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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 4536-4541

Distribution and Fate of Inorganic and Organic Arsenic Species in Landfill Leachates and Biogases P. PINEL-RAFFAITIN, I. LE HECHO,* D. AMOUROUX, AND M. POTIN-GAUTIER Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique Bio-Inorganique et Environnement-IPREM UMR 5254, Universite´ de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Avenue de l’Universite´, 64000 Pau, France

The arsenic release from landfills requires special attention both due to its potential toxicity and due to the increasing global municipal solid waste production. The determination of arsenic species in both leachates and biogases has been performed in this work to determine the fate of arsenic in landfills. Both inorganic and methylated arsenic species occur in leachates with concentrations varying from 0.1 to 80 µg As L-1. These species are representative of the leachate arsenic composition, as the mean recovery obtained for the speciation analyses is 67% of the total arsenic determined in elementary analyses. In biogases, both methylated and ethylated volatile arsenic species have been identified and semiquantified (0-15 µg As m-3). The landfill monitoring has emphasized close relationships between the concentrations of mono-, di-, and tri-methylated arsenic compounds in leachates. A biomethylation pathway has thus been proposed as a source of these methylated compounds in the leachates from waste arsenic, which is supposed to be in major part under inorganic forms. In addition, peralkylation mechanisms of both biomethylation and bioethylation have been suggested to explain the occurrence of the identified volatile species. This combined speciation approach provides a qualitative and quantitative characterization of the potential emissions of arsenic from domestic waste disposal in landfills. This work highlights the possible formation of less harmful organoarsenic species in both leachates and biogases during the waste degradation process.

Introduction Even though municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in landfills is one of the most common waste management pathways throughout the world, its potential release of major contaminants such as arsenic in both atmosphere and aquatic ecosystems is not documented. As a comparison, the arsenic global emission in the atmosphere from incineration was 87 tons per year in the mid 1990s, and the corresponding emission factor ranged between 1.1 and 2.8 g of arsenic per ton of incinerated MSW (1, 2). With the increasing global waste production and the well-known toxicity of arsenic, this potential diffuse source of arsenic in the environment is gaining importance. It was recently pointed out that arsenic is a main MSW landfill leachate contaminant among metals * Corresponding author phone: +33 55 940 76 72; fax: +33 55 940 76 74; e-mail: [email protected]. 4536



and metalloids (3). Leaching and mobilization mechanisms of arsenic in relation to iron hydroxide and organic matter under simulated or real landfill conditions (4, 5) have suggested the potential release of arsenic from such reducing environments. Taking into account the main anthropogenic uses of arsenic, its sources in MSW are supposed to be glasses, metallic components, and agricultural products (6, 7). According to the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management, the total arsenic concentration in municipal solid wastes reaches 5 mg kg-1 dry waste (8). The information concerning the characterization of arsenic forms in MSW is scarce. In glasses, arsenic acid (acid form of arsenate, AsV) is nowadays preferred to arsenic trioxide (As2O3) (9). In metallic components (alloys, semiconductors), arsenic is supposed to be in inorganic forms such as GaAs (10). Arsenic agricultural applications include wood preservatives, herbicides, and insecticides, in which arsenic can be in different forms such as inorganic arsenic or mono- and di-methylated species (7, 9). Complex physical, chemical, and biological processes interact in landfills during waste degradation. As well as other metals and metalloids, arsenic can potentially be transferred from the waste to leachates and biogases. In the waste mass, the presence of microorganisms combined to reduce conditions enhances the potential transformation of arsenic by bioalkylation or hydride generation pathways (11, 12). More particularly, Challenger’s biomethylation mechanism still remains topical nowadays to explain the formation of methylated compounds from inorganic arsenic by combining reactions of reduction and methylation (13). The potential pathways of these microbial processes have been widely studied (14, 15). The difference of toxicity between the methylated forms in comparison to the inorganic forms in both liquid and gaseous phase remains significant. The lethal dose that caused the death of 50% of a population of tested mice (LD50) was as low as 8 mg kg-1 for arsenite (AsIII) and rose to 5500 mg kg-1 for trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) (16). Similarly, LD50 tremendously decreases from 20 000 mg L-1 for trimethylarsine down to 5-45 mg L-1 for arsine (AsH3) (17). Such observations have suggested that the biomethylation of arsenic thus can be considered as a detoxification mechanism (15). Both liquid and gaseous arsenic species determinations appear to be necessary for the assessment of environmental and sanitary impacts of landfill. Even if arsenic speciation analysis in liquid samples has been widely studied, for example, in waters (18, 19) and in wastewaters (20, 21), it is noteworthy that no data upon arsenic species occurrence in landfill leachates are available, to the best of our knowledge. In opposition, some works have already reported the occurrence of some volatile arsenic species in landfill biogases (12, 22) such as hydride, methylated, and ethylated forms. This work is based on the specific developments of arsenic speciation analyses in both aqueous (23, 24) and gaseous phases (25, 26). A reliable analytical protocol for the determination of up to eight arsenic species has been developed especially for leachate matrices. For the first time, arsenic speciation analyses have been performed during the monitoring of both leachates and biogases collected in two MSW landfills providing the determination of dissolved and volatile arsenic species. The main objective of the present work is to propose possible sources and pathways to explain the occurrence of the identified species in landfill effluents. In this way, the results of arsenic speciation analyses in both gaseous and liquid phases have been combined to outline 10.1021/es0628506 CCC: $37.00

 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 06/01/2007

the main factors that influence the formation and the evolution of the arsenic species. Finally, the global emissions of arsenic related to waste disposal in landfills have been evaluated in a risk assessment point of view.

Materials and Methods Sampling Sites and Procedures. Landfill Site Description. Leachates and biogases were sampled in two different French landfills, which are situated in South of France (43-44°N) and that receive only municipal solid wastes (Table S1). These two landfills are still in operation and have bottom and upper liners. The first landfill, named hereafter as A, received 150 000 tons of waste per year and is composed of seven cells. The first cell was filled from 1995 to 2000 (named hereafter A1), and each of the three following cells was filled during 1 year until 2003 (named hereafter A2, A3, and A4). The second landfill, named hereafter as B, was filled with 10 000 tons of waste per year from 1999 to 2002. The surface areas of the landfills are 40 and 13.5 ha, respectively, for A and B. Leachate Sampling. To avoid the perturbation of the outflow, no pumping was applied during sampling. In this way, the leachates were collected at the leachate pipe outflow and transported in 1 L polyethylene bottles in ice-boxes at around 4 °C. Within 2-5 h, the leachates were transferred into 5 mL polypropylene vials and frozen at -20 °C until analysis. In all cases, the sampling bottles and the plastic ware used throughout this work were cleaned following a well-established protocol (3). The whole protocol from sampling to analysis was applied to one bottle filled with ultrapure water (18 MΩ, Millipore) to constitute a landfill blank. Leachate samples were collected 4 times in landfill A (10/ 01/2005, 04/07/2005, 08/12/2005, and 29/05/2006) and 5 times in landfill B (12/10/2004, 25/04/ 2005, 11/07/2005, 22/ 09/2005, and 06/12/2005). The corresponding leachate samples are LA110/01 to LA410/01 for 10/01/2005, LA104/07 to LA404/07 for 04/07/2005, LA108/12 to LA408/12 for 08/12/2006, LA129/05 to LA429/05 for 29/05/2006, and LB12/10, LB25/04, LB11/07, LB22/09, and LB06/12 for the five campaigns in landfill B (Table S1). For all the analyzed samples, the entire sample protocol was done in duplicate. Biogas Sampling. The two sites are equipped with drains to collect and then flare the biogases. Biogases were sampled at the drain’s bleed. Ten liter Tedlar bags (Supelco, SigmaAldrich) were filled using a laboratory-made box that provides a clean sampling as it is depressurized indirectly with a vacuum pump. After collection, bags were placed immediately in the dark to avoid photochemical degradation and kept at room temperature until the preconcentration step. For each sampling campaign, the first and the last samples were ambient air samples to check the landfill background.

One sampling campaign was performed on each site (Table S1). For landfill A, two Tedlar bags were used for each of the four cells sampled (29/05/2006): BgA129/05, BgA229/05, BgA329/05, and BgA429/05. For landfill B, five Tedlar bags were filled on 11/07/2005 (BgB11/07). Cryogenic Preconcentration of Volatile Species. Cryogenic preconcentration was performed within 2 h after the on-site collection. Each Tedlar bag was directly connected to a cryogenic preconcentration system via its valve (26). The aspiration flow rate for the gas pumping was fixed at 800 mL min-1. Gas samples were dried by passing through an empty U-shaped glass tube maintained at -20 °C (mixture of ice and acetone) before being cryofocused at -80 °C in glass wool columns (i.d. 5 mm, 17.5 cm length). This temperature was chosen to avoid the condensation of both carbon dioxide (boiling point ) -80 °C) and methane (boiling point ) -164 °C), which represents 50-80% of the total biogas content. For each Tedlar bag, three cryotraps were used to preconcentrate different volumes of biogas (4 and 2 L). For ambient air, the gas volume preconcentrated was 8 L. After cryofocusing, the cryotraps were closed with Teflon caps and immediately transferred to a dry atmosphere cryogenic container. Volatile arsenic species were extracted from leachate samples from landfill A (29/05/2006) using a purge system connected to the previously cited cryogenic preconcentration system. The parameters of the purge, whose principle is described elsewhere (27), were adapted to the specific matrix of leachates. The purge was directly performed using the sampling polypropylene bottle with only 500 mL of leachate to avoid any problem of foaming. The helium pressure was applied for 30 min (flow rate of 250 mL min-1). Purge blanks were performed (ultrapure water) to check for any contamination. Arsenic Speciation Analyses. Dissolved Arsenic Species Determination by HPLC-ICPMS Analysis. The analytical method for the speciation analysis of arsenic consists of the coupling of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (7500ce, Agilent Technologies) (23). The chromatographic conditions on a cationic exchange column (PRP-X200) provide the separation of six arsenic species (AsIII, MMA, AsV, DMA, AsB, and TMAs+) within 25 min and the identification of two others that were not completely resolved (AsC and TMAO). Despite the high complexity of leachate matrix, no matrix effect has been pointed out. The relative detection limits vary between 11 ng As L-1 for DMA and 27 ng As L-1 for AsV. The developed method has the advantage of requiring a soft and rapid sample preparation and to enable within a single analysis the repartition determination of the most environmentally significant arsenic species. To check the efficiency of arsenic speciation analysis in landfill leachates, total arsenic concentrations were measured

TABLE 1. Arsenic Species Concentrations (µg As L-1) in Leachates from Landfills A and B concentrations (µg As L-1) for four campaigns (A) and five campaigns (B) species (abbreviation)

mean (median)

LA1 (min-max)

LA2 (min-max)

LA3 (min-max)

LA4 (min-max)

LB (min-max)

As(OH)3 (AsIII) AsO(OH)2CH3 (MMA) AsO(OH)3 (AsV) AsO(OH)(CH3)2 (DMA) As+(CH3)3CH2COOH (AsB) As+(OH)(CH3)3 (TMAO) ∑ species (X) (mean) total As (Y) (mean) X/Y (%)(mean)

) 42 1.4 (0.8) 6.5 (3.1) 7.2 (4.8) 4.6 (1.5) 0.2 (n.d.) 5.7 (0.9) 41 42 74

n)8 0.4-0.9 0.4-10.5 0.3-8.1 0.6-13.9 n.d. to 0.7 0.3-82

n)8 0.3-1.9 0.1-4.3 1.7-5.6 n.d.a to 3.6 n.d. to 0.4 n.d. to 1.0 8 18 45

n)8 0.3-1.9 0.5-3.2 0.5-21 n.d. to 2.5 n.d. to 0.5 n.d. to 0.3 14 24 52

n)8 3.6-4.2 0.2-28 6.4-13 n.d. to 22 n.d. to 0.6 n.d. to 2.0 42 51 81

n ) 10 0.1-2.6 2.9-23 2.2-21 0.8-8.6 n.d. 0.5-2.4 24 35 69



n: number of samples. b n.d.: not detected (below the detection limit). VOL. 41, NO. 13, 2007 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 2. Arsenic Volatile Species in Biogases from Landfills A and B volatile species (proposed)




calcd boiling point (°C)




gaseous samples BgA129/05 BgA229/05 BgA329/05 BgA429/05 BgB11/07 air (above landfill)

ranges of concentration in µg As m n.d. 11.0-17.7 2.2-12.9 13.7 1.6 × 10-3 to 3.0 × 10-3 n.d.

n.d. 3.8 × 10-2 to 5.2 × 10-2 0.2 × 10-2 to 1.9 × 10-2 5.5 × 10-2 n.d. n.d.

with an ICPMS (7500ce, Agilent Technologies) after nitric acid (70% Baker Instra-Analyzed) microwave digestion (Ethos, Milestone) of the sample. The investigated protocol was presented elsewhere (3). Volatile Arsenic Species Determination by CT-GCICPMS Analysis. The cryogenic trapping-gas chromatography (CT-GC) system is detailed elsewhere (26). Briefly, the volatile species were thermally flash desorbed from the cryotraps into the chromatographic column (Chromosorb WHP, 60-80 mesh, 10% SP2100 Supelco) maintained at -196 °C with nitrogen, subsequently eluted, and separated in the column heated up to 250 °C. This cryogenic trapping system was hyphenated to an X series ICPMS (Thermo Electron Corp.). The identification of arsenic volatile species (As(CH3)3, As(CH3)(C2H5)2, As(CH3)2(C2H5), As(C2H5)3, and As(CH3)2H) was performed following the methodology based on the relationship between the boiling point and the retention time (22). The raise of one alkyl group from one species to another led to a correlation (logarithmic) between retention time and boiling point. For each proposed species, the calculated boiling point was compared to a boiling point estimated using a QSAR model (MpBpVpWin, software provided by EPA), as illustrated in Figure S1. The boiling points (Table 2) calculated for the identification of these species are consistent with those cited by Feldmann and Hirner as reference boiling points: 50-51 °C for As(CH3)3, 87 °C for As(CH3)2(C2H5), 140 °C for As(C2H5)3, and 35-37 °C for As(CH3)2H. The calibration method is based on the use of a doubleentrance plasma torch that provides the simultaneous injection of liquid solutions and gases. The plasma conditions are thus similar during the analysis of the gas samples and during the injection of the liquid standards. To check the sensitivity and stability of the ICPMS, a liquid internal standard of yttrium was injected continuously during the analyses of the gas samples. Then, for the quantification, aqueous arsenic solutions were injected at different concentrations, while the same plasma conditions were maintained by flushing the chromatographic column with helium. The detailed method has proven to be efficient for a semiquantification of the species with less than 30% error (28). The absolute detection limit of the CT-GC-ICPMS system was 0.2 pg for the arsenic species. This led to relative detection limits of 100 pg As m-3 for the 2 L preconcentrated biogas samples and 0.4 pg As L-1 for leachate samples.

Results and Discussion Distribution and Fate of Arsenic Species in Landfill Leachate. Occurrence of Both Inorganic and Organic Arsenic Species. The results of the four campaigns in landfill A and the five campaigns in landfill B are summarized in Table 1 with the indication of minimal and maximal concentrations of each arsenic species detected in the samples. The investigation of more than 40 samples has highlighted the presence of up to six arsenic species (AsIII, AsV, MMA, DMA, TMAO, and AsB), as illustrated in Figure 4538







n.d. 1.4 × 10-2 0.5 × 10-2 n.d. n.d. n.d.

n.d. 0.5 × 10-2 to 0.9 × 10-2 0.1 × 10-2 to 2.6 × 10-2 1.1 × 10-2 n.d. n.d.


n.d. 4.5 × 10-2 to 8.9 × 10-2 1.2 × 10-2 to 1.8 × 10-2 14.9 × 10-2 n.d. n.d.

S2 showing the chromatogram of a sample analyzed from landfill leachate LA129/05. Landfill leachates from the two studied sites present a qualitatively as well as quantitatively diversified composition. As illustrated in Table S2, the matrix parameters (dissolved carbon, anions, and pH) present wide ranges of concentrations, showing a high variability in relation to the sampling periods and the waste cells. As shown in Table 1, the screening of the samples exhibits AsV as the major species with a mean contribution of 23% of total arsenic. The second predominant species is MMA with a mean contribution of 15% of the total arsenic. AsIII and AsB are always minor components (less than 5% of the total arsenic). In the same way, the contribution of TMAO to total arsenic is less than 5%, except for LA1 for which it is the predominant species with more than 40% of total arsenic. The concentrations of the two most toxic species, which are AsIII and AsV, vary from 0.1 to 4.2 and from 0.3 to 21 µg As L-1, respectively. To our knowledge, all these results of arsenic species occurrence in landfill leachates cannot be compared to any other study due to the lack of available data, except a report in which TMAO was found in water from a landfill wetland (29). Our results can nevertheless be compared to wastewater measurements. According to the literature data on wastewater, only inorganic species (AsV and AsIII) have been detected (20, 21), without any report on the presence of organoarsenic compounds. These concentrations are higher than those measured in wastewater, which are around 0.5 µg As L-1 for AsIII and 5 µg As L-1 for AsV (20, 21). The proportion of the inorganic species relative to the sum of the arsenic species is highly variable (5-98%). The high variability of this proportion and its related potential toxicity highlights the necessity of arsenic composition assessment in landfill leachates. The mean recoveries of speciation analysis in comparison to the total arsenic range between 45 and 80% depending on the landfill cell samples. Two main reasons can be suggested. First, during the speciation analysis, some minor species are detected but still remain unidentified. Second, some species can stick to the stationary phase and thus are not eluted from the chromatographic column. The recovery average of 67% for all the samples is satisfactory, as most of the samples have been significantly examined for the most environmentally problematic arsenic species. Seasonal Evolution. The five sampling campaigns performed on landfill B constituted a seasonal monitoring of the arsenic compounds in leachates. As shown in Figure 1 with the representation of both total arsenic and arsenic species concentrations for the five campaigns, the seasonal variations of the species follow the total arsenic seasonal variation, except AsIII. As was previously described (3), the total arsenic content variations, as well as the ones of chloride, pH, and dissolved inorganic carbon, are largely led by hydrological conditions, especially wet deposition (Table S1). This correlation is illustrated Table S3 with the BravaisPearson correlation matrix (30). MMA, AsV, and DMA concentrations are correlated to the total arsenic concentration (0.99, p < 0.05; 0.95, p < 0.05; and 0.94, p < 0.05,

FIGURE 1. Concentrations of arsenic species (AsIII, AsV, and methylated species) and total arsenic in the five seasonal campaigns on landfill B. respectively). These three species are also correlated together, especially AsV with MMA (0.97, p < 0.05) and MMA with DMA (0.96, p < 0.05). For TMAO, the best correlation factor (0.90, p < 0.05) was obtained with DMA. AsIII is not correlated to any arsenic species. For this species, the maximum concentration occurs in the late summer period (Figure 1), which may exhibit reductive conditions. Influence of Waste Degradation State. Taking into account the previous results, the study of the four cells of landfill A has been focused on the relationships between the concentrations of the three methylated species. For all the samples originating from the four cells, MMA and DMA present close relationships, as shown in Figure S3. The Bravais-Pearson correlation factor is 0.96 (p < 0.05), and the linear regression factor (R2) is 0.93. In addition, a significant Bravais-Pearson correlation factor was obtained between the concentrations of DMA and TMAO (0.95, p < 0.05) by excluding the data from the first cell (A1), which presents a profile different from the three other cells (Figure S3). This cell corresponds to the oldest cell filling period from 1995 to 2000 (Table S1) and is characterized by an advanced state of degradation with, namely, poor leachate production. The low leachate volume can thus lead to an enrichment of the species depending on their originating sources and processes. For the three more recent cells, the high interdependence of the methylated arsenic species content illustrates that in the first stages of waste degradation, the same factors influence the arsenic composition. Distribution and Fate of Volatile Arsenic Species in Landfill Biogases. Gaseous and Dissolved Volatile Species. Five volatile arsenic species have been semiquantified in the biogas samples originating from the two sites (Table 2), as illustrated in Figure S4 with the chromatogram of landfill biogas BgA229/05. The most predominant species is trimethylarsine (As(CH3)3). The concentration of As(CH3)3 is from 100 to 1000 times higher than the other species, which are As(CH3)2H, As(CH3)2(C2H5), As(CH3)(C2H5)2, and As(C2H5)3. Taking into account the occurrence of As(CH3)2(C2H5), and As(C2H5)3, the presence of As(CH3)(C2H5)2 is expected even if it has never been reported in environmental samples, to our knowledge. The occurrence of As(CH3)3, As(CH3)2(C2H5), As(C2H5)3, and As(CH3)2H has already been reported by Feldmann and Hirner (22). The mean total volatile arsenic concentrations between 2 and 14.5 µg As m-3 correspond to a lower concentration

range than the one reported for sewage and landfill biogases varying between 16 and 48 µg As m-3 (22). No volatile arsenic has been detected in the ambient air samples above the two landfills. It is noteworthy that no biogas treatment by flaring could induce in the surrounding atmosphere a significant diffuse emission of volatile arsenic. The analysis of the purges of landfill leachates has revealed the absence of volatile arsenic compounds dissolved in the aqueous phase, except As(CH3)2(C2H5), which was found in LA129/05 (0.70 ( 0.03 pg As L-1 leachate). The absence of arsenic volatile species dissolved in the landfill leachates illustrates the potential over-saturation of the gaseous phase in comparison to the liquid phase. Influence of Waste Degradation State. The campaign on landfill A allows observation of the composition at a specified moment by fixing some parameters such as waste management, climatic conditions, and waste general composition. For the biogas corresponding to the most degraded waste, no volatile arsenic species was detected (Table 2). In contrast, in the three most recent cells (A2, A3, and A4), the biogas was enriched in arsenic volatile species with concentrations reaching 15 µg As m-3. This is consistent with the fact that the maximum fermentation gas production was reached during the beginning of the exploitation of the landfill (31). It seems that the first cell A1 as well as the one of landfill B was in a most advanced state of degradation, which is expressed by a poor volatilization of arsenic species. Sources and Pathways of Arsenic Species in Landfill Effluents. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the three landfill compartments (waste, leachate, and biogas) and their occurring arsenic species. It summarizes the possible sources and processes that can be proposed for the understanding of effluent composition. Anthropogenic Sources from Waste Leaching. Arsenic known pools in wastes are glasses, metallic components, and agricultural products in which arsenic is mainly in inorganic forms and a minor part in mono- or di-methylated forms. In addition, some punctual sources of arsenic could be proposed. As an example, in the coastal area, as for landfill LA, marine wastes could supply arsenic, as the occurrence of AsB especially in sea products such as algae, mollusks, and fish is well-attested (32, 33). The percolating water can thus provide the transfer of mainly AsV and perhaps AsIII and some organoarsenic compounds from solid waste VOL. 41, NO. 13, 2007 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



FIGURE 2. Sources and processes for the arsenic occurrence in waste, leachate, and biogas. material into leachates. Depending on the landfill management and geological nature of the soil, arsenic can be introduced in the waste mass by the daily addition of soil to prevent the taking flight of plastic bags or other wastes. Methylation and Ethylation as Sources of Newly Formed Species. The anthropogenic sources of arsenic are not sufficient for the explanation of all occurring arsenic species. During degradation, the waste mass was under anaerobic conditions (12, 31). Under these reducing conditions, AsV can easily be transformed into AsIII. Besides its important anaerobic activity, the landfill gathers all the conditions for the biomethylation of arsenic (11, 12). The correlations between the methylated species observed in the two landfills are consistent with successive biomethylation steps. As indicated in Figure 2, the proposed mechanism implies subsequent reduction steps after each methylation reaction. Reduced intermediates such as MMAIII or DMAIII are highly unstable and cannot be detected with our analytical protocol. They are thus probably readily converted to their oxidized form before analysis (34). The successive reactions in the liquid phase constitute a detoxification chain from inorganic arsenic to TMAO (15) as the toxicity of organoarsenicals decreases with increasing substitution (16). In leachates, the peralkylation pathway seems not to be of concern as the tetramethylarsonium ion has not been detected in our samples (Table 1). In opposition, the predominance of trimethylarsine (As(CH3)3) in comparison to dimethylarsine (As(CH3)2H) in landfill biogases (Table 2) could mean that peralkylation is a major phenomenon in the gaseous phase (12). The observation of arsine and monomethylarsine by decreasing the preconcentration temperature could probably confirm that As(CH3)3 is the most stable end-product of the biomethylation pathway (17). In addition, as it was already reported by Feldmann and Hirner (22) that bioethylation was also assumed to take place in landfills to explain the occurrence of volatile ethyl- or methylethylarsenic compounds in our biogas samples (Table 2). As indicated in Figure 2, the hypothesis is that these per-alkylated species were formed from liquid or gaseous methylated species by reaction with an ethyl donor. In fact, a methyl donor such as halogenated compounds (35), fulvic and humic acids, or different organometallic compounds could likewise be ethyl donors under particular conditions. At the laboratory scale, the formation of the mixed alkylated volatile species has been observed in incubations of microorganisms grown on ethylarsenic substrates (15). Another study has demonstrated that some bacteria that can make methanogenesis have shown their capability of pro4540



ducing ethane (36). Similarly, some bacteria that can methylate could be able to ethylate the arsenic species. But, up to now, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by any identification of microorganisms in charge of bioethylation under simulated landfill conditions. Biomethylation and bioethylation mechanisms in addition to waste leaching allow for the explanation of the occurrence of all identified species. In addition, it is worth stressing that a more complex bioalkylation cycle could occur in the waste mass generating other organoarsenic compounds. Evaluation of Potential Emissions of Arsenic Compounds from Landfill Leachates and Biogases. With a longterm approach, landfills constitute a return to a natural environment of anthropogenic wastes. In the case of arsenic, our results suggest that the waste degradation processes promote the release of more environmentally friendly compounds. Leachate and biogas average annual concentrations of the two landfills were used to evaluate the potential emissions due to waste disposal by taking into account the annual volume of leachates and biogases. The potential atmospheric emissions extrapolated to the total municipal solid waste disposals in French landfills gave a quantity of 6 kg As year-1. This corresponds to 0.05% of the total atmospheric emissions of arsenic in France in 2004 (37). In aquatic systems, the potential emissions of arsenic related to French municipal solid waste disposals, estimated in this work, were around 10 kg As year-1 for inorganic arsenic and 20 kg As year-1 for methylated arsenic. As a comparison, the estimation of the global domestic wastewater arsenic emissions is between 2 × 106 and 8 × 106 kg As year-1 (2). According to our study, the input of arsenic from waste disposals remains negligible in the total mass balance of arsenic emissions. However, landfills constitute a potential continuous point source of arsenic in the environment, as the release lasts from the beginning of cell-filling to many years after. Recent investigations focused on arsenic redox forms have suggested that under reducing conditions, the microbial activity involved in organic matter degradation takes part in the release of arsenic (4, 5). This study has shown the importance of dealing with arsenic speciation analysis, as the formation of less harmful organoarsenic species from leachates and biogases during waste degradation has been emphasized.

Acknowledgments P.P.-R. acknowledges the French Environmental Agency (ADEME) for financial support. The authors thank C. Pe´cheyran for cryogenic sampler technical help.

Supporting Information Available Data on sampling campaigns (Table S1), matrix characteristics of the leachate samples (Table S2), Bravais-Pearson correlation matrix between arsenic species (Table S3), identification of the arsenic species in biogas samples (Figure S1), correlation between methylated species in leachate samples (Figure S3), and chromatograms of arsenic species in leachates and biogases (Figures S2 and S4). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org.

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Received for review December 1, 2006. Revised manuscript received April 19, 2007. Accepted April 30, 2007. ES0628506