'Your Chart. Record for only $585. Any standard si rip chart recorder can be equipped with a Disc Chart Integrator to deliver an accurate digital inte...
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Digitize 1 Your Chart Record for only $585 1 Any standard strip chart I I recorder can be equipped with I m a Disc Chart Integrator to deliver 1 M an accurate digital interpretation 1 _ J of chart areas for chromatography, 1 _J electric power, flow rates, 1 — M temperature, pressures, etc. The 1 — a continuous permanent record of theft —a integrator output directly below the ft— -• curve can be translated to digits, or ft— -m the digits can be read directly from 1— -§ a counter. 1— • Highly accurate, the integrator will 1 ~ I measure the actual area of the recorded T I chart trace within ± 0 . 1 % full scalo. 1™ f Exceptionally stable, it will not drift or IT change in its accuracy characteristics 1 over years of operation. Practically no I maintenance is required outside of 1 filling the ink bottle. I The Series 200 Integrator is available ' with new recorders, or may easily be installed on recorders in service. Order from laboratory apparatus dealers, recorder manufacturers, or direct. Complete details in Specification S-200.

D I S C I N S T R U M E N T S , INC 3 0 1 4 - B So. Halladay, Santa Ana, Calif. National Dial 7 1 4 , Kl 9 - 0 3 4 5

Circle No. 46 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

3 5 , N O . 6, MAY

