Discovering ... Denver - ACS Publications

story exhibit gallery has displays relating to the research done at this center, science lovers there are ... World features one of the best collectio...
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Trenton State College Trenton, NJ

Denver. the caoitol of Colorado. also I known asthe Mi1e'lIigh City, standiat an altitude of more than 5,000 feet. It sits on the western edge of the Great Plains and not, as many believe, in the Rocky Mountains. The Front Range of the Rockies, rising more than 14,000 feet, are 12 miles to the west, giving the city a magnificent vista. The high altitude of the city and even higher altitude of the surrounding area requires a day or two of adjustment for most people. This is particularly important for those with respiratory and heart conditions. Denver is an intriguing mixture of frontier town and urban sophistication.There are art, science, and history museums, sports teams, and other leisure activities to enjoy. The temperature at the end of March and the beginning of April averages between 25 OF and 50 OF. Snow is common. Excellent ski country is near the story exhibit gallery has displays relating to the research done at this center, city. Each weekend the Rio Grande Ski Train leaves Union Station taking skiers to the base of Winter Park Ski Area. For and wildlife. The Botswana. Africa Hall has a uniaue and science lovers there are many activities in the city and surcomprehensive life-size diorama, Savati waterhie, with rounding region, both indoors and outdoors. no glass between the visitor and the exhibit to i m ~ e d the e Effectively using the local stratigraphy, the focus of the view. Among the chiurging exhibit8 in place during the peDenver Botanic Gardens is high plains and mountain riod of the ACS convention is Beors: Inmyination and Rehorticulture with special emphasis on the semi-arid and ality and Songs of My People. The muse& also features an arid west. The one-acre Rock Alpine Garden, among the IMAX theater and a Planetarium. finest in the country, contains high-mountain plants of the The Colorado History Museum explores prehistoric world. The conservatory houses a wide variety of tropical and historic Indian life, early pioneers, and miners and sub-tropical plants. March 26-28 the gardens will through exhibits and dioramas using artifacts, photohave a Rocky Mountain African Violet sale. graphs, and documents. A 150-year timeline, interspersed The Denver Zoo has been a pioneer in the use of natural with artifacts, gives the visitor a good o v e ~ e w of the dehabitats. The Bear Mountain exhibit, built in 1918 with velopment of the state. Out of the Earth: Mining in Colocastings made from a rock formation outside Denver, set a rado examines coal and hardrock mining technology with standard for other zoos. It still houses bears. more than 150 mining artifacts. Among the other very special exhibits is Northern Shores Denver is the location of one of the three regularly operwith its underwater viewing area of polar bears and sea ating United States Coin Mints. Visitors may tour the lions. In addition, be sure to see the just reopened Duck facilities. Lake Nature Walk. Here the visitor can get close to many The Anheuser Busch Fort Collins Brewery has free wild birds. The lake is a major rookery for the Black tours of the olant. Visitors must be at least 21 vears of aee. Crowned Night Heron. Another zoo feature is among the Call Aead ?or reservations. The brewery offirs tours Tor top wolf exhibits in the country, Wolf-Pack Woods. Bird the hearine imoaired and the mobilitv imoaired. World features one of the best collections of rare birds in The largest, fully-integrated, herb-tea manufacturer in the nation. the United States, Celestial Seasons, offers tours by resDo check for feeding times and early closing of some anervation. No children under age five may take the tour. imal houses. The Zooliner tram offers a way to see the zoo The Forney Transportation Museum displays anfor the foot-weary visitor. It is weather dependent, howtique cars, carriages, cycles, steam engines, and airplanes. ever. The Denver Museum of Natural History, the fifth To the South largest natural history museum in the country, has artifacts and specimens in anthropology, earth sciences, and Ninety minutes south of Denver is Colorado Springs, a zoology. At the earth science laboratory, the public may popular tourist destination. This small city sits in the watch the preparation and study of fossil specimens of premidst of the Rocky Mountains. Nearby is majestic Pikes historic dinosaurs, mammals, plants, rocks, and minerals. Peak. Aview of the mountain must suffice. Closed at this time of the year are the highway, the trail, and the world's The Explore Colorado: from Plains to Peaks Hall feahighest cog railway. tures extensive, detailed dioramas on Colorado ecology (ContinrzdonpageA6OA)



Journal of Chemical Education
