Dionex Corpoiation

Fassett, the continued dialogue on. “collective processes” in laser desorp- tion with Franz Hillenkamp, and the contributions in the laboratory by...
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large molecules. T h e promise of selectivity in MPI techniques, when extended to larger, more complex molecules, is hampered by their lack of volatility, interferences from nonresonant ionization of other species in the mixture, and the fact that molecules with many functional groups will have many broad, overlapping absorption bands. On the other hand, analytical methods that have traditionally relied on thermal ionization reap some immediate benefits from the R I M S techniques. As an analytical technique, laser desorption finds itself in competition with the particle beam techniques, particularly with fast atom bombardment (75), which is compatible with high-resolution, high-mass magnetic scanning instruments. However, it is well-known that desorption methods are also somewhat complementary (76), and the pulsed laserT O F configurations, which collect all of the ions transmitted to the analyzer, may provide better sensitivity (77). Finally, two-laser systems, which combine desorption with multiphoton ionization, may be anticipated. T h e desorption laser will provide species in the gas phase that have not as yet been subjected to resonance techniques, while the multiphoton beam can be used to ionize the large quanti-

ty of desorbed neutrals or to induce fragmentation for structural analysis.

Acknowledgment T h e author acknowledges the helpful discussions on R I M S with Jack Fassett, the continued dialogue on "collective processes" in laser desorption with Franz Hillenkamp, and the contributions in the laboratory by Jean-Claude Tabet. This work was supported by a grant, CHE-80-16440, from the National Science Foundation.

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