Diffusion Extraction of Oil-Containing Materials. Solvent oil

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Diffusion Extraction of Oil-Containing Materials.

Solvent oil extraction of a vegetable solid, slices of an undamaged tung seed, appears to take place by diffusion in solid phase, the oil diffusion coefficient varying exponentially with concentration. This model also correlates existing data on pretreated seeds.

J . H . Krasuk, J . L. Lomhardi, and C. D . Ostrovsky, Uniuersidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina M s . 66-768

37pages (8figures, 2 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Oxidation of Acetaldehyde to Acetic Acid in a Sparger Reactor.

The diffusion mechanism is the rate controlling step in the sparger reactor. Chemical reaction is extremely fast and can be neglected for the rate equation. An equation was derived which predicts the performance of a sparger reactor satisfactorily.

B. Venugopal, R. Kumar, and N . R. Kuloor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Ms. 66- 178 3 9 pages ( l g f i g u r e s , 2 iahles)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

The Direct Production of a l o w Pour Point, High Gravity Shale Oil. Oil shale of the Green River formation in Colorado was

subjected to controlled thermal treatment with natural gas. Onset of kerogen decomposition was easily detected by the evolution of hydrogen sulfide. Chromatographic analyses, ultimate analyses, and distillation data are presented for oil produced in both laboratory and field test.

George Richard Hill, Duane J. Johnson, Lowell Miller, and J . L. Dougan, University o j Utah

M s . 66-795 25 pages ( I I figures, 7 tables)

Subscribers $3.00


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Reviews literature on photoreactor engineering; summarizes experience on design and operation of laboratory-scale continuous equipment. Effects of optical density and reactor shape are considered. Difficulties in applying dimensional analysis to photoreactor scaleup are shown as a direct result of large number of interacting parameters needed. Photochemical Reaction Engineering.

Alberta E. Cassano, P. L. Szlveston, and J . M. Smith, Unzversiiy of California

ius.6 6 - 2 0 3

Subscribers 69.00

89 pages (7figures)

Nonsubsmthers 918.00

Disguised Kinetics. An informal review of work by the author and his colleagues in obtaining some very exact and quantitative information on kinetic systems, with sidelights on the various physical disguises of kinetics and their effects. An ACS Award Address Sponsored by Precision Scientific Company.

James Wei, Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. M s . 66-204 29 pages ( 1 4 j g u r e s )

Suhscri hers $3.00

Nonsubscribers $6.00

Reaction Kinetics of Cyclohexanol-Acetic Acid Esterification.

Esterification of equimolar cyclohexanol and acetic acid, catalyzed by sulfuric acid with dioxane as the diluent, was carried out in a stirred batch reactor. An empirical equation relating the rate constant to initial reactant concentration, catalyst concentration, and temperature was developed.

D . J . McCracken and P. F. Dickson, Coloiado School of Mines

Ms. 6 6 - 2 0 7

Subscribers $4.00

3 6 p a g e s ( 8 j g u r e s , 3 tables)

Nonsubscribers $8.00

Nonsubscribers $6.00

Mixing of Solids. Mechanisms for Elbow and Drum-Type Mixers. Design and construction of two mixers circumvent

Air Velocity Profiles in Presence of Cocurrently Transported Particles. Profiles are correlated through power and velocity

problems posed by differences in geometry and particularly the size, shape, and location of access ports. Results obtained with these mixers should be particularly suitable for direct comparisons of mixing mechanisms.

defect laws: distribution parameters presented as functions of the mass flow ration, particle to direct diameter ratio, Reynolds and Froude numbers. The power law indices and velocity defect law gradients obtained provide a n indication of resistance of dispersed phase to air flow a t walls and in core.

John B. Gayle, Bureau of Mines M ~6. ~ ~ m 8

Subscribers $7.00

Ian D . Doig and G e o f r y H. Roper, The University of N e w South Wales

5 pages ( 2 j g u r e s )

Ms. 6 6 - 2 0 0

Turbulent Heat Transfer to a Nonequilibrium Chemically Reacting Gas. Provides a theoretical model and solution

42 pages ( IOfigures, 3 tables)

Suhscrihers $5.00 lVonsubscribers $70.00

Oxidation of Coked Silica-Alumina Catalyst. Oxidation of a coked silica-alumina catalyst revealed three reaction regimes : a rapid adsorption with catalyst temperature rise, a n isothermal surface carbon oxidation, and a diffusion-limited hydrogen oxidation.

Nunsubscrz hers 92.00

for heat transfer in turbulent reacting gas with finite reaction rate, and permits proper analysis of recent data for decomposing NOg. Can also be used to interpret effect of Lewis number and to delineate more fully the utility of the film theory in modeling turbulent reacting systems.

P. L. T . Brian and S. W. Bodman, Massachusetfs Institute of Technology

F. E. Massoth, Gulf Research d Development Company

Ms. 6 6 - 2 1 1

Ms. 66-201

3 3 p a g c s (8figures, 2 tables)

3 9 pages ( I O j g u r e s , 3 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers 88.00

Subscribers $4.00 iVonsu bscri bers $8.00

(Continued on page 96) VOL. 5 8

NO. a A U G U S T 1 9 6 6 95

R E S E A R C H RESULTS An effort to define situations relating to reaction engineering problems where detailed and subtle analysis may or may not be necessary. Includes examples to show where quite crude methods were adequate and others where they came to grief.

I s Sophistication Really Necessary?

Rutherford Aris, Universig of .I.finnesota

Ms. 66-212

Subscribers $3.00

24 pages (5figures)

1Vonsubscribers 86.00

Sampled-Data, Proportional-Integral Control of a Class OF Stable Processes. T h e analysis of sampled-data, feedback,

proportional-integral control of processes adequately modeled as first order with delay is presented. Controller settings are recommended as functions of the model parameters and sampling period. Control of an experimental higher-order system is used to verify the suggested design.

Henry A . h1osler, Lowell B. Koppel, and Donald R. Coughanorrr, Purdue University Subscribers $3.00

M s . 66-242 Estimation of the Critical Properties OF C1 and CZ Alkyl Halides and Inorganic Volatile Hydrides. TJse of two equations for

2 6 p a g e s (4Jgures, I table)

.Yonsubscribers $6.00

predicting critical properties has advantage that under certain conditions critical temperature and pressure can be predicted from boiling point and normal heat of vaporization or from boiling point alone.

Dauid G. Eduards, U'entuorth Research €8 Development C o m p a n ~ ~

Ms. 6 6 - 2 7 4

Subscribers $2.00

7 3 p a g e s ( d j g u r e s , 3 tables)

>Vonsubscribeis $4.00

Halogenated Polyepoxide-Amine Compositions. Reports on some new amine-epoxy resin compositions containing a sufficient amount of halogen to render the cured compositions self-extinguishing. They are prepared from relatively low cost raw materials.

Reaction Rate Modeling in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Rcviews recently developed techniques, including methodology of constructing an adequate model by modifying a n existing inadequate model. Catalytic oxidation of methane is used to typify the procedure. Also discusses model discrimination methods, and a recently developed technique to estimate reaction order when other methods are uneconomical.

J . R. Kittrell, R. M e r a k i , and C. C. Watson, Un'nioersiiy of Wisconstri M s . 66-244

Subscribers $6.00

55pages (Sfigures, 3 tables)

2Yoni.u bscri bers $12.00

Bart J . Bremmer, The Dow Chemical Company MS. 66-220 2 0 p a g e s ( 5 /able$)

Subscribers 92.00 iVonsubscribers ,?j4.00 Scale-Down

A Study of the Venturi-Pneumatic Pyrometer with Particular Reference to Its Use with Gases Containing High Soot Concentrations. Method of ielating temperature adjacent to the

pyrometer and that of bulk gas is presented. Recommendations are given on how to minimize soot deposition and improve performance of pyrometers to permit use over wider range. iV. Dombrowski and W. R. Johns, Imperial College of Science




iMs. 66-246

iMs. 66-225

1 3 pages ( 3 tables, 3Jgures)

Subscribers 54.00

tificial experimental data generated by adding random error to a known function is differentiated using interpolation and least squares based formuli. For zero error, the interpolation based formuli are best, but as the scatter of the data increases, the least squares based formuli give superior derivative estimates.

D . M . Koenzg, Catholic L'nicersity 6 pages ( 7 j g u r e )

Subscribers 8 1 . 0 0 IVonsubscrzbers $2.00

Application of Simulation in Process Control of Ammonia Production. The autothermic, multiple catalyst bed ammonia reactor is shown to have two stable points where heat produced equals heat consumed. When equality points coincide, optimum performance is obtained. T h a t point is also close to reactor instability and makes the ammonia reactor a good candidate for computer control.

M . J . Shah, Internaiional Business .Machines Corporation Ms. 66-239 49 pages ( I 7 $ p r e s , 2 fables)

Subscribers $5.00 'Vonsu bscribei s 5 7 0.00

Stochastic Mixing Models For Chemical Reactors. Presents an engineering model for turbulcnt mixing systems which permits one to make working calculations both of average behavior of such systems and of their statistical fluctuations. Model allo\vs one to describe both steady and time dependent behavior of any turbulent flow phenomenon to any desired degree of approximation.

F. J . Krambeck, R. Shinnar, and S. K a / t , Tfie City College of the C i f y L'niwsity of A'ez. Yolk iMs. 66-240 38 pages ( 1 2 j g u r e s , 7 table)



Subscribers S2.00. hroonsubscribers 54.00

llTonsubscribers $8.00

Numerical Differentiation of Experimental Data: A Comparison of Interpolation and least Squares Based Formuli. Ar-

Ms. 66-234


Gary A . Armstrong and James L. Throne, Ohio Lhiversii))

techno log^, London, England 3 3 p a g e s ( 6 j g u r e s , 2 tables)



Scale-down of the Jones and Pyle column was achieved with quite consistent results to both 2- and 1-inch diameter columns. Among parameters considered unscalable were pitch-to-hole diameter ratio and tray spacing. A S/4-inch column failed to perform satisfactorily owning to hydraulic effects in downcomers and weirs.

Subscribers $4.00 aVonsubscribers 58.00


Pyrolysis of Oils Derived From Coal and Oil Shale in a Fluidized Bed of Catalysis. Oil from a subbituminous coal and shale oil were catalytically cracked over a range of 8G0° to

1000° F. in a 500-cc.-per-hour continuous regenerative fluidized bed reactor. Gasoline yields Lvere comparable with those from petroleum, but the gas and coke yields were higher.

J.F. Jones, P. L. Barrick, and J . H. Blake, Uniuersity of Coloiado Ms. 66-247 Subscribers 83.00 27 pages (7Jgures, 6 tables)

iVonsubscribers SB.00

Treatment of Isobaric Binary Vapor-liquid Equilibrium Data

T h e principles and a method of treating the data are presented with an illustration to show correlations consistent with a1 thermodynamic and other physical constraints-also feasibility of estimating heat of mixing from phase equilibrium data.

L u h C. T a o , University of Nebraska

iMr. 66-248 74Pages ( d j g u r e s , 3 fables)

Subscribei s $2.00 Sonsubscribers $4.00

Segregation Effects in Pseudo-laminar Flow Reactors. Lack of conversion of reactant in a laminar-type tubular flo\v reactor, relative to plug flow, is related to reaction order, radial mixing, and deviations of the velocity profile from Poiseuille flon.. Application to scaleup is indicated.

W . iM. Edwards and D . 1. Saletan: Shell Chemical Comfiany Ms. 66-257 23 pages (SJislures)

Subscribers S3.00 Nonsubscribers ,$6.0C