue indicator solution, complete the addition of the hydroxide solution. Solids, such as waxes, which should preferably be heated with the acetic anhydride for 2 hours a t 120" C. or 1 hour a t 130" C., are best treated as follows: Break the sealed tube in the middle and place it in an Erlenmeyer flask containing 200 cc. of water.' Gently warm the mixture until the acetylated wax has melted, swirl, cool, add the 50 cc. of the standard alkali solution, and finally boil the mixture very gently under reflux. Cool and titrate, repeating the process until neutrality is reached. Blanks are run similarly. Blank determinations are unnecessary in the case of normal samples, but those containing free soluble acids or those highly rancid require filtration prior to titration, the material on the filter paper being thoroughly washed with hot water. I n making a blank determination, a weighed amount of the unacetylated oil is thoroughly washed with hot water on a moistened filter paper and the washings titrated.

CALCULATION Convert all buret readings to their equivalents in terms of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. To find the quantity of the latter involved in this reaction, subtract that required to neutralize the excess of acetic anhydride (as acetic acid) from that equivalent to the amount of the former taken for acetylation of the sample. Then the hydroxyl number, which is defined as the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide equivalent to the hydroxyl content af 1 gram of fat, oil, or wax, is calculated as follows: mg. KOH involved = weight of sample If desired, the acetyl number also may be calculated from these data by means of the following formula: 1 An alternative procedure is t o use purified chloroform in removing the acetylated product, in which case, however, the solvent must be removed before the final titration. The possibility of losing acetic acid in this operation must not be overlooked.

The value 0.00075 represents the stoichiometrical relationships involved in the increase in molecular weight of the material under examination because of the exchange of the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group for an acetyl radical. I n the development of this method for determining the hydroxyl content of fatty oils and waxes, many data were obtained in the search for a suitable method 'for hydrolyzing the excess of acetic anhydride and its quantitative estimation as acetic acid. Space does not permit of a detailed discussion, nor does one seem to be particularly necessary. Of peculiar interest, however, are the data pertinent to the time-temperature-concentration factors in the acetylation of the material under examination. Typical data, illustrative of the manner in which these variables affect, respectively, the hydroxyl number of oils of high and low acetyl values, are presented in Table I.


OIL Castor


APPROX. CONCENTRATION OF REACTANTB Acetic TEMPERAOil anhydride TURE TIME Parts Parts O c. Hour8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 0.9

1.0 1 .o 1.0 1 .o 1.0 1.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 5.0

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 1.5 1.0 0.7

100 100 120 120 120 140 140 140 120 120 120

1 2

1 2 6 3 2 2 1

1 1


129.5 149.2 163.9 164.5 164.4 162.2 164.8 164.4 164.7 164.5 164.3 164.9 164.2 164.7 164.3 164.6 164.0 164.3 164.5 163.3 163.6 4.7 4.9 ~ . 4.9 5.3 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.2 5.0 4.8 4.6


In the interaction of acetic anhydride and castor oil, for all practical purposes here typifying ricinolein, is seen an example of the statement that reaction rates are doubled for every 10degree rise in temperature, since the same stage in the equilibrium of this reaction, as indicated by the hydroxyl number, was reached in 4 hours a t 100" C., in 2 hours a t 110' C., and in 1 hour a t 12OOC. Inmuch the same way this condition obtained in the case of olive oil. It was from the information gained by the mode of procedure suggested by the data recorded in Table I that the optimum ratios of sample weights to acetic anhydride, and time and temperature considerations, were selected. The stability of the acetylated product when prepared as herein described from normal, nonrancid material is seentaking castor oil as an example-in the fact that the reaction product can be boiled without fading of the end point after neutralization of the excess acetic anhydride (as acetic acid). On the other hand, the acetylated product from a rancid oilthe corn oil cited in the introductory paragraphs serves as an example-will behave in quite a different manner. I n this case, acid will be liberated every time the solution is boiled following a period of rest. The quantity of acid set free on

July 15, 1932


hydrolysis of the reaction products will gradually diminish. The source of this hydrolysis is evidently not traceable to acetyl derivative of hydroxy acids, for the behavior of the castor oil belies such an assumption, nor is it brought about by the breaking down of mixed anhydrides. Rather it appears to be due to the presence of either unstable acetylated monoand diglycerides, or some acetylated oxidation products of the fatty acids. The observed instability of an acetylated mono-n-valerin under the above conditions (it was found that the acetyl number of the parent compound cannot be determined at all by the official method (2) and only approximately by the proposed one) supports the former view. A very important step in the determination of the acetyl number under the present mode of procedure ( 2 ) is that excessive washing of the reaction mixture be avoided. In fact, Lewkowitsch (9) cautioned against more than three applications of wash water. Yet, even when this precaution is observed, it is necessary to use at least 1.5 liters of wash water. No such situation arises, however, in carrying out this determination under the proposed procedure, for when conditions are such as to make a blank determination desirable (see description of method), the volume of water necessary to hydrolyze the anhydrides of the soluble fatty acids which have been formed is small; in fact it is not enough to cause a measurable hydrolysis of the major acetylated product. The presence of insoluble (higher) fatty acids does not introduce an error, for the action of acetic anhydride upon them is such as to form their corresponding anhydrides (9). These are very stable, even on continued boiling. Since equivalent quantities of acetic acid are fcjrmed in this reaction, none of its anhydride is actually consumed, a condition which would make a blank determination unnecessary in this case. By way of comparison of the two methods for determining acetyl numbers, there is included in this report a set of typical data (Table 11). It will be observed that there is a satisfactory agreement in results when the necessary correction for


interfering substances has been applied. Hydroxyl and acetyl numbers are practically the same in the bracket below twenty. OF OFFICIAL AND PROPOSED METHODS TABLE11. COMPARISON FOR DET~RMINATION OF ACETYLNUMBER

ACETYL NUMBER 05cia1 Proposed method method

MATERIALS Oils: Olive Cottonseed Sesame Tobacco seed (extracted) Tobacco seed (expressed) Peanut Rye germ Corn

5.0 5.9 3.3 9.0 4.8 5.4 20.2" 16.7b 15.4b 146.3

4.9 5.5 3.8 8.6 5.3 5.1 21.0a 17.7 18.1 146.4

HYDROXYL NUMBER 4.9 5.5 3.8 8.7 5.3 5 1 21.5'' 17.9~ 18.3d 164.5

Castor Waxes: Beeswax 24.2s 26.3 26.8 Carnauba 44.7 44.7 46.2 a Analyses by Albert W. Stout. b Values calculated from saponification number of washed original sample. They will be several points loa-er if carried out by official method. c Filtered before titration, correction for blank was applied. d Titrated in presence of acetylated product. No blank applied. B Some constituents apparently lost along with coloring matter which dissolved in acetic anhydride during the process of acetylation. Original product was bright yellow, final a pure white.

LITERATURE CITED (1) And& E., Compt. rend., 172, 984-6 (1921); Bull. SOC. chim., 141 29, 745-62 (1921). (2) Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., Methods, p. 326, 1930. (3) Benedikt, R., and Ulser, F., Monatsh., 8 , 41-8 (1887). 14) Cook, L., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 44, 392-4 (1922). (5) Jamieson, G . S., J. Assoc. Oflcial Agr. Chem., 8, 484-9 (1925). (6) Jamieson, G . S., Zbtd., 9,247-53 (1926). (7) Jamieson, G. S., Ibid., 10, 323-9 (1927). (8) Lewkowitsch, J., J . SOC.Chem. Znd., 16, 503-6 (1897). (9) Lewkowitsch, J., Analyst, 24, 319-30 (1899). RECEIVEDApril 23, 1932. Presented before the joint meeting of the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemlstry and the Division of Biological Chemistry at the 83rd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, La., March 28 to April 1. 1932.

Determination of Small Amounts of Methyl Chloride in Air F. A. PATTY, H. H. SCHRENK, AND W. P. YANT,U. S. Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. N CONDUCTIKG an investigation of the toxicity of small amounts of methyl chloride in air, it was necessary to check the computed concentrations by chemical analyses. Of the various methods (1, 4, 5 , 6) reported in the literature, none of them appeared suitable for the purpose a t hand. Attempts were made, therefore, to develop a method which would be satisfactory for the conditions outlined, and thus a procedure which proved satisfactory was devised. Allison ( 1 ) determined methyl chloride by absorption in glacial acetic acid and also by burning with an excess of oxygen in an Orsat gas apparatus. McKee (4) and Kicloux (6) also used a combustion method similar to that of Allison. Roka and Fuchs (6) heated methyl chloride with methanol and sodium iodide in a pressure flask to form methyl iodide, which they distilled into silver nitrate. It is obvious that none of these methods would be suitable for small amounts of methyl chloride in air-as, for example, 50 p. p. m. by volume (3). BUREAUOF MINES METHOD The procedure adopted is very similar to the Referees method for determining total sulfur in fuel gases. The air

containing the methyl chloride is mixed with natural gas and burned in a microburner. The halogen products formed combine with ammonia obtained from ammonium carbonate cubes placed around the burner, and also with ammonium hydroxide formed by the ammonia from the ammonium carbonate and the water in the products of combustion of the gas. The chlorides produced are collected and determined by the Volhard method. APPARATUS.Figure 1 shows the apparatus. The methyl chloride-air mixture is added as the primary air supply to burner a, shown in detail in Figure 2 and described later. Secondary air enters around the base of the burner. The products of combustion of the fuel gas, the methyl chloride and excess secondary air, are carried by convection up through the trumpet tube b and are impregnated with ammonia which emanates from the ammonium carbonate cubes piled around the burner (Figure 2). I n the presence of the water vapor some of the halogen reacts with the ammonia and is deposited on the walls of the upper part of the trumpet tube. The remainder enters a glass marble-filled absorption tower, c, where the surfaces are wet with ammonium hydroxide formed by the condensation of water vapor in the presence of am-