Determination of trace metals using an electrothermal atomizer by

of the furnace Is Increased (by resistive heating), the analytes are volatilized and Introduced Into the laser plasma. The emission from this plasma I...
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AMI. them. 1991, 63,1600-1602

Determination of Trace Metals Using an Electrothermal Atomizer by Laser-Induced Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Vahid Majidi,* Jay T. Rae, and Judy Ratliff Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506

A new technique for ultratrace domental analyrk at mkropresent in atomic emission systems (e.g., having a single excitation source and multielement capabilities). Graphite gramAtw and/or mllWgrMI/Htw cancontrationk v . b k exatomic emission spectrometry is the simplest of these lmlnod. m ~ ~ I q u # s a m p b s M u ~ e d h d d furnace e techniques that utilizes electrothermal heating as the atoma graphlte furnace, then 6kd,ashod, and atomlzed from the ization and excitation source (5,s).Since the temperatures w d b of tho graphltefmaco. At the onsel of tho atomkakn obtained in this system are relatively low (