(!.6 g., 0.5% yield). There was also isolated by distilla- tion 228.4 g. of the disulfide, b.p. 175-180' (3 nun.) (79.470 yield), and 110 g. of benzyl...
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Oct. 5, 1957


propenal prepared from acetylene, 1-butanethiol and carbon monoxide. 3-(Benzylthio)-2-propenal.-Using the procedure described above, there was charged into the bomb 124 g. of benzylthiol, 2.5 g. of 1,l'-azodicyclohexanecarbonitrile and 26 g. of acetylene. The reaction was carried out a t 98-100" for a period of 16.7 hours while maintaining a pressure of 960-1000 atm. by carbon monoxide injection. From a composite of three such runs, there was obtained the desired propenal distilling a t 107-112" (1.3 rnm.), n 2 51.6167 ~ (!.6 g., 0.5% yield). There was also isolated by distillation 228.4 g. of the disulfide, b.p. 175-180' (3 nun.) (79.470 yield), and 110 g. of benzylthiol was recovered. The infrared spectrum of the propenal fraction was similar to that of 3-(n-butylthio)-2-propenal and in addition showed aromatic vibrations. Anal. Calcd. for CloHloOS: C, 67.4; H , 5.6; S, 18.0. Found: C, 69.3; H , 6.6; S, 19.6. A brown dinitrophenylhydrazone melted a t 158-160' after recrystallization from acetone. Anal. Calcd. for C1~Hl4X1O4S: C, 53.6; H , 3.9; iY,15.6; S,8.9. Found: C, 52.8; H, 3.9; N, 15.2; S, 9.0. Synthesis of 3-(Phenylthio)-2-propenal.--Using the procedure described above, 55 g. of benzenethiol, 1 g. of 1,l'azodicyclohexanecarbonitrile and 26 g. of acetylene were heated a t 100' for 16 hours under a pressure of 920-960 atmospheres maintained by carbon monoxide injection. From a composite of three such runs, there was obtained 7 g. of crude 3-(phenylthio)-2-propenal distilling a t 65-144' (18-18.5 mm.) with a small flat a t 15i-l5S0 (18 mm.) (1.5 g.) and 46 g. of the disulfide distilling at 155" (2 mm.) (637, yield). The recovered benzenethiol amounted to 80.1 g. The elemental analysis of the propenal cut indicated disulfide impurity. Anal. Calcd. for C9H80S: C, 66.0; H, 4.9; S, 19.6. Found: C, 66.7; H, 5.5; S, 22.4. A chocolate-brown 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone melted a t 193194' after recrystallization from toluene. Anal. Calcd. for C16Hl2O4K4S:C, 52.4; H , 3.5; K, 16.2. Found: C, 52.3; H , 3.9; N, 15.9. Synthesis of 1,Z-Bis-(n-butylthio)-ethane.-Using the procedure described above, acetylene was injected a t 11-16 atm. into 1-butanethiol (100 g.) containing 3 ml. of di-tbutyl peroxide during 6.5 hours a t 125-135'. After stripping 47.5 g. of unreacted 1-butanethiol from the reaction mixture, the residual liquid was distilled a t 68-114" (1 mm.), largely a t 111-114' (1 mm.) (42 g.). Redistillation of this fraction gave 38 g. (6370 yield) of the disulfide dis-


tilling a t 121-124" ( 5 nun.), nZ5D1.4947. The disulfide (2.0 g.) was refluxed with 20 ml. of 30% hydrogen peroxide for one hour. The resulting disulfone was recrystallized from methanol and melted a t 177-178°.6 In a "control" run (no catalyst), 1-butanethiol (68 g.) was treated with acetylene as described above a t 130" for 4.5 hours a t a gage pressure of 18 atm. There was recovered 58.5 g. of 1-butanethiol, and there was no evidence for the formation of disulfide. Synthesis of 1,2-Bis-(benzylthio)-ethane.-A mixture of 100 g. of benzylthiol and 1.5 g. of 1,l'-azodicyclohexanecarbonitrile was treated with acetylene as described above for 5.2 hours a t 100-112" at a gage pressure of 13-15 atm. From the reaction mixture there was recovered by distillation 53 g. of benzylthiol. The disulfide distilled at 175183" (2 mm.) and melted a t 3807 (48.8 g., yield). The disulfone, prepared by oxidation with 3oyo hydrogen peroxide and purified by recrystallization from acetic acid, appeared to darken and sublime a t temperatures slightly higher than 300". Synthesis of 1,2-Bis-(ethyIthio)-ethane.--A'hen a mixture of ethanethiol (42 g.), acetylene (26 g.) and di-t-butyl peroxide (2.5 ml.) was heated in the presence of carbon monoxide a t a bomb gage pressure of 80-90 atm. and 100130°, only the disulfide distilling a t 112-114' (36 mm.), n% 1.5094 (32.0 g., 50% yield), was isolated. Anal. Calcd. for C6H&: C, 48.0; H , 9.3; S, 42.6. Found: C, 48.43; H , 9.4; S,41.3. The disulfone, made by adding the disulfide to 307, hydrogen peroxide, melted a t 131-132'.* Anal. Calcd. for C8Hl4O4S2: S, 29.9. Found: S, 29.9. Thus carbon monoxide a t comparatively low pressure does not participate in the acetylene-thiol reaction.

Acknowledgment.-The author is pleased to express his gratitude for the valuable suggestions of Dr. T. L. Cairns. (6) T. C. Whitner, Jr., a n d E. E. Reid, THIS J O U R N A L , 43, 638 (1921), gave t h e boiling point of t h e disulfide a s 129-130' (5 mm.), ? Z ~ 1.4962, D and t h e melting point of t h e disulfone as 182O. (7) E. Fromm, H. Benzinger a n d F. Schafer, Ann., 394, 327 (1912), report t h e melting point of t h e disulfide a s 3 8 O ; these authors report t h a t t h e disulfone begins t o sublime a t 304O. (8) R. Otto, J. p r a k t . Chem., 121 36, 437 (1887), gives t h e melting as 136.5O. point of 1,2-bis-(ethylthio)-ethane



Sir: I t has been t h a t direct alkylation is unsuitable as a means of preparing 4-alkyl-3-ketoA4-steroids; however, conditions used in this laboratory have given good yields of monoalkylated products. Testosterone (1.77 g.) in boiling t-butyl alcohol (35 ml.) was added to a boiling solution of potassium (0.36 g.) in the same solvent (20 ml.). A solution of methyl iodide (0.87 g.) in t-butyl alcohol (100 ml.) was added dropwise over a 2.5-hour period to the stirring and refluxing basic solution. After a further 0.5 hour a t reflux the product was isolated. Chromatography on silica gave 3 well separated crystalline peaks. The first eluted with ethyl (1) G. D. Meakins and 0. R . Rodig, J . Chein. Soc., 4679 (1956). (2) F. Sondheimer and Y.N a z u r , THISJOURNAL,79, 2906 (1057).

acetate-benzene (1:19) was identified as 17P-hydroxy-4,4-dimethylandrost-5-en-3-one (Ia) (conver~ (c 1.04)4; sion 9Yo3; m.p. 184-185.5'; [ a ] -5' infrared 3 . 0 3 ~5.82p, ~ 6 . 0 3 ~ ; calcd. for CIIHSZOP: C, 79.69; H , 10.19. Found: C, 79.30, 79.41; H, 10.21, 10.21). The second, 4-methyltestosterone2 (Ha, conversion 447,) was eluted with ethyl acetate-benzene (1:9) (m.p. 168.5170.5'; [a]D+137' (C1.02); A,,. 230mp (e14,200), infrared 2.88p, 6 . 0 4 ~6~. 2 2 ~ ) . This material was identical, as shown by a mixture m.p. and comparison of the infrared spectra, with a sample of I I a ( 3 ) Conversions, yields a n d recoveries are based on weights of crystalline chromatography fractions which contained no more t h a n 1070 impurity a s shown by physical constants or further purification. (1) Optical rotations. spectra and analytical d a t a determined by t h e Analytical Department in charge of D r R. T. Dillon. Optical rotations are in chloroform, ultraviolet spectra in methanol and infrared spectra in potassium bromide.



prepared through the enol lactone by the general method of Fujimoto6 (m.p. 167-168.5"; calcd. for H3002: C, 79.42; H, 10.00. Found: C, 79.21; H, 10.29). The third peak comprised recovered testosterone (recovery 33%) and was eluted with ethyl acetate-benzene (1:9 and 1:4). Yields of I a and IIa were thus 14% and 66%, respectively. No evidence of 0-alkylation a t the 17-hydroxyl was obtained. R"



I l l o/U'd /%,\

R R I a, R = CH3; R ' = CH3; R" = OH b, R = allyl; R ' = CH3; R " = 013 c, R = CH3; R' = H;R" = OH R ''

Vol. 79

(IId) (50%; m.p. 15s-159'; [ a ]+62" ~ (c 0.74); 250 mp ( E 15,400); infrared 2.8211, 6.0411, 6 . 2 2 ~ ) . This material was shown t o be identical on the basis of its infrared spectrum and a mixture m.p. with a sample of the compound prepared through the enol lactone (m.p. 154-158.5"; calcd. for C19HZ8O2:C, 79.12; H , 9.78. Found: C, 78.99; H, 9.63); acetate6 (He; m.p. 128-129"; [@ID +42" (C 0.85); Amax. 249.5 nip ( E 17,100); calcd. for C21H3003: C, 76.32; H , 9.15. Found: C, 76.03; H , 9.06). Xmax.

(6) J. A. Hartman, A. J. Tomasewski and A. S. Ureiding, i b t d . , 78, 5662 (1956).


Sir: Possible syntlietic routes t o the still uiiknown genuine cyclobutadienes, which riiight be effected under mild conditions, arc Diels--Uder additions \\-it11 dimethylcnecyclobutenes. The principal objcctivc oi the reported synthesis of diphenyldil niethylenecyclobutene ( \vas, in fact, t o invesj1.e now wish to report the tigate this approach. R I1 first results oi this study. a, R = CHI; R ' = CH3; R" = OH I t was found that the triene I was unrcactivc b, R = allyl; R ' = CHI; R " = OH toward maleic anhydride, S-pheii!-liiialeiniide and C, R = %-butyl; R ' = CHI; R" = OH d , R = CH3; R' H ; R" OH acrtylenc dicarboxylic ester at moderate teiiipcrae, R = CH3; R ' = H ; R" = OCOCHa tures (2>-7.5'), in sharp contrast to the high D i c k Testosterone on similar alkylation with allyl .Uder activity oi thc closely relatccl niodel ccm.~ bromide followed b y chromatography of the crude p(Jund I , ~ - d i r n t . t l i y l e i i c c ~ ~ c l o b u t-~iiti ~elcv:itcd product on silica gave 17P-hydroxy-4,4-diallyl- ttmperaturcs p,lyinerizatiuri occurred i n ~ 1 1inandrost-5-en-3-one (Ib) (conversion 11% ; yield stancvs \vith iiv isolable cr\.stnlliiie products beiiig 14%; m.p. 108-109.5°; [a]D- 12" ( c O . G G ) ; infrared rtdizc-d. Thus, from the reaction o i I with act-t\'2.92p, 5.84p, 5 . 9 3 ~6.04p, ~ 6 . 1 1 ~ ; Calcd. for ;it 1 X 3 , there WIS obt:iinc-d, C26H3602:C, 81.47; H , 9.85. Found: C, 81.13; aittr cnrciul cliroinatography, a11 ainorphous prodH, 8.84.) on elution with ethyl acetate-benzene uct in lo\\. !kkl ~ I i i c hckcuriiposcd at 1[KJ. -1TU', (1:lo) and 4-allyltestosterone (IIb) (conversion dcpendirig upon the rate of licutiiig. . I MI!. . CC:;H.;O; ,:: C, 7i:kO; H , 1>.41. Fouiicl: 46%; yield 55%; m.p. 124.5-125' with presoften- C ~ l c t lfor ing; [a]D (C 1.11); Xmax 250mp ( E 15,000); C , 77.tj0; H , 15.53. The infrared spcctruiii ( ~ i t l l i ? 6.2511; calcd. for I)oI!-nieric product iiirlicated that it c.c,iiil)risc(l infrared 2.S7p, 2 . 9 4 , ~6.0411, ~ C22H3201: C, 80.44; H, 9.82. Found: C , 50.64; cwiiil)ined I and dienophilc. 'I'hc ioregoing suggested tliLrt ;1 diciicq)liilc oi H, 9.99) with ethyl acetate-benzene (1.9)~Testosterone (recovery 16%) was eluted with ethyl unusual activity would be required to ci):is the acetate-benzene (14). When n-butyl iodide was triuie I into uiidcrgoing ;i Diels-;\ldcr adrlitioii. used in the alkylation 4-n-butyltestosterone (IIc) T h e recently dcscribed tc.trac!.~uioetli!.lei~c,' ai)(62%; m.p. 127.5-128.5"; [ a ] D +113" (C 1.02); p a r e d uniquely nttractii-e ior this purpose. From this a n d I , iri benzciie at rooni tc.iiiperaturc., Xmax 251mp ( E 15,000); infrared 3 . 1 1 ~6.0011, ~ 6 . 2 3 ~ ;calcd. for C23H3602:C, 80.18; H, 10.53. there was obtained a colorless crystalline stable yield,,,1n.p. 175-176' :dc-c., aitcr Found: C, 80.24; HI 10.73) was obtained. A adduct ~cil..IO';. material (10%) was eluted from the column before recrystallization from ether. C n l c d . ior C 2 4 H ~ & $ : I I c which showed no ultraviolet absorption in the C , 5'0.43; H, 3.94; S , 15.63. Foulid: C, h0.73; region of 250 mp and was assumed, without further H . 4.0s;S , 13.39. T h e mild cmditioris eiiiplo).cd for the addition suggested that the adduct had characterization, t o be the dialkylated product. 19-Nortestosterone (with 1.25 moles methyl c-itlicr thc- cJ-clobutadienc structure I1 or tlir s1)iraii striictiirc 111, resulting ironi I .-I- or 1,2-:idditic-m iodide) gave 17/3-hydroxy-4,4-dimethyl-19-noiandrost-5-en-3-one (IC)(ley,; m.p. 149.5-150"; [ a ] ~ ;\ T ( l < o n i Liii-t a n d \- C l l c i n w % l * l T , ~ i i il o t K': 79, :#.!I7 +33" (c 0.36); infrared 3.01p,, A.OCip.; I.