Dicalite Filteraids Perform Vital Step in Uranium Oxide Production

Nov 6, 2010 - Dicalite Filteraids Perform Vital Step in Uranium Oxide Production ... After five years without a pay raise and eight months of lobbying...
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OICAL1TE D E P A R T M E N T · GREAT L A K E S C A R B O N C O R P O R A T I O N · 6 1 2 S O . F L O W E R ST., L O S A N G E L E S 1 7 . C A L I F O R N I A

Dicalite Filteraids Perform Vital Step in Uranium Oxide Production The filtration of uranium liquors for use in the atomic energy program is one of the newer applications of Dicalite. The important point, though, is the stage at which this filtration takes place, its difficulty and its critical nature. Kermac Nuclear Fuels Corporation operates the largest type plant of its kind in the country at Grants, New Mexico. Contrary to popular belief, they do not make charges for atomic bombs. Instead, they produce yellow cake, which contains the uranium oxide ( U 3 0 8 ) that is sold under contract to the Atomic Energy Commission. The process, briefly, is this: The ore, a type of sandstone, is crushed and leached with sulphuric acid. The leached ore is separated into sands and slimes by cyclones, with the sands being washed in rake classifiers and the slimes being washed in coun-

tercurrent thickeners. The washing solutions from both steps are combined, and this is where filtering with Dicalite Filteraids enters the process. These solutions carry suspended solids, some of which are practically microscopic, requiring an extremely sharp filtration for thorough removal. This thorough removal is very necessary in the processing of uranium liquors in that the effluent from the filters must have a practically zero solids content for the following solvent extraction process to be most effective, and to provide required purity in the final product. Dicalite Filteraids have proven satisfactory in this critical operation, yielding a filtrate of desired clarity. A Dicalite engineer is well fitted to advise with you on problems in filteraid filtration, either on everyday materials or unusual applications such as this.


Before making specific filtration recommendations to Kermac, Bill Belford took samples of their uranium liquors to the Dicalite products laboratory at Walteria, California, for thorough preliminary tests. He also arranged to supply the Kermac laboratory with a Dicalite Bomb Filter, which is used to maintain a constant check on their filtration operations. He has worked closely with Kermac Nuclear Fuels ever since. Before training as a Dicalite filtration engineer, Belford had an extensive background in chemical and mining engineering, with special emphasis on the technology of clays and related minerals. He studied at the University of Arizona, and was for 2 years with Gladding McBean, in laboratory control work. Deeply interested in the filtration of municipal water supply, Bill is a member of the American Water Works Association. In addition to Kermac, Belford serves many other Dicalite customers in different industries throughout the Southwest. TECHNICAL LITERATURE

Dicalite Filteraid being poured into a mixing tank at Kermac Nuclear Fuels Corporation for the filtration of uranium liquors. From here the filteraid slurry is metered by a proportioning pump into the pregnant liquor going to stainless steel pressure-type filters, where the last traces of suspended solids are removed before the liquor goes into the solvent extraction phase. ADVERTISEMENT

on Dicalite Filteraids is available on request. Bulletin B-14 discusses the principles' and operating practices of filteraid filtration, and its applications in many industries. Write for your copy to Dicalite Dept., 612 So. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.