Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor

Aug 19, 1994 - Heparin, sulfate ion, and a number of polysulfated saccharides enhance the stability of bFGF against thermal denaturation. To assess th...
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Chapter 6 Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of B a s i c Fibroblast G r o w t h F a c t o r Effect of Sulfated Compounds 1

Z. Shahrokh , V. Sluzky, P. R. Stratton, G. A. Eberlein, and Y. J. Wang Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on June 7, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 19, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0567.ch006

Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Scios Nova, Inc., 2450 Bayshore Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 Heparin, sulfate ion, and a number of polysulfated saccharides enhance the stability of bFGF against thermal denaturation. To assess the potential enhancement of bFGF shelf life, solution formulations containing these excipients were incubated at 35°C and analyzed by heparin affinity HPLC for soluble protein content as well as monomer/multimer distribution. Loss of soluble protein due to precipitation was seen in all formulations. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to show that the precipitates without added ligands were made up of unfolded protein, consistent with the requirement for chaotropes to solubilize them. In the presence of sulfated compounds, however, the precipitates dissociated by 1 M NaCl and were enriched in disulfide-linked multimers with native tertiary structure. Disulfide-linked multimers also appeared in solution, at ~2-fold greater amount in the presence than the absence of sulfated compounds. In buffer alone, multimers dissociated to unfolded monomers via spontaneous thiol-disulfide exchange, resulting in aggregation and precipitation. Heparin which increased structural stability of bFGF, prevented disulfide interchange and indirectly promoted multimerization; beyond a threshold multimer concentration in solution, the multimers precipitated with the sulfated compounds. Thus, despite stabilization of native bFGF structure by sulfated compounds, loss of soluble monomer was unabated. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a globular protein with mitogenic and angiogenic properties which is currently under investigation for its ability to accelerate wound healing (1-2). bFGF belongs to a family of several structurally related heparin binding growth factors including acidic FGF (aFGF) with -55 % sequence homology and superimposing folded structures (3-6). The solution stability of FGFs under physiological conditions ranges from a few hours for aFGF (7-9) to weeks for bFGF (10). Hence, the successful solution formulation of FGFs with extended shelf lives requires evaluation Current address: Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA 94080


0097-6156/94/0567-0085$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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of their interaction with stabilizers. Several in vitro studies on aFGF have shown that heparin protects against heat and acid denaturation and protease digestion ( 7,11-12), thus enhancing bioactivity and solution stability (7-9). There is also in vivo precedence for protection of FGFs against degradative processes when bound to polyanionic glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) at the subendothelial basement membrane (1). Studies on the effect of heparin on bFGF stability, on the other hand, are limited. Early reports show similar protection from protease and acid digestion by heparin (11-14). Thus, we investigated the effect of heparin and a number of polysulfated compounds on the solution stability and the physico-chemical characteristics of bFGF. These findings provided evidence for predominant pathways of bFGF aggregation. Effect of Sulfated Excipients on Thermal Stability Recombinant human bFGF was produced from an E. coli expression system and purified to homogeneity by HPLC methods (10,15). The effect of sulfated compounds on thermal denaturation of bFGF was assessed by differential scanning calorimetry. bFGF formulated at 1 mg/ml in 100 m M phosphate, 1 m M E D T A buffer at pH 6.5 (Buffer A) showed a narrow exothermic melting profile with a peak at 60 °C which is the melting temperature, Tm- Heparins, polysulfated hexoses, and sodium sulfate increased Tm by 10 to 30 °C (Table I). The minimum weight ratio of excipient to bFGF which yielded the maximum T and did not compromise bFGF solubility was used in subsequent formulations. m

Table I. Effect of Sulfated Compounds on Heat Denaturation of bFGF Determined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry Excipient ( excipient: FGF weight ratio ) T (°C) 60 none a


heparin (0.3)


L M W heparin (0.3)


sucrose octasulfate (1)


inositol hexasulfate (0.5)


sodium sulfate (44)



Denaturation profiles were obtained for a range of excipient:bFGF weight ratios which did not compromise bFGF solubility. Results for the minimum ratio that yielded the maximum T are shown here. ^SOS caused a broad multipeak denaturation profile. m

Effect of Sulfated Excipients on bFGF Solution Stability The effect of sulfated compounds on stability of bFGF was investigated by incubating 1 mg/ml bFGF and various excipients in Buffer A at 35 °C. Heparin affinity H P L C was

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of bFGF


used to determine multimer distribution and measure the amount of soluble protein after removal of precipitates by filtration. Freshly prepared bFGF was >98% monomelic whereas air oxidized bFGF contained dimers, trimers, and higher oligomers (Figure 1) as determined by size exclusion HPLC (SEC) of the purified components (16). By 10 days, formulations without heparin contained precipitates. The decrease in soluble protein content as well as the monomer concentration (Figure 2A) reflected such precipitation. In the presence of heparin, an initial lag phase was observed during which soluble protein concentration decreased more slowly than in buffer alone (Figure 2B). Though this observation was consistent with U V turbidimetric analyses of bFGF stability (Eberlein et al, unpublished results), eventual precipitation was not prevented. Interestingly, the rate of monomer loss was greater than in buffer alone. This was initially due to conversion to multimers and eventually due to precipitation (Figure 2B). Note that from these data alone we can not determine whether precipitation proceeded via monomer conversion to multimer, or independent of monomer conversion to multimer. As will be discussed later, we believe that the first scheme is the predominate pathway. Since heparin has 10-14 potential adjacent binding sites for F G F (17), we investigated whether the heparin-induced increase in dimer formation might have resulted from close contact of bound protein molecules. This hypothesis was not supported by the results which indicated enhanced dimerization by a 3-fold lower molecular weight heparin (Figure 3A) as well as by inositol hexasulfate, sucrose octasulfate, and even sodium sulfate (Figure 3B). Disulfide Nature of Soluble b F G F Multimers To determine whether multimers promoted by sulfated compounds were covalent or noncovalent, their dissociation by reducing agents and chaotropes was examined. By heparin affinity HPLC, 90-98% of multimers formed in the presence or absence of sulfated compounds were reduced to monomers following treatment with 20-30mM dithiothreitol (DTT), suggesting that disulfide association was the main mechanism of bFGF multimerization (Figure 4). Interestingly, however, 4 M guanidine hydrochloride (GnHCl) also dissociated >90% of the multimers to monomers (Figure 4). A similar dissociation of multimers to monomers in the absence of reducing agents was observed during SDS-PAGE (16). Alkylation of the exposed cysteines during unfolding prevented such dissociation (Figure 5; (16)). This phenomenon in bFGF can be explained by the fundamental concept of thiol-disulfide exchange, i.e. rapid exchange of intermolecular for intramolecular disulfides as a result of exposure of a buried free thiol upon unfolding by chaotropes (see model in Figure 5). It should be pointed out that the well-known concept of disulfide redox reactions has previously been shown to explain pathways and rates of protein folding (18), whereas here, we use the concept to explain a pathway for multimer dissociation following protein unfolding. Composition of b F G F Precipitates The nature of precipitates was investigated by monitoring the extent of resolubilization with either 1 M NaCl or 4 M GnHCl after removal of any insoluble protein by filtration.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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h2 c



ο δ c:


1 Retention Time (min)

Figure 1: Chromatogram of air-oxidized bFGF obtained by heparin affinity HPLC. Chromatography was conducted on a Toso Haas heparin TSK-gel column using Buffer A as the mobile phase. Monomelic, dimeric, and trimeric species eluted with increasing [NaCl]. The oligomeric state of the protein was determined by SEC of the isolated species. Protein concentration of each component was determined from peak areas using a response factor of 240 m V . s ^ g at 1 ml/min. The amount of soluble protein was measured from the total peak area since any precipitates were removed by filtration prior to chromatography.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Disulfide-Linked Oligomerizotion of bFGF


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Figure 2: Time-dependent degradation of b F G F without (A) or with (Β) heparin (0.3:1 weight ratio). Error bars for measurements on duplicate samples are shown.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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time (days)

Figure 3: Time-dependent increase in b F G F dimers induced by sulfated compounds. Samples were incubated at 35 °C in the presence of the following excipients: (A) Heparin and low M.W. heparin (0.3:1 weight ratio); (B) Small sulfated compounds such as sucrose octasulfate (1:1 weight ratio), inositol hexasulfate (0.5:1 weight ratio), and 45 m M sodium sulfate.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of bFGF

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1 6

ι 8

ι ι 10 12 Time (min)

ι 14

ι 6

1 8

1 1 10 12 Time (min)

1 14

Figure 4: Nature of b F G F multimers. SEC analysis of a heparin-containing bFGF formulation (0.3:1 wt ratio, Buffer A , 35°C, 108 days) showed a high multimer content. Incubation (4°C, 20 h) with either 30 m M DTT or 4 M GnHCl dissociated the majority of these multimers. SEC was performed on a Biosil TSK-125 column using Buffer A + 1 M NaCl + 2 M GnHCl in the mobile phase.

intramolecular disulfide

intermolecular disulfide

Figure 5: Multimer dissociation via disulfide gymnastics. Exposure of a buried free thiol upon unfolding of a disulfide-linked multimer by chaotropes allows for exchange of inter- for intra- molecular disulfides, and results in dissociation of the native multimers to unfolded monomers in the absence of reducing agents. Such dissociation is prevented by alkylation (e.g., by iodoacetamide) of the free thiols that become exposed during unfolding (16). In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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The precipitates formed in heparm-containing formulations were completely resolubilized with 1 M NaCl as determined by U V spectroscopy of the filtrates (TableU). These filtrates were enriched in disulfide-linked multimers (71% of soluble protein) compared to the filtrates without salt (58%), as determined by heparin affinity H P L C . These results suggested that heparin precipitated the multimers which it had originally promoted in solution. Evidence for this pathway was also provided by the observation that addition of heparin to a multimer-enriched bFGF solution resulted in immediate precipitation of the majority of multimers (not shown). In contrast, salt had no effect on the precipitates without heparin (Table Π). Only chaotropes (e.g., 4 M GnHCl) completely resolubilized these precipitates, suggesting that the precipitates without heparin were denatured protein that hydrophobically associated. In addition, by SEC, >50% of the resolubilized precipitates were large species (>200 kDa) which dissociated to monomers after treatment with 25 m M D T T (not shown), suggesting that the precipitates without heparin were denatured protein which was associated not only hydrophobically, but also through disulfide linkages.

Table Π. Solubilization and Composition of bFGF Precipitates Buffer* 1M NaCl Buffer alone Multimer Protein^ Multimer Protein Recovery Recovery Contenf Samples Contenf 16 bFGF alone 66 66 16 bFGF + heparin






1 mg/ml bFGF with or without 0.3 mg/ml heparin was incubated at 35°C for 31 days. After 2-fold dilution with either phosphate buffer A or buffer plus 2 M NaCl, any remaining precipitate was removed by filtration and the recovery of soluble protein was determined by U V spectroscopy. Recovery of soluble protein expressed as % of protein that was placed in the formulation at tg (± 5%). Multimer content (measured by heparin affinity HPLC) expressed as % of recovered soluble protein that is shown in the preceding column.

Structure of bFGF within Precipitates Information about the tertiary structure of precipitated bFGF was obtained by fluores­ cence spectroscopy of the resuspended particulates. The emission spectrum of soluble bFGF monomer originated from its tyrosines (maximum at 308 nm) with quenched emission of the single tryptophan(Figure 6A).Denaturation of the protein led to increased tryptophan emission (maximum at 350 nm), such that the ratio of emission at 350 nm to that at 308 nm (F350/F308) increased from 0.21 (native) to as high as 1.9 (denatured with 5.5 M GnHCl; Figure 6A). The F350/F308 ratio for non-solubilized precipitates formed in the presence of heparin was identical to that of the native protein (0.21; Figure 6B). This observation was consistent with enrichment of these precipitates in the multimer forms which also had

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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, 300

Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of bFGF







Emission wavelength (nm)

Figure 6: Fluorescence emission spectra of bFGF precipitates. (A) Emission spectra of native soluble bFGF and denatured bFGF in 5.5 M GnHCl (λβχ 277 nm) after dilution to 0.1 mg/ml. (B) Emission spectra of resuspended precipitates with or without heparin (at ~0.1 mg/ml). Note the narrower spectral width of precipitates in the presence of heparin compared to that of soluble monomer without heparin. Emission spectra were obtained on a Shimadzu model RF540 fluorimeter scanned at 400 nm/min. 5 nm excitation and emission slits and 4 mm χ 10 mm excitation and emission pathlengths were used.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



native-like structures (F350/F308 ratio of 0.25-0.27). In contrast, F350/F308 ratio was markedly greater for the precipitates formed in buffer alone (1.57; Figure 6B), consistent with resolubilization only by chaotropes.

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Heparin Binding Site and Cysteine Exposure The heparin-induced increase in bFGF multimers was contrary to the findings reported for aFGF. To rationalize this dissimilarity in behavior between the two related proteins, their folded structure, heparin binding region, and cysteine localization was examined using computer-aided molecular graphics. Human aFGF has three cysteines, two buried at positions 16 and 47, and one exposed at position 117 (9). Binding of heparin to aFGF occurs in proximity to the sole exposed cysteine (Figure 7A),sterically protecting it from oxidation. bFGF has four cysteines, two at positions 34 and 101 which are buried, and two at positions 78 and 96 which are solvent-accessible (3,4). Note that the residue numbers shown here are for the 154 amino acid bFGF which is 9 residues longer than the truncated forms used for crystallography and documented in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank reference number 2fgf (3) and 3fgf (4). In contrast to aFGF, the heparin binding domain of bFGF is in a region that is on the opposite side of the two exposed cysteines (Figure 7B), thus having no protective effect against oxidation. Discussion bFGF and aFGF both bind to heparin ( 17). The smallest binding glycan fragment consists of four (9,17) to seven (19) hexose units, the degree of sulfation being crucial to binding and subsequent activity enhancement. Residues 36 and 134 to 144 of bFGF (3,4), encompassing residues 105 to 128 of aFGF (5), make up the lysine/arginine-rich heparin binding domain, with dimensions which could accommodate a tetrasaccharide unit; such an interaction presumably decreases the unfavorably high electrostatic potential created by charge clustering in both FGFs. Binding of heparin to bFGF dramatically increased its stability against heat denaturation, similar to reports made for aFGF (7). A number of polysulfated hexoses and even sulfate ion showed similar stabilization. The appearance of sulfate ions in bFGF crystals bound to the heparin binding domain (3,4) corroborates a similar site of action and mechanism of stabilization by these sulfated compounds. Structural stabilization was also confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy, showing that after 108 days at 35°C, both soluble bFGF and the protein within the heparin-bFGF precipitates maintained native-like structure. These results were significantly different from the extensive unfolding of bFGF in precipitates that formed in the absence of heparin. Thus, bFGF without heparin followed the classical denaturation-precipitation process observed in many proteins. The striking difference in interaction of heparins with bFGF versus aFGF was that heparin promoted disulfide-linked multimers in bFGF which proceeded onto precipitation. It has been shown that the solubility of heparin-bFGF complexes is dependent on the molar ratio of the two components (13). We have now provided evidence that bFGF precipitates in solutions containing heparin dissociated to multimers by salt, suggesting that these precipitates were ionic complexes of bFGF multimers and heparin. Similarly,

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of bFGF


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Figure 7: Crystallographic structures of (A) aFGF and (B) b F G F showing the spatial relationship of the heparin binding domain (dark dots) and the exposed cysteines (light dots). The single tryptophan in each protein is shown on the right.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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the precipitates in solutions with small sulfated compounds also solubilized by salt, suggesting that heparin and other sulfated compounds reduced the electrostatic repulsion between bFGF multimers and rendered them insoluble. How does one explain a heparin-induced increase in disulfide-linked multimers of bFGF, an observation which is not made for aFGF? Such an effect can not be due to a direct influence of heparin on the reactivity of bFGF cysteines because the two exposed cysteines are in a region which is on the opposite side of the heparin binding domain (Figure 7). Moreover, it is hard to conceive that structural information would translate across the molecule to affect cysteine chemistry, considering that only minimal local structural changes were caused by heparin binding as observed by FTIR (20) or fluorescence spectroscopy (Figure 6). Because heparin has multiple binding sites for FGF, it might bring several bFGFs into close contact to enhance multimerization. However, we ruled out this possibility since multimer formation was enhanced by small sulfated hexoses, even sulfate ions. We propose the following scheme for the fate of bFGF in solution. Disulfidelinked multimers appear to be the major products of bFGF aging (Figure 8, α). Γη the absence of excipients, bFGF multimers are inherently unstable such that spontaneous unfolding-refolding of the protein in solution would lead to "disulfide gymnastics". Such disulfide gymnastics would dissociate the native multimers to unfolded monomers with intramolecular disulfides (Figure 8, b). Though direct evidence for an intramolecular disulfide in denatured bFGF awaits future peptide mapping studies, our finding of selfreduction of bFGF multimers by chaotropes suggests that such a reaction is possible as unfolding occurs spontaneously without chaotropes. Moreover, our observation that denatured bFGF very rapidly refolds to its native state (τ of 22 sec; (21)) has led us to postulate that an intramolecular disulfide which is not compatible with protein's native structure (3,4) should irreversibly lock the protein in the unfolded state, push the equilibrium towards further denaturation, and lead to aggregation and eventual precipi­ tation. Then the free cysteines which become exposed upon unfolding oxidize to produce disulfide-linkages in the already hydrophobically associated protein precipitates (Figure 8, c). In contrast, complexation with heparin or small sulfated compounds apparently rigidifies the native structure, minimizes spontaneous unfolding, and preserves the original mtermolecular disulfide linkages of the native multimers (Figure 8, d). This process indirectly raises the multimer concentration in solution, and with increasing multimer content, larger ionic complexes with heparin are produced which also precipi­ tate (Figure 8, e). Supporting evidence for the above scheme came from the observation that the cysteine 78- and 96-to-serine double mutant which remained monomelic showed no precipitation with heparin for up to ~3 months at 35 °C and was an order of magnitude more stable than wild type bFGF (degradation rates of 0.0015 d-1 versus 0.0132 d-1, respectively). Moreover, because of the close proximity of the buried cysteine 101 to the exposed cysteine 96, we predicted an increased probability of disulfide exchange between thiol 101 and an intermolecular-linkage involving cysteine 96. Indeed, cysteime 96 to serine mutant (which makes only Cys78-Cys78 dimer) showed a 2.5-fold greater stability than cysteine 78 to serine mutant (which makes only Cys96-Cys96 dimer) with degradation rates of 0.0025 d- 1 and 0.0062 d-1, respectively. Finally, stimulation of disulfide exchange by oxidized glutathione dramatically destabilized the protein and led

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Disulfide-Linked Oligomerization of bFGF


bFGF Monomer


Intermol. ^ S-S linked multimer

w/out heparin


Aging w/ heparin

Intermol. S-S linked multimer-heparin complex (native)

unfolding Intramol. S-S linked monomer



Hydrophobic and S-S crosslinked b F G F precipitates ( denatured)

Ionic bFGF-heparin precipitates (native)

Figure 8. Proposed pathway of b F G F aggregation in solution and the effect of heparin. Formation of structurally native disulfide-linked multimers is the initial step in bFGF aging. Spontaneous unfolding-refolding of the protein in the absence of heparin results in thiol-disulfide exchange, dissociating multimers to irreversiblydenatured monomers which then precipitate. Heparin which stabilizes and rigidifies the native folded structure prevents thiol-disulfide exchange and increases multimer content in solution. Multimers form ionic complexes with heparin, and as their size and amount increases, the complexes precipitate. These precipitates, however, contain native-like protein.

In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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to severe aggregation, whereas alkylation of free thiols delayed precipitation and enhanced stability (data not shown). In light of the thiol-disulfide exchange phenomenon in bFGF and its prevention by heparin, the physiological state of bFGF and the role of heparin needs to be refined. Low affinity heparin-like molecules in the extracellular matrix facilitate delivery of bFGF to the high affinity cell surface receptor via events that include receptor dimerization (22 ). Currently, there is no evidence for the oligomeric state of bFGF in vivo, though it is thought to be monomelic. Our data suggest that GAG-induced bFGF multimerization might occur. The multimeric form should then facilitate receptor dimerization more so than the monomelic form, simplistically because it is expected to bring more receptors in close proximity. Indeed, our cell proliferation assays show greater mitogenic activity by multimers than by monomers (Eberlein et al, unpublished results) which is consistent with the above notion. Furthermore, release of multimers from GAGs may result in disulfide exchange and formation of monomelic bFGF with intramolecular disulfides. Currently, the in vivo state of bFGF thiols is not known (crystallographic structures are obtained on in vitro reduced form of bFGF). Our data suggest that at least three potential species of bFGF might exist in vivo: the monomelic form with reduced thiols, the multimeric forms, and the monomelic form with an intramolecular disulfide. Consider­ ing lack of signal sequence in bFGF ( 15), the latter species might be the intracellular form which is transported across the cell membrane. The transported protein may refold immediately upon exposure to extracellular GAGs since heparin has been shown to accelerate refolding of aFGF (23). Clearly, the level of each species is expected to be regulated in major part by the physiological redox potential. In conclusion, bFGF has unique biochemical and biophysical properties which provide clues to pathways of instability in solution. Subtle structural changes among the members of FGF family (e.g., cysteine localization) resulted in marked differences in their interaction with potential stabilizers whose utility could not be predicted from assessment of thermal or structural stabilization alone. Thus, despite structural stabili­ zation of bFGF by heparin, thiol chemistry was not prevented such that for the purpose of preserving soluble monomelic protein, heparin and heparin-like molecules were not useful excipients in solution formulations of bFGF. We found that thiol-containing excipients (which themselves oxidize) were not a long term solution to this problem. Lowering the formulation pH to minimize cysteine reactivity, or modifying the reactive cysteines, should be useful measures to stabilize bFGF. Acknowledgements: We wish to thank Irena Beylin and Sriram Vemuri for conducting differential scanning calorimetry. We are also grateful to Dr. Stewart Thompson's stimulating discussions on bFGF cysteine chemistry. Literature Cited 1. Burgess W.H.; Macaig T. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1989, 58, 575-606. 2. Hebda P.A., Klingbeil C.K., Abraham J.A., and Fiddes J.C. J. Invest. Dermat. 1990, 95, 626-631. 3. Eriksson A.E.; Cousens L.S.; Weaver L.H.; and Mathews Β.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1991, 88, 3441-3445. In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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In Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; Cleland, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.