Development of a ReaxFF Potential for Carbon Condensed Phases

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Development of a ReaxFF Potential for Carbon Condensed Phases and Its Application to the Thermal Fragmentation of a Large Fullerene Sriram Goverapet Srinivasan,† Adri C. T. van Duin,*,† and P. Ganesh‡ †

Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States ‡ Centre for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, MS 6494, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: In this article, we report the development of a ReaxFF reactive potential that can accurately describe the chemistry and dynamics of carbon condensed phases. Density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations were performed to obtain the equation of state for graphite and diamond and the formation energies of defects in graphene and amorphous phases from fullerenes. The DFT data were used to reparametrize ReaxFFCHO, resulting in a new potential called ReaxFFC‑2013. ReaxFFC‑2013 accurately predicts the atomization energy of graphite and closely reproduces the DFT-based energy difference between graphite and diamond, and the barrier for transition from graphite to diamond. ReaxFFC‑2013 also accurately predicts the DFT-based energy barrier for Stone−Wales transformation in a C60(Ih) fullerene through the concerted rotation of a C2 unit. Later, MD simulations of a C180 fullerene using ReaxFFC‑2013 suggested that the thermal fragmentation of these giant fullerenes is an exponential function of time. An Arrhenius-type equation was fit to the decay rate, giving an activation energy of 7.66 eV for the loss of carbon atoms from the fullerene. Although the decay of the molecule occurs primarily via the loss of C2 units, we observed that, with an increase in temperature, the probability of loss of larger fragments increases. The ReaxFFC‑2013 potential developed in this work, and the results obtained on fullerene fragmentation, provide an important step toward the full computational chemical modeling of coal pyrolysis, soot incandescence, high temperature erosion of graphitic rocket nozzles, and ablation of carbon-based spacecraft materials during atmospheric reentry. “fullerene road mechanism”5 was proposed, which allowed for the existence of adjacent pentagons in the process leading to the formation of fullerenes. Ab initio calculations6 showed that such closed-shell molecules with adjacent pentagons (such as C50 with D5h symmetry) were thermodynamically favorable. More recently, in a series of articles,7−12 Irle and co-workers proposed the “shrinking hot giant road” to fullerene formation through their density functional tight binding (DFTB)13,14 molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. According to this mechanism, larger fullerene molecules (larger than 100 atoms) first assemble from hot carbon vapor through autocatalytic reactions of carbon chains. These larger fullerenes then shrink in size to C60 and C70 through the loss of small molecular fragments such as C2. In parallel with fullerene formation studies, a number of works in the past have tried to address the thermodynamics, kinetics, and possible mechanisms of the decomposition of fullerenes, with most of these works being limited to small

1. INTRODUCTION Ever since their discovery,1 fullerenes have been a subject of active research owing to their wide ranging applications. A number of studies in the past have been dedicated toward attempting to explain the atomistically detailed mechanism of the formation of fullerenes from hot carbon vapor or hydrocarbon combustion flames. The earliest mechanism proposed for the formation of fullerenes was the “party line mechanism”2 according to which small carbon fragments assembled into monocyclic rings. As these rings grew beyond 25−35 carbon atoms in size, polycyclic networks began to emerge from them that eventually rearranged into pentagons and hexagons to provide the necessary curvature for the closure of the fullerene cage. As an extension of the party line mechanism, the “pentagon road mechanism”3 was proposed, which suggested that the lowest energy open graphitic networks formed from the party line mechanism were those that obeyed the pentagon rule and subsequently annealed into fullerenes. The “ring fusion spiral zipper mechanism”4 suggested that small carbon fragments first assemble to form planar mono-, bi-, and tricyclic rings that later coalesce and anneal into fullerene cages. Along lines similar to the pentagon road mechanism, the © 2015 American Chemical Society

Received: October 11, 2014 Revised: December 23, 2014 Published: January 6, 2015 571

DOI: 10.1021/jp510274e J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 571−580


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

reactive force field27 followed by the details of the force field optimization procedure along with a discussion of the results of the optimization. Section 3 describes our simulation methods, followed by a discussion of the results from our simulations in section 4. A summary of results and conclusions from this study is presented in section 5.

fullerenes (smaller C100). Early laser-induced fullerene decomposition experiments3,15 suggested the “shrink-wrap mechanism”3 of fullerene fragmentation wherein the fullerene molecules shrink down in size due to the loss of a C2 fragment from two abutting pentagons. At high temperature conditions characteristic of fullerene formation, these abutting pentagons could be formed by Stone−Wales (SW) rearrangements16 in the fullerene molecule. Alternately, ab initio calculations17,18 suggested an energetically more favorable “handle and stick mechanism” through an sp3 intermediate that does not require the creation of abutting pentagons for the loss of a C2 unit from the fullerene molecule. MD studies based on tight binding potentials were used to understand the dynamics of fullerenes subjected to high temperatures. Wang et al.19 found that buckminsterfullerene (C60) was stable against spontaneous disintegration up to 5000 K beyond which the cage-like structure opened up into an amorphous phase due to C−C bond breakage. Zhang et al.20 studied the fragmentation temperature of a range of fullerenes from C20 to C90 and noted that the fragmentation temperature increases linearly with the size of the fullerene from C20 to C58 but levels off at around 4750 K beyond C60 whereas Kim et al.21 found that the melting temperature of C60 and C70 molecules lie between 3000 and 4000 K. Further, at 5000 K, they observed the rapid disintegration of the cage-like structure in both C60 and C70 molecules, initiated by the breakage of a C−C bond between a five- and a six-membered ring in the molecule. This was later confirmed by Kim and Tománek,22 who studied the phase transitions in fullerenes with increase in temperature. In their constant energy MD simulations of a C60 molecule, Xu et al.23 observed a continuous loss of C2 molecules beyond a temperature of 5600 K. Openov et al. 24 studied the fragmentation of a C60 molecule between 4000 and 6000 K, and reported an activation energy of 9.2 eV for the fragmentation of the fullerene molecule. In their size-down trajectories25 of the shrinking hot giant road to fullerene formation, Irle and co-workers observed that the decomposition of the self-assembled giant fullerenes occurred in two stages, an antenna fall-off stage followed by the irreversible Cn pop out phase leading to the shrinking of the fullerene molecule. Further, they observed that, in a dynamic size-down process of fullerene molecules, a number of channels for Cn fragment elimination (other than the “shrink-wrap” and “handle and stick” mechanism mentioned above) open up resulting in a variety of topological defects. Though a number of works in the past have theoretically investigated fullerene annealing, they have been restricted to the initial stages of fullerene fragmentation. To the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive theoretical study of the chemistry and dynamics of the continuous fragmentation of a large fullerene molecule has not been undertaken. Further, knowledge of the pyrolysis chemistry of fullerenes is essential in understanding the high temperature erosion of graphitic rocket nozzles, soot incandescence, coal pyrolysis, etc. Toward this end, in this article, first, we have reparametrized the ReaxFFCHO26 potential to obtain a more accurate description of the condensed phases of carbon. The newly developed potential (called ReaxFFC‑2013) was then used in the MD simulations of the thermal decomposition of a large icosahedral fullerene molecule (C180). The MD simulations were carried out between temperatures of 4100 and 4500 K to obtain the decomposition rates and activation energy for the fragmentation of a large fullerene. Section 2 briefly describes the ReaxFF

2. PARAMETERIZING REAXFFC‑2013 REACTIVE FORCE FIELD ReaxFF27 is a general bond-order-dependent potential that uses a relationship between bond distance and bond order on one hand and a relationship between the bond order and bond energy on the other to describe bond formation and bond dissociation realistically. Valence and torsion angle energies are made functions of bond order so that the energy contributions from these terms vanish smoothly upon bond dissociation. Nonbonded interactions, namely Coulomb and van der Waals interactions, are calculated between every atom pair irrespective of the connectivity. Excessively close range interactions are avoided via a shielding term28 in the energy expression for the nonbonded interactions. Atomic charges are calculated using the geometry-dependent charge calculation scheme (EEM scheme) of Mortier et al.29 Instead of Ewald summation, ReaxFF uses a seventh-order taper function with an outer cutoff radius of 10 Å to calculate long-range Coulomb interactions.30 A detailed description of ReaxFF formulation can be found in the original work.27 To describe the chemistry and dynamics of hydrocarbon combustion, ReaxFFCHO was developed by Chenoweth et al.26 ReaxFFCHO was parametrized against an extensive training set consisting of atomic charges, bond lengths, bond, valence and torsion angle energies, heats of formation, and various hydrocarbon reaction energies. A detailed description of the data included in ReaxFFCHO training set can be found in the original work.26 Since its development, ReaxFFCHO has been used to study such diverse phenomena as the oxidation chemistry of graphite,31,32 structural and chemical properties of graphene oxide,33 combustion34 and pyrolysis35 of coal and other hydrocarbons,36 chemomechanics of crack propagation in graphene,37 dynamics of carbon nano-onion formation from nanodiamond,38 etc. In the context of fullerene dynamics, ReaxFFCHO was used to study the dynamics of fullerene selfassembly from a benzene precursor.39 However, ReaxFFCHO was not explicitly parametrized to describe the dynamics of condensed phases of carbon. Toward this end, we have extended ReaxFFCHO to describe carbon condensed phases more accurately. The new potential developed here is called ReaxFFC‑2013. In addition to the ReaxFFCHO training set, the training set for ReaxFFC‑2013 parametrization consisted of equation of state type data for the volumetric expansion of diamond, in-plane and out-of-plane expansion of graphite, uniaxial expansion of diamond in (001) direction, heats of formation of graphite, diamond, and mono-, di-, tri-, and quadruple vacancies in graphene, heat of formation of Stone− Wales defect in graphene, and heats of formation of a number of amorphous carbon phases obtained from earlier simulations of thermal decomposition of fullerenes performed in our group using the ReaxFFCHO potential. First-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed to provide the aforementioned data for ReaxFFC‑2013 parametrization. DFT-based calculations to obtain the equation of state of graphite and diamond were performed using the Perdew− 572

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Burke−Ernzerhoff (PBE)40 exchange−correlation functional with the DFT-D241 parameters to describe the van der Waals interaction for carbon as implemented in the VASP package.42 A projector augmented wave (PAW) potential43 was used to perform the calculations. A well-converged 12 × 12 × 12 k point mesh was used for the two-atom diamond unit cell whereas a denser 16 × 16 × 8 k point mesh was used for the four-atom graphite unit cell with a high precision setting in VASP that used a 500 eV plane wave energy cutoff. The condensed phase calculations were done using a plane wave basis set-based code, and the heats of formation for the amorphous carbon phases and fullerenes were calculated using the Jaguar quantum chemistry package44 in the Schrodinger software suite employing the 6-311g** basis set45 and B3LYP46−48 exchange−correlation functional. For these calculations, the geometry optimizations were performed with a root mean squared (RMS) force convergence criteria of 3.5 × 10−4 hartree per au or smaller. The parametrization of the ReaxFFC‑2013 potential was carried out using a successive one-parameter search optimization technique,49 described in detail in our earlier work.50 The energy predictions from DFT-D2, ReaxFFCHO, and ReaxFFC‑2013 are shown in the figures below. In all the figures, the black line corresponds to values from DFT-D2, the blue line corresponds to values from ReaxFFCHO, and the red line corresponds to values from ReaxFFC‑2013. All the energies are reported on a “per atom” basis. Figures 1 and 2 below show the equation of state for graphite obtained upon expansion/ compression of the lattice in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions, respectively.

Figure 2. Equation of state data for the variation of the lattice constant normal to the graphite basal plane directions. The black line corresponds to data from DFT-D2, the blue line corresponds to data from ReaxFFCHO, and the red line corresponds to data from ReaxFFC‑2013.

Figure 3. Equation of state data for the cubic expansion of a 2 × 2 × 2 diamond supercell containing 16 atoms. The black line corresponds to data from DFT-D2, the blue line corresponds to data from ReaxFFCHO, and the red line corresponds to data from ReaxFFC‑2013.

compression and the uniaxial expansion/compression along the (001) direction, respectively. The force field optimization procedure used a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell (containing 16 atoms) of the diamond structure used in the DFT-D2 calculations. Again, Figures 3 and 4 show that ReaxFFC‑2013 overcomes the inaccurate prediction of the optimal lattice constant and the curvature around the minimum by ReaxFFCHO, resulting in a potential that closely reproduces the DFT-D2-based equation of state for diamond. However, ReaxFFC‑2013 predicts a much stiffer equation of state for large volumetric expansions greater than 10%. Figure 5 shows the relative energies (kcal/mol) of various vacancy defects and Stone−Wales defect16 (SW) on graphene with respect to pristine graphene on a “per atom” basis. The energy computed using DFT-D2, ReaxFFCHO, and ReaxFFC‑2013 is shown in black, blue, and red fonts, respectively. Clearly, ReaxFFC‑2013 is in very good agreement with DFTD2 data. ReaxFFC‑2013 predicts an atomization energy of 172.6 kcal/mol for graphite, in very close agreement with the

Figure 1. Equation of state data for the isotropic variation of the lattice constant along graphite basal plane directions. The black line corresponds to data from DFT-D2, the blue line corresponds to data from ReaxFFCHO, and the red line corresponds to data from ReaxFFC‑2013.

From the above figures, especially from Figure 1, it is clear that ReaxFFC‑2013 is in much better agreement with DFT-D2 compared to ReaxFFCHO. ReaxFFCHO predicted incorrect values for the in-plane and out-of-plane optimum lattice constants of graphite. In addition, ReaxFFCHO predicted an incorrect curvature in the energy vs lattice constant curve around the minimum and an artificial shoulder between 2.3 and 2.4 Å in the in-plane direction. Figures 3 and 4 show the equation of state for diamond obtained upon volumetric expansion/ 573

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Figure 6. Formation energy (kcal/mol) of various fullerenes computed using DFT, ReaxFFCHO, and ReaxFFC‑2013. The symmetry of the fullerenes is listed in parentheses.

Figure 4. Equation of state data for the uniaxial expansion of a 2 × 2 × 2 diamond supercell containing 16 atoms in the (001) direction. The black line corresponds to data from DFT-D2, the blue line corresponds to data from ReaxFFCHO, and the red line corresponds to data for ReaxFFC‑2013.

energy computed using DFT, ReaxFFC‑2013 and ReaxFFCHO is shown in black, red, and blue fonts, respectively. From Figure 6, we see that ReaxFFC‑2013 predicts smaller fullerenes (smaller than C60) to be more stable than ReaxFFCHO. However, this overestimation does not have any effect on our simulations as the molecule opens up into an amorphous phase by the time it decays down to C60, as discussed in the following sections. Figure 7 clearly shows that ReaxFFC‑2013 is in very good agreement with DFT energies for such amorphous phases. In addition, ReaxFFC‑2013 is able to reproduce the faceted geometry of larger fullerenes such as C240, C320, C540, etc. as predicted by earlier DFT calculations.52 ReaxFFC‑2013 predicts a barrier of 6.9 eV for the SW transformation of a C60 molecule of Ih symmetry into a C60 molecule of C2v symmetry through the concerted rotation of a C2 unit (the transition state has C2 symmetry), in excellent agreement with earlier published DFT data.53 Finally, to demonstrate the applicability of ReaxFFC‑2013 potential for high temperature carbon chemistry, we have computed the formation energies for a sequence of states through which a C180 molecule decomposed at 4100 K in our MD simulations using the following equation

experimental value of 172.46 kcal/mol51 whereas ReaxFFCHO predicted a graphite atomization energy of 197.3 kcal/mol. Further, on a per atom basis, ReaxFFC‑2013 predicts graphite to be 0.66 kcal/mol more stable than diamond and a graphite to diamond transformation barrier of 4.91 kcal/mol, in close agreement with the respective DFT-D2 values of 0.61 and 7.41 kcal/mol. Figure 6 shows the formation energy of various fullerenes with respect to C60(Ih) on a “per atom” basis, computed using the equation below. The symmetry of each of the fullerene is listed in parentheses in Figure 6. ΔE =

ECn n

EC60 60

Figure 7 shows the formation energy for various amorphous “blob”-like phases obtained upon thermal decomposition of a C180 molecule using ReaxFFCHO with respect to fullerenes of corresponding sizes using the equation below ΔE =

ECblob n n

ECfullerene n n

ΔE =

The symmetry of the fullerene molecules considered is same as that shown in parentheses in Figure 6. In the above equation, Eblob Cn corresponds to the single-point energy of the amorphous “blob”-like phases shown in Figure 7 and Efullerene is the Cn optimized energy value of the corresponding fullerene. The

ECn n

EC60 60

In the above equation, ECn is the single-point energy of a molecule of size Cn and EC60 is the geometry optimized energy of a C60(Ih) fullerene. Figure 8 shows the energy comparison

Figure 5. Relative energies (kcal/mol) of vacancy and Stone−Wales defect in graphene with respect to pristine graphene expressed on a per atom basis. Black font corresponds to energy from DFT-D2, red font corresponds to the energy from ReaxFFC‑2013, and blue font corresponds to energies from ReaxFFCHO. 574

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Figure 7. Relative energies (kcal/mol) on a “per atom” basis of amorphous phases with respect to fullerenes of corresponding sizes. The numbers in black, red, and blue fonts correspond to values from DFT, ReaxFFC‑2013, and ReaxFFCHO, respectively.

3. SIMULATION METHODS AND DETAILS To study the thermal decomposition dynamics of a large fullerene, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a C180 molecule using the newly developed ReaxFFC‑2013 potential. Prior to the MD simulations, the molecule was energy minimized with a root mean square (RMS) force convergence criteria of 0.1 kcal/(mol Å). The molecular dynamics simulations were performed in canonical ensemble (NVT ensemble) at five different temperatures, between 4100 and 4500 K, at intervals of 100 K. All our MD simulations used the Nose−Hoover chain thermostat54 of chain length 3 and 10 fs damping constant (100 time units) to maintain the system temperature at the desired value. Following energy minimization, the molecule was first equilibrated at 300 K before the temperature was raised to the desired value. The equilibration simulation was carried out in the canonical (NVT) ensemble for a duration of 60 ps using a time step of 0.25 fs. The potential energy and temperature values indicated that the system had well equilibrated by 15 ps. Thus, after equilibration, we initiated temperature ramping simulations from 300 K to the desired final temperature using atomic positions, velocities and accelerations from the equilibration simulation, harvested at 5 ps intervals beginning at 15 ps until 60 ps, giving us a total of 10 independent trajectories for every target temperature (i.e., a total of 50 trajectories). For each of these trajectories, the temperature was increased linearly from 300 K to the desired final value at the rate of 0.005 K per iteration, using at time step of 0.1 fs. After the temperature ramp, production runs were carried out at the target temperature (4100−4500 K in intervals of 100 K) in canonical ensemble using a time step of 0.1 fs, on each of the 10 independent trajectories. The production runs lasted from anywhere between 0.8 and 8 ns depending on the temperature, with lower temperature simulations lasting for a longer duration of time. It is now well-known from earlier DFTB-based MD simulations55 and our own simulations using the ReaxFFCHO potential that large fullerenes can both lose and gain small Cn fragments when subjected to high temperature annealing. To avoid the recapture of small fragments by the fullerene molecule, we performed the simulations in 1000 × 1000 × 1000 Å3 box. In effect, we simulated a closed system that can exchange energy with the surroundings while its mass remains constant. All our MD simulations were carried out

between ReaxFFC‑2013 and DFT along with the snapshots of a few molecular states.

Figure 8. Relative energies (kcal/mol) on a “per atom” basis of a sequence of states through which a C180 molecule decomposes with respect to a C60(Ih) fullerene. Numbers 1−8 on the plot correspond to molecular states 1−8 shown around the plot.

Clearly, ReaxFFC‑2013 is able to closely predict the DFT-based energies for all the molecular states. We have thus created a ReaxFF potential, ReaxFFC‑2013, which can accurately describe carbon condensed phases. The newly developed potential is provided in the Supporting Information. ReaxFFC‑2013 has been used to study the thermal fragmentation of a C180 molecule, discussed in detail in the following sections. 575

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Figure 9. (a)−(e) Decay of a C180 fullerene as a function of time from the 10 independent trajectories at each target temperature. (f) Exponential curve fit to the lost mass ratio for all the trajectories at 4300 K with points corresponding to the data from the simulation and the solid lines corresponding to the fit.

using the LAMMPS atomic simulation package.56−58 A detailed discussion of the results from these simulations is presented in the following section.

can be used in the phenomenological understanding of the decomposition process. Initially, the fullerene molecule shrinks in size primarily through the loss of small fragments such as C2, C3, and C4 units, akin to the “Cn pop out” events described by Irle and coworkers25 in their DFTB/MD simulations of the shrinking hot giant road to fullerene formation. During this period, while the fullerene molecule shrinks in size, it retains the cage-like structure. Temporary cage opening may occur due to the formation of a large defect but the molecule anneals back into a cage-like structure. Eventually, the molecule shrinks to a small enough size that once the cage opening process sets in, the molecule is unable to anneal itself back into a closed-shell-like structure. In Figure 10, this event begins when the molecule has decayed to C81. Beyond C81, as the cage begins to unravel, the molecule is unable to regain the closed-shell-like structure, with the cage opening process complete by the time the molecule reduces in size to C72. Once the molecule unfolds into an amorphous phase, it could lose larger fragments such as C5, C6, and C7 molecules during the process of shrinking. The loss of these large fragments is akin the “antenna fall-off” event described earlier by Irle and co-workers,25 albeit happening from an amorphous carbon cluster instead of a chain of carbon atoms attached to the fullerene cage. Such opening of the cage is an entropically driven event, observed in both earlier molecular dynamics studies19,22,59 and in experiments.60 The beginning of the cage unravelling feature of the fullerene shrinking process is dependent on temperature, with a larger temperature resulting in the onset of this process at an earlier point in time (or at a larger fullerene size). The decomposition

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section, we discuss the results obtained from the molecular dynamics simulation of the thermal fragmentation of a C180 molecule using the newly developed ReaxFFC‑2013 potential. In our simulations, we began with a fullerene of “Ih” symmetry consisting of 12 five-membered rings and 80 sixmembered rings. Molecular dynamics in canonical ensemble between 4100 and 4500 K resulted in the decomposition of the C180 fullerene into smaller fullerenes with many topological defects through loss of small fragments such as C2 units, C3 units, etc. and later into an amorphous phase. Panels a−e of Figure 9 show the size of the fullerene (N) as a function of time obtained from the ten independent trajectories at each target temperature, expressed as the ratio (called “lost mass ratio” henceforth) of the number of atoms lost to the initial number of atoms in the fullerene (1 − N/N0, N0 = 180). From Figure 9, it can be seen that, with an increase in temperature, the decomposition of the fullerene occurs faster with the time required for decay reducing by about an order of magnitude as the temperature increases from 4100 to 4500 K. Further, at any given temperature, the decomposition times could vary widely, indicative of the inherently stochastic nature of the decomposition process. Figure 10 shows the sequence of states through which a C180 molecule proceeds upon fragmentation from one of the trajectories at 4100 K, which 576

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Figure 10. Sequence of states through which a C180 molecule proceeds upon thermal fragmentation at 4100 K.

Table 1. Rate of Loss (ns−1) from C180 Fullerene at Various Simulated Temperaturesa traj #1 traj #2 traj #3 traj #4 traj #5 traj #6 traj #7 traj #8 traj #9 traj #10 average activation energy (eV) a

4100 K

4200 K

4300 K

4400 K

4500 K

0.5467 0.3419 0.1881 0.3242 0.1797 0.2232 0.3554 0.1645 0.1059 0.3447 0.2774 ± 0.13

1.4180 0.9167 0.8052 1.1910 0.4644 0.4300 0.5365 0.9816 0.8178 0.3477 0.7909 ± 0.35

0.8120 0.9259 0.9316 0.5497 1.0850 0.9107 1.0630 1.0230 0.8749 0.5081 0.8684 ± 0.20 7.66

2.008 1.510 1.321 1.278 1.127 1.487 1.319 1.576 1.052 1.455 1.4133 ± 0.27

1.142 3.988 3.036 1.744 1.683 2.866 2.105 2.487 2.740 1.075 2.2866 ± 0.91

The error bars on the average rates were computed as one standard deviation about the mean.

temperature was taken as the rate of loss at that temperature. Table 1 below gives a compilation of the rates obtained for all the trajectories along with their average values. An Arrhenius-type equation (k = Ae−Ea/RT) was then fit to the average values of k1 in the table above, giving an activation energy of 7.66 eV for the thermal fragmentation of a C180

of the fullerene molecule at all temperatures was found to obey an exponential equation of the form (1 − (N/N0)) = c1(ek1t − 1). The exponential fit to all the 10 trajectories at 4300 K is shown in Figure 8f. The value of k1 for each trajectory was taken as the rate of decomposition of the fullerene molecule in that trajectory. An average over the ten values for k1 at each 577

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resulting in a range of fragmentation times and fragmentation products. Fullerene fragmentation simulations indicated that between 4100 and 4500 K, the fullerene shrinks in size to smaller molecules through the loss of molecular fragments such as C2, C3, C4, etc. At all temperatures, the fragmentation of the fullerene initially occurred via the loss of small molecular fragments such as C2, C3, and C4 units. While the molecule shrunk in size, it retained its cage-like structure. Later, however, the cage opens up into an amorphous phase due to entropic effects and the molecule can shrink in size through the loss of larger molecular fragments such as C5, C6, etc. The loss of carbon atoms from the fullerene was found to be an exponential function of time at all simulated temperatures. The rate of decay obtained for each of the ten independent trajectories at each simulation temperature was averaged to obtain the mean rate of decay at each temperature. An Arrhenius-type equation was then fit to these mean rates, giving an activation energy of 7.66 eV for fragmentation of a C180 fullerene. The probability distribution of fullerene fragmentation through the loss of Cn units indicated that at all temperatures, the fullerene fragmentation occurs predominantly through the loss of C2 units. However, with an increase in temperature, the probability of loss of larger fragments such as C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, and C8 increases. The ReaxFFC‑2013 potential developed in this work and the fullerene decomposition simulations are an important step toward the full computational chemical modeling of the decomposition of carbon rich materials and species in various fields such as soot decomposition, graphite rocket nozzle erosion, and ablation of carbon-based materials used in space crafts during atmospheric reentry.

fullerene. Comparing this with the activation energy for C60 fragmentation reported earlier (∼9.2 eV),24 we find that the C180 fullerene has a lower energy barrier for thermal fragmentation. The fragmentation energy of C2 from a C180 molecule, defined as the energy of the reaction C180 → C178 + C2, computed here as the reaction energy obtained upon geometry optimization of the C178 and C180 molecules (using an RMS force convergence criteria of 0.1 kcal/Å) from our MD trajectories was found to be 14.21 eV. Comparing this value with the earlier published values for C2 fragmentation energy from C60 (11−12 eV),61,62 C70 (10.7−13.3 eV),63,64 C80 (8.7− 10 eV),65,66 and C82 (9.1−9.4 eV),66,67 we see that C180 fullerene has a larger C2 fragmentation energy than the smaller fullerenes. Theoretical and experimental results reported earlier show a general trend of increase in the C2 fragmentation energy with an increase in size of the fullerene, albeit with significant dips in the fragmentation energy at certain fullerene sizes such as C62 and C72.68,69 Finally, Figure 11 shows the probability that

Figure 11. Average probability for the shrinking of the C180 fullerene through the loss of a Cn molecule at temperatures between 4100 and 4500 K. The error bars were computed as one standard deviation about the mean value.


S Supporting Information *

The newly parametrized ReaxFFC‑2013 potential is provided in the Supporting Information. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

a molecule of size Cx loses a fragment of size Cn to form a molecule of size Cx−n during the decay process of the C180 fullerene at each target temperature, obtained as an average over the ten trajectories at that temperature. From Figure 11 it can be seen that at all temperatures, the fragmentation of the fullerene proceeds predominantly via the loss of C2 units, with much smaller probabilities for the loss of C3 and larger fragments. With an increase in temperature, however, the probability of loss of larger fragments increases due to entropic effects with a consequent decrease in the probability of decay through loss of C2 units.


Corresponding Author

*A. C. T. van Duin. E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The molecular dynamics simulations and their analysis were supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under Grant No. FA9550-10-1-0563. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the AFOSR or the U.S. Government. A.C.T.vD. also acknowledges the support of the Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport (FIRST) Center, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences for the ReaxFF force field development work. P.G. acknowledges support from the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is sponsored at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy for the DFT-calculations. This research

5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this work, first, we have developed a new ReaxFF potential (ReaxFFC‑2013) that can accurately describe the chemistry and dynamics of carbon condensed phases. This potential was developed by reparameterizing the ReaxFFCHO potential against DFT data for equations of state of graphite and diamond, formation energies of various defects in graphene, small fullerene molecules and various amorphous carbon phases. ReaxFFC‑2013 was then used to study the kinetics of a large fullerene fragmentation by performing molecular dynamics at temperatures between 4100 and 4500 K, in the intervals of 100 K, for a duration of time between 0.8 and 8 ns. At each temperature, ten independent trajectories were simulated 578

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