Division of Chemical Education-dupont Small Grants Program

Wesleyan University. Chemical Relaxation-Temperature Jump $300. Lauren R. Wilson. Ohio Wesleyan University. Development of Unified Laboratory Programs...
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Division of Chemical Education-duPont Small Grants Program The Division of Chemical EdumtionduPont Small Grants Program snnounces the following grants awarded to: Larry D. Faller Lauren R. Wilson

Wesleyan University Ohio Wesleyan University

Lee Summerlin

Florids State University

Chemical Relaxation-Temperature Jump $300 Development of Unified Laboratory Programs Centered Around Inorganic Syntheses: Part 11: The OxalateMetal System $124

Development, Utilization, and Evaluation of Models and Materials to Support a Computer Assisted-Instruction Program in Chemistry $300 Donald J. l)aren+hourg State Cnivemity of New York at BuKnlo Development of Advanved Laboratory Exprrimmts Integrating Orgnniv and lnorgxniv Techniques $350

Iuformntion on rhe preparation and submittal of pn,posaLs to thc 1)iviuion of Chemirnl EdurationduPont Smxll Program may be o b t i l i d by writing to: Profe~surH. A. Ncidig, Committee on the 'l'enrhing of Chemistry, Divlsiorl oi Chemical Eduration, Lebanon Valley College, Annvllle, Pcunsylvania 17003.




Journal of Chemical Education