Direct Optical Observation of Band-Edge Excitons, Band Gap, and

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Direct Optical Observation of Band-Edge Excitons, Band Gap, and Fermi Level in Degenerate Semiconducting Oxide Nanowires In2O3 Ching-Hwa Ho,*,†,‡ Ching-Hsiang Chan,‡ Li-Chia Tien,§ and Ying-Sheng Huang‡ †

Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology and ‡Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan § Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Shoufeng, Hualien 974, Taiwan ABSTRACT:

Direct optical evidence of BursteinMoss shift (BMS) in conduction band of cubic c-In2O3 nanowires is reported herein. The optical property of degenerate semiconducting oxide c-In2O3 has been investigated by thermoreflectance (TR) spectroscopy. Lowtemperature TR spectra clearly show a series of band-edge excitons for c-In2O3. The threshold energy for the exciton series was determined. One transition feature of direct gap caused by BMS was detected in all TR spectra from 20 to 300 K. The Femi-level (EF) energy above conduction-band edge (EC) is determined to be EF  EC ≈ 92 meV. The energy value causes a calculated electron density of ∼2.1  1019 cm3. The direct gap of c-In2O3 with BMS is 3.43 eV at 300 K. Free exciton, bound exciton complexes, donoracceptor pair transition, and defect emissions have been evaluated by photoluminescence (PL) measurements from 10 to 300 K. Photoresistivity change (i.e., 5.71  102 f 4.85  102 Ω-cm) under the illumination of halogen lamp (5 mW 3 cm2) for c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods was detected. The experimental results show In2O3 nanocrystals an appropriate candidate applied not only for light-emitting devices but also for photoelectric-conversion cells.


ecently, transparent conducting oxide (TCO) represents itself as a crucial canditate for application in short-wavelength optoelectronics including transparent electric contacts and light emitting devices. Among the TCOs, In2O3 nanomaterials receive considerable attentions in a variety of technological applications such as transparent thin-film transistors,1 field-emission devices,2 nanowire-based field-effect transistors,35 transparent conductors,6 ultraviolet (UV) sensors,7 light-emitting devices,8 photoelectrochemical devices,9 and antireflection layer for Si solar cells.10 To reach these goals, electronic structure and band-edge excitons are the key factors for determination of optoelectronic properties of In2O3 nanocrystals. In2O3 is a wide band gap semiconductor (>3 eV) that can form different crystal structures of cubic In2O3 (c-In2O3),3,1113 hexagonal In2O3 (h-In2O3),14,15 and rhombohedral In2O3 (rhIn2O3).16,17 The c-In2O3 is generally the main stable phase crystallized in body-centered cubic (bcc) structure with lattice constant a = 10.11 Å (space group Ia3).14 The h-In2O3 belongs to a high-pressure modification, which is Corundum type with a = 5.49 Å and c = 14.52 Å, respectively. The crystalline phase of r 2011 American Chemical Society

rh-In2O3 may be obtained by annealing InOOH precursor at 490 C under atmosphere.16 Its optical property showed slightly lower band gap than that of c-In2O3.18 To evaluate band character of indium oxide, various experimental studies on electronic structure of c-In2O3 using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) have been reported.19,20 The experimental results showed that c-In2O3 nanomaterial is a degenerate semiconductor with its Femi level (EF) higher above conduction-band edge (EC) to form BursteinMoss shift (BMS).21 The occurrence of BMS is owing to surface-electron accumulation layer and high-density oxygen vacancies (VO) that existed in the In2O3.18,22 Because of the BMS effect, variety of characterization methods and different crystalline states in In2O3 (thin films,23 single crystal,24 and nanostructures) discrepancies on reporting the values of band gap ranging from 2.9 to 3.75 eV were found.18,2224 For In2O3, most of the band gap values were obtained by transmittance or optical-absorption Received: September 12, 2011 Revised: November 9, 2011 Published: November 10, 2011 25088 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C measurements to date. Considerable error in estimating band gap via analyzing a long-section wavelength of absorption edge might occur. The BMS effect on the surface of In2O3 nanorod should be considered, but the value of BMS (i.e., EF  EC) is difficult to measure directly by only transmittance or absorption measurements. Experimental studies on excitons and electronic structure of nanocrystals are crucial and essential in chemical-physics field for semiconductor nanostructures.2527 Comprehensible evaluation of the origin for band-edge excitons and BMS in In2O3 nanocrystals is very important. In this Article, we demonstrate thermoreflectance (TR) as an important tool to probe band-edge excitons and electronic structure of In2O3 nanocrystals. TR is a powerful technique for probing direct transition in semiconductors and oxide nanostructures.2830 The derivative-like TR spectra suppress uninteresting background effects and emphasize the transition features localized in the energy region near direct criticalpoints transitions.31 The transition energy can be determined accurately via spectral analysis of the derivative line shape of the TR feature. The c-In2O3 nanowires were grown on Si (100) substrate using vapor transport driven by vaporliquidsolid (VLS) mechanism. Low-temperature TR spectrum revealed an excitonic series containing E1 = 3.398 eV (n = 1) and E2 = 3.428 eV (n = 2) at 20 K. The direct gap (threshold energy) for the exciton series was hence determined to be 3.438 eV at 20 K. One additional transition feature EV‑CF = 3.53 eV, which originates from the direct gap caused by BMS, has also been detected in the TR spectrum at 20 K. The energy of BMS is evaluated to be EF  EC ≈ 92 meV. The BMS results in an electron density (calculated) close to 2.1  1019 cm3. Free exciton, bound exciton complexes (BECs), donoracceptor pair (DAP) transition, and defect emissions have also been evaluated by temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements for the c-In2O3 nanorods. PL measurements of different laser powers were carried out to probe and identify the origins of below-band-edge transitions in the In2O3 nanowires. On the basis of the experimental analysis, the below- and above-band-edge structures of cIn2O3 thin-film nanowires are realized. Figure 1a shows the top view of field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) image of the as-grown In2O3 thin-film nanowires. Figure 1b reveals cross-section view of the thin-film nanowires. From Figure 1a,b, high density and highly compact In2O3 nanorods have been successfully grown on Si substrate. Figure 1b also shows that the In2O3 thin-film nanorods consisted of a compact continuous film (∼200 nm) initially deposited on Si (100) substrate; then, most of the individual nanowires were grown on the continuous film approximately vertical to the substrate plane. As shown in Figure 1a, many of the nanowires demonstrate a tapered tip for each individual nanorod in which four apparent {111} faces are usually consisted in the wire tip due to different surface energies affect the growth rate of different crystalline planes.32 The tapered wire tip with four equivalent {111} faces of In2O3 also confirms cubic crystalline phase of the In2O3 nanowires (i.e., c-In2O3). Because of different nucleation mechanisms, surface energies, and growth rates in cubic indium oxide, the c-In2O3 nanostructures can form different possible shapes of arrow-like nanorods,33,34 nanotowers,32,35 and octahedrons.36 The outline shapes for these nanostructures are also demonstrated in Figure 1c for comparison. In general, for c-In2O3 with a bcc structure, the relationship between the surface formation energies should be corresponding to γ{111} < γ{100} < γ{110}. Therefore, the highest growth rate must occur in the crystal direction of Æ110æ, the second is Æ100æ, and finally the


slowest is Æ111æ. This result is why each nanowire tip usually presents four apparent {111} faces, and the c-In2O3 easily forms a stacking formula of nanotower with each tower edge along the highest growth rate of {110} plane. Figure 1d,e displays the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of a single c-In2O3 nanowire with a tapered tip on the wire end. The growth direction of the 1D c-In2O3 nanowire was along Æ100æ. The length and diameter for the nanowires in Figures 1d,e are around 0.9 to 1 μm and 80120 nm, respectively. As shown in Figure 1a, d,e, the tapered tips and tower edges are usually the easily forming structures for the c-In2O3 nanorods. The drawing in Figure 1d shows that the tip angle for the tapered nanorod is 70 and that of the tower edge is ∼110. Because the VLS catalytic growth of the individual c-In2O3 nanowire using Au, the gold nanoparticle catalysis was usually encapsulated inside the wire end.37 It was evident in Figure 1d. This situation can be seen more clearly in the TEM image of Figure 1f that is enlarged from the (f) region in Figure 1e. The ascending of gold nanoparticle droplet to the wire end verifies the VLS growth of the individual c-In2O3 nanowire. Figure 1f also indicates that a series of stacking (011) planes construct the nanowire along the Æ100æ direction. It can be seen more clearly from the high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images in Figure 1g,h. Figure 1gi are magnified from a center box in Figure 1e. The interplanar spacings of d(011) and d(200) were determined to be 0.715 and 0.505 nm, which matched well with the cubic structure of In2O3. The selectedarea electron diffraction (SAED) pattern in Figure 1I also confirms the cubic crystalline phase of the c-In2O3 tapered nanorods. To probe clearly the near-band-edge electronic structure of cIn2O3 nanorods, we implemented low-temperature TR measurement at 20 K. The TR measurement can keep uniformity of periodically thermal modulation of each nanowire to result in easily resolved derivative line-shape spectrum for c-In2O3.38 Displayed in Figure 2 by the dashed line is the TR spectrum of c-In2O3 at 20 K together with three PL spectra excited with different excitation powers. The derivative line shape of TR spectrum in Figure 2 clearly shows five interband transition features denoted as BX, E1, E2, EA‑CF, and EV‑CF. The solid line for the TR spectrum is the least-squares fit by using a first derivative Lorentzian line-shape function appropriate for excitonic transition expressed as30,39 n ΔR ¼ Re½ Ai ejϕi ðE  Ei þ jΓi Þ2  R i¼1


where i is the respective transition, Ai and ϕi are amplitude and phase of the line shape, and Ei and Γi are the energy and broadening parameter for each interband transition in c-In2O3. The fit yields transition energies that are respectively indicated by arrows in Figure 2. The obtained transition energies are BX = 3.362 eV, E1 = 3.398 eV, E2 = 3.428 eV, EA‑CF = 3.468 eV, and EV‑CF = 3.53 eV at 20 K, respectively. The BX is closely related to a transition caused by BECs in c-In2O3 nanorods and which will be discussed later together with PL measurements. The E1 and E2 features belong to the band-edge excitonic series in c-In2O3 nanostructures. Previous density-of-states calculations of c-In2O3 showed that the valence-band edge (EV) is dominated by O 2p states, whereas the EC edge originates from In 5s orbitals.40 The transition energies of the exciton sequence (E1 and E2) can be further analyzed by using Rydberg series En ¼ En ¼ ∞  25089

R yd , n ¼ 1, 2, 3, ::: n2

ð2Þ |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

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Figure 1. FESEM images of (a) top view and (b) cross-section view for as-grown In2O3 nanorods. (c) Four equivalent {111} faces presented on the top of tapered nanorods. The possible shapes for the c-In2O3 nanostructures are also displayed. (df) TEM images for a single c-In2O3 nanorod along the [100] direction. (gh) HRTEM images of c-In2O3. The interplanar distances of d(011) and d(200) are indicated. (i) SAED pattern of c-In2O3 nanorod.

where Ryd is the effective Rydberg constant, n is principal quantum number, and En=∞ is the threshold energy for the exciton series. From the analysis, the exciton binding energy for n = 1 ground-state level (i.e., Ryd) is ∼40 meV. The threshold energy (i.e., direct gap) for the c-In2O3 nanorods is Edg = 3.438 eV at 20 K. The transition features of EA‑CF and EV‑CF in Figure 2 are, respectively, assigned to be the transitions of acceptor to EC and EV to EC by taking into account the BMS effect. The origins of EA‑CF and EV‑CF will be identified and discussed later via the analyses of polarized TR (PTR), temperature-dependent PL, and temperature-dependent resistivity measurements. As shown in Figure 2, for characterization of the below-bandedge transitions in c-In2O3 nanowires, three high-resolution PL spectra obtained by different excitation sources of 325 nm/33 mW 3 cm2 (denoted as 325 nm-Lo), 266 nm/2.4 W 3 cm2 (denoted as 266 nm-Lo), and 266 nm/24 W 3 cm2 (denoted as 266 nm-Hi) have been demonstrated at 20 K. The purpose of

changing different excitation power is to excite and identify clearly various excitonic and defect emissions observed in cIn2O3 nanowires. There are many emission features observed in the PL spectra excited with different laser powers, including free exciton (FX = 3.378 eV), BECs (A = 3.368 eV, B = 3.360 eV, and C = 3.353 eV), DAP, A-LO (3.297 eV), B-LO (3.289 eV), and DAP-LO at 20 K. The energy of DAP emission is closely related to the DAP’s distance r in Coulombic energy expressed as: EDAP = Eg  ED  EA + e2/(4πεr), where ED and EA are the binding energies of donor and acceptor, e is the electron charge, and ε is the permittivity of the material. With the increase in excitation power, the photoexcited DAPs become high density; then, the average distance r shortened to increase photon energy. From Figure 2, the energies of DAP are, respectively, 3.308, 3.311, and 3.315 eV by increasing excitation powers from 325 nm-Lo, to 266 nm-Lo, to 266 nm-Hi. The inset in Figure 2 also shows high-resolution PL spectrum excited by 266 nm-Hi at 10 K. The condition of high-power 25090 |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

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Figure 2. Experimental TR and PL spectra of c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods at 20 K. The three PL spectra were excited by different laser powers of 325 nm-Lo (33 mW 3 cm2), 266 nm-Lo (2.4 W 3 cm2), and 266 nm-Hi (24 W 3 cm2). The inset depicts the low-temperature PL spectrum at 10 K for showing clearly the emission features below band edge.

Figure 3. Temperature-dependent PL spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods between 10 and 300 K excited by 266 nm-Lo. The inset shows the temperature-dependent PL spectra of 10300 K excited by 325 nm-Lo.

and low-temperature enhances more clearly the FX peak as well as the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon replicas of the BECs (i.e., A-LO and B-LO). The energy of LO phonon obtained by PL is ∼71 meV similar to the previous reported values.24,41 The energy of the first-order LO replica of DAP (DAP-LO) excited by 325 nm-Lo is 3.237 eV observed in Figure 2. The comparison of TR and PL spectra in Figure 2 shows that the energy difference between E1 and FX is ∼20 meV at 20 K. The energy difference between the ground-state level (n = 1) and free exciton is due to the excitonphoton interaction that scattered inelastically by phonons (i.e., exciton-ploariton) in nanocrystals.42 When higherenergy photons absorbed by the c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods, the inelastic scattering event by phonons will eventually render the polaritons exiting the sample with emission in lower-energy photons (i.e., FX = E1  Ephonon). To verify the origins of below-band-edge transitions in c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods, we carried out temperature-dependent PL measurements. Figure 3 shows the PL spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods from 10 to 300 K obtained by 266 nm-Lo excitation condition. Many of the below band-edge emission features including


Figure 4. Room-temperature TR and PL spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods.

FX, A, B, C, DAP, A-LO, and B-LO can be detected in the lowtemperature PL spectra. The FX feature near 3.378 eV at 10 K is inferred to be a free-exciton luminescence. This assignment can be verified from the fact that the temperature dependence of peak intensity of FX decreases more slowly than that of the other features A, B, and C when the temperature increases. The inset in Figure 3 shows more clearly that the BECs followed by FX and the FX peak will eventually dominate the emission feature at higher temperatures from 10 to 300 K under the excitation condition of 325 nm-Lo. As shown in Figure 3, the emission peaks of A ≈ 3.368 eV, B ≈ 3.360 eV, and C ≈ 3.353 eV at low temperature are inferred to be the BECs, each peak bounded to a neutral donor level by oxygen vacancy (VO) to form a D0X feature similar to that in CdS nanobelts.25 The oxygen vacancies in c-In2O3 are a series of shallow donor levels (defects) near the surface of nanorod to contribute conductivity.43 The appearance of multiple bound-exciton peaks A, B, and C in Figure 3 implies that oxygen vacancies in c-In2O3 nanorods may probably be a series of shallow donor levels similar to a defect donor band that existed in Ga2O3 nanostructures constructed by VO.44 As observed in Figure 3, when the temperature increases, the shallow donor levels ionized rapidly to decrease and broaden the PL features of the BECs. The A, B, and C peaks are free from the defect donors’ bounding, and they will finally merge with the FX peak at even higher temperatures. The DAP feature is a donor acceptor pair emission that presents a red-shift behavior similar to the BECs features. The acceptors in DAP might be indium oxygen vacancy pairs VOVIn, and the donors are the oxygen vacancies VO. For the VLS growth, when the indium oxide nanocrystallite forms, the InO1x molecules are easy to volatilize at high temperature. The consequence is easy to form oxygen vacancies, indium vacancies, and oxygenindium vacancy pairs45 in the In2O3 nanostructures. As shown in Figure 3, the relative intensity of the DAP decreased slowly before 100 K and reduced quickly when the temperature increased up to 260 K. With T > 260 K, the DAP is shown to be approximately weaker and broadened to merge with the free exciton peak FX. When photons emitted out from the c-In2O3 nanorods, the FX peak closely relates to the band-edge emission, and DAP correlates with the recombination of donors and acceptors. The binding energy of ED + EA can be approximately estimated from the lowtemperature PL spectrum at 10 K by FX-DAP ≈ 0.068 eV. (See Figure 3.) If the Coulombic energy is neglected and the binding energy of ED is estimated to be ∼6 meV (i.e., ionization temperature of A peak is around 6077 K), the binding energy of EA is estimated to be 62 meV. 25091 |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

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Figure 6. Temperature-dependent TR spectra of c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods between 20 and 300 K. The inset shows the possible bandedge scheme for the c-In2O3 nanorods by taking into account band-edge excitons, defects, and BursteinMoss shift.

Figure 5. (a) Temperature-dependent PL spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods between 10 and 300 K excited by 266 nm-Hi. (b) PL spectra of 10 and 300 K together with the defect emission mechanisms for shallow donor (VO) and deeper acceptor (VIn) at room temperature (RT) and low temperature (LT) are depicted in the inset for comparison.

Figure 4 shows the room-temperature TR and PL spectra of the c-In2O3 thin-film nanowires. In comparison with the lowtemperature TR spectrum in Figure 2 (T = 20 K), only two transition features of E1 and EV‑CF are detected at 300 K. The BX, E2, and EA‑CF features are weaker and not clearly detected in Figure 4 due to thermal effect. The transition energies obtained from the line-shape fitting using eq 1 are E1 = 3.298 eV and EV‑CF = 3.43 eV, respectively. The EV‑CF feature is the direct band gap by taking into account BMS in c-In2O3 thin-film nanowires. The energy value EV‑CF = 3.43 eV agrees well with the center wavelength of the absorption edge (355365 nm) observed in previous transmittance spectra of degenerate In2O3 thin films.46 It sustains that the determination of band gap of c-In2O3 is equal to EV‑CF. For the room-temperature PL spectrum shown in Figure 4, a broadened peak combining DAP and FX is present. The energy of FX is 3.278 eV at 300 K. It is lower than E1 by a phonon energy ∼20 meV, similar to those observed in Figure 2 at 20 K. To investigate below band-edge imperfection states in cIn2O3, we carried out PL measurements with lower resolution in a wide energy rage from 1.25 to 4 eV. The excitation condition of laser power is 266 nm-Hi. Figure 5a shows the temperaturedependent PL spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods in the temperature range between 10 and 300 K. Beside the main exciton peak (BECs and FX), one prominent defect-related emission was observed in the PL spectra near 2 eV. With increasing temperatures, the PL intensities for both exciton peak and defect emission are simultaneously decreased. The energy positions of the exciton peak demonstrate an energy red-shift behavior with the increase

in temperatures from 10 to 300 K, whereas the defect emission peak seems to be blue shift due to many of the defect luminescences that consisted of one defect emission feature. This situation can be evident in Figure 5b. The defect emissions below band edge of c-In2O3 nanorods may come from the recombinations of donors and acceptors. The donors may be a series of shallow VO levels, and the acceptors include shallow VO-VIn pairs and deeper indium vacancies VIn. As shown in the room-temperature PL spectrum in Figure 5b, at least four Gaussian peaks denoted as P1 (∼1.935 eV), P2 (∼2.095 eV), P3 (∼2.45 eV), and P4 (∼2.69 eV) can be used to fit in defect emission peaks of the c-In2O3 nanorods. The energy positions of P3 and P4 are similar to previous PL peaks of In2O3.41,47 The energies of P1 and P2 are lower than those of P3 and P4. The P1 and P2 emissions are, respectively, inferred to come from the lowest VO level to the acceptor levels of higher VIn and lower VIn, as shown in the inset in Figure 5b. At low temperatures, the higher VIn acceptor level is nearly empty, but the lower VIn level is almost occupied by electron to render strong P1 and lower P2 intensities. When the temperature increases, thermal ionization effect between the higher VIn and lower VIn acceptor levels causes the P1 to decrease but the P2 to be enhanced, as shown in the PL results and inset in Figure 5b. Temperature-dependent TR spectra of c-In2O3 nanorods in the temperature range between 20 and 300 K are shown in Figure 6. The transition energies obtained by the Lorentzian lineshape fits using eq 1 are indicated with arrows, and their temperature-variation traces are depicted with dotted lines. All transition features demonstrate an energy red-shift behavior and a line-shape broadened character with the increase in temperatures from 20 to 300 K such as the general semiconductor behavior. The bound exciton (BX) feature in the TR spectra in Figure 6 agrees well with the average energy position of the BECs peaks presented in the temperature-dependent PL spectra in Figure 3. The E1 and E2 features are band-edge excitons of ground state (n = 1) and the first excited state (n = 2), which show an effective Rydberg constant of 40 meV (Ryd) and a direct gap of 3.438 eV (Edg ) at 20 K (Figure 2). The binding energy of n = 2 level (E2) was estimated to be ∼10 meV using eq 2. The value is in good accordance with the ionization temperature of E2 with T > 100 K, as shown in temperature-dependent TR spectra in Figure 6. The energy of the EA‑CF transition is 3.468 eV at 20 K, which lies in between Edg and EV‑CF (3.53 eV). The inset in Figure 6 depicts a band diagram for the indication of band-edge 25092 |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

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Figure 8. Temperature dependences of transition energies of c-In2O3 nanorods obtained by TR and PL measurements.

Table 1. Values of Fitting Parameters of BoseEinstein Type Equation EiB(T) = EiB(0)  εiB/[exp(pωiB/kT)  1], Which Describe Temperature Dependences of Transition Energies of EV‑CF, EA‑CF, E2, E1, BX, FX, and DAP Features Obtained by TR and PL Measurements Figure 7. PTR spectra of c-In2O3 used for verification of the transition origin of the EA‑CF feature. The lower part is temperature dependence of resistivities of c-In2O3 degenerate semiconducting-oxide nanorods.

transitions in c-In2O3 nanorods. There are two electronic effects of BMS, and shallow VO-VIn pairs contributed to the occurrence of the EA‑CF transition. The EA‑CF transition is inferred not coming from the crystal-field-splitting band (Δ) in the EV of c-In2O3. This inference is evident in the upper part of Figure 7, where PTR spectra of the c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods with different polarization angles of 0 (i.e., E || Æ010æ as the direction indicated in Figure 1a), 45, and 90 (i.e., E ^ Æ010æ) are present. The relative intensities of E1 and EA‑CF transitions measured by PTR are nearly invariant. It verifies that the EA‑CF transition is not originated from the valence-band splitting, followed by selection rule. The EA‑CF is closely related to the transition from shallow acceptor level of VO-VIn pair to the EF above EC. The temperature-variation behavior of the EA‑CF feature in Figure 6 shows that the amplitude of EA‑CF becomes smaller and broadened with temperatures up to 260 K, similar to the temperature dependence of DAP presented in Figure 3. This phenomenon sustains the assignment of transition origin of EA‑CF. Furthermore, the energy difference between EV‑CF and EA‑CF is 62 meV at 20 K, which also matches well with the acceptor binding energy EA (in DAP) obtained by PL in Figure 3. This result verifies that the EA‑CF comes from the transition of VO-VIn pairs to the EF above EC. To verify the BMS effect in the c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods, temperature-dependent resistivity measurement from 77 to 320 K was carried out. Displayed in the lower part of Figure 7 is the temperature dependence of resistivities of c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods. For a degenerate semiconductor with BMS, the dependence of resistivity may present a metallic behavior owing to the fact that the EC bottom always fills with electrons. The temperature dependence of resistivities of c-In2O3 shows that resistivity increases with the increase in temperatures. The experimental evidence reveals that c-In2O3 is a degenerate semiconductor with its Fermi level higher above conduction-band edge (i.e., EF > EC). The energy difference between EV‑CF and Edg


EB(0) (eV)

εB (meV)

pωB (meV)


3.532 ( 0.001

115 ( 16

20 ( 2


3.469 ( 0.001

70 ( 12

20 ( 2


3.429 ( 0.001

117 ( 16

20 ( 2


3.399 ( 0.001

115 ( 17

20 ( 2


3.364 ( 0.001

68 ( 11

20 ( 2


3.378 ( 0.001 3.311 ( 0.001

120 ( 20 70 ( 10

22 ( 4 21 ( 2

determines the value of BMS (i.e., EF  EC = EV‑CF  Edg ). The value is ∼92 meV at 20 K. As the temperature increases, the E1 and EV‑CF transitions show nearly parallel temperature dependence from 20 to 300 K. (See Figure 6.) It means that EF  EC is also near 92 meV at 300 K. The relationship between carrier concentration (ne) and BMS (ΔE) is ΔE ¼ EF  EC ¼

p2 ð3π2 3 ne Þ2=3 2 3 m 3


where m* is the effective mass of electron. By taking into account the effective mass of m* = 0.3m048,49 in eq 3, the electron density by BMS (ΔE = 92 meV) can be calculated to be ne = 2.1  1019 cm3. This value is comparable to the experimental value of 2.2  1019 cm3 for the c-In2O3 thin film obtained by Hall-effect measurement. The resistivity of c-In2O3 in Figure 7 is 5.71  102 Ω-cm at 300 K. The mobility can be determined to be 4.8 cm2/V-sec. The values of resistivity, electron concentration, and Hall mobility are in reasonable agreement with previous results obtained by undoped-degenerate c-In2O3 thin-film nanostructures.46,50 Temperature dependences of transition energies above and below band edge in c-In2O3 nanorods are depicted in Figure 8. The solid lines are fitted to a BoseEinstein expression EiB(T) = EiB(0) εiB/[exp(pωiB/kT)  1], where i is the respective transition feature, εiB represents the strength of electronphonon interaction, and pωiB corresponds to average phonon energy. The fitted results are listed in Table 1 for comparison. The obtained 25093 |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

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render an electron density approaching 2.1  1019 cm3. Excitonic binding energies of 40 meV for E1 and 10 meV for E2 for an exciton series can be observed by temperaturedependent TR measurements of c-In2O3. The threshold energy for the Rydberg series is 3.338 eV at 300 K. Power-dependent and temperature-dependent PL measurements verify and identify the properties of below-band-edge transitions including free exciton, BECs, DAPs, LO phonon replicas, and defect emissions. Photo VI measurements show well-behaved photoelectric conversion for the c-In2O3 thin-film photoconductor. On the basis of the experimental analyses, physical-chemistry behaviors of the indium oxide nanowires are realized, and their potential applications are manifested. Figure 9. Photo VI curves of c-In2O3 thin-film photoconductor under illumination of halogen lamp (power density around 5mW 3 cm2) and under dark condition. The lower inset depicts measurement configuration of photo VI, and the upper part shows the photoresistivity change under light illumination.

values of εB (strength of electronphonon interaction) are similar (i.e., 115120 meV) for the transitions of EV‑CF, E2, E1, and FX due to the fact that they are band-to-band transitions across band gap to present nearly parallel temperature dependence of energy shift. (See Figure 8.) The defect-related transitions EA‑CF, BX (BECs), and DAP reveal smaller values of εB (i.e., 6870 meV) in comparison with those of the band-to-band transitions. The temperature-insensitive energy shift is a general character for a defect transition with dangling bond or interstitial. The value of average phonon energy pωB for all transition features in c-In2O3 is 2022 meV, which agrees well with the energy difference between E1 and FX induced by phonons. (See Figure 2.) To study photoelectric conversion behavior of the highly conductive c-In2O3 thin-film nanorods, we carried out photovoltagecurrent (photo VI) measurement of the thin film at 300 K. The lower inset in Figure 9 shows the measurement setup of photo VI measurement for c-In2O3 photoconductor. Figure 9 depicts the photo VI curves under dark condition as well as under illumination of halogen lamp. The average power density of the halogen lamp illuminated on c-In2O3 is 5 mW 3 cm2. The scanning voltage range was from 1.0 to 1.0 V. A nearly linear relation for the photoconductor with different illumination condition is present. The solid lines are the least-squares fits of an expression I = I0 + GV to the photo VI data, where G is the photoconductance (A/V). The obtained values of photoconductance are G = 5.6  104 (A/V) with halogen lamp and G = 4.7  104 (A/V) under dark condition. The results render a photoresistivity change from (5.71 to 4.85)  102 Ω-cm, as shown in the upper inset of Figure 9. Although the degenerate semiconducting-oxide nanorods present high conductivity, a considerable photoelectric-conversion yield still exists in c-In2O3 thinfilm nanorods to present photoconductivity change. This property renders indium oxide nanostructure as an excellent candidate not only for TCO electronics but also as a window layer on solar-energy material to facilitate photoelectric conversion of the solar-cell structure. In conclusion, a comprehensive study for whole below- and above-band-edge transitions in c-In2O3 thin-film nanowires has been explored. Direct optical observation of band-edge excitons and BMS by TR spectroscopy has been successfully carried out. The energy of band-edge exciton E1 is 3.298 eV at room temperature, and the direct gap is 3.43 eV with a BMS of ∼92 meV to

’ EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Nanowire Growth. The In2O3 nanowires were grown using vapor transport driven by VLS mechanism.51 A horizontal tube furnace was utilized for the growth. Molten indium (0.5 g, 99.9999%) was the source material and put into a boat placed at the center of the quartz tube. A thin layer of gold (5 nm) was predeposited on silicon (001) substrates by sputtering. The substrates were placed in another boat and positioned downstream. The quartz tube was evacuated and the furnace was heated to 900 C with a rate of 10 C/min. Highly pure oxygen carried by argon gas was fed into the quartz tube. The growth temperature was 650 C with a background pressure of 0.5 Torr. Typical growth time was 2 h. After the growth, samples were then cooled under the same ambient gas. The chemical reaction for the growth process was 4In(g) + 3O2(g) f 2In2O3(s). Characterization. The TR experiments of the c-In2O3 thinfilm nanowires were implemented using indirect heating manner with a gold-evaporated quartz plate as the heating element.30,52,53 The thin sheet-type sample was closely attached on the heating element by silicone grease. The onoff heating disturbance uniformly modulated the individual nanorods periodically. An 150 W xenon-arc lamp filtered by a PTI 0.2 m monochromator provided the monochromatic light. The incident light was focusing onto the sample with a spot size of ∼100 μm2. The reflected and scattering lights from the thin-film nanorods were collected and detected by a Hamamatsu H3177-51 PMT module. The signal was detected and recorded via an EG&G model 7265 lock-in amplifier and a personal computer. A closed-cycle cryogenic refrigerator with a thermometer controller facilitated the temperature-dependent measurements. High-resolution PL measurements were carried out in a spectral measurement system where an iHR 550 imaging spectrometer equipped with a 2400 grooves/mm grating acted as the optical dispersion unit. The low-resolution PL spectra were detected by a QE65000 spectrometer. The CCD array detections were employed in the PL measurements. The pumping light sources are a Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state laser (λ = 266 nm) and a helium cadmium laser (λ = 325 nm). A set of neutral density filters changed and controlled the pumping powers of the lasers. Photo VI measurements were carried out using a tungsten halogen lamp as the white-light source. The c-In2O3/Si sample was cut into a rectangular shape with dimension of ∼0.4  0.3 cm2 in area. The two ends of the specimen were coated with In as the ohmic-contact electrodes. The photo VI curves were measured and recorded via a semiconductor parameter analyzer. 25094 |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 25088–25096

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +886 2 27303772. Fax: +886 2 27303733.

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