Disproportionation of trityl alkyl ethers. Synthesis of aldehydes and

J. Org. Chem. , 1973, 38 (3), pp 625–626. DOI: 10.1021/jo00943a050. Publication Date: February 1973. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Org. Chem. 38,...
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Communications See Editorial. J . Ora. Chem., 38, No. 19. 4A (1972)

gress of the reaction was followed by observing the increase in the benzaldchydc and triphcnylmethanc absorptions as well as the simultaneous decrease in the ether signals by pmr spectroscopy. After 4 hr at room temperature water was added, and the products were isolated and analyzed. I n separate reactions with 0.50, 0.25,0.10, and 0.05 equiv of triphenylmcthyl hcxafluorophosphate (based on trityl benzyl ether used) quantitative yields of benzaldehyde and triphenylmethane were obtainede8 The same amount of trityl salt as t h a t initially added could be rccovcred quantitatively, (tither as triphenylmethanol or trityl butyl ether (quenching with butanol). Both dipolar aprotic solvents, acctonitrile and nitromethane, and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, chloroform and mcthylene chloride, have been employed. The PF6- and SbF6- salts are soluble in the dipolar aprotic solvents, while trityl hexafluoroarscriate is conveniently soluble in the chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents; the trityl ethers arc usually more soluble in chloroform and mcthylene chloride than in nitronicthane or acctonitrilc. Results from the disproportionation of sevcral rcprcsentativc trityl ethers arc givcn in Table I. Although no attempt was made t’o maximize

The Disproportionation of Trityl Alkyl Ethers. The Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones in a Cationic Chain Reaction Involving Hydride Transfer

Summary: Trityl alkyl ethers undergo disproportionation in acctonitrilo or methylene chloride, catalyzed by salts of the triphenylmethyl cation, to give aldehydes or ketones and triphenylmethane in good yields. Sir: Alkyl ethers have been rcportcd to bc good hydride donors to carbenium ions.’ Representative cthers havc been oxidized to aldehydes or ketones by the triphcnylmcthyl cation with production of trip h ~ n y l m c t h a n e . ~Thcsr oxidations are, howcvrr, inefficient in that only on(’ of the alkyl groups of dialkyl ethers undrrgoes oxidation, and have only recently received scriour consideration in synthetic application^.^ Ethers also undergo disproportionation to carbonyl compoundr and hydrocarbons in related hydridc transfer rcactions.’ Howcvcr, in prcvious reports of ether disproportionation reactions, studied in strongly acidic media with cthcrs that form relatively stable carbenium ions, hydrogcln transfer was described as occurring from an alcohol to a carbenium ion (Scheme l).5 A similar



I ) r s p ~ o r o n ~ ~ x o ~ . ~ TOF i o TRITYL .u ALKYLECnii.:izs IS Asiiur)iiovs


Equiv (CsHs)rC +X-

% yieldb Solvent


Benzyl 0. I& CIIICN 100 p-Chlorobeneyl 0 . :;o CIIZClZ 100 p-Llethylbenzyl 0.10 CI-IzC12 100 p-Nitrobenxyl 1.00 CHnC12 100d 1-Phenylethy 1 0.25 CIIzC12 76e CII2C12 97 Cy clohexyl 0.23 Oct,yl 0.25 CHzCIz *;v lteactions were rim a t room temperature ( 2 3 f 3 ” ) . Ether (5.0 mmol) was added to the trityl salt; unless noted otherwise, the hexafluoroarsenate salt was used. Reaction times were generally less than 4 hr. * Bltsed on pmr spectroscopy and glpc: analysis by reference to an internal standard. The yield of triphenylmethane was equal to that of t.he carbonyl compound. The PE’S- and SbF6- salts were used and gave identical results. Required a reaction time of 90 hr in refluxing CHZClz. e 247; of the symmetrical I-phenylethyl ether was also fornicd. 1 The yield of triphenylmethane was 825&.

mechanism has bwn proposed for those reactions in which an alcohol scrvcs simultaneously as a hydride donor and hydride Wc have obsrrvcd that trityl alkyl ethers undergo disproportionation to triphenylmcthanc and aldehydrs or ketones whcn small amounts of the triphmylmcthyl are emcation, as tho Pl:6-, SbF6-, and AsP’6ployed (cq 4). I n a typical experiment trityl benzyl


ether (5.0 mmol) was added as a solid to a stirred solution of triphenylmcthyl hexafluorophosphate (0250 mmol) in 10 ml of anhydrous acctonitrilc. The pro(1) C. D. Nenitzescu in “Carbonium Ions,” G . .&. Olah and I>. v. K. Schleyer Ed., Wiley-Interscience, New York, X. Y., 1970, Val. 2, Chapter 13. (2) N . C. Deno, 11.J. Peterson, and G. S. Saines, Chem. Reu., 60, 7 (1960). (3) P. D. Bartlett and J. D. McCollum, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 7 8 , 1441 (1956); X. C. Deno, G . Saines, and 31. Spangler, i b i d . , 84, 3205 (1962). (4) I). 1-1. H . Barton, P. D. Magnus, G. Smith, G. Streckert, and D. Zurr, J . Chem. Soc. C, 542 (1872). (5) (a) G . Baddeley and P. G . Nield. J . Chem. Soc.. 4684 (1954); (b) €1. Burton and G. W. H. Chesseman, a h X , 986 (1953); (c) A . Itieche and E . Schmitz. Chem. Ber., 90, 531 (1957); (d) F. G . Kny-Jones and A . M . Ward, J . Chem. Soc., 535 (1930). (6) M. P. Balfe, J. Kenyon, and IC. &I. Thain, ibid.. 790 (1952). (7) These salts were ohtained from the Ozark Mahoriing Co. and were dried and purified. i f necessary, t o a minimum analysis of 99% trityl salt.

62 5

product yields for (tach ether studicd, the results obtained indicate that the disproportionation of t’rityl cthers may provide a general mt:thod for oxidation of alcoholss to aldehydes or ketones.1° (8) Determined by pmr spectroacopy and glpc analysis through reference to a n internal standard. (9) Trityl ethers are conveniently prepared in high yields from trityl chloride and alcohols. (IO) Procedures for the preparation and disproportionation of trityl ethers will appear following these pages in the microfilm edition of this volume of tho journal. Single copies may be obtained from the I3usinesa Operations Office, Books and Journals Division, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., X.W., Washington, L). C. 20036. by referring to code number JOC-73-625. Remit check or money order for S3.00 for photocopy or $2.00 for microfiche.

626 J . Org. Chem., Vo2. 58, No. 5,1973


Since ether disproportionation should be characterized by first-order kinetics (rate = k0b5d[ether]),where the observed rate constant is dependent on the concentration of trityl salt ( k o b s d = k[CsHs)sC+X-]o),we undertook a kinetic study of the disproportionation of trityl benzyl ether. These results, given in Table 11,

cation remained constant. Although cationic chain reactions involving hydride transfer have been recognized in a number of reactions involving alkanes and alkyl cations,' the present study represents the first reported example of a similar chain-transfer reaction involving ethers. Previous studies of ether disproportionation reactions have represented hydride transfer as occurring T4BLE 11 DISPROPORTIONATION OF TRITYL BENZYL ETHER IN METHYLENE from an alcohol to an alkyl cation (Scheme I); our observations of hydride abstraction reactions with trityl CHLORIDE 4~ 23.5" IN THE PRESENCE OF TRIPHCNYLMETHYL HEXAFLUORO ARSEN ATE^ ethers suggest that the accumulated data6can be equally [ (CsHdawell explained by a chain reaction involving hydride [Ether], C +AsFs-1, 104 kobsdIb 108 k,O transfer from the ether. Under reaction conditions iM iM 880-1 M-1 see-1 identical with those given in Table 111, the rate of 1 23 1 31 0 0945 0 371 benzyl alcohol oxidation by an equivalent amount of 2 52 131 0 463 0 192 triphenylmethyl hexafluoroarsenate is a t least ten 1 16 1 22 0 0960 0 463 times as slow as that of the corresponding trityl ether. 0 268 1 41 0 0192 0 467 We are continuing investigations concerning the a Kinetic determinations were made by following the increase synthetic utility of this oxidative method and examining in benzaldehyde concentration and the decrease in ether concentration by pmr spectroscopy using an internal standard. Anthe general characteristics of hydrogen abstraction alyses were identical with those determined by glpc analysis. reactions from trityl ethers and related systems. Temperature control was f0.1'. b Good first-order plots were observed through more than one half-life Duplicate runs give the precision as 1 0 . 0 8 X 10-3 M - * sec-l.

demonstrate the expected rate law and show that the rate-limiting step is also the chain-propagating step (eq 5). The rate of appearance of benzaldehyde was



( C ~ H ~ ) J C O C H G I - I ~(C6H5)sCf + (C&)aCf CsHaCHO


+ (CeHa)aCH


observed to be equal to the rate of disappearance of ether, while the concentration of the triphenylmethyl

Acknowledgment.-Support of this work by the Kational Science Foundation (GP-27587) is gratefully acknowledged. We wish to thank Dr. N . C. Deno for his helpful comments on this study. (11) National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participant, summer 1972.