Report of the ACS Examinations Committee The 1981Testing Program Twelve new tests are featured this year. Six tests are available for testing in the Spring. A new brief test in GeneralChemistry, brief version, Form 1981-8, 50 items. 55 min. Rarpondmg lo nLmeroLs requests for a br efer test n General Chemashy me COmmlnee e p.bl shtng lor me I($11me me year, a 55-mmule lest t wns8sto of a select on of 50 0.es1wns from me lonaer 80-rem t e n Althouon 11or expected to have a lower reliabiliw than the full 1lo-minute test, neuerthess. it may be useful asa supplemem to the local final examinationand at the same time permit comparisons with the national norms.
In addition, the following new tests are featured this year. General Chemistry, regular version. Form 1981.80 items. 110 minutes. High S c h w l Chemistry. F m 198 1.80 items, 60 minutes. Physical Chemistry 11-Chemical Dynamics, Form 1981, Is an updated version of Form 1973 11, Part I-A, 30 items, 50 minutes; Panil-8, 15 items. 40 minutes-total
8nOrganoc Cnem stry. Forms 1976. 1981OrgancCnems!ry. Forms 1974-0 19770. 1981-0 Physca~Cnemslry.Forms 1972-P. 1977-P. 1981-P
These tests are confidentialand are available only to members of educational institutions. They should be ordered through the official channels in their schools. For further informationand a brochure describing the tests, wriie to: T. A. Ashford, Examinations Committee-ACS. Universitv of South Florida. Tamoa. , . Florida 33620.
Condensed Norms: ACS Examinations Condensed norms for the most recent tests are resented in the following tables. These are selected from a lakger body of data sent routinely with orders and are available from the Examinations committee-ACS, University of South Florida, 33620. Hlgh School Chemistry Form 1980-ADV 60-ltems-Scored No. Rlght
45 items. 90 minutes.
lnslrumentalDeterminalions.Form 1981. 75 Items. 110 minutes; inorganic Chemistry. Form 1981and 1981-1. 60 items, 110 minutes:
15 I8 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
A new test designed for both undergraduate testlng and for graduate level placement.
The following tests are scheduled to be published in the Summer of 1981 for testing in September. Toledc Placement Test F o m 1981 Anslyrcal Cnsmntry. Form 1981(far undergraduates) Anaifi,cal CnSmlrtry, Form 198 1-A (for graduate level placsmsnll Oroanc Chem8rrrv.Form 1981-0ifor oradbate eve olncement P~&CBI he mist&, Form 1981-P (for graduate level b~acementj PhysicaiChemistry. Form 1981-L (for life sciences)
72 78 84 87 91 94 96 96 99 too
Mean 30.03
Users of the new tests are uraed to send their data for calculation of extensive and statistically reliable norms. As soon as calculated, these norms will be mailed to those contributina data or serving on the Committee. Thereafter, the norms will b; mailed routinely with the new orders. The following is a complete spectrum of all the tests featured this year. Norms for all, except the new tests, are available from previous testing, and condensed norms have appeared in THIS JOURNAL, 57,235 (March 1980); 56, 252 (April 1979); 55,273 (April 1978); and previous issues
Raw Score
A new updated test in instrumentaldeterminations.
c 10.54 KR-21 Re1 0.880 eased on s rampla of 557 studems in 31 high schools
General-Organlc-Biological Chemistry from 1979 Table Il-Parts A & B 60 ltems-Scored Raw
No. Rlght
General Sbile
Organic %ile
Biological %ile
100 32.08 11.02 0.892
100 36.24 9.37 0.851
I00 33.56 10.29 0.875
Toledo Chemistry Piacement Test, Forms 1967. 1974. 1981 General Chemistry, Farms 1975. 1975-5, 1977. 1977-5. 1979, 1979-5. ,an, (1,illltat ue Ana yas. Form 1969 (year 1esti Br el O.allta1lve Analysts. Forms 1973.8. 1977-8 Ouan1la! ve Ana ,~ vrs~.Form 1974 InstrumentalDeterminationsfAnalvsis1. Farms 1971. 1981 Organoc cnem st?, Forms 1974. i978 Br el Organ c Chomislg. Forms 1971-8. 1977-8 nccncrn s t r ) . ~ o r m s1972 1977 Pn,sfcil Cnemmry Forms 1973.1. 1973.1. 1973- .. 1975 1976Br el Pn/s ca Cncm slry. Form 1968.6 Polymer Chcminry. Form 1978 Inorgmc Chem8wry. Forms 1976. 1981 General.Oroar c-Blo w cal Chemmrv. Forms 1971. 1979 High SC~O; chemist6 (Advanced). Forms 1 9 7 4 - ~ 0 ~ 1977-ADV, , 1980ADV High Schwl Chemistry. Forms 1975. 19754. 1977. 1977-S. 1979. 1979-5. 1981
Graduate Level Placement Examinations in: Analytical Chemistry, Forms 1973-A, 1977-A, 1981-A Norms sent to users are regularly updated from newer or more extensive data. KR rel. is the reliability coefficient based an KulerRichardsan Formula No. 21.
Journal of Chemical Education
56 Mean ~
KR-21 re1
eased on repons 01 1451 students In 27 institutions.