Detrex, pioneer in cleaning products, is benefiting from the Phironics

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: February 14, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Dr. \Ψ. L. McCracken (left), director of research for the Detrex Corporation, works- out a cleaning equipment problem with Vice President C. F. Dinley.

Detrex·, pioneer in cleaning products, is benefiting from the Phironics. Are yow? As pioneers in t h e cleaning field, developers of t h e fabulous new ultrasonic process for production cleaning, and one of the foremost makers of cleaning equipment, Detrex Corporation, Detroit, Alich., is well qualified to evaluate the various raw-material ingredients that go t o make up quality clean­ ing compounds. "We have found Wyandotte Phi­ ronics valuable in our alkaline cleaning preparations as well as in other formulations used for the preparation of metal surfaces," says Dr. W. L. McCracken, Detrex director of research. "We particu­ larly like them for their non-foam­ ing qualities in alkaline-type metal cleaners. They also provide in­ VOLUME

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creased detergency, have free innsing characteristics, and give t h e formulations stability over a wide range pll. By introducing the Pluronics in some of our products, we eliminated the need for anti-foaming agents and, at the same time, saved a lot of service work. "We have found Wyandotte heavy chemicals and Wyandotte service most satisfactory over t h e years," states Dr. McCracken. Whether you make metal clean­ ers or mechanical-dishwashing com­ pounds, you will find the Pluronics* are not just another series of nonionics. Actually, they are so unique, so different that, unless your evalu­ ation takes in their over-all ad­ vantages and better all-around




balance, you may not have visual­ ized their full potential. If you are not already using the Phironics, write us for data and free samples, giving as much detail on your pro­ jected use as possible. Wyandotte Chemicals Corporation, Wyandotte, Michigan. Offices in principal cities. * R E G . U.S. PAT. O F F .

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