Dionex Corporation

for effortlessoperation. 6. Forced-aircooling assures ideal condi- tions for your analyses. 7. Committed support by the leader in polar and ionic sepa...
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Seven precise reasons why your first capillary electrophoresis system snould be a Dionex.

Get it right the first time.

parameters from a

Not all capillary

effortless operation.


6. Forced-air cooling

systems are created

assures ideal condi-

equal. Which one

tions for your analyses.

should you get? The

7. Committed support

one that gives you

by the leader in

the greatest flexibil-

polar and ionic

ity and value.


single keyboard for

That's precisely


what the Dionex

expertise and respon-

CES I does:

sive service to

1. Fully program-

complete automation

mable, dual polarity


power supply with

Find out why

3 control modes and gradients

let you match the sampling

each run for reproducible

your first capillary electro-

allows you to wield total

technique to the sample—

results. It also changes buf-

phoresis system should be a

control over each run.

any sample.

fers —even during a run—

Dionex. Contact your local

2. Three automatic sample

3. Our smart, 40-position

and automates methods

Dionex representative or

injection methods

autosampler runs your


(in US. A.) call

samples in any order. The

4 . Two detection modes are

1-800- 227-1817, ext. 42 today.

system automatically rinses and L·^

standard—UV/Vis with fiber optic-based remote cell for

JÊ refills vials and

low noise and fluorescence

capillaries at

with photo multiplier tube forfemtomole sensitivity. 5. Easy, menu-driven programming of all instrument

Capillary Electrophoresis System I


Dionex Corporation, P.O. Box 3603, Sunnyvale, CA 94088· 3603, Canada Dionex Canada, Ltd, (416) 620-0077, England Dlonex(L'K) Ltd., (276)691722,West Germany Dionex GmbH,(6l2) 66036, Prance Dionex S.A.,(l)4621-6666, Italy DlonexS.r.l, (06) 3792984, Netherlands Dionex B.V, (76) 714800,01989 Dionex Corporation