DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (11),. DOI: 10.1021/ac60255a700. Publication Date: September 1967. ACS Legacy Archive...
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A laboratory needs ways to get data into the computer, for example. Ways to look at the results. Ways to store masses of data. Ways to get at that data, easily. Ways to communicate with the machine easily, so that it could do things that need doing. If you add up the basic computer and all the needed attachments, you have exceeded the price of the LINC-8 — and you still haven't got what the LINC-8 uniquely offers. For LINC-8 is more than a general purpose digital computer. It is, in fact, two digital computers (the PDP-8 and the LINC) with built-in A to D converter, oscilloscope display, automatic tape loader, dual magnetic tape unit for mass storage, relay buffer, buffered input-output lines, teletype­ writer and two complete software packages, one with FORTRAN compiler. $38,500. And this is what you can't buy when you do it by separate attachments.

A laboratory that needs a computer always needs more than a computer... unless it's a LINC-8

To put a LINC-8 into full operation, you put your tape on the tape rolls, hit the " L o a d " switch, the " D o " switch, the " S t a r t " switch and you're on the air. 5 seconds. The display scope is reading "Which Program ?" You go to the typewriter and tell it. And this, too. LINC-8 is not only the easiest computer system to operate — it is also the easiest computer in the world to communicate with. Some scopes and some scientists have spoken to each other so often, you could almost call them friends. Write for a free copy of the "Small Computer Handbook". LINC-8 is described therein.


DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 Telephone: (617) 897-S821 · Cambridge, Mass, · New Haven . Washington, D. C. · Parsippany, N. J, - Rochester, Ν. Υ . Philadelphia . Hunisville . Pittsburgh · Chicago · Denver · Ann Arbor · Houston · Los Angeles · Palo Alto · Seattle - Carleton Place and Toronto, Ont. · Reading, England - Paris, France - Munich and Cologne, Germany · Sydney and West Perth, Australia · Modules distributed also through. Allied Radio Circle No. 61 on Readers' Service Card