Determination of Total Sulfur in Feeds. Modified Nitric and Perchloric

May 1, 2002 - Determination of Total Sulfur in Feeds. Modified Nitric and Perchloric Acid Digestion Procedures. Robert John. Evans, and J L. St. John...
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Vol. 16, No. 10


minutc samples. I n this laboratory a standard time of heating of 75 minutes is used. The maximum error from slow volatilization or decomposition of the samples in this period is 0.07. The rate of increase in apparent moisture appears to be reproducible to 0.02, and is of the same magnitude as found in the A.O.A.C. method. The end point of the determination is reached in 1.25 hours against 5 or 6 hours for the A.O.A.C., thus eliminating a large part of the uncertainty of the true end point. The break in the curve is very sharp compared to the A.O.A.C. curve, thus limiting the maximum time of decomposition to 75 minutes. The runs made a t 78" C., using ethanol in the heating jacket, show a rate of increase in apparent moisture slightly less than that found a t 100" C. The apparent moisture determined a t 78" C. is 0.13% lower than that obtained a t 100" C. I t is probable that substances less volatile than water are driven off at the temperatures and pressures involved. The determination of the absolute value of the moisture content would then require an analysis of the vaporized materials a t high vacuum and temperatures sufficiently low to avoid decomposition. The detennination made a t 100" C. with a 75-minute heating period agrees closely with the A.O.A.G. method using a 5-hour

heating period; hence these conditions have been adopted as standard in this laboratory. The precision of this fast method gives a reproducibility of 0.01 percentage unit, and the variables such as temperature, vacuum, and moisture pickup can be easily controlled. For routine moisture determinations using duplicate samples, weighings made to 0.001 gram will yield moisture percentage figures with a standard error of 0.07% moisture in the range of 0.5 to 5% moisture. However, for determinations on powder with moisture contents under 1%, greater precision of weighing is indicated. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The aasistance of S. S. Jarrett in determining moisture contents is gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED

Almy, E. G., Griffin, W. C., and Wilcox, C. S., IND. ENG. CHBM., ANAL. ED., 12, 392-6 (1940). k o c . Official Agr. Chem., Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis, 5th ed., pp. 308-9, 1940. Cleland, J. E., and Fetzer, W. R., IND.ENQ.CHBM.,ANAL.ED., 14, 27-30 (1942);13, 855, 858 (1941). Makower and Myers, Proc. Inst. Food Tech., 156-64 (1943).

Determination of Total Sulfur in Feeds Modified Nitric and Perchloric A c i d Digestion Procedure ROBERT JOHN EVANS AND J. L. ST. JOHN, Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, Pullman, Wash. A method of determining the total sulfur content of feeds and similar substances b y destroying the organic matter and oxidizing the sulfur compounds to sulfates b y digestion with nitric and perchloric acids is described. The sample is dissolved and partially oxidized by heating with concentrated nitric acid on a steam bath for 24 hours. The most important modification is the more complete oxidation of the sulfur compounds to sulfates, which i s accomplished b y gentle boiling with perchloric acid for about 15 hours. The results obtrined agree with those by the Parr bomb method.

I to

N DETERMINING total sulfur in feeds, it is often desirable use large samples of material containing small amounts of sulfur or to determine the sulfur content of the residue left on a filter paper. ks the rapid Parr bomb method (7)cannot be used under such conditions, the use of nitric and perchloric acids for oxidizing organic matter appeared as a possible substitute for the Parr bomb sodium peroxide fusion method. A combination of nitric and perchloric acids has been used to a considerable extent in this laboratory for the decomposition of biolo@cal materials preliminary to the quantitative determination of certain elements. Gerritz (3) used this method for digesting biological material for calcium and phosphorus determinations. Cook (8) digested feeds with nitric and perchloric acids to decompose the organic matter in preparation for the determination of manganese. St. John and Midgley (8) digested plant materials with nitric and perchloric acids as part of a rapid method for the determination of potassium in plant material. I n a preliminary study it was found that low results were obtained when sulfur was determined on a solution prepared by digesting the feed with nitric and perchloric acids as described by Gerritz (3) for the determination of calcium and phosphorus. Several modifications of this method were then investigated. Sulfur determinations were made by each method on samples of herring fish meal, soybean oil meal, and ground wheat.


METHODA. The nitric and perchloric acid digestion procedure developed by Gerritz (3) in this laboratory was used as, a starting point, and all other methods were modifications of it. It consists essentially of adding 35 ml. of concentrated nitric acid to a 2.00-gram sample of feed in a 500-ml. Kjeldahl k s k , and heating gently till the material is past the colloidal +age and goes into solution. Then 10 ml. of 70y0 perchloric acid are added and the solution is evaporated to perchloric acid fumes and.then heated till it is colorless. This method was also found satisfactory in this hboratory for manganese (2) and potassium. (8). METHODB. Evidence of Kahane and Kahane. (5) indicates that low results may be caused by the loss of volatile sulfur compounds before they are oxidized. Sulfur may possibly be lost as hydrogen sulfide. One gram of copper nitrate was added to the samples before digestion in an attempt to fix the sulfur until oxidhed to sulfate: METHODC. This is essentially the method of Wolesensky for the determination of sulfur in rubber (9). Essential differences from Method A are that the sample is'dgested on a steam bath with dilute nitric acid (1 to 1) solution until the reaction subsides before the addition of concentrated nitric acid. Five milli-

Tabla 1.

Total Sulfur in Feeds

(Comparison of some nitric-perchloric acid digeation procedures and Parr bomb method) Herring Soybean Ground Method Fish Meal Oil Meal Wheat V" % % ._ .A. Method first developed in this 0.109 0.634 0.286 laboratory B. Digestion in presence of Cu-


E. Heat on water bath with HNOa for 24 hours F. Boil erchloric acid gently for 15 !ours G. Combination of E and F H. Parr bomb method













0.891 0.944 0.942

0.424 0.416 0.409

0.126 0.127 0.127


October, 1944


Table II. Total Sulfur in Feeds (Comparison of Parr bomb and modified nitric-perchloric acid digestion methods) NitricSample Parr Bomb (H) Perchloric (G) ai/H X 100 Feathers (0.5 gram samples, both methods) Herring fiah meal Pilchard fish meal Crude casein Powdered whey Meat scrapn

% 2.034 0.950


0 Q44

0.882 0.665 0.325 0.484 0.432 0.420 0.416 0.404 0.418 0.381 0.132 0.127 0.125

2% 0.428 VI="=

Soybean oil meal

0.409 0.414 0.403 0.379 0.132 0.127 0.128

Cottoneeed meal Alfalfa Oata Wheat Corn ~~

Table 111.



% 2.093 0.958 n - . -042 _0.879 0.675 0.309

97.2 99.2 100.2 100.3 98.5 105.2 100.2 99.5 98.1 101.7 97.6 103.7 100.5 100.0

100.0 97.7


Recovery of Sulfur of Cystine and Methionine

(By Parr bomb and nitric-perchloric acid digwetion methods) Method Cystine A Cystine B Methionine




liters of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added after the perchloric acid solution has become colorless and i t is again heated to perchloric acid fumes. METHODD. This is based on the micromethod of Jones (4), and consists of heating the material with 40 ml. of distilled water, 10 ml. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and 30 ml. of concentrated nitric acid until in solution, and then proceeding as in Method A. METHODE. The sample is heated on the water bath with concentrated nitric acid for 24 hours, and perchloric acid is added after the material goes into solution. The nitric acid is then boiled off and the rest of the procedure of Method A followed. METHOD F. The sample is treated with nitric and perchloric acids as in Method A. After the solution has been evaporated to perchloric acid fumes, it is boiled gently for about 15 hours. Additional perchloric acid is added when necessary to prevent eva orating to dryness. G . This combines the modifications of Methods E and F and is essentially the method of Masters (6) with some modifications. H. This is the Parr bomb m6thod (7). METHOD



The data presented in Table I indicate that Method G was the only one of the nitric-perchloric acid digestion methods that gave results in good agreement with the Parr bomb method for the three samples studied. Therefore the following method was finally adopted for the determination of total sulfur in feeds by digestion with nitric and perchloric acids. \Teigh a 2.00-gram sample of the feed into a 500-ml. Kjeldahl flask, add 35 ml. of concentrated nitric acid, and heat on the steam bath till the feed goes into solution and the reaction subsides. Add 10 ml. of 70% perchloric acid and continue heating on the steam bath for a total of 24 hours. Heat the flask over a low flame till the nitric acid boils off and perchloric acid fumes are obtained. Adjust the burner so that the perchloric acid solution boils gently. Continue boiling for 15 to 16 hours, adding more perchloric acid when necessary to prevent evaporating t o dryness. Usually about 5 or 10 ml. of additional perchloric acid are necessary. Coal, add 50 ml. of distilled water, and filter through a qualitative filter paper into a 600-ml. beaker. Wash the flask and filter paper well with distilled water. The volume a t this stage is usually 250 to 300 ml. Add sodium hydroxide solution to the filtrate till neutral to methyl orange. Add 1 ml. of conceetrated hydrochloric acid. Heat to boiling and add slowly 10ml. of 10% barium chloride solution to precipitate the sulfate. Allow to stand for 24 to 48 hours, filter through a weighed Gooch t~ucihle,and ignite a t 800" C.

Some investigators have felt that the low results obtained by the previous nitric-perchloric acid digestion procedure (Method A) are caused by losses of volatile sulfur compounds through too rapid reaction or mechanical loss before they are oxidized to sulfate. A comparison of Methods A, F, and H (Table I) shows that incomplete oxidation accounts for most of the losses of sulfur. However, particularly in the fish meal, some loss was due to too rapid reaction. None of the methods employed to decrease the rapid reaction was of much value in increasing recovery of sulfur. The total sulfur contents of a number of different types of feedstuffs were determined by both the Parr bomb and the modified nitric-perchloric acid digestion methods. A comparison of the values obtained is presented in Table 11. The agreement between the two methods was very good. The nitric-perchloric acid digestion method gave an average of 99.98% as much sulfur as the Parr bomb method for the 16 samples analyzed, ranging between 97.2% for feathers and 105.2% for powdered whey. Materials high in sulfur, such a s feathers, cystine, and methionine, contained 97.5% as much sulfur by the nitric-perchloric acid digestion method as by the Parr bomb method. There was a better agreement between duplicates by the nitric-perchloric acid digestion method than by the Parr bomb method. Method A of Table I, which was the precipitation of sulfate from the nitric-perchloric acid digest of Gerrits (S), gave low results, probably because of incomplete oxidation of sulfur compounds to sulfate. It appears that while the sulfur of cystine is fairly easily oxidized by this method, that of methionine is not (Table 111). To complete the oxidation it was necessary to boil for a considerable time with perchloric acid in addition to the regular digestion. The sulfur contents of cystine and methionine were determined by the Parr bomb method (7), Method A (Gerrits, s), and Method G (modified nitric-perchloric digestion), using 0.05-gram samples in all cases. The results are presented in Table 111. Although the Parr bomb method did not give a sulfur content as high as the theoretical in any of the amino acids, it probably represents the true sulfur content. Cystine A and the methionine were commercial preparations with no statement of purity. Cystine B was prepared from hair in the laboratory and was not highly purified. The modified nitric-perchloric acid method gave 96.9 to 98.6% as much sulfur on these compounds as the Parr bomb method. The previous nitric-perchloric acid method of digestion gave a good recovery from cystine but very little from methionine. This agrees with the findings of Callan and Toennies (1) for the alkaline permanganate method. The total time required for making a determination by the nitric-perchloric acid digestion method on a set of six samples in duplicate was 6 days from the time the samples were weighed out till the results were obtained. This contrasts with 4 days by the Parr bomb method. However, the nitric-percbloric acid digestion method required about 5 hours less of the analyst's actual working time than the Parr bomb method. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Callan, T. P., and Toennies, G., IND.ENO.CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 13, 450-6 (1941). (2) Cook, J. W., Ibid., 13, 48-50 (1941). (3) Gerritz, H.W., Ibid., 7, 167-8 (1935). (4) Jones, J. H., J. Aasoc. Ofidid AOT.Chem., 26,182-6 (1943). (5) Kahane, E.,and Kahane, M., Compt. rend., 198,372-5(1934). (6) Masters, M.,Bbchem. J., 33,1313-24 (1939). (7) Parr Instrument Co..Moline, Ill., Direction Booklet 116. ( 8 ) St. John, J. L., and Midgley, M. C., IND.ENG.CHEM.,. ~ N A L . ED.,14, 301-2 (1942). (9) Wolesensky, E., IND.ENQ.CEEM., 20, 1234-8 (1928). PUBLISHED as Scientific Paper No. 620, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Stations, State College of Washington, Pullman.