Division of Chemical Education of the American ... - ACS Publications

Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society: Treasurer's report, September 1, 1953. F. B. Dutton. J. Chem. Educ. , 1954, 31 (1), p...
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membership as of September 1 totals 1038, 988 members in good standing and 50 who have not paid 1953 dues. Our balance on hand in the Division account has increased $470 in the last year. Of this amount perhaps $200 is represented by additional dues paid in advance and the remainder by the fact that for the year ending Se~tember1. 1952. we spent $622 on committee activiti& and in the yearjust &at but $288.


DIVISION ACCOUNT Receipts: Balance on hand 9/1/52 Dues Received from F. D. Martin 11/1/52 ($996.74 plus a $300 bond deposited with R. V. Mellefont) Interest on bonds (includes $87.50 transferred to JOURNAL Amount; see below) Dues previous to 1953 Dues for 1953 Dues paid in advance Total receipts Ezpenditures: A. C. &-Dues receipt cards Atlantic A. C. S.-Sepruates City A. C. 8.-Separates Los Angeles

Secretary's office Treasurer's office Postage Help in mailing and revising mailing list Supplies Addresserette and accessories Bank charges Committees L. L. Quill, A. A. A. S. Cwp. Corn. 0.M. Smith, Teaching College Chem. Interest transferred to JOURNAL account Net balilnoe on hand 9/1/53 Assets distributed as follows: Checking account-"Division of~-Chemical Eduoation. F. B. Dutton, TreasurervEast Lansing State Bank, ~~

East Lansing, Michigan

T 825778/80 " , ' ~ ~ G. ~ &Deposited ~iz,d: i$$~~~ ~ t R.h v. Mellefont, T ~ urer, American Chemical Society, 1155 IGthStreet, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Total




JOURNAL ACCOUNT Balance on hand 9/1/52 Bonds Cash

S18,000.00 1,488.17 $19,488.17

Receipts: Chemical Education Publishing Co., Esston, Pennsylvania. Net transf e r t o J o u ~ ~ ~ ~ f u n d1952profits from Interest on hank account Interest on bonds Total receipts Ezpenditbiteres: None Balance an hand 9/1/53 Assets distributed as follows: Savings account No. 02006, East Lansing Savings and Loan Association, 303 Abbott Road, East. Lansing, Michigan Seven (7) U. S. Savings Bonds, Series G, $1000 ea., Nos. M.: 55608900, 5560861G, 556085561, 55608560, 55608570, 55603580, 55M)859G, deposited with R. V. hlellefant. Treasurer. American Chemical' Society, '1155 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6,

n -. r-.

Four (4) U. S. Savings Bonds, Series G, 51000 ea., Nos. M: 5866176G, 585517TG, 58551i8G, 58550816 (dewsited with R. 1'. Four (4) U. S. savings Bonds, S o ries G, $1000 ea., Nos. M: 7280064G, 72800660, 72800670, 72799360 (deposited with R. V. Mellefont as above) Three (3) U. S. Savings Bonds, Series 0, $1000 ea., Nos. M: 74380090, 7438010G, 74376610 (deposited with R. V. Mellefont as B ~ O V ~ )


2,487.01 56.34 45000


2,993.35 -

