Direct Oxygen Transfer in Enzymic Syntheses Coupled to Adenosine

Larry W. Hilscher , Curtiss D. Hanson , David H. Russell , and Frank M. ... Gary S. Bild , Paul D. Boyer , and W. E. Kohlbrenner ... D. J. Graves and ...
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Direct Oxygen Transfer in Enzymic Syntheses Coupled to Adenosine Triphosphate Degradation1 BY P. D. BOYER,0. J. KOEPPE~ AND W. W. LUCHSINGER RECEIVED AUGUST15, 1955 In the enzymic synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A, oxygen from acetate appears in the phosphate group of the adenylate formed. In the enzymic synthesis of glutamine, oxygen from glutamate appears in the inorganic phosphate formed. These and other observations support the hypothesis that, in enzymic synthesis coupled to adenosine triphosphate degradation, oxygen transfer occurs from the substrate to a moiety cleaved from the adenosine triphosphate.

In the enzymic formation of 3-phosphoglycerate and of succinate coupled with inorganic orthophosphate (Pi) uptake, oxygen from the Pi appears in the carboxyl of the acid f ~ r m e d . ~ I n the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) coupled to the degradation of citrulline, oxygen from inorganic phosIn phate appears in the carbon dioxide f ~ r m e d . ~ the coenzyme A transferase reaction, oxygen from the carboxyl of succinate appears in the acetoacetate formed.6 These findings, together with considerations of probable reaction mechanisms, led to the hypothesis that, in enzymic syntheses coupled to ATP degradation, oxygen transfer occurs from the substrate to a moiety cleaved from the ATP, and that the moiety from the ATP in which the oxygen appears depends upon the nature of the enzymic activation. This paper presents studies on the enzymic syntheses of acetylcoenzyme A and of glutamine which support this hypothesis. The synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A according to equation l6 and of glutamine according to equation 2' represent the two distinct types of ATP cleavage

group of the AMP formed, as shown by the results given in Table I. An atom % excess 0l8of 0.24 would have been expected in the phosphate from AMP if each mole of adenylate formed enzymically contained one oxygen from the acetate-OI8. The appearance of some 0I8in the pyrophosphate fraction likely resulted from the presence of adenylate kinase in the enzyme preparation used. These results give strong evidence that in the coupled synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A the initial reaction of the ATP involves a nucleophilic displacement by an oxygen of a second reactant on the phosphorus of the phosphate attached to the &POsition of the ribose, with liberation of free pyrophosphate. The simplest reaction sequence would involve acetate as the second reactant, with intermediate formation of an adenylacetate; this possibility is in harmony with the recent demonstration by Berg lo that adenyl acetate is a probable intermediate in the catalysis. Subsequent reaction with coenzyme A to form acetyl-coenzyme A would be expected to leave with the adenylate an oxygen originally present in the acetate. However, the isoATP + acetate + Coenzyme A = AMP topic data do not rule out participation of other inacetyl-coenzyme A + pyrophosphate (1) termediates, such as an oxygen containing group ATP + glutamate + XH3 - ADP + glutamine + PI on the enzyme, which in subsequent reactions gains (2) an oxygen from acetate. The results are more known to occur in coupled enzymic syntheses, difficult to reconcile with the suggestionBbof innamely, cleavage to form adenylic acid (AMP) and termediate formation of an enzymyl-coenzyme A pyrophosphate or to form adenosine diphosphate derivative. (ADP) and Pi. Exchange studies with radioactive I n experiments on glutamine synthesis, with use substrates in the absence of net reaction have sug- of an enzyme preparation from oxygen from gested that the reactions involve formation of in- the y-carboxyl of the glutamate appeared in the P i termediates with adenylate6b or with orthophos- formed, as shown by the results given in Table TI. phate,s respectively. Within experimental error, the amount of 0lsfound I n experiments on acetyl-coenzyme A synthesis, in the Pi corresponds to that expected for transfer using an enzyme preparation from rabbit heart,g of one oxygen from the glutamate carboxyl. Simioxygen from acetate-018 appeared in the phosphate lar results have been obtained in independent ex(1) Supported in p a r t by grants from t h e National Science Foundaperiments by Kowalsky and Koshland," who furtion, and Atomic Energy Commission. Paper No. 3384, Scientific ther showed that no oxygen from the glutamate apSeries, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. peared in the ADP formed. In the glutamine syn(2) U. S. Public Health Service Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. (3) (a) W. H. Harrison, P. D. Boyer and A. B. Falcone, J . Biol. thesis the initial reaction very likely involves a Chcm., 215, 303 (1955); (b) M .Cohn, ibid., 201, 735 (1953); (c) M . nucleophilic displacement on the phosphorus of the Cohn, in W. D. McElroy and B. Glass, Phosphorus Metabolism, Baltiterminal phosphate; as with the acetyl-coenzyme A more, 1, 374 (1951). (4) hI. P. Stulberg and P. D. Boyer, THISJOURNAL, 76, 5569 synthesis the simplest explanation would be inter(1954). mediate formation of a glutamyl phosphate. Al(5) A. B. Falcone, Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1954. though the evidence does not favor participation (6) H . Reinert, D. E. Green, P. Hele, H . H i f t , R. W. Von Korff and C . V. Ramakrishan, J. B i d . Chcm., 203, 35 (1953); (b) M . E.Jones, of glutamyl phosphate as an intermediate,12Jathis F. Lipmann, H . Hilz and F. Lynen, THIS JOURKAL, 7 5 , 3285 (1953). possibility should be given further consideration.


(7) ra) W.H. Elliott, J . Biol. C h e m . , 201, 661 (1953); (b) G. C. Webster, PlunfP h y s i o l . , 28,724(1953). (8) G. C . Webster and J. E. Varner, THISJ O U R N A L , 7 6 , 633 (1954); L. Levintow and A. hIeiJter, J . BioZ. Chcm., 209, 265 (1954); Rf. Staehelin and F. Lenthardt, Helu. Chim. Acta, 58, 184 (1955). (9) R.W.V n n Korff, J . B i d . Chem., 210, 539 (1954).

(10) P. Berg, THIS JOURNAL, 77, 3163 (1955). (11) A. Komalsky, C.Wyttenbach, L. Langer and D. E. Koshland, Abstracts 127th Meeting, Am. Chem Soc., Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 19.55,p. 27c. (12) W.H . Elliott, Bioclicm. J.,49, 10G (1051).

Jan. 20, 1956



Oxygen Transfer in Acetyl-coenzyme A Formation.The enzyme preparation was a supernatant solution from frozen and thawed rabbit heart mitochondria prepared as described by Von K ~ r f f . For ~ convenience in estimation of the amount of reaction and to drive the reaction, use was made of the coupled reactions by which reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide appears in amount equivalent to 0 1 8 of the acetate Adenosine the acetyl-coenzyme A formed during the reacti0n.O The used monophosphate Pyrophosphate reaction mixture contained in 10-ml. final volume and a t an 0.00 0.01 0.01 initial pH of 9.0, 30 pmoles of potassium ATP, 50 pmoles of .95 .21 .03 MgSOa, 1.7 mg. of coenzyme A (Pabst), 10 pmoles of glutathione, 30 pmoles of diphosphopyridine nucleotide, 100 pmoles of potassium malate, 100 pmoles of potassium aceTABLE I1 tate, 400 pmoles of KCI, 500 pmoles of trishydroxymethylOXYGENTRANSFER FROM GLUTAMATE TO INORGANIC aminomethane, 1 prnole of ethylenediaminetetraacetate and ORTHOPHOSPHATE ACCOMPANYING THE ENZYMIC SYNTHESIS 0.5 ml. of enzyme solution. Incubation was for 90 minutes a t 37'; the extent of reduced diphosphopyridine nucleoOF GLUTAMINE tide formation was followed by measurement of the absorbAtom '% excess 0 1 8 of the Atom yo excess 0 1 8 of the ancy a t 340 mp using a portion of the mixture in an 0.05 glutamate used orthophosphate formed cm. light path. For the experiment reported in Table I , 0.00 0.01 with use of acetate-Ou approximately 13 pmoles of coenzyme A was formed; in a similar control experiment with .76 .18 non-isotopic acetate approximately 14 pmoles of acetylcoenzyme A was formed. Experimental A t the end of incubation, the reaction mixtures were de0'8-Labeled Compounds.-Acetate labeled with 0 l 8 was proteinized by addition of 0.5 ml. of 70% perchloric acid, prepared by use of the exchange between the carboxyl oxy- chilling and centrifugation. To the supernatant solution gen and the oxygen of water that occurs in acidic solution a t 0.5 ml. of concentrated HCl was added and the solution elevated temperatures.Ia One ml. of glacial acetic acid and heated 10 minutes a t 100" to hydrolyze labile phosphate 2 ml. of HsO (1.27 atom % excess OI8) were mixed and heated compounds. The inorganic phosphate fraction, which a t 110-113' for 18 hours. The solution was neutralized to contained phosphate derived from the pyrophosphate formed pH 7.5 with KOH, evaporated to dryness on a steam-bath, by reaction 1, was isolated as MgNHaPO4. The stable and heated overnight a t 110" to give anhydrous potassium phosphate fraction, which contained the phosphate derived acetate. The amount of 0l8in the acetate was determined from adenosine monophosphate formed by reaction 1, was by heating duplicate 40-mg. samples dissolved in 0.20 ml. of treated with alkaline phosphatase and the inorganic phos7.5 N H2S04in a sealed tube at 125-130' for 48 hours. phate formed isolated as MgiVH4P04. These isolations The sample was frozen, volatile constituents removed under and subsequent 0'8 determinations were made essentially high vacuum, the acetic acid in the distillate neutralized as described p r e v i o ~ s l y . ~Separate ~ experiments similar with anhydrous Ba(OH)*, a portion of the water collected to those described above confirmed the transfer of oxygen under high vacuum, and the 01* content of a 50-p1. sample of from acetate to the adenylate and not to the pyrophosphate. water determined as described previously by the sulfiteOxygen Transfer in Glutamine Synthesis.-The enzyme bicarbonate equilibration procedure. The acetate con- was prepared according to the method of El1i0tt.l~ The tained 0.88 atom % excess OB. preparation was carried only through the protamine treatGlutamic acid labeled in the y-carboxyl with 0 ' 8 was pre- ment (Stage 3) since the enzyme a t this stage showed almost pared by heating a mixture of 1 g. of L-glutamic acid, 0.45 no detectable ATPase activity and was suitable for these ml. of concentrated HCl and 2.0 ml. of H10ls (1.27 atom % studies. The extent of reaction was determined by measexcess 0 ' 8 ) in a sealed tube a t 125-128' for 36 hours; under uring the amount of Pi formed during the reaction. There these conditions a n equilibrium mixture of glutamic acid was no detectable phosphate formation in the absence of and y-pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid would be expected to be glutamate. The reaction mixture contained 2.5 ml. of present.14 The solution was neutralized to a p H of about 3 0.8 M trishydroxymethylaminomethane a t pH 7.8, 2.5 ml. with NaOH (5 g. NaOH per 10 ml. HzO), the precipitate of 0 1 M sodium glutamate, 2.5 ml. of 0.05 M ATP, 0.5 ml. collected on a small Biichner funnel and washed thoroughly of M cysteine, 0.5 ml. of M MgSO,, 0.5 ml. of M NH,CI with 50 vol. % ethanol. The product was recrystallized and 2 ml. of enzyme solution. The glutamate, ATP, cysfrom ethanol-water. For determination of the amount teine and NH4Cl were adjusted to about pH 7.8 before addiof 0 ' 8 in the y-carboxyl group, 8.4 mg. of the glutamic acid tion t o the reaction mixture. The reaction was allowed to was heated with a low flame in an evacuated tube and the run for 50 minutes a t 30". At the end of the incubation, water liberated by formation of the 7-pyrrolidonecarboxylic the reaction mixtures were deproteinized with 3.75 ml. of acid16was equilibrated with carbon dioxide by exposure to a 12% trichloroacetic acid and centrifuged. Analysis of the hot platinum wire as described p r e ~ i o u s l y . ~The ~ glutamic supernatant solutions showed that in the two experiments acid contained 0.76 atom % excess OI8 in the y-carboxyl using glutamate-018and in a control experiment (glutamategroup. 0l6)from 27.6 to 27.8 pmoles of Pi was formed. Thirty pmoles of carrier phosphate was added to each and the phos(13) R . Bentley, THIS JOURXAL, 71, 276.5 (1949). phate was isolated as the MgNH,PO,. The isolations and (14) R . M. Archibald, Chem. Revs.. 37, 161 (1945). OI8 determinations were carried out as described previously.% (15) E. Abderhalden and K . Kautzsch. Z . piiysiol. Chcm., 68, 487 ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA (1910).