Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand by the Saltpeter

Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand by the Saltpeter Method in Stockyards, Tannery and Corn Products Wastes. Arthur Lederer. Ind. Eng. Chem...
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shop coat is almost always torn off in the rough handling i t gets. I t costs more t o get on a coat of paint in the shop t h a n it doe5 in t h e field. Linseed oil gives protection for four or five months, which is as long as i t is wanted, a n d has given very good results except in one or t w o cases. 320 FIFTHAVENUE,NEW YORK


The saltpeter method described b y me in t h e M a y (1914)issue of t h e Journal of Infectious Diseases a n d in a paper presented a t t h e last December meeting of t h e American Public Health Association ( A m . J . Pub. Health, April, 1915)is based upon experimental work with domestic sewage a n d polluted river water. Briefly, t h e method depends upon t h e denitrification of a sod i u m nitrate solution by t h e sewage bacteria present. It was f o u n d t h a t the a m o u n t of saltpeter oxygen absorbed b y t h e organic m a t t e r on incubation is t h e same as if fresh water oxygen was used. I n preparing a n d adding t h e sodium nitrate solution t o t h e sewage i t was assumed t h a t five atoms of oxygen are available from t w o molecules of sodium nitrate, a n d t h e figures obtained on this basis checked very well with figures obtained by t h e dilution method. By t h e dilution method is meant t h e preparation of sewagewater mixtures in stoppered bottles with t h e addition of a definite quantity of methylene blue. T h e dilution m a y or may not be carried t o t h e point of absolute stability. Usually the mixtures are incubated for ten d a y s a t zoo C. T e n days’incubation sufficesfor all practical purposes. T w e n t y days’ incubation is preferable when t h e t i m e element is not important. T h e stability is expressed in terms of “relative stability.” Knowing t h e free oxygen content of t h e diluting water a n d the t i m e of decolorization, t h e biochemical oxygen demand of t h e sewage can easily be calculated, a n d expressed in milligrams of oxygen per liter of sewage or p. p. m. T h e principal objection t o t h e dilution method from a scientific standpoint is t h e impossibility of determination of intermediate points of deoxygenation as is possible with t h e saltpeter method, a n d from t h e working standpoint t h a t it is time-consuming a n d ill adapted for field work. During t h e incubation with t h e saltpeter solution I observe t h e sediment, t h e odor, a n d t h e gas formation. If t h e sediment becomes “septic” (i. e., black color) during incubation, t h e bottle with t h e next higher content of saltpeter is selected for t h e determination of t h e residual nitrate-nitrite oxygen. If the saltpeter is present in sufficient quantities there is no putrid odor. If active gas formation does not t a k e place, t h e presence of either free acid or caustic alkali or other germicides may be discovered. This brings me t o t h e subject of trade wastes. A municipal sewage may contain a considerable quantity 1 Read in Abstract at the 50th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, March 31, to April 3, 1915. 2 Chemist and Bacteriologist, The Sanitary District of Chicago.

Vol. y , No. 6

of trade waste without losing entirely t h e characteristics of a domestic sewage. I n such a case t h e saltpeter method can be employed without a n y modification. However, sewage or trade wastes occur containing caustic alkali or acid, or a germicidal or antiseptic substance. These are t h e wastes which I want t o discuss more closely. I n previous publications I have warned against t h e indiscriminate application of the saltpeter method in t h e trade wastes, for t h e reasons already given. I n trade wastes investigations carried on for T h e Sanitary District of Chicago under t h e direction of Langdon Pearse, I have h a d ample o p p o r t u n i t y t o s t u d y t h e application of t h e saltpeter method t o such wastes, including those f r o m t h e stockyards, tannery, a n d corn products industry. T h e modifications of t h e method required when working with some of these wastes are simple a n d do not complicate the application in t h e least. With t h e packing house waste mixed with domestic sewage, t h e method remains t h e same as with domestic sewage. This waste resembles somewhat a concentrated domestic sewage, with a high organic nitrogenous a n d carbonaceous content. When working with such a waste of unknown strength, I have employed 500, 1,000,1,500, a n d 2,000 parts per million of oxygen in t h e form of sodium nitrate. On t h e individual plant outlet higher concentrations might be required. Some concentrated effluents containing blood a n d other complex organic m a t t e r absorb as much as ~ j , o o o p. p. m . of oxygen. T h e biologic oxygen consumption of t h e mixed waste obtained from t h e stockyards a n d packing town, with domestic sewage, in Chicago a t Center Ave., fluctuates between goo a n d 1,300 p. p. m . of oxygen during the working period of t h e day. A little experience is t h e best guide t o t h e quantity of sodium nitrate required. It is useless t o a$d methylene blue t o these wastes as a n indicator on account of t h e adsorption which takes place in t h e presence of colloids. T h e appearance of a black color in t h e sediment or t h e elimination of t h e putrid odor after incubation are not reliable indices, as is the case with domestic sewage. Profuse gas formation takes place whether there is a sufficient quantity of sodium nitrate present or not. T h e bacterial content of t h e packing house a n d stockyards waste is always very high. Domestic sewage is nearly always mixed in varying proportion, roughly, a b o u t twenty-five per cent. T h e best index of accomplished denitrification is undoubtedly furnished b y t h e nitrites. For instance, if nitrites are absent or present in traces in t h e 500 p. p. m. oxygen bottle, after incubation, discard t h e bottle a n d select t h e one with t h e higher a m o u n t of oxygen for t h e actual determination of t h e residual nitrite-nitrate. Supposing we find t h a t on t h e fifth d a y of incubation with t h e highest concentration of sodium nitrate there is b u t a weak nitrite reaction ( 5 cc. of t h e liquid is all t h a t is required for this t e s t ) . we have t h e n reason t o assume t h a t we shall be unable t o obtain a n accurate oxygen demand figure unless we a d d some more saltpeter oxygen. This can be done probably without incurring a n appreciable error. A t

June, 1 9 r j


a n y rate, i t is advisable t o obtain a n approximate figure rather t h a n t o lose t h e result entirely. T h e residual nitrite is determined b y t h e sulfanilic acidnaphthylamine method, t h e nitrate b y t h e aluminum reduction method. A t t h e conclusion of t h e aluminum reduction, a n aliquot portion of t h e liquid is directly nesslerized. It is clear, of course, t h a t a certain working error is involved in t h e determination of such large quantities of residual nitrite-nitrate, b u t t h e error should not exceed I O per cent, even in t h e hands of t h e inexperienced chemist. Undoubtedly, t h e employment of a more rapid method a n d less sensitive method t h a n t h e ones mentioned would be desirable, b u t such methods are not available. A question arises whether t h e oxygen consumption increases with the excess of sodium nitrate employed. An extended series of tests with domestic sewages indicates t h a t t h e oxygen consumption increases somewhat with t h e excess of saltpeter employed. b u t not t o a n extent sufficient t o interfere with correct conclusions. I have found t h a t t h e excess must be considerable before t h e oxygen consumption is increased b y I O per cent or thereabouts. T h e excess consumption is insignificant when compared with t h a t obtained b y employing fresh water dilutions as is done in t h e so-called English incubation test.' The smaller t h e excess t h e more accurate t h e result: i t is merely a question of adding t o t h e number of bottles; t h e additional labor involved is slight. T h e saltpeter method on stockyards waste checks well with t h e d i h t i o n method, as can be noted from t h e following table: TABLE ~-cOMPARISON






Biochemical Oxygen demand, p. p. m. Serial No. Dilution method Saltpeter method 1 1130 1090 2 1200 1110 3 890 848 4 1100 1160 56 960 940 950 890 Average.. . . , . . . , . . , 1036 1009

T h e oxygen consumption during t h e first 24 hrs. a t C. amounts t o approximately 20 t o 30 per cent of t h e ultimate consumption-during t h e first five days, 7 0 t o 85 per cent. I n domestic sewage t h e oxygen consumption during t h e first 24 hrs. is likewise approximately 2 0 t o 30 per cent of t h e ultimate. It is of interest t o obtain t h e oxygen consumption i n t h e first 24 hrs., as this indicates what might happen i n t h e stream when t h e trade waste is discharged. Work on t h e substitution of sodium nitrite for sodium nitrate as a source of oxygen gave promising results with weak domestic sewage. T h e substitution would simplify t h e method, inasmuch as t h e residual oxygen would be present only in t h e form of nitrite a n d not nitrate as well. Closer studies proved, however, t h a t nitrites give results lower t h a n t h e nitrate. With weak sewages t h e differences are negligible, b u t in stronger sewages a n d in t h e mixed stockyards sewage, a n average of a very large number of results shows results j t o I O per cent lower t h a n those obtained with t h e saltpeter a n d t h e dilution method. With tannery waste, nitrite results were even 2 j per cent lower. Still, t h e 20'


Lederer. THISJOURNAL, 6 (1914), 882.


analytical part of t h e nitrite method is so simple t h a t in t h e case of t h e continuous control of a sewage settling plant i t m a y seem feasible t o disregard the small difference, or else a d d t o all of t h e results obtained a certain percentage of oxygen. This percentage could be elicited experimentally b y a comparison with t h e nitrate or dilution method I have also applied this test t o t h e combined waste from a large establishment producing cornstarch a n d glucose. There was t h e admixture of domestic sewage from t h e workmen in t h e plant, with consequent high bacterial content. Often t h e effluent would he slightly acid, on account of t h e presence of free sulfurous acid, b u t t h e acidity would quickly disappear on standing. E v e n though the effluent was distinctly alkaline to methyl orange, gas formation was not noted a t first. Checks were not obtained with t h e dilution method. It was then found t h a t t h e presence of carbohydrates resulted in a fermentation during t h e incubation, forming organic acids which inhibited denitrifiration. However. when a few cubic centimeters of a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution were added a t the start, t o t a k e care of the acids of fermentation, t h e method worked well. It is useless t o a d d methylene blue as a n indicator or t o observe t h e sediment a n d odor. It is nearly impossible t o apply t h e dilution method t o this waste. OR account of t h e adsorption of coloring matter even i n t h e higher dilutions. T h e presence or absence of nitrites furnishes t h e best index. The total oxygen donsumption varied between 400 a n d 1 2 0 0 p. p. m. T h e oxygen consumption during t h e first 24 hrs. was only about 7 per cent, a n d during t h e first 5 days approximately 60 per cent of t h e total. The presence of sodium bicarbonate apparently does not interfere with t h e results obtained. Considerable quantities were added experimentally without change in t h e oxygen demand figures, as c a n , b e noted from Table 11. TABLE 11-BIOCHEMICALO X Y G E N

D E M A N D OF DOMESTIC S E W A G E COSQUASTXTIESO F S A T U R A T E D S O D I U M BICARBON SOLUTION.RESULTS I N PARTSPER MILLION Biochemical oxygen demand of sewage containing Serial 90. 0.0 1 cc. 3 cc. 5 cc. NaHCOs 1 134 140 146 161 170 170 2 157 3 118 115 4 130 135 138 126 5 158 153 159 150 6 150 165 150 153




During the course of t h e incubation, tests can be made for free acid a n d if acid should develop, sodium bicarbonate may be added at a n y time. The temporary lifting of t h e stopper has no influence on t h e progress of deoxygenation. I n dealing with such wastes, I have made i t a rule t o a d d a few cubic centimeters of a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution t o each bottle a t t h e s t a r t . Caustic alkali was not noted b y me, b u t i t should be tested for with phenolphthalein, a n d if present neutralized with hydrochloric acid. It is particularly likely t o occur i n tannery waste. These vary considerably in strength from time t o time. A mixed waste is frequently strong in caustic alkali. If this is t h e case, a d d dilute hydrochloric acid t o neutralize t h e




T H E J O U R M d L O F I A V D 1 7 S T R I A LA 9 D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

free lime, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Preferably t h e sample should stand for about 30 min. with a slight excess of acid a n d be tested again for free lime, inasmuch as t h e free lime in the sediment does n o t combine very rapidly with t h e acid. T h e effluent resulting from t h e liming process may contain such a n excessive quantity of lime sediment as ‘to make complete initial neutralization extremely ,difficult. My experience with these particular efAuents is t h a t they do not lend themselves t o biochemical demand determinations readily by either t h e saltpeter or t h e dilution method. When employing the dilution method adsorption of the methylene blue takes place in t h e majority of cases even in the higher dilutions. I n a mixed t a n n e r y waste, however, suspended lime is ordinarily not present in quantities sufficient t o interfere with the reliability of either mode of procedure. -4s a rule, the bacterial content is high, making unnecessary t h e seeding of the waste with sewage after neutralization. However, in order t o insure the presence of sewage bacteria, t h e waste may be seeded after neutralization by t h e addition of one cubic centimeter of domestic sewage or polluted river water for each 8-oz. bottle containing t,he waste. T h e wash water resulting from t h e chemical tanning process is likely t o be acid. If i t is desired t o test this waste separately, i t becomes necessary t o neutralize with sodium bicarbonate a n d t o seed with sewage. Although the t a n n e r y wastes are often strongly colored t h e dilutions required in employing the dilution method are as a rule so great t h a t t h e y do not interfere with the observations of the decolorization of the methylene blue. T h e dilution method has been found t o check well with t h e saltpeter method when employed on combined t a n n e r y waste with t h e precautions mentioned The average of 2 4 days’ results showed t h e dilution method not quite 3 per cent higher. Considering the unavoidable working errors involved b y either method, this is a n excellent check. T h e total oxygen demand varied appreciably during t h e da.y, namely, from 4 0 0 t o 1000 p. p. m. The oxygen consumption in t h e first 24 hrs. was about 7 per cent a n d in the first j d a y s 6 0 per cent of t h e total. As yet, I have not encountered other germicidal .or antiseptic trade wastes, although such waste can undoubtedly be found in t h e gas works industry. .Offhand, I should say t h a t in such waste t h e dilution m e t h o d will be preferably employed t o offset t h e germi,tidal effect, a n d t h e dilution method would probably b e desirable when determining t h e oxygen demand of a ,disinfected sewage. Cases are rare where a sewage .or waste contains germicides other t h a n free lime or free acid in quantities sufficient t o interfere with t h e application of t h e saltpeter method. If free lime or free acid is present in a n y waste, t h e procedure t o be tried should be t h e one which is described. Finally, I may say a f e w words t o clear up certain misconceptions regarding the meaning of the t e r m oxygen demand. As determined, the oxygen is entirely supplied b y t h e nitrate. But this does not mean t h a t the oxygen demand so determined will have t o

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come from the available oxygen in the stream into which t h e sewage is discharged. On t h e contrary, while most of t h e oxygen may be derived from t h e stream, t h e rest may come from t h e air b y absorption or from t h e plankton. N o definite rule can be given, for each particular case is a m a t t e r of individual study. Whether a11 of the oxygen must be supplied from t h e stream or not. the saltpeter method affords a reliable a n d simple comparison of t h e strength of a sewage or waste from the deoxygenating standpoint. This a n d the amount of settling suspended matter are t h e items most interesting t o the sanitary engineer or chemist. Of less value are t h e routine chemical determination of t h e constituents usually looked for in sewage. T h e great advantage of the saltpeter method lies in the fact t h a t t h e oxygen consumption can be determined after a n y desired interval in a much more reliable a n d comparable manner t h a n can be accomplished by methods involving fresh water dilutions. T o t h e sanitary engineer this is a m a t t e r of great importance. The method has also been employed by me for the past year t o determine t h e efficiency of sewage purification devices a n d t h e degree of pollution of rivers. For the latter purpose, somewhat different technique is required,’ t h e discussion of which is not within the scope of this paper. THES A N I T A R Y DISTRICTOF CHICAGO 700 KARPENBUILDING, CHICAGO


I n a paper entitled “ T h e Chemical Composition of Authentic Vanilla Extracts. together with Analytical 5Iethods a n d Limits of Constants,”2 Winton and Berry tabulate analyses of 7 7 extracts prepared in t h e laboratory from different varieties, grades a n d lengths of vanilla beans a n d 18 extracts employing different menstrua. T h e determinations made were vanillin, normal lead number, color value of t h e extract a n d of the lead filtrate and the color insoluble in amyl alcohol. I n addition t o the extracts made b y the direct treatment of the beans with t h e menstruum, second extracts were prepared from the residues a n d separately analyzed. Since this paper was published it occurred t o us t h a t determinations of acidity a n d ash, as well as the solubility a n d alkalinity of the ash, would be of value in the examination of suspected samples. It is indeed surprising t h a t such simple determinations should have been overlooked in the search for means of distinguishing genuine from imitation extracts especially when ash a n d ash constants have been regarded of such importance in t h e analysis of fruit products a n d various other classes of foods. T h e ash values would appear t o be useful on t h e one hand because t h e common ingredients of imitation extracts, namely, vanillin, coumarin, sugar, glycerine and alcohol, are practically free from ash a n d o n t h e other h a n d because t h e use of alkali in t h e manufacture of extracts from beans would not only increase A m . J Pub Heallh, May, 1916 Proceedings of the Assn. of Official Agricultural Chemists for 191 1, U S. Dept of Agric., Bureau of Chemistry, Bull. 162, 146-158 1 Lederer,