Determining Aromatic Content of Cracked Gasolines by Specific

M. R. Lipkin , W. A. Hoffecker , C. C. Martin , and R. E. Ledley ... Challen , Hugh B. Donahoe , Robert R. Russell , C A. VanderWerf , and Melvin S. N...
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. Determining the Aromatic Content OF Cracked Gasolines by Specific Dispersion Correction for Olefins SIGURD GROENNINGS, Shell Development Company, Emeryville, Calif. Calculation of the correction for the simplest and probably most commonly occurring olefins from available data is outlined below.

In determining the aromatic content OF cracked gasolines b y specific dispersion, correction must be made for the specific dispersion of the olefins. This correction has been calculated from available literature data and found to vary considerably with the class of olefins, with the structure OF olefins of the same class, and with the boiling point. A n estimate of the reliability OF the recommended correction factors is presented, also, as far as possible, the accuracy of the specific dispersion method has been determined experimentally.


The specific dispersion increment due to the presence of olefins is very nearly a linear function of the olefin content; for moderately high olefin contents the deviation may be considered negligible in view of the accuracy of the method. Since the olefin content is measured by the amount of bromine absorbed, the increment is directly proportional to the theoretical bromine number. Hence, the correction factor to be applied equals the specific dispersion increment of olefins per unit bromine number and is obtained by dividing the increment by the theoretical bromine number. SPECIFIC DISPERSIOX.. Since the interest in specific dispersion of pure hydrocarbons is relatively recent, only a limited amount of data may be found in the literature. The most comprehensive collection is probably contained in Grosse and Wackher's publication (1). Therefore, their data have been employed in the present calculations, but augmented and in part supplemented by data accumulated in these laboratorie? a- selected best values from a critical literature review. The magnitude of the specific dispersion of the main hydrocarbon groups-viz., saturates (naphthenes and paraffins), aro-


HIS method, developed by Grosse and Wackher ( I ) , is based on the fact that the specific dispersion of the aromatics is appreciably higher than that of the saturates (naphthenes and paraffins) which is nearly constant. Hence, the aromatic content of a gasoline may be determined by measuring its specific dispersion increment over that of the saturates. (This presupposes that the specific dispersion of the type of aromatics present may be estimated with satisfactory, accuracy, which is particularly the case with lower and middle boiling fractions containing single aromatics-viz., benzene or toluene.) The specific dispersion of the olefins is also higher than that of the saturates, and when present, as in cracked gasoline stock, olefins will cause a specific dispersion increment which, if not corrected for, will give too high a value for the aromatic content. The aromatic content may be expressed by the following equation: Aromatics, Cc.- = - 98 - .fl X Br KO. - .f2 x M.A.V. 100 c Sa - 98 where %w = per cent by weight S , = specifiy dispersion, nF - nc X 104 of the sample a t d 20° c. Sa = specific dispersion of the aromatics present 98 = estimated average specific dispersion of the saturates. [For greater accuracy, the determined specific dispersion of the saturates as obtained by silica gel treatment is used instead of 98. An adaptation of the silica gel treatment as described by Mair and Forziati ( 8 ) is used.] Si = factor correcting for the specific dispersion of monoolefins and nonconjugated noncyclic diolefins present .fi = factor correctin for the specific dispersion of conjugated diole&s present C = correction for the deviation from linearity of the relation of specific dispersion to aromatic content .lf.A.B. = maleic anhydride value The bromine number is expressed as grams of bromine consumed by 100 grams of sample, and the maleic anhydride value a- milligrams of maleic anhydride consumed by 1 gram of sample. The necessity of a good evaluation of the olefin correction may be illustrated by the following example: If in calculating the aromatic content of a toluene fraction containing 25% monoolefins, one uses a correction factor which is in error by 15% of its true value, the resulting error in the aromatic content can be shown to amount to 1%, which is already the expected accuracy of the method as applied to olefin-free material. This error increases directly with the olefin content.






1 40











Figure 1.


Specific Dispersion of Aromatics, Olefins, and Saturates VI. Boiling Point



matics, and olefins-is shown graphically in Figure 1 where they have been plotted against boiling point (data for olefins from Tables I and 11). The average values for naphthenes and for paraffins cannot be distinguished from one another. In general, the specific dispersion values for these two groups lie between 97 and 99, varying somewhat with the extent and mode of branching and with the boiling point. Any trend in this respect has not yet been definitely ascertained, owing to the low accuracy with which most of these measurements have been carried out in the past. The aromatics in gasoline are almost all monocyclic (benzenes), the specific dispersion trend of which is approximately as indicated in the graph. (Since bicyclic aromatics have much higher specific dispersions, higher boiling fractions containing both mono- and bicyclic aromatics cannot be analyzed by the present method. Though the lowest boiling bicyclic aromatic, naphthalene, boils at 218O, traces have been observed in material boiling as low as 180' C., due to azeotropism. This introduces an error in

Vol. 17, No. 6

the analysis of the uppermost fraction of motor gasoline, but this error may be negligible in analysis of the full range gasoline.) The specific dispersion of the olefins is intermediate between those of the saturates and the aromatics; the oonjugated diolefins make an exception, as their specific dispersion is higher than that of the aromatics. There is a distinct difference between the cyclic and noncyclic forms of each class of olefins; the,specific dispersion of the former is lower than that of the latter. On drawing smooth lines through the points, it becomes apparent that the curves, if extrapolated beyond the gasoline range, slowly approach the saturate base line of specific dispersion of about 98. These curves are in general agreement with those obtained by Ward and Kurtz (3). The lines cannot be straight, for in that case they would eventually intersect the saturate base line, which is impossible. (The exceptional direction of the curve for cyclic conjugated diolefins may be explained by the combined exalting effect of cyclization and olefinic double bonds.) THEORETICAL BROMINENUMBER. By the aid of theoretical bromine number and the boiling points, Figure 2 has been made for the purpose of illustrating the Table 1. Specific Dispersion Increment, i, per Unit Theoretical Bromine Number of Monoolefins bromine number trend. The shape of the Gasoline Range of the curves will depend on the , so - 9 8 2 = representation and distribution of Br N o . olefins of equal carbon number. Boiling TheoTheoPooint, C retical retical ReferAlthough this information is not Compound NO. M.W. ences C. Br No. so available, it is probably safe to asNoncyclic 2-Pentene (trans) sume that a smooth curve drawn 36.2 5 70.13 227.9 130 S.D. 0.140 2-Pentene (cis) 37.0 70.13 5 130 227.9 S.D. 0. I40 through the horizontal lines that 2-Methyl-2-butene 38 70.13 227.9 5 135 G.W. 0.162 4-Methyl-1-pentene 54 84.16 189.9 124 6 G.W. 0.137 indicate the boiling range of such 4-Methyl-2-pentene (cis) 84.16 54.7 189.9 S.D. 126 6 0.147 4-Methyl-2-pentene (trans) 58.4 84.16 olefins represents the loci of the 189.9 S.D. 126 6 0.147 3-Methyl-2-pentene (cis) 84.16 66 6 189.9 130 G.W. 0.168 curves fairly well. 3-Methyl-2-pentene (trans) 84.16 68 6 189.9 G.W. 130 0.168 2-Methyl-2-pentene 84.16 67 6 189.9 G.W. 130 0.168 SPECIFIC DISPERSION INCREMENT 1-Hexene 84.16 63.4 122 6 189.9 S.D. 0.126 3-Hexene (cis) PER UNIT THEORETIC.4L BROMINE 84.16 189.9 67.0 6 126.5 S.D. 0.150 3-Hexene (trans) 84.16 189.9 67.0 6 127 S.D. 0.153 NUMBER. It may be deduced from 2-Hexene 84.16 189.9 68 132 6 G.W. 0.179 2.4-Dimethyl-2-pentene 98.18 83 7 162.8 125 G.W. 0.166 Figures 1 and 2 that while the 1-Heptene 98.18 95 7 162.8 123 G.W. 0.153 3-Ethyl-2-pentene specific dispersion increment of the 98.18 95 7 162.8 126 G.W. 0.172 2,3,3-Trimethyl-l-butene 98.18 77.9 162.8 123 S.D. 7 0.154 olefins and their bromine number 2,4,4-Trimethyl-(1 + 2)-pentene 142.4 102,o 8 112.21 121.7 0.166 3-Ethyl-3-hexene 119 142.4 112.21 8 123 G.W. 0.176 both decrease with rising boiling 2-Ethyl-1-hexene 121 142.4 121.4 112.21 8 G. W. 0.164 4-Methyl-3-heptene point, the bromine number de119 112.21 142.4 125 G.W. 8 0.190 2-Propyl-1-pentene 142.4 119 112.21 124 G.W. 8 0.183 creases faster than the specific dis1-Octene 142.4 119 124 112.21 G.W. 8 0.147 2-Octene 112.21 1 142.4 121 8 G.W. 0.162 persion increment. Hence, the in3-Ethyl-3-heptene 126,23 142 126.6 121 G.W. 9 0.182 2,7-Dimethyl-z-octene crement Der unit bromine number. 140.26 160 114.0 119 G.W. 10 0.184 4-Propyl-3-heptene 114.0 140.26 161 120 G.W. 10 0.193 . s, - 98 will increase with 1-Decene 114.0 140.26 163 10 G.W. 0.175 118 o r z =4-Propyl-3-decene 182.34 G.W. 221 13 116 0.205 84.7 Br No.' 5-Butyl-3-nonene 182.34 G.W. 13 115 84.7 0.194 (207) the boiling point (SO = specific Cyclic dispersion of olefin). This is shown Cyclopentene 44.1 5 68.11 234.7 119.0 S.D. 0.089 Methylcyclopentene 6 82.14 194.6 122 73 G.W. 0.123 graphically in Figure 3 obtained Cyclohexene 6 82.14 194.6 83 118.1 S.D. 0.103 E t h ylcyclopentene 96.17 166.2 108 7 118.7 G.W. 0.124 from calculated values of i for 1.1-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexene 120 110.19 145.0 8 116 0.124 G.W. cyclic and noncyclic monoolefins, 1,2-Dimethyl-(3 + 4)-cyclohexene 125 8 110.19 145.0 G.W. 114 0.110 1,3-Dimethy1-3-cyclohexene 125 110.19 145.0 8 0.145 G.W. 119 noncyclic nonconjugated diolefins, 1,3-Dimethyl-4-cyclohexene 127 8 110.19 145.0 122 G.W. 0 165 1,3-Dimethyl-5~cyclohexene 110.19 127 8 145.0 G.W. 119 0?145 and cyclic and noncyclic conju1,4-Dimethyl-l-oyclohexene 110.19 127 8 145.0 117 G.W. 0.131 gated diolefins as listed in Tables I n-Propylcyclopentene 110.19 145.0 132 8 117 0.W. 0.131 1-Ethyl-1-cyclohexene 110.19 145.0 136 117 8 G.W. 0.131 and 11. 1,2-Dimethyl-l-cyclohexene 110.19 136 8 145.0 121 G.W. 0.159 1,1,2-Trimethyl-4-cyclohexene 124.22 128.7 139 9 118 G.W. 0.155 THE hfOKOOLEFIX CORRECTIOX 1.3-Dimethyl-2-ethyl-1-cyclopentene 140 124.22 9 128.7 G.W. 120 0.171 FACTOR, .fl. The factor fi with tert-Butyloyclopentene 124.22 140 9 128.7 110.7 G.W. 0.099 1.3.5-Trimethyl-z-cyclohexene 124.22 140 9 128.7 G.W. 121 0.179 which to multiply the bromine 1,2,5-Trimethyl-4-cyclohexene 124.22 9 128.7 145 G.W. 117 0.148 1,1,2-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexene 124.22 9 128.7 149 117 G.W. 0.148 number of a sample to correct for 1,2,3-Trimethyl-4-cyelohexene 124.22 128.7 150 9 G.W. 0.171 120 the specific dispersion increment 1,2-Diethyl-z-cyclopentene 124.22 9 128.7 152 116 G.W. 0.140 1-Isopropyl-1-coyclohexene 124.22 9 156 G.W. 128.7 0.140 116 due to monoolefins is expressed n-Butyloyclopentene 9 128.7 115.2 158 G.W. 0.134 l-Methyl-2,5-diethyl-l-cyclopentene 164 115.6 G.W. 10 0.182 119 by i. As may be seen from Fig1,2,4,5-Tetramethyl-l-cyclohexene 166 10 G.W. 138.24 115.6 0.190 120 ure 3, the factors for cyclic and tert-Amylcyclohexene 167 10 138.24 115.6 0.104 110 G.\?. l-Methyl-4-isopropyl-3-c~clohexene 169 10 138.24 115.6 G.B . 0.156 116 noncyclic monoolefins of the same 4-tert-Butyloyclohexene 138.24 10 0.105 110.2 174 115.6 G.W. l12.5-Triethyl-l-cyclopentene 182 152.27 105.0 G.W. 11 0.171 116 boiling point differ appreciably. 4-tert-Amylcyclohexene 152.27 1 11 105.0 0.100 108.5 G.W. Since the ratio between the con1,3,4-Trimethyl-l-isopropyl-3-cyclohexene 12 166.30 96.1 112 G.W. 0.146 (200) tents of these two types of monoa Boiling point and specific dispersion: S.D. from a Shell Development Co. survey of physical properties of olefins cannot be determined, it hydrocarbons, a critical literature review; G.W. (I, pp. 615-22). must be estimated. [An idea of b Determined in these laboratories. the average ratio between cyclic and

18;: E


June, 1945


noncyclic olefin content could Table 11. Specific Dispersion Increment, i , per Unit Theoretical Bromine Number and conceivably be obtained by deCorrection Factor, f2, for Diolefins of the Gasoline Range termining the changeinnaphthaneSO - 98 - /I X 0.6 X Br NO.^ So - 98 parafin ratio after hydrogenaf? = Br No. M . A .V . tion, provided this change could Boiling TheoTheoPooint, C retical retical Referbe measured with sufficient preCompound C. No. 51.W. Br No. So ence i fa cision.] Assuming a 50l.50 ratio, Noncyclic Nonconjugated one obtains tin fi-curve as shown 1.2-Pentadiene 44.7 5 68.11 469.3 158 S.D. 0.128 ... 1 5-Hexadiene 59.6 6 82.14 148 389.2 S.D. 0.128 . .. in Figure 4 (the cyclic and nonlb-Hexadiene 78 6 82.14 389.2 149 S.D. 0.131 ... 4-Methyl-1.2-pentadiene 70 6 82.14 389.2 151 S.D. 0.136 .. . cyclic fi-curves transferred from 2,6-Dimethyl-z,z-heptadiene 144 9 124.22 257.3 140 G.W. 0.163 .. , 2,6-Dimethyl-l,s-heptadiene 144 9 124.22 143 257.3 G.W. 0.175 ... Figure 3). This curve, marked 2.6-Dimethyl-z,z-octsdiene 163 10 138.24 231.2 135 G.W. 0.160 ... 50/50, very nearly coincides with 2,6-Dimethyl-z,s-octadiene 1 10 138.24 231.2 140 G.W. 0.182 ... the i-curve for nonconjiigated diNoncyclic Conjugated 2-hIethyl-1,3-butadiene (isoolefies in Figure 3. Therefore, Drenel 34.1 5 68.11 G.R. 0.060 43 68.11 G.W. 5 0.072 assuming a 50/50 distribution of 70 82.14 G.W. 6 0.055 cyclic and noncyclic monoolefins, 76 6 82.14 G.W. 0.076 76 6 8 2 . 1 4 G.W. 0.076 no special correction xi11 be 2,4-Hexadiene (low boiling) 76 6 82.14 0.072 G.R. 3-Methyl-l,3-pentadiene 78 6 8 2 . 1 4 G.W. 0.075 needed for nonconjugated non2,4-Hexadiene (high boiling) 79 6 82.14 G.W. 0.081 2,3-Dimethyl-l,3-pentadiene 93 96.17 7 cyclic diolefins. This is a fortunate G.W. 0.075 2-lIethyl-2,4-hexadiene 104 96.17 7 G.W. 0.092 coincidence because there is yet 2,4-Heptadiene 105 96.17 7 G.W. 0.081 2-Methyl-3 ,5-heptadiene 117 110.19 G.W. 8 0,088 no method of determining non4-Methyl44-heptadiene 132 110.19 8 G.W. 0,080 7-Methyl-2,4-octadiene 149 124.22 9 G.W. 0,090 conjugated diolefins in the pres4-bIethy1-3,5-octadiene 150 124.22 9 G.W. 0.098 ence of other olefins. Cyclic Conjugated COSJCGATED DIOLEFIN CORRECC yclopentadiene 40 4 5 66.10 483.6 161 S.D. 0.130 0.025 Cyclo-1,3-hexadiene 80.3 6 80.12 399.0 181 S.D. 0.208 0.046 TIOX FACTOR, f2. In contradisCyclo-1,3-heptadiene 121 7 94.15 339.5 185 G.W. 0.256 0.057 tinction, the specific dispersion a f i obtained from curves of Figure 3. i n c r e m e n t p e r u n i t bromine number of the conjugated dioleTable Ill. Olefin Correction Factors for Determination of Aromatic fins differs appreciably from that, Content of Gasoline Fractions b y Specific Dispersion of the monoolefins (Figure 3). I n analyzing a cracked gasoline Conjugated Diolefin Factor /2, where numerous types of olefins may be present, the portion of the hIonoolefin Factor, /i ConConMidNoncyclic Cyclic jugated jugated total olefin increment due to conjugated diolefins can be estabboiling monomonononcyclic cyclic lished by a direct determination of the conjugated diolefin conP$nt, olefins, olefins, A +B diolefins, diolefins, C + D C. A B 50/50a C D 50/50 tent in terms of the amount of maleic anhydride consumed. 40 0.15 0.09 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.05 (There are conjugated dienes which do not react with maleic an0.15 0.09 50 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.03 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

150 160 170 180 190 200

500 480

a 460

0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17

0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18

0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.M 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08

0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06

0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09

Also valid f o r nonconjugated diolefins.


420 400




8 8

hydride and can therefore not be properly accounted for.) This correction procedure follows a similar one employed for some years by Shell Oil Company, Inc., Wood River Research Laboratories. The specific dispersion increment per unit theoretical maleic so - 98 anhydride value is z = _ _ However, since the conjugated -11.A . V. ' diolefins also brominate, this increment has already been partly accounted for as mono-olefin increment, fi, and the latter, expressed in terms of maleic anhydride value, is

360 340 320 300 280 260 240




200 180 160 140






Br S o . (of conjugated diolefins) M .A . V .


~ 0 ~ " " " " " " " " " " ~ ~ 40











Figure 2. Theoretical Bromine Number and M a l e i c Anhydride Value of Olefins vs. Boiling Point

The theoretical correction factor for conjugated diolefins is therefore f2

(theoretical) =

so - 98 ~



si Br No. ill.A . V .


364 042

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cracked gasolines (aviation and motor stocks), Since gasolines contain more low-boiling than high-boiling olefins, the mid-boiling point of the olefins will be lower than that of the gasoline; the estimated figures are based on studies of olefin distributions made in these laboratories.


0 38

0 36


0 32

0 30

0 28

0 26


0 24

0 22

0 20

0 18

0 I6

0 14

0 12

0 10

It is evident from these calculations that, for the. types of olefins investigated, the specific dispersion increment correction factor increases with the boiling point. Thus, over the distilling interval of gasoline it is nearly doubled. Furthermore, the factor for noncyclic olefins is about one and a half times as high as for cyclic olefins of the same class and of the same boiling point. The olefins considered here undoubtedly constitute the overwhelming majority of types present in cracked gasoline stock and therefore the calculated correction factors may be sufficient for practical purposes. Even if the specific dispersion of other olefins were available for calculation of the many individual additional factors, they could not be applied because no method exists for determination of such olefins in the presence of other olefins. (Straight-chain and cyclodiolefins, mono- and diacetylenes, olefin-acetylenes, aromatics and naphthenes with olefinic side chains, cyclomono and diolefins with olefinic side chain, etc.) These conclusions make it desirable to modify the statement of Grosse and Wackher (1, p. 616) regarding the ratio between specific dispersion increment and bromine number for monoolefins and nonconjugated diolefins. Their suggested value of 0.16 for this ratio is derived from Figure 4 ( I ) where the increment of a few olefins was plotted against theoretical bromine number, and a

0 08 €4












.Figure 3. Specific Dispersion Increment per Unit Theoretical Bromine Number of Olefins vs. Boiling Point

Actually, conjugated diolefins absorb only some 60% of the t.heoretica1amount of bromine by the methods most reliable for determination of monoolefins (which employ essentially organic media-Le., acetic acid, carbon tetrachloride). Hence, the factor f2



- 98 - fi

X 0.6 X Br No.


will be more applicable.

Example. The noncyclic conjugated diolefin 2,4-heptadiene. Boiling point = 105" C., SO= 214, theoretical Br No. = 332.4, theoretical M . A . P . 1019. The specific hspersion increment per unit maleic anhydride Sa - 98 214 - 98 = 0.114. I n the presence of the value is M.A.V. = 1019 other olefins this increment has been partly corrected for by the noncyclic monoolefin factor fi, which at !05" C. i? 0.170 (see Figure 4), or expressed in terms of maleic anhydride value, is O" Br "* = 0.170 1019 332*4 = 0.033. Hence, f~ =

Table IV. Olefin Correction Factors for Determination of Aromatic Content of Whole Gasoline and of the Aromatic Fractions b y Specific Dispersion (It is assumed that the olefins are 50% cyclic) MidMonoConjugated Boiling Boiling olefin Diolefin Aromatio Ryg, P:int, Factor, Factor, Fraction C. fl fi Benzene 60- 92 0.135 0.060 76 92-122 Toluene 107 0.150 0.070 Xylenea 122-160 136 0.160 0.080 165 CC aromatics 0.086 150-180 0.170 Higher aromatics 192 0,090 180-206 0.180 Whole aviation About asoline 30-180 0.135 0.060 76" About W%ole motor gaaoline 30-206 0.065 900 0.140 0 Estimated mid-boiling point of olefins present.


- -




- 0.033

= 0.081.

Calculated values of f2 for conjugated diolefins are listed in Table I1 and shown graphically in Figure 4. As expected, curves similar to the fl-curves were obtained and the factor of the ayclics is lower than that of the noncyclics. (Although the f ~ curve of the cyclics is based on three points only, it may safely be assumed that its position is approximately as shown.) Since factor f, is a differential correction, it is valid only when a bromine number determination is carried out, which in analyses of cracked gssolines will always be the case. By aid of the RECOMMENDED OLEFINCOBRBCTION FACTORS. curves in Figure 4, Table I11 has been made for more convenient use in analyses of any fraction within the gasoline range. Table IV contains the factors applicable to the aromatic fractions, assuming a 50/50 distribution between ayclic and noncyclic olefins, as well as factors applicable to the analysis of full range

0 20

0 I8


0 I6






e f


008 006


0 02

Figure 4.

Specific Dispersion Correction Factors for Olefins VI. Boiling Point


June, 1945

straight line drawn through the points. By using all of Grosse and Wackher's data (see Figure 5 ) it becomes apparent that the slope varies appreciably with the bromine number (and hence with the boiling point) as well as with the type of olefin. Neglecting these variations may lead to a substantial dfierence in calculated aromatic content of a sample, as illustrated by the following example:

A benzene fraction containing 25% monoolefins (cyclic and noncyclic 50/50), Br No. 47: Grosse and Wackher's correction factor = 0.16 Correction factorfl (from Table IV) = 0.135 With a sDecific dimersion increment of benzene = 189.3 - 98 = (0.160 - 0.135) X 47 91.3, difference in aroniatic content is 0.913 1.3% by weight. This discrepancy Fill increasedirectly with the olefin content.















Y) Y


Grosse and Wackher's excellent results with known blende containing up to 73% olefin may be explained by the fact that in all their experiments only one olefin was used-namely, 2ethyl-1-hexene, the correction factor for which (0.164, see Table I) coincides with their factor (0.16). RCLI.4BILITY O F THE FACTORS. The accuracy Of the factors per se is independent of the accuracy of the bromine number and maleic anhydride value determinations. However, the factors are subject to thc following errors: 1. Error in estimation of the properties of olefins of a given boiling range. I t may be assumed that the position of the specific dispersion curve for monoolefins is accurate to * 1 unit, and that of the conjugated diolefins to *3 units; furthermore, that the position of the bromine number curve is accurate to * 5 units and that of the maleic anhydride value curve to *20 unit?. .Accumulating these errors for the toluene fraction, the potential error amounts to *7% off1 and *6% off2. 2. Error in estimating the specific dispersion of the saturates may be 1 unit, result,ing in a potential error of *4oj, of f1 and 1 3 % of f2. 3. Error in estimating the distribution between cyclic and noncyclic olefins. If this be set at 25%, the error in the factors will be * 7% of f i and * 11% of f2. 4. Error in estimating the.amount of bromine absorbed by conjugated diolefins. Assuming that the error is 20%, this amounts to *140/, of f2. If these errors were noncompensating, which is improbable, they would affect the toluene content to the extent of *0.5% for each 10% monoolefins present, and to the extent of *0.370 for each per cent conjugated olefins present. These estimates are well on the conservative side, since there will usually be considerable compensation. A C C U R A C Y OF THE SPECIFIC DISPERSION M E T H O D

ESUMERATION OF COXCEIVABLE ERRORS.The magnitude of the errors depends on the mid-boiling point of the sample and its composition. As a hypothetical example will be chosen a fraction representing the middle boiling range of gasoline and containing only one type of aromatics-viz., an untreated toluene concentrate of boiling range 100" to 112' C., mid-boiling point 106" C., of the following composition: %a. Aromatics (toluene) .\lonoblefins (cvclic noncyclic, 5 0 / 5 0 ) Conjugated d'iolefins (cvclic 4- noncvclic. 5 0 / 5 0 ) Sonconjugated diolefins (not'deter&nable) ' ' Saturates

35 30 3 3 29



Assuming linear blending, its properties would be as shown in Table V (data from Figures 1, 2, and 4). The effect of each conceivable error on the toluene content, calculated from the equation Toluene, %w


["' - 98 - fl x Br No. sa -

will be as shown in Table VI.



] 100 + c

x M.A. V .








3 0











Figure 5. Specific Dispersion Increment vs. Theoretical Bromine Number of Monoolefins and Noncyclic Nonconjugated Diolefins

A4smay be seen from this tabulation, the greatest source of error ( * 170) is the uncertainty of the distribution between cyclic and noncyclic olefins. This observation emphasizes the importance of the difference in magnitude of the correction factor for the two types of olefins. The next largest error ( *0.7yc)is due to uncertainty in the locus of the fl-curve. However, in calculating this error, the errors in the specific dispersion and in bromine number of the pure olefins were allowed to accumulate.

Table Hydrocarbon Group Aromatics Mono-olefine Conjugated diole-


Noncon j ugated diolefins Saturates Total in blend



Individually I n the Blend Br M.Br M.5-98 NO. A . V . 5-98 NO. A . V . 86.6 0 0 30.31 0 0 2 3 . 0 155 0 6.90 46.50 oo 101.0




46.0 0

310 0

0 0







6 . 0 1 30.75


:i5 , .

9.30 0 0.15 0 0 . . 61.81 30.75 ..



.. 0.07

,. ,. ..

To these conceivable errors must be added the error involved in estimating the specific dispcrsion of the aromatics (Sa), Assuming a fair fractional distillation, as obtained using a 15-plate column, no difficulty should be encountered in t,he benzene and toluene fractions. In the Go-aromatic fraction this source of error should also he small, for, although the fraction contains four aromatics, ethylbenzene and a-, m-, and p-xylenes, their distribution ratio is fairly constant-viz., 10 to 20 to 50 to 10, respectively-so that a calculated value of specific dispersion may be used. For higher boiling fractions, however, the error will increase rapidly owing to the ever-increasing number of monocyclic aromatics of undeterminable representation and distribution. (As previously mentioned, in the uppermoht fraction the situation may be further complicated by the presence of the bicyclic aromatic naphthalene.)


Vol. 17, No. 6



dispersion value of full gasoline-range aromatics is difficult to ascertain because the aromatic distribution varies. The figures given in Table LrII should therefore be considered as rough estimates only. It is conceivable that a fairly good estimate of the Resulting aromatic distribution can be obtained by means of quantitative Error in silica gel adsorption and desorption. I t may then develop that Content, Toluene% Probable Errors for straight-run-viz., olefin-free-gasoline of a given source and Error in measurement of specific dispersion of the sample of for cracked gasoline processed in a given manner, the specific dis* o 35 0.3 unita Error In estimation of specific dispersion of the saturates of 1 persion of the aromatic aggregate may be considered fairly conunitb *0,15 -0.52 5% error in determination of Rr N o . = 3 units 'Br No. stant. Analyses by fractions should yield more reliable results *0.21 1 0 7 error in determination of 41.8.1'. = 3 units M.A.I.. -0.70 E r r & in locus of fi-curve = 0.011 unit specific dispersion than full range analyses because all factors applicable to frac1;O. 14 Error in locus of fz-curve = 0.004 unit specific dispersion tions are more nearly correct. Assuming the conjugated diolefins brominate t o 8 0 % instead of 60% , -0.34 EXPERIhfENTAL EVIDENCE O F ACCCR.%CY. For this demonstra25% error in estimation of t h e distribution betaeen cyclic 11.02 and noncyclic olefins tion have been ch0se.n gasoline fractions of considerable olefin con25% error in the value of the linearity deviation C = 0.2'; 10.2 tent, the aromatic content of which can be accurately determined tolueneC by an independent referee method. Employing the Ultraviolet a Zeiss-Pulfrich or Bausch & Lomh precision refractometer (.ihbe not suificiently accurate). absorption sPectroPhotometric method, the aromatic content b This error is higher for olefin-free material. The error may be eliminated by using the actual values for specific dispersion of the saturates (as obtained can be determined with an accuracy of * 1% of the aromatic conby silica gel treatment) instead of 98. tent, provided the sample contains only one type of aromatics. c C is a n additive correction, the magnitude of which de ends on the type and content of the aromatics a n d , t o a smaller extent, on tge naphthene and Therefore, the test' has been restricted to the analyses of the henolefin content. This correction is a t resent under investigation in these as well as in other laboratories: i t reacBes its maximum a t a little below 50% zene the toluene fractions, Results are shown in Table VIII. aromatic content, where it varies from about 0.6 to 2.17, aromatics. I t may be noticed from the last line, entitled 4 aromatics, that as a result of accumulation and compensation of the many possible errors, the deviation from the nearly true value increases with the olefin content and may amount to about 2%. Since the Table VII shows estimated specificdispersion values for the greatest source of error is the uncertainty in the estimation of aromatics applicable to the aromatic cuts, together mriththe probthe ratio between cyclic and noncyclic olefins (see Table VI), the able error in these values and the errors reflected in the calculated aromatic content was also calculated assuming a 25% mistake aromatic content. Since the magnitude of the latter error dein the estimation of this ratio. .4s the resulting set of data shows, pends on the aromatic content, a sample containing 35% by this change alone will, in the case of high olefin content, alt'er the weight of aromatics is again used as an example in order to make aromatic value by 370. This discrepancy emphasizes the ima comparison of all conceivable errors possible. The specific portance of reliable corrections for the specific dispersion increment due to the presence of olefins. (Although not required for computation of aromatic content, t,he olefin content has been included in Table VI11 as a matter of Table VII. Error in Calculated Aromatic Content Due to Uncertainty in Estimation of Specific Dispersion of the Aromatics orientation. The value of the olefin content likewise depends on E r r o r in the distribution of the two types of olefins, cyclic and noncyclic, Aromatic because for a given boiling range their difference in molecular Estimated Content, ~ weight ~ may amount f to as much ~ as ten units. ~ Since ~ the molecular ~ Aromatic Boiling , D i s $ ~ ~ ~of f ~~ Aromatics, Sa Fraction Range, ' C. Content weight of the olefins present in a petroleum fraction cannot be Benzene 60- 92 189.3 0 determined, it must be estimated.) 184.6 0 Toluene 92-122 180.0 0.5 10.2 -4similar test of the accuracy of the specific dispersion method Xylenes 122-150 C, aromatics 150-180 175 * 2 -0.9 as applied to the higher boiling polyaromatic fractions and to full Higher aromatics 180-205 172 * 3 -1.4 range gasolines is not yet feasible because (possibly with the exWhole aviation gasoline About 30-180 180 1 -0.5 ception of the xylenes fraction) the spectrophotometric method Whole motor gasoline About is no longer sufficiently accurate 30-205 177 =t 2 hO.9 in these ranges to serve as a referee method. It is conceivable, Table VIII. Determination of Aromatics b y Specific Dispersion of Unsaturated Gasoline Fractions however, that the specific disCatalytically Cracked Gasoline ~ ~ $ ~ ~ $Hydroformate o ~ ~ ~ e persion method could be fully Toluene Properties Benzene fraction Toluene fraction Concentrate Concentrate appraised by analyses of known 71-93 93-116 93-124 Boiling range, C . 100-112 blends composited from hydrocar82 104 io8 Mid-boiling point, C. 106 bon groups that have been isoBromine S o . . grams of Bra 10 a3 126 per 100 grams 46 lated by adsorption and desorp(Monoolefins, %w) (61 (67, (251 (50) Maleic anhydride value, mg. tion on silica gel. 4 31 28 M.A. per gram 34 Table VI. Enumeration of Conceivable Errors in Analysis of a Weight Toluene Fraction Containin1 35% Toluene and 36% otal Olefins


; i :


(Conjugated diolefins, Yon,) Specific dispersion, Sa Monoolefin correction facfactor, f i (Table 111) Conjugate,l diolefin correction factor, fs (Table 111) Linearity deviation. C Specific dispersion of aromatics, (Table 1-11, Aromatics from specific dispersion, % w Aromatics from ultraviolet spectrophotometry, y0w A aromatics, % w


(2.7) 136.8

(2.5) 124.3

(0 4 ) 130.4

(3.2) 135.9










0.06 0.5

0.05 0.7













184.6 11.2

8.2 0.1 -0.2 t3.0 olefins = 50/50. olefins = 75/25.

29.2 31.5 -2.3



184.6 30.5

0.3 -1.0

34.1 35.8 -1.7



35.0 0.4 -0.8

36.4 36.7 -0.3

36.5 1

0.4 -0.2


v., a n d W a c k h e r , IKD. EXG. C H E M . , ANAL.ED., 11, 614 (1939).

(1) Grosse, A. R. C . ,

(2) M a i r , B. J., a n d F o r s i a t i , A. F., J.Research N a t l . Bur. Standards, 32, 165 (1944). (3) Ward, 1.L., a n d Kurts, S. S.,

IXD. ENG.C H E M . ~,


LED., .
