Determination of Tetraethyllead in Gasoline by X-Ray Fluorescence

Determination of titramethyllead and tetraethyllead in gasoline by mass spectrometry. H. E. Howard , W. C. Ferguson , and L. R. Snyder. Analytical Che...
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V O L U M E 2 7 , NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 5 equal molar solutions are a measure of the relative total polarization of the solute molecules. Thus the relative total polarization of the various metal chelates should be in the order, nickel>> cobalt> copper. The greater the polarization the greater the strength of adsorption. Comparison of the solubility and polarization data indicate. that the relative R/ values fall in a logical sequence: Solubility Co >> Cu, Ni Polarization Ni > > Co > Cu R/ values Co > Cu > h-i The small difference in solubility of the copper and niclwl chelates coupled with the large polarization of the nickel chelatv gives a Rj sequence copper > nickel, whereas the much large] solubility of the cobalt chelate coupled with only a slightly largrr polarization than the copper chelate gives a R/ sequence cobalt > copper. Thus the relative Rj values can be explained qualitatively by these two factors. Another p-diketone chelate system has been studied by the authors (not yet published) in which five chelates have been measured with a similar correlation hetwren solubility, polarization, and R, values. LITERATURE CITED (1) -41-3lahdi. A. K.. and Wilson. C. L.. M i k r o c h m i t cer. M i k r o c h i t ~ r . Acta, 36/37, 218 (1951): 40, 138 (1952).

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