Dionex Corporation

your chromatography workstation do today? If you have a Dionex AI-450, your chromatographs worked all night. Results are oil your desk. And automatica...
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What did your chromatography workstation do today? 8:30 a.m. If you have a Dionex AI-450, your chromatographs worked all night.

10:07 a.m.

Results are on your desk. And automatically


entered into the LIMS.

continues to process samples while you take advantage of its Windows 3.0™ environment to jg>rk on a report, spreadsheet base.

4:38 p.m. A few minutes of set-up, and your automated chromatographs an ready to tackle the night shift again. The Dionex AI-450 will orchestrate in­ struments, methods,

A few simple key strokes,

and analysis schedules

and the AI-450 combines the

while you enjoy your evening

mormws results with charts, 2:16 p.m.

texrand graphics. In no time

Training the new ' ..φ?

you have an impressive

chromatographer is fast and easy because the AI-450 Release 3.0


presentation for the staff meeting.

software is clear, consistent and offers on-line help.

This is what your chromatography workstation could be doing tomorrow if you owned a Dionex AI-450. Call 1-800-227-1817, ext. 430 today.

DIONEX Dionex Corporation, PO. Box 3603, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3603 Canada Dionex Canada, Ltd. (416) 855-2551 England Dionex (UK) Ltd. (0276) 691722 France Dionex S.A. (1) 46216666 Germany Dionex GmbH (06126) 6036 Italy Dionex S.r.L. (06) 3792979, Japan Nippon Dionex K.K. (06) 8851213 Netherlands Dionex B.V. (076) 714800 © 1990 Dionex Corporation Windows 3.0 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

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