Distillation column* tor High Purity Separations

McGregor Memorial Con- ference Center, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Roger E. Maree, Allied Research Products,. 400 Midland Ave., Detroit, Mich. Page 73 A, ...
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NEWS Sept. 20 to 23—Sixth International Symposium on Gas Chromatography. Catholic University, Rome, Italy. Sponsor: Gas Chromatography Group of the Institute of Petroleum. Contact: Dr. A. B. Littlewood, School of Chemistry, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne 1, England. Page 68 A, Sept. Sept. 24—Symposium on Gel Filtration. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Contact: Dr. F . Dentice, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, viale Regina Elena, 299, Roma, Italy. Sept. 27 to 29—Tenth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology. Mountain View Hotel, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Contact: Mr. L. J. Brady, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P . O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831. Page 70 A, June. Sept. 28 to Oct. 4—International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry. Tokyo and K y o t o , Japan. Contact: Organizing Committee, International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, C.P.O. Box 1966, Tokyo, Japan. Oct. 3 to 6—National Institutes of Health Annual Eesearch Equipment Exhibit and Instrument Symposium. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Contact: Mr. James B. Davis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014. Page 65 A, June. Oct. 3 to 7—Conference on Trace Characterization, Chemical and Physical. Washing­ ton, D . C. Contact: Dr. W. W. Meinke, Analytical Chemistry Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234. Page 52 A, Aug. Oct. 8 to 16—Second International Chemical Exhibition and the Seventeenth In­ ternational Congress "Chemistry Days." Milan, Italy. Includes instruments and apparatus. Contact: General Secretary, Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, Milano, Italy. Oct. 10 to 12—Fifth Annual Meeting on the Practice of Gas Chromatography. Dennis Hotel, Atlantic City, N . J. Sponsor: Committee E-10 on Gas Chromatography of the American Society for Testing & Materials. Contact: M. G. Bloch, Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., Paulsboro, N . J. 08066. Oct. 10 to 13—Association of Official Analytical Chemists 80th Annual Meeting. Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D . C. Contact: Luther G. Ensminger, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Box 540, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D . C. 20044. Page 53 A, July. Oct. 10 to 14—Symposium on the Standardization of Radionuclides. Vienna, Austria. Contact: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. Oct. 11 to 13—Fourteenth Detroit Anachem Conference. McGregor Memorial Con­ ference Center, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Roger E . Marce, Allied Research Products, 400 Midland Ave., Detroit, Mich. Page 73 A, May. Oct. 11 to 14—Conference on Progress in Raman Spectroscopy. Weimar, Germany. Contact: Dr. H . Kriegsmann, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften Zu Berlin, 1199 Berlin-Adlershof, den Rudower Chausskee 5, Berlin, Germany. Oct. 13 to 14—Eleventh Annual Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology. Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mass. Contact: New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 02118. Page 70 A, Mar. Oct. 16 to 19—ACS Western Regional Meeting. Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Contact: R. L. LeTourneau, Chevron Research Co., P . O. Box 1627, Richmond, Calif. 94802. Page 57 A, Mar. Oct. 17 to 19—1966 Technicon International Symposium on Automation in Analytical Chemistry. Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Technicon Instru­ ments Corp., Chauncey, Ν . Υ. 10502. Oct. 17 to 21—Joint Meeting and Equipment Exhibit. Sponsors: Calif. Section, A C S ; Northern Calif. Section Society for Spectroscopy ; Optical Society of America. Con­ tact: J o h n Conway, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Oct. 17 to 21—International Conference on Electron Nuclear Hyperfine Interactions in Spectroscopy. Wellington, New Zealand. Contact: Dr. R. A. Golding, Royal Society of New Zealand, C/-Chemistry Division, D S I R , Private Bag, Petone, Well­ ington, New Zealand. Page 55 A, July. Oct. 17 to 22—3rd Exhibition and Congress of Laboratory, Measurement, and Au­ tomation Techniques in Chemistry. Basle, Switzerland. Contact: Exhibition and Congress Secretariat, CH-4000 Basel 21, Switzerland. Oct. 18 to 19—Symposium on Liquid Scintillation Counting. National Physical Lab­ oratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Insti­ tute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1., England. Oct. 18 to 20—IMEKO Symposium on Microwave Measurement. Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Organizing Committee of the I M E K O Symposium on Microwave Meas­ urements, Budapest 5, P.O.B. 457, Hungary. Oct. 19 to 21—Nuclear Science Symposium. Statler-Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Contact: Dr. J. A. Coleman, Electron Devices Section, National Bureau of Stand­ ards, Washington, D. C. 20234. Page 65 A, May. Oct. 23 to 25—Sixth Informal Conference on Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Newporter Inn, Newport Beach, Calif. Contact: Sixth Informal Conference on Vacuum Microbalance Techniques, 7500 Jefferson St., Paramount, Calif. 90723. Page 67 A, Mar. Oct. 24 to 26—1966 Canadian Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy. Holiday Inn Hotel, Montreal, Quebec. Contact: Dr. S. Barabas, Noranda Research Centre, 240 H y m u s Blvd., Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada. Page 49 A, Apr. Oct. 24 to 27—21st Annual ISA Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit. New York City. Contact: The Instrument Society of America, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh 19, P a . Oct. 27 to 28—1966 Midwest Regional ACS Meeting. University of Kansas, Lawrence, K a n . Contact: Dr. Norman Rabjohn, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Page 53 A, July. Oct. 27 to 29—Southeastern ACS Regional Meeting. Kentucky Hotel, Louisville, K y . Contact: Thomas H . Crawford, University of Louisville, Louisville, K y . Page 62 A, Apr.

Dodecyl dimethyl amine

Tetradecyl dimethyl amine Hexadecyl dimethyl amine

Dodecyl dimethyl amine Tetradecyl dimethyl amine

Hexadecyl dimethyl amine

A typical separation show­ ing the rectification of a pot charge of aliphatic dimethyl amines is shown above. The product purity of each amine, after dis­ tillation, was in excess of 99.5%.

Annular spinning Band Distillation column* tor High Purity separations Nester/Faust's new Annular Still employs a Teflon band in annular· configuration for high plate efficiency (in excess of 125 plates), low holdup (0.3 ml) and low pressure drop (3 mmHg at 50 cc boil-up) to produce previously unat­ tainable rectification. Complete price is under $900. Specifications and application data are contained in Distillation Brochure PIB-65630. Nestor/Faust Glass Products Division, 2401 Ogletown Road, Newark, Delaware. 'U.S. and foreign patents pending.

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