Dilute-Solution Theory of Polymer Crystal Growth. Some

Nov 1, 1971 - Isaac C. Sanchez, Edmund A. DiMarzio. Macromolecules , 1971, 4 (6), ... Leo Mandelkern and Rufina G. Alamo. 1993,157-190. Abstract | PDF...
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Vol. 4, No. 6, November-December 1971 tion t o a difference in the crystallization rates of the two polymers. The different crystallization rates were, in turn, attributed to a difference in the molecular weights of their samples, However, the difference in melting points of PED and PEH is undoubtedly the major cause of the different crystallization rates of our polymers. This is demonstrated by the fact that the crystallization rates of PED and PEH were virtually identical when compared a t equal undercoolings. Moreover, molecular weight has a negligible effect on melting

DILUTE-SOLUTION THEORY OF POLYMER CRYSTAL GROWTH677 temperature a t high molecular weight levels. Consequently, the minor difference in molecular weights of our PEH and P E D samples cannot be the cause of the observed difference in melting temperatures. Acknowledgments. We wish to acknowledge helpful discussions with Dr. D. K. Carpenter, Dr. J. J. McAplin, and Dr. C. S. Speed. Experimental data were obtained by J. 0. Brewer, S . H. Killian, H. Kinsey, and Dr. S. H. Hastings.

Dilute-Solution Theory of Polymer Crystal Growth. Some Thermodynamic and Predictive Aspects for Polyethylene’” Isaac C. Sanchezlb and Edmund A. DiMarzio*

Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234. Receiued March 12, 1971

ABSTRACT: The kinetic theory of polymer crystallization from dilute solution is applied to the system polyethylene-xylene. Prerequisite free energy driving forces are derived for crystallization from solution. These naturally depend on bulk thermodynamic properties and three thermodynamic potentials are derived depending on what melt and crystalline properties are expression is shown to be an upper bound for all materials and a more accurate assumed. The icommonly used AHLIT/T,~O expression descriptive of polyethylene is used in the actual calculations. Growth rate and lamella thickness are computed as functions of undercooling, concentration, and molecular weight. It is found that the growth rate varies roughly as concentration raised to a power, the value of the power being a function of both molecular weight and temperature. The isothermal lamella thickness increases only slightly with decreasing molecular weight and is even less dependent on concentration. The isothermal growth rate as a function of molecular weight exhibits a broad maximum. An analysis of the temperature dependence of the groswth rate is made in terms of classical nucleation theory using calculations of the present theory as data points. This leads to the concept of an apparent mewhich is seen to vary as a function of molecular weight. The theory makes definitive, as yet unverified, predictions which can be tested experimentally.

I. Introduction In a preceding hereafter referred t o as I, a kinetic theory of polymer icrystallization from dilute solution was developed. An interesting hypothesis of this theory is the postulated “self-nucleating” mechanism. Cilia or dangling chain ends, which may be very long, are generated during the course of crystal growth; a very small fraction of these cilia participate in nucleating new growth strips (fold planes) on the crystal face and thus the crystal is quite capable of propagating itself without the benefit of external nucleating species (solution molecules). For a small-molecule nucleation theory, we would expect solution molecules t o be the only nucleating species. If the self-nucleating mechanism predominates in dilute-solution crystallization of chain molecules as we suspect, then a n anomalous dependence of crystal growth rates on polymer concentration can be anticipated. This topic is discussed in detail in section IIIC. Two models were considered in I which describe the crystallization of chain molecules of finite length by regular chain folding. Both models can be characterized as “fractional stem rejection” models, since it is assumed that a fractional stem at the end of a folding chain is rejected by the crystal. Fractional stem incorporation causes defects in the (1) (a) Contribution of the National Bureau of Standards, not subject to copyright; (b) NRC-NAS Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1969-1971. (2) I. C. Sanchez and E. A. DiMarzio, J . Chem. Phys., 55, 893 (1971). (3) I. C. Sanchez arid E. A. DiMarzio, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 15, 377 (1970).

crystal, and recent experimental evidence4 suggests that most chain ends are found outside of the crystal. This assumption can be tested experimentally, as will be shown in section IIID, since the predicted temperature variation of the crystal growth rate should depend on whether or not chain ends are incorporated into the crystal. In discussing the various predictive aspects of the kinetic theory obtained in I, we will specifically apply the theory t o polyethylene (PE) dissolved in xylene. 11. Thermodynamics of Polymer Crystallization

The theory of polymer crystallization from solution requires a knowledge of the free energy difference between the undercooled solution and the equilibrium crystal. The free energy difference in turn is a sensitive function of the melting temperature of the crystalline polymer. The equilibrium melting temperature Tmomay be defined as that temperature at which pure liquid polymer is in thermal equilibrium with a large crystal-a crystal large enough that surface effects are negligible and one having a n equilibrium number of defects. Presumably, the equilibrium crystal is an extended-chain crystal. Similarly, the equilibrium dissolution (melting) temperature Tdo may be defined as that temperature at which polymer solution is in equilibrium with the equilibrium crystal. Both Tmoand Tdodepend on the molecular weight of the polymer. Denoting the molar free energy (chemical potential) of the monomer unit in the crystalline phase and in the pure liquid (4) A. Keller and D. J. Priest, J . Macromol. Sci., Phys., 2,479 (1968).



polymer as p U c and puo, respectively, the condition of equilibrium at a given pressure is expressed as puo

- puc = AHu(Tmo)-

TmoAS,(TmO) = 0


where AHu(Tmo)is the heat of fusion and ASu(Tmo)is the entropy of fusion per mole of monomer at the melting temperature Tmo. The condition of equilibrium in solution is puC = pccu= puof

RTdo In U,(Tdo)


where p, is the chemical potential of the monomer unit in solution, &(Tdo) its activity, and R is the gas constant. In the next section various approximate forms of the free energy difference AGu0 puo - puc > 0 will be considered. (A) Free Energy Difference between Liquid Polymer and Crystal. If it is assumed that both AH,(T) and AS,(T) are independent of temperature, then the difference in free energy per mole of monomer AGUobetween the undercooled liquid and crystal at temperature T is given by the well-known relation AGuio = AHu(Tmo)- TAS(Tmo)=

AHu(Tmo)(Tmo- T) TmO


+ T/Tm0)/2


- puc

= pu



- pUc+ RT In a&") + RT In a,(T)

= puo


(2 * 6)

The activity a,(T) at temperature T is not known; however, au(Tdo)may be obtained, since the difference in free energy is zero at the equilibrium dissolution temperature, AGu(Tdo) = 0.

In U,(Td0) = - AGuo(Td0)/RTdo


If a,(T) is independent of temperature so that n,(T) = a,(Tdo), eq 2.7 can be used to obtain a useful approximation for AG". In general, the activity is temperature dependent; this temperature dependence can be examined by utilizing the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

and the relation AG

where the additional subscript 1 on AGu0 denotes that this is the first approximation for AGuo to be considered. By a general thermodynamic argument, it is shown in the Appendix that eq 2.3 is an upper bound of the actual free energy difference; the error inherent in eq 2.3 increases as the undercooling AT( = Tmo- T ) increases. If it is assumed that the entropy of the liquid S I and of the crystal S , are proportional to temperature (Sl = klT, S, = k J ) , then a second approximation for AGUocan be derived by utilizing the well-known thermodynamic equation (dAG/ bT), = -AS and the entropy of fusion relation at the melting temperature AS(Tmo) = AH(Tmo)/Tmo= (kl - kZ)Tmoto obtain


Crystal. The difference in free energy AGu per mole of monomer between polymer solution and crystal is given by


= n,(AG,

- AG,O)


- p l 0 ) (2.9)


where AH, is the heat of mixing solvent with liquid polymer, P i s pressure, and nl and nu are the numbers of moles of solvent and monomer, respectively. Differentiating eq 2.8 with respect to nu (at constant P,T, nl) and utilizing eq 2.6 yields (2.10)

where Ah, is the partial molar (per mole of monomer) heat of solution of liquid polymer and solvent. (2.11)

Equation 2.10 can be integrated to good approximation by replacing ah, by its average value in the temperature interval (T, TdO). The result is (2.4)

The assumption that Sl and S, are proportional to temperature obtains for polyethylene (PE) in the usual crystallization temperature range. From extrapolated paraffin data, Broadhunt5" has found that Sl and So are approximately proportional to temperature from 200 to 400°K. Other approximate expressions for AG,O have been obtained,6*7but we will only consider one other approximation due to Hoffman* which is based on the assumption that the enthalpy of the liquid Hz and the enthalpy of the crystal H, are linear functions of temperature (or, equivalently, the heat capacity difference ACp between liquid and crystal is independent of temperature6). Omitting the details of the derivation, the result obtained when Hl = H, near the glasstransition temperature is

If H I = H, near T = 0, an equation very similar to eq 2.4 obtains. 7 (B) Free Energy Difference between Polymer Solution and ( 5 ) M. Broadhurst, J . Res. N u t . Bur. Stand., Sect. A , 67, 233 (1963). m . 1, 82 (1970). (6) T.Suzuki and J. Kovacs, P o l ~ ~ J., (7) J. D. Hoffman and J. J. Weeks, J . Chem. Phys., 37,1723 (1962). (8) J. D. Hoffman,J. Chem. Phj's., 28, 1192 (1958).

In a,(T)


In a,(Tdo)

+ (ahuAT/RTTdo)


where AT = Tdo- Tis the degree of undercooling. Hence, from eq 2.6,2.7, and 2.12 we obtain the fundamental relation for the partial molar free energy difference AG,(T) at a given temperature T. AG,(T)



(2.13) + AXAT Td

T AGuo(Tdo) Td

p 0


Utilizing the three previously derived approximations for AGuo,we obtain three approximate relations for AG".

If the partial molar heat of solution Ah, is zero [athermal solution, which implies a,(T) = n,(Tdo)] or if Ilh, is small compared t o the heat of fusion AHu(Tmo), then these equations reduce to simpler forms. The simplified version (ah = 0) of eq 2.14 is the approximation usually seen in the literature. (C) Dissolution Temperature for Lamellar Crystals. We


Vol. 4, No. 6 , November-December 1971



TABLE Ia Eq 2.18 be,ergs/cm2


Tdo, "c



%=SI ergs/cm' I










I /kTd X

Figure 1. Linear least-squares analysis of dissolution temperature data for PE in xylene according to eq 2.19. The equilibrium melting temperature T,o was taken to be 145"; however, the values of ue and Tdo obtained from the slope and intercept are not particularly sensitive to the value of TmOemployed (see text). wish to derive expressions for the dissolution temperature Td for thin, lamellar polymer crystals whose thickness I is much less than the lateral dimensions of the crystal. A lamellar crystal is in equilibrium with the solution when AG - 2 ~ J l= 0


If the partial molar beat of solution can be ignored, then the following simplified dissolution temperature equation is obtained from eq 2.14 and 2.17 1/Td


(l/Tdo) f (2ue/AH)(l/lTd

Eq 2.20

80.8 112.1

71.2 111.9

a A linear least-squares analysis of dissolution temperature data (literature data) for dilute PE-xylene solutions yields the above values for the basal surface free energy ue and the equilibrium dissolution temperature Tdo. In SI units, 1 erg/cm2 = 0.001 Jim2.


8 0


Eq 2.19

may not be sensitive enough t o evaluate Tdo as a function of molecular weight. The extrapolated value of 112" found for Tdo represents some kind of average value for the molecular weight range studied. Moreover, if ueis temperature dependent, a straight-line extrapolation cannot be used t o obtain Tdo. An alternative approach for estimating Tdo will be discussed in the next section. (D) The Equilibrium Dissolution Temperature. The equilibrium dissolution temperature Tdo for a given polymersolvent system is a function of both concentration and molecular weight. However, it has been found that in dilute solutions, dissolution temperatures are only weakly dependent on on cent ration.^^^^' l 3 For a fixed concentration, the variation of Tdo with molecular weight is caused by two factors. The influence of both factors on Tdo can be seen from eq 2.7 and any one of the three approximations for AGUo. The following equations are obtained (2.21) (2.22)

(2.18) Tdo = TmO(l

while eq 2.15 and 2.17 yield

+ r)


for AGUl0,AGU2O,and AGu3O, respectively, where r = RTmo 0. A knowledge of how Tdo varies In u,(TdO)/AH,(Tmo) with molecular weight is critically important t o the understanding of fractionation effects that occur during crystallization from solution12-14 and the variation of crystal growth rates with molecular weight. The above equations display that the variation of Tdo with molecular weight is caused by the molecular weight dependence of Tmo(which has been estimated for PE4115s16)and the molecular weight dependence of uU.l7 The activity a, is a measure of the interaction (energetic and entropic) of polymer with solvent; in general, this interaction will be molecular weight dependent even at fixed concentration. In classical polymer solution theory, this is equivalent t o saying that the x interaction parameter is molecular weight dependent. A method for determining the activity has been given by Pennings. l 3 For dilute solutions his equation is