Digital Equipment Corporation - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 23, 2012 - Digital Equipment Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (13), pp 17A–17A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60295a719. Publication Date: November 1970...
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One man can analyze 50 chromatograms a day.

Simply inject your sample. The computer-based lets you sum several peaks together and treat GLC-8 will type out an accurate, reproducible them as a single component. Data can be stored chromatographic analysis as soon as the run is for re-analysis. finished. You can use the GLC-8 profitably with as few as 5 chromatographs. And you can expand to 64 chroThe GLC-8 is the lowest priced system of its type - easy to use, thoroughly tested, ready now. The matography on the same system. Send for our first GLC-8 system, installed 18 months ago, runs booklet, and we'll tell you all about it. 24 hours a day, 7 days a Write or call Bradley Dewey week - 3000 analyses per Please send me complete information on the GLC-8 III, Digital Equipment Corsystem for automatic analysis of gas-liquid chromamonth. poration, 146 Main Street, tographic data. Maynard, Massachusetts The GLC-8 permits the use Name 01754. Telephone: (617) of multiple reference peaks 897-5111. and internal standards. It Title Company







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