DNA structure equilibria in the human c-myc gene - American

Apr 28, 1986 - Chang, Y. C., Scott, R. D., & Graves, D. J. (1986) Bio- chemistry 25, 1932-1939. Gerig, J. T. (1978) Biological Magnetic Resonance (Ber...
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Biochemistry 1987, 26, 367-376

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DNA Structure Equilibria in the Human c-myc Genet T. C. Boles and Michael E. Hogan* Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 Received April 28, 1986; Revised Manuscript Received September 5, 1986

We have employed analytical S1 nuclease analysis to identify sites with altered D N A secondary structure in the human c-myc gene. We have mapped several sites of that kind in vitro at one-base resolution but have focused our attention on one particularly stable conformational isomer which occurs approximately 270 base pairs upstream from the preferred transcription origin. We have analyzed the kinetics of that conformational equilibrium as a function of supercoil density and enzyme concentration and find that D N A structure in this region is adequately modeled as a two-state equilibrium between an undistorted (S1 nuclease insensitive) and a distorted (Sl-sensitive) state. We find that at fixed supercoil density, S1 nuclease cleavage a t this D N A segment can be altered in vitro by a D N A sequence change as far away as 1500 bases. We also find that the S1 nuclease cleavage a t this site can be dramatically enhanced by the binding of small R N A molecules. On the basis of an analysis of S1 cutting kinetics and an analysis of D N A sequence at the S1 cleavage site, we conclude that R N A may bind directly to DNA, thereby shifting the underlying conformational equilibrium. Together, these data suggest that as a class, short R N A molecules could serve as site-specific regulatory elements in the myc gene and elsewhere. ABSTRACT:

R e c e n t l y , on the basis of the use of chemical and enzymatic probes, sites have been identified in cloned genes which appear to have assumed an atypical DNA secondary structure. Sites of that kind have been identified in the chicken @*-globingene tThis work was supported by Grant R01 CA39527-01 from the National Cancer Institute.


(Schon et a]., 1983; Nickol & Felsenfeld, 1983; Wang & Hogan, 1985), in the Drosophila HPS70 gene (Mace et al., 1983), in the sea urchin histone gene cluster (Hentschel, 1982), and in a variety of synthetic DNA inserts (Pullyblank et al., 1985; Kohwi-Shigematsu & Kohwi, 1985). Several laboratories are attempting to rationalize those data in structural terms, and some generalizations have been made. 0 1987 American Chemical Society



On the basis of chemical and S1 nuclease analysis, it has been proposed that segments with 2-fold symmetry can assume cruciform (stem-loop) structures in highly supercoiled plasmid molecules (Lilley, 1980). When alternating purinepyrimidine segments are included into supercoiled plasmids, they appear to undergo a right-hand B- to left-hand Z-helix transition (Klysik et al., 1981). In supercoiled plasmids, long synthetic polypurine-polypyrimidine segments appear to assume an altered conformation which has been postulated to be a loop (Nickol & Felsenfeld, 1983) or perhaps a left-hand helix form (Cantor et al., 1984). The biological significance of such secondary structure variation is unclear. Nuclease and chemically sensitive sites in genes are often nearby regions which have been identified as having functional significance. However, structure/function relationships of that kind are controversial (Sinden et al., 1983). It is interesting to consider the possibility that structurally altered DNA segments might serve as a regulatory signal for a specific ligand binding event, but a clear-cut example of such a relation is not now available. In previous work involving altered DNA conformation in the adult P-globin gene, we concluded that (as might be expected intuitively) the phenomenon of rare nuclease sensitivity in genes must be considered in equilibrium terms; Le., sites become especially sensitive to a probe such as S1 nuclease because they possess the capacity to equilibrate between an ordinary helix structure and one which is recognized by the enzyme (Wang & Hogan, 1985). Here we apply such equilibrium concepts to the study of DNA conformational equilibria in the human c-myc gene. We have chosen to study this cloned gene fragment in structural and kinetic terms because a preliminary computer analysis suggested to us that the myc gene possesses regions with a sequence which might be capable of forming an atypical DNA secondary structure. Moreover, the c-myc gene is notable in that control of its expression may be linked to the position of the gene within chromosomes; Le., activation of c-myc to an oncogenic state is sometimes accompanied by rearrangement events which alter the identity of nearby DNA segments but which leave coding and intron sequences intact (Leder et al., 1983). That activation has been explained as due to the effect of distant enhancers or distant repressive elements, acting in cis upon the c-myc gene. Therefore, our second reason for studying c-myc structure is to determine if such long-range sequence effects can be detected in vitro, in terms of their effects on DNA secondary structure within the gene. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plasmids. The human genomic c-myc (plasmid pHM3) was obtained from the laboratory of Michael Cole. It contains an 8 kilobase (kb) EcoRI-Hind111 fragment of human genomic DNA cloned into the corresponding restriction sites of pBR322 (Bolivar et al., 1977). The insert contains the entire c-myc gene with approximately 2 kb of sequence to the 5' side and 0.6 kb to the 3'side of its coding sequences (see Figure 6B for a map). This plasmid was grown in E. coli strain D H l . The plasmid pM-HX was constructed by ligating the 3.5 kb HindIII-XbaI fragment from pHM3 into pUC12 (Viera & Messing, 1982). This fragment contains the first (nontranslated) exon of the c-myc gene and 2 kb of 5'-flanking sequence (Figure IC). In the experiments shown in Figures 1 and 2, the plasmid was grown in Escherichia coli strain JM103 (Messing, 1983). All other experiments use plasmid grown in HB 101. Plasmid-containing bacteria were shaken overnight at 37 "C in LB medium (Maniatis et al., 1982) supplemented with


50 pg/mL ampicillin. Plasmids were prepared by a standard alkaline extraction procedure and CsC1-ethidium bromide density gradient centrifugation as described (Maniatis et al., 1982). The gradient fraction containing supercoiled plasmid was repeatedly extracted with butanol and then dialyzed extensively against TE buffer [ 10 mM tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HCl), pH 8.0, and 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)]. Unless otherwise specified in the figure legends, all plasmid preparations were further purified by Sepharose 6B chromatography (column size 2.5 cm X 35 cm, TE buffer 50 mM NaCl, 4 "C) to remove low molecular weight, UV-absorbing species which are present following the gradient step. The elution profile was monitored by UV absorbance. The purified plasmid elutes in the excluded volume while the low molecular weight material elutes as a broad symmetric peak in the included volume. We routinely loaded samples of up to 2 mg of CsC1-purified plasmid in a volume of 2 mL. Under these conditions, the column resolves the two peaks completely. Alteration of Plasmid Superhelical Density in Vitro. Throughout this paper, we will refer to plasmid superhelical density as previously defined (Bauer & Vinograd, 1968): u = cy - cy0)/aowhere cyo = the size of the plasmid in base pairs/ 10.5. In the experiments shown in Figures 1 and 2, highly supercoiled plasmids were prepared by a method employing DNase I and T4 ligase. Briefly, singly nicked plasmids were prepared by DNase I digestion in the presence of saturating ethidium bromide (100 pg/mL DNA, 1 pg/mL DNase I, 300 pg/mL ethidium, 10 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, and 10 mM MgC12),digestion for 30 min at 25 "C. After purification by phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation, the material was resuspended in ligase buffer (50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, 8 mM MgC12, 10 mM dithiothreitol, and 1 mM ATP) at a DNA concentration of 100 pg/mL. Ethidium bromide was added to 4.25 X M, and the samples were equilibrated at 25 'C for several minutes. T4 DNA ligase (Boehringer) was added to 50 units/mL, and the mixture was incubated at 25 "C for 2 h. The plasmid was recovered by phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation. In other experiments, samples of defined superhelical density were prepared by relaxing plasmids with eukaryotic topoisomerase I ( t o p I) (BRL) in the presence of varying amounts of ethidium bromide. The equilibrium binding constant for ethidium in these reactions were calculated from fluorescence titrations (LePecq & Paoletti, 1976) in top0 I reaction buffer (10 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.6, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM MgC12, 120 pg/mL DNA, and 133 units/mL top0 I) and were found to be approximately 1 X lo4 M-I. For an individual top0 I reaction, supercoil density was calculated by using that ethidium binding constant and the known dye and DNA concentrations and by assuming that ethidium untwists DNA by 26 "C per bound molecule. SI Digestion. S1 nuclease was obtained from Boehringer or Sigma. Allowing for differences in the definition of unit activity (1 Sigma unit = 30 Boehringer units), the two enzyme preparations behaved identically in our hands. In this paper, enzyme activities will be reported according to the Boehringer definition. The buffer conditions for S1 digestion were 30 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.5, 150 mM NaCl, and 5 mM ZnC12. Typically, enough DNA for several time points was dissolved in S1 buffer at 5C-100 pg/mL and equilibrated for 15 min at 37 "C. After removal of a zero time point, S1 nuclease was added to 500-1000 S1 units/pg of DNA. Time points containing equal




amounts of DNA (usually 4 pg) were removed. To terminate digestion, samples were diluted 2-fold with 150 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, and then immediately extracted with an equal volume of phenol-chloroform. DNA was recovered by ethanol precipitation. Purification of Low Molecular Weight Factors from Plasmid DNA. Plasmid pHM3 which had been purified by CsCl-ethidium bromide density gradient centrifugation was deproteinized by phenol-chloroform extraction and then subjected to Sepharose 6B chromatography. The elution profile was followed by UV absorbance. The fractions comprising the entire included volume were pooled, and sodium acetate (pH 5.2) was added to 0.3 M. The mixture was ethanol precipitated, rinsed with ethanol, dried in vacuo, and then resuspended in TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HC1 and 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6). These low molecular weight (LMW) factors were stored at -20 "C. RNase TI Digestion of Low Molecular Weight Factors. Low molecular weight factors obtained from Sepharose 6B chromatography of pHM3 were resuspended in TE buffer at an ODzb0of 8. A 5O-pL aliquot of this solution was digested with 7.5 units of RNase T1 (Boehringer) for 30 min at 37 OC. A control aliquot was incubated at 37 "C without addition of RNase. The samples were extracted 2 times with phenol to remove protein and then ethanol precipitated. The factors were resuspended in 5 p L of TE buffer, mixed with 4-bg aliquots of Sepharose 6B purified pHM3 in 50 p L of S1 buffer, and incubated for 30 min at 37 OC. The mixtures were then digested with 2000 units of S1 for 20 min at 37 OC as described above. Kinetic Analysis of Site-Specific SI Nuclease Cutting. Complementary antiparallel DNA strands are capable of forming a B-type Watson-Crick duplex, a structure which is not a good substrate for S1 nuclease. Therefore, those rare complementary DNA segments which do assume an Sl-sensitive conformation must also be capable of existing as an enzyme-insensitive structure, if only transiently. Here, we model such an equilibrium by a two-state formalism. We describe DNA at an interesting site as existing in either an S1-insensitive conformation (B) or an SI-sensitive conformation (A). In the context of this formalism, the addition of enzyme (E) and the subsequent production of sitespecific cuts (P) can be described in terms of the equations: k

B - ~ A k-1


+Ee D k-i k3


enzyme binding


(b) the enzyme has been administered at a high concentration, i.e. E,glokz >> k , k-,


This second criterion specifies that the enzyme binding reaction has been made faster than substrate isomerization. These two boundary conditions predict that, upon mixing the enzyme and the DNA substrate, the rate of product formation will be biphasic. The fraction of DNA which exists in the enzyme-sensitive conformation at equilibrium (Ao/CT) will be cut rapidly after addition of enzyme. After that rapid phase is complete, additional product (site-specific cuts at A) will be produced only after substrate isomerization has occurred. That second phase is limited by the rate of formation of the enzyme-sensitive conformation. Below we list the rate equation for such a simplified biphasic solution to the kinetic scheme P/cT = (AO/CT)[1 - exp(-k&Ot)I + (1 - AO/CT)[1 - exp(-klt)l (2) where PICT is the fraction of total DNA molecules cut specifically at the site of interest, Ao/CT is the fraction of total molecules in the enzyme-sensitive state at t = 0, and 1 - Ao/CT is the fraction of molecules in the enzyme-insensitive conformation at t = 0. We define an equilibrium constant K = Ao/Bo = kl/k-l and take advantage of the identities: CT = A0 + Bo BO/CT = l / ( l + K ) Equation 2 implies that if experiments are considered where the fraction of cut molecules remains small, the second exponential term in eq 2 will linearize. Since the initial bimolecular cutting process is fast (by definition), the measurable S1 cutting kinetics at A will converge to a linear time dependence. The slope of those linearized kinetics is directly related to the rate of formation of the S1-sensitive conformer: at



Here, k, and k-, refer to the apparent rate constants for formation and dissipation of the S 1-sensitive conformation, k2 is the bimolecular rate constant for S1 binding to A, and k3 is a rate constant which describes the enzymatic strandbreak reaction at A. In this simplified scheme, we have presumed that (as seen experimentally) S1 cutting of an ordinary duplex conformation is too slow to be significant. In our enzyme cutting experiments, S1 (at a total concentration Eo) is mixed with DNA (at total concentration CT), and then the time dependence of S1 cutting at A is monitored by the production of a characteristic DNA fragment which results from enzyme cutting at A. There is no simple closed solution to the coupled, nonlinear equations specified by eq 1. However, if the following specific experimental conditions can be shown to pertain, the kinetic


expression which describes product formation simplifies greatly: (a) the underlying DNA conformational equilibrium is slow compared to the enzyme cutting rate, Le. k, >> kl k-,




VOL. 26, NO. 2, 1987

(1 -Ao/CT)k1 = ki/(l

+ K)


while extrapolation of the linearized data to t = 0 is a measure of the equilibrium constant for formation of the enzyme-sensitive conformer 1 lim P/C, Ao/CT = (4) t-c 1/K+ 1


RESULTS Kinetic Analysis of pM-HX. We have initiated our studies using the plasmid pM-HX. This plasmid contains a 3.5 kb HindIII-XbaI fragment of human DNA inserted into the corresponding sites of pUC12. This insert carries the entire first exon of the human c-myc gene along with about 2 kb of 5'-flanking sequence (see Figure 1C for a schematic representation of the plasmid). To assay for the presence of alternative (Sl-sensitive) DNA secondary structure in pM-HX, we digest supercoiled plasmid with S1 nuclease, purify the DNA by phenol extraction and

370 B I O C H E M I S T R Y


Xba I A

65“ IO’ 20’IO’ 20’









o L


bU D




~ C U R EI: Law-mlution mapping of SI-sensitive sites in the human c-myc gene. (A) Supercoiled pM-HX DNA was isolated from E. coli HBIOI. DNA was dissolved in SI digestion buffer and incubated at either 37 or 65 ‘C for I5 min. After being umled to 31 ‘C, the samples were digested with SI nuclease (250 units of Sl/rg of DNA, 100pg/mL DNA) for IO or 20 min. Control samples were incubated without SI lor 20 min. DNA was purified by phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation and restricted with Xbal. DNA samples were electrophoresed in TAE (40 mM Trisacetale, 5 mM sodium acetate, and 2 mM EDTA), 1.4% agarose gels. A negative image of the ethidium bromide stained gel is shown. The bands which define the major SI cleavage sites in c-myc are marked a and b. The markers are EcoRI-Hindllldigested A DNA. (B) The trace corresponds to optical densitometry of data measured after 10-min incubation with SI. (C) Schematicdiagram of pM-HX. The SI-sensitive sites a and bare indicated along with their distance (in kilobase pairs) from the major promoter site P2 (Battey et al.. 1983). Also shown are the positions of relevant restriction sites. The thickened portion of the line represents the first exon of the c-myc gene. The Orientation of the mye sequence, 5’ to 3‘. is clockwise.

ethanol precipitation, and then cleave with a restriction enzyme which has a single recognition site in the plasmid. The samples are electrophoresed in an agarose gel under native conditions, and the digestion products are visualized by ethidium bromide staining. In this assay. site-specific double-strand SI cleavage is indicated by a pair of discrete subbands, whose combined length equals the length of the plasmid. The position of Slsensitive sites is determined by comparing the size of the fragments produced in experiments using different restriction enzymes for secondary cleavage. We have identified two DNA segments within the 5’flanking region of the gene which are capable of assuming an SI-sensitive secondary structure. The analyses are displayed in Figure IA, and a low-resolution map of those enzyme cutting sites is illustrated in Figure IC. Site a maps to a region approximately -270 base pairs (bp) from the most commonly used cap site P2 (Battey et al., 1983). Under standard conditions of analysis (Figure IA), nearly 40% of plasmid molecules have been cut specifically at site a. That quantity will be analyzed below in terms of a detailed kinetic formalism. SI nuclease cutting at site b occurs at -1400 bp relative to P2. The conformational equilibrium responsible for SI cutting at site b is interesting in that it is very temperature sensitive. As seen in Figure IA, when pM-HX is incubated briefly at 65 ‘C and then cooled to 37 ‘C prior to SI nuclease cutting, the plasmid substrate undergoes a slowly reversible, confor-

mational change; i.e., an SI-sensitive conformation at site b becomes very favorable (greater than 50% of plasmid molecules are cut specifically at site b under standard conditions). Moreover, that conformational change is accompanied by a significant destabilization of the SI-sensitive conformation at site a (specific SI cutting at site a disappears upon formation of an SI cutting site at site b). As seen in Figure 3 and below, the conformational equilibria which give rise to site specific cutting at site a or site b are driven by supercoiling of the DNA substrate. Because of that coupling, these equilibria necessarily compete with one another for the available supercoil energy. Cantor and colleagues have described such behavior within the S’end of the chicken globin gene (Cantor et al., 1984). We suggest that the human wnyc gene displays a similar type of coupled, competitive equilibrium within its S’-flanking regions. The potential biological significance of such long-distance structural effects will be discussed below. We note the presence of secondary cutting sites in the plasmid pM-HX, especially obvious in highly supercoiled substrates (Figures IA and 3). These sites map to sequences in the pUC12 vector (data not shown) and are not detected in plasmids with lower superhelical density (Figure 3). For that reason, we have not explored those structure features in detail. We have mapped c-myc sites a and b a t high resolution. SI digestion was performed as in Figure 1. SI-digested material was then phosphatased and 5’ end labeled with [y-”P]ATP and polynucleotide kinase to label the SI-generated ends. The labeled DNA was subsequently restricted with an enzyme which cleaves within 200 bp of the SI cleavage sites (see Figure IC, XhoI for site a and CIal for site b). The restriction cleavage was chosen so that the SI-linearized plasmids are split into two fragments, only one of which will be small enough to enter a sequencing gel. Lengths have been determined relative to the product of standard Maxam-Gilbert chemical strand break chemistry. Figure 2 shows the results of the high-resolution mapping. The a site is located in a region of tandem repeats of the sequence 5’-CCCTCCCC-3’ which lies from -3 I5 to -262 bp relative to the P2 transcription origin. The most intense cutting is at a 2-base-long site at the 3’ end of the cluster, although secondary cutting sites can be seen in the other repeat elements upon substantial overexposure. Site b occurs at the 5’ end of a long polypyrimidine segment (Figure 2B) which extends from -1437 to -1421 bp relative to the P2 transcription origin. Interestingly. a I5 bp polypyrimidine segment located 17 bp upstream from site b is not cut by SI (see upper portion of Figure 2B). We caution that since we are using moderately high SI concentration, the ends of the molecules may have undergone some exonucleolytic nibbling following linearization. Therefore, the positions of cleavage might not be the primary sites of SI attack. However, we believe that substantial “nibbling” has not occurred, as indicated by the rather compact cleavage distributions. We have chasen to concentrate our efforts on characterizing the properties of the a site. One reason for this is that it is located very near to sequences important for transcriptional regulation of the gene (Battey et al., 1983). Another reaon is that it is unusually stable under physiological conditions of supercoiling and temperature (see below). These properties make this site especially interesting, and at the same time make it easily accessible to study. Figure 4 shows an experiment which follows the time course of SI digestion at site a, at two different SI concentrations.


V O L . 26. NO. 2.





I: 0'



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m~2 H~rodutia,rmppilydSI~tinulsmpM-HX (A)Theautc: . HighlysupmnikdpM-HX D N A ( a = -O.I)*uprrprcd by the ligase ~ h o asd dneribcd under Materials and Methods. The DNA was digested with S I nuetase as dncribed in Figure 1. Aller phmol eatmaion and ethanol praipitstion. the DNA was treated with a l l a l k d i m phmphatsr and Ymd labeled with pdynucleotide kinase a n d ~ 7 - U P I A ~ ~ ~ b e d ( M a n i . t i r n 19RZ). rl.. ~~DNArue*avcd*rithX~~Iandckct~*riihmarkminan~aacybmideR M u r n vqueming gel (Inner ma:kcd SI ). The ten-mnrt lane i s an underexposureo l the right. The markcn arc A + (i and C + T sequencing laddm (Wtxam R (Ahrt. 19x0) p p d lrom the 2 kb Ilindlll-Xhnl fragment o l p\f.llX, Marker lrapmcnts wcrc uniquely J'end Iahlcd 81 the Xhot sile with Klcnm lrngmcnt and [?."PldNTPr as dncribd (\laniatis et nl.. 19x2). The Ycnd Inkling mciian was carricd out IO that Ihc 4.barc rccnud J'cnd of the Xhnl site was complclcly fillcd in. Thcrclorc. a marker D N A fragment nil1 k 4 basm longcr than an SI-pneratcd fragmcnt that h-*an identical 5' Icnninus. Thc right side o l the figure dirplqt the DVA s q u c m in the -ion OlSl clenva$c. Hori7ontal bars idcntif) the porltion and relaliyc likclihnod o l principle SI cutting sites (mcasured by den~~t~metrg). The asterisks mark the p i l i o n s o l xcundnry SI cleavage sites. Vertical bars indicate the position of pulgpurinc tracks. (R)The b rite: Analpis cas pxformed as dciailcd above. uith the ciapiion that the DXA was hcatcd at 65 OC lor I S niin prior to S I d i p t i o n a t 37 OC. and sccondarg dipntion was wiih ('/at i n s n d ol.Yhmt. Marker xquencing laddm ccrc prrprcd lrom the I kb //indllt-C/lragmcnt d o l pM-IIX. S i m ('Id crcato 2-bacc r m x u d 3'cnds. marker fragments are 2 baw longer than St.gencratcd lragmcnts with identical 5'cnds. 1\11 oihcr sgmbol\ arc as lor site a.

As ncndoubling the enzyme canmtratim has no systematic elle* on the kinetics of specific cleavage. From this rather unique enzyme conantration independem we conclude that the rate of cutting at site a may be limited by a slow firrtuda equilibrium between an SI-sensitive and an SI-insensitive conformation. as described i n the kinetic formalism under Materials and Methods. Figure 3 displays SI cutting kinetics at the a rite as a function of supcrheliwl density. Plasmids of defined s u p r helical density were prepared by relaxing samples with eukaryotic topoisomerose I in the presence o f v a j i n g amounts ofethidium bromide ( s a Materials and Methods). The time course of SI digestion at the a site was then measured at a high limiting SI conantration. As wen, there a p ~ e a nto be

a threshold value of supercoiling required for the fonnatim of an SI-sensitive conformational isomer at site a. This threshold value occurs at moderate values. near the physie logical range ( a < 4.066). At higher values of nuptcoiling (lower a). the equilibrium is driven increasingly in favor of the SI-sensitive conformation. We have quantitated these and similar kinetic data to show the fraction of plasmid s p a i f i l l y cleaved at site a for sampler with direring suphelical density. There data are presented .maphicilly in F~aure5. I n all i n s t a m . cutting h linear with lime nnd,wherekted. is enrymeconantratio~independent. That enamcentration indepmdenoe is an imponant fim of cvidenoe which suggat that SI clenvage rata have become limited by slow isomeriiation of the DNA substnte. As dc-


MURE 3: RcrponrcolSl s i t a tolupcrhelif.ldnaity. Suprheliil pM-HX was relaxed with ~ h r y o t-i cI I in the prrvnoe dvaryi~amounudethidium h i d e udaeribed under Materials and Methods. Samples at the indicated superhelical dcmiiy wcrc digated with S I nuclcax at 37 for 10. 20. or 40 min (righi to Icft). .Sccundary clcavaapc was perlamod wiih .Yhal. The pmmincnt subbands cormpond i o clcavagc at ihc a siic (-270 bp rchtive to the P? proniotcr).

soolMa!x!w9 15

30 15



2.3 2a

MURE 4 Dynamic vim of the a site. Supermile iM.HX (irdated Iran HRIOI) was digaled with the indicated d& of SI nucleasc (DNA cuncentration Io0 rg/ml.) for I 5 or 30 min. Ancr phcnol cltraclion and ethanol precipitation. the rampla were cleaved with Xhal. The rnarkm wcrc //indlll.clared A. Not& the simple timcdcpmdcnadSt cknv3~anlthpiihekimicdatadonocvory with cniync r x m t n t i n n . ilr c x p n i d ifckavay has beam limiied by i u m r i i a t i o n of ihe D N A r u b t n l c (see Hatcrialr and Yethod%AinSt bullcrandirmlnilin IOminai VV'.Aihird -. R V a u -) cnniaincd only 6Rqwrified pllM3. S I nuclcav (!M unil%:rp al DXA) u m added. and ihc wmpln were dipnicd for ?O min. l h c Icfi.mon l a m m r m p d to an arwy for I)hu acliviiy in the RWasc p r c p n i i c n s . A mifiurc d nicked (K) and rlmcd circular (cc) pV.119 u:i\ ircainl uiih RSaw undcr mndiiiom idcniiml with thcrv u u d fw imtmcnt ihc I . M \ V Iacim. As m n . clmed circulm maicrial dncs m appcar In be nicked b? the trcainicni (camparc ihc + 2nd . WSmc l a n o ) . umplc (factnr

absorbance profils of the d u m n (data MH shown). Aliquots of the isolated I.MW material wcrc exhaustively depmcinired with phenol and then were added back to6R-purified pllM3 in SI raction buffer. 37 OC. The sampla were then digated with SI and rntricted with E m R l a. in figure 7A. The raults arc shown in ligure 7R. D N A samples incubated with deproteinized LMN' material show SI -specific subbands of 6.6 and 5.7 kb. characteristic of cleavage at the a site. We have confirmed the position of cleavage with another restriction enzyme (data not shown). We have subjected aliquots of the L M W material to various chemical and cnrymatic trcatmcnts i n an effori to determine the chemical identity of the conipnent which i n d u m the formation of an SI-sensitive conformation at site a. I n an experiment shown in Figure R. WE digated I.MW material with RNase T I and then assayed its ability to restore SI sensitivity at the a site of 6R-purified pHM3. As e n . RNase-treated I.MW material vas incapable of conferring SI scnsitivity. In other experiments (data not shown). wc have demonstrated that the capacity toconfer SI sensitivity at site a is unaffected by prarcatment of I.MW with DNaseI. We have alsn determined that the I.MW material is inactivated by mild alkaline hydrolysis (0.3 N KOII. R h. 37 OC). Fach of t h c x experiments rupprtr the conclusion that the active species i n thc I.MW friiction is R ! W . R.VA Binding ropM-HX. Toelucidate the mechanism of this R N A - i n d u d enhancement of SI cutting at site a. we have studied the ellccts of pH413 R N A on SI digmion at the a site in the subclmf pM-HX. Concentrated I.MW factor was purified as above. A n aliquot was then added to column-purified pM-IIX D N A (bncterial superhelical density) in SI buffcr and incubated for 30 min at 37 "C. SI was added at a limiting high conccntmtion. and site-specific DKA cleavage at site a was monitored as a function of time. The fraction of plasmid specifically cleaved at the a site was then quantitated and has becn plotted in Figure SA (square ryrnbok). At the I.MW c f f m o r conantration employed (OD, I.MW/ODMplasmid = 5 ) . the I.MW fraction incream SI nuclease cutting at rile a substantially. On the thisis of the kineticdata (Figure .(.Table I).weco~ludethatL M W R N A his shifted the mnformatimal equilibrium at site a by a factor

inference. weconclude that ( R N A within) the I.MW fraction alters the conformational equilibrium at site a by slowing the rateof return ( k ~ ,to ) theSI-insensitiveconformation (Table I). In principle. the effect upon SI cutting could have bccn due to association with the enryme itself. Ilowcver. on the basis of the fact that the measured cutting rate and the specificity of enzyme cutting on pM-HX :ire unaffected by the I.MW RNA. we fccl that a direct affm due to R'1A-cnzyme binding is not compatible with the data. We summiri7e our mults in terms of a F l i m i n a r y kin& model for theeffect of R X A on SI digation at site a in the c-nfwgcne. We prqme that DNA at site ii engagcs in a slow first-order equilibrium between an SI-scnsitivc :and an SIinsensitive conformation. The cquilibrium is driven i n the direction of the SI-sensitive conformation by supercoiling (I;igure 3). In the full-length genomic clone. the energy available to drive formation of an SI-scnsitivc conformation at site a isgreatly r e d u d due tocompetition with cquilibria at other ncarby s i t a (V'igure 6). As a result. the equilibrium at site a issufficiently unfavorable in pllM3 that SI cutting Ls undaectable in our asny at any achimiiblc supercoil density (Figure 6). We pgare that an R N A conipcment of the I.MW fraction can interact specifically with the SI-sensitive a conformer. thereby slowing i t s relaxation IO the SI-insensitive ainformation. This cffcct increases the equilibrium at site a to detmable levels in the g m i c clone ( l i g u m 7 and 8) and enh;inccs ihe already favorable equilibriuni :it site a in the subcloned plasmid pM-IlX (ligure S. Tiiblc I).

DIXUS~OY We have prcscnted data which sugpst that there arc two

wclldcfincd segments of D N A within the 5'cnd of the human c-mjv gene (-270 and -1400 bp) which arc adcquately modeled as engaging in a slow equilibrium bctwccn a traditiml helix SINUC~UR: and a stablc but atypial. SINC~UIT which is identified by its sensitivity to SI nuclease digation i n vitro. Work i s in progrm to identify the structure of the SIsensitive conformer at thore two sits: however. at prcscnt. we would like to emphasillc throe aspeels of t h m equilibria which arc required by the kinetic data we have prcscnted. (a) The absolute stability of the alternative SI-sensitive c o n f a m at either site b strongly dqmdent upon supc'Miling of the DNA substrate (Figure 3). If I W A supercoiling is modulated in the nucleus. as s u ~ a t e dby others ( k n y q a t i & H'orccl. 1976). the scmndary structure of D N A i i t the S' end of the c - m w gene may be sensitive to such modul;ition in vivo. (b) At fixed supercoil density. the stability of the alternative amfat site a is strongly dependent upon distant squence effects. When placcd nearby D N A c o r r a p n d i n g to the 3' end of the gene. the stability of the alternative helix conformation at site a is r e d u d significantly relative to its SI-inxnsitivc conformer (Figure 6). Upon formation of an SIsensitive conformation at -1400 bp. the SI-sensitive conformation at site a b m a very unf;ivorable and as a rault i s not detected by SI anal)sh (Figure I). N'Ch i v c asmibed such action at a distancc to competition bctwccn distant conformational equilibria within the toplogically constrained plasmid. Distant enhancers and/or repressor elements have becn propored to explain why expression of the c-myc gene appears to change as a function of its psition in the genome (I.iedcr ct al.. IYX3). In tkit regard. i t i s intcmting toumsidcr the pmibility that in ccrlain instances. such w i t i o n effects


might be mediated by a DNA structural change of the kind we detect in cloned fragments of the gene. (c) We have presented kinetic and structural data which suggest that RNA can interact specifically with the preexisting structural equilibrium at site a (Figure 5 ) . The effect of this RNA species upon the kinetics of the equilibrium indicates that RNA behaves as a simple effector which drives the equilibrium by binding to and then trapping the S1-sensitive conformer at that site. Clearly, the data at hand are insufficient to deduce the identity of the active RNA sequences within the preparations we have studied or to ascribe a functional significance to such RNA binding in a mammalian cell. However, we feel that it may be useful to outline two limiting classes of explanation for the RNA binding event, to serve as working hypotheses. On the one hand, the interaction could be due to complementary base pairing between the RNA and a single-strand loop at the a site, thereby forming a D-loop structure. Such a proposal has precedence. Champoux and McConaughy (1 975) have observed stable complexes between superhelical SV40 templates and transcription products synthesized in vitro by E . coli polymerase. Similarly, Radding and co-workers have demonstrated that homologous single-stranded DNA forms stable complexes with supercoiled plasmids by a D-loop mechanism (Holloman et al., 1975; Wiegland et al., 1977; Beattie et al., 1977). These D-loop structures are of sufficient stability to survive CsC1-ethidium bromide centrifugation (Wiegland et al., 1977). Since RNA-DNA hybrids are of greater stability than DNA-RNA duplexes, it seems likely that the complementary RNA would behave in a similar manner. In the context of this limiting model, the underlying conformation equilibrium at site a must be the formation of a loop, presumably a bulge loop which results from slippage of the nine-nucleotide-long tandemly repeated sequence (-278 to -295 bp, see Figure 2). Single-strand loops of that kind would be greatly stabilized by Watson-Crick base pairing with a short, complementary RNA molecule and would be a highly preferred substrate for S1. However, it should be noted that S1 cutting at site a is not distributed over a loop-sized grouping of bases (Figure 2) but is instead localized to a discrete, two-base segment at the 3’ end of the tandem sequence repeat. We find it difficult to construct a loop model based upon slippage of the tandem sequence repeat at site a which is consistent with that detailed S1 cutting pattern. However, given the uncertain relation between secondary structure, enzyme binding, and enzyme cutting for S1, we cannot rule out a loop model based upon S1 cutting data at this time. In an alternative model, we propose that RNA may bind to site a by formation of a triple-strand complex. Such structures have been observed in experiments with synthetic polynucleotides, the best studied example being poly(dT)poly(dA).poly(dT) (Amott & Selsing, 1974). In such a triplex, an anti-parallel DNA or RNA duplex serves as a lattice around which a third DNA or RNA strand is wound. Pairing of the third strand is due to Hoogsteen or reversed-Hoogsteen pairing within the major groove of the core duplex. To accommodate a third DNA or RNA strand in the major groove, the core duplex must assume an A-type secondary structure (Arnott & Selsing, 1974). Consequently, for most DNA duplexes, it is likely that the binding event responsible for triple-strand formation will be accompanied by a B to A helix structure transition. While there is no precedent for the formation of triple-strand helices with naturally occurring DNA sequences, the a site

VOL. 26, NO. 2, 1987


has characteristics expected for a duplex which could form a triplex; e.g., the site has polypurinepolypyrimidine symmetry and has substantial poly(dG)-poly(dC) character. Evidence from several sources suggests that such sequences tend to form an A or A-like helix geometry in solution (McCall et al., 1985; Drew & Travers, 1984). In view of these arguments, we suggest a second working hypothesis to explain the effect of RNA binding at site a. We suggest that the conformation equilibrium which we have detected at site a is a B to A helix transition. When the polypurine segment is in the A conformation, A-B junctions will be present at either end. Molecular modeling has suggest that such junctions can have a distorted conformation (Selsing, 1979). In our case, we propose that the junction nearest to the gene is sufficiently distorted to be recognized as a substrate for S1 nuclease. We suggest that the RNA effector interacts with the polypurine segment in its A conformation to form a relatively stable triple-strand complex. This slows the relaxation of the sequence back to B form, thereby increasing the equilibrium constant for formation of the S1-sensitive state. If the DNA structure equilibrium we have monitored at the 5’ end of the human c-myc gene has regulatory significance, cellular factors which stabilize the S1-sensitive conformer might serve as regulatory factors. Our results suggest that single-strand RNA could serve as such a trans-acting factor. This idea is reminiscent of the model for gene regulation put forth by Britten and Davidson (1969). At present, we are not aware of any systems which utilize regulatory RNA species of this kind; however, the concept may be worth consideration and is being tested in our laboratory.


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Respective Role of Each of the Purine N7 Nitrogens of 5’-0-Triphosphoadenylyl( 2’-+5’)adenylyl( 2’-+5’)adenosine in Binding to and Activation of the RNase L of Mouse Cells Jean-Claude Jamoulle,t Krystyna Lesiak,! and Paul F. Terrence* Laboratory of Chemistry, National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Received April 25, 1986; Revised Manuscript Received August 6, 1986

ABSTRACT: Through a combination of chemical and enzymatic approaches a series of sequence-specific

tubercidin-substituted ppp5’A2’p(5’A2’p),,5’A ( n = 1 to about 10; 2-5A) analogues were generated. In addition to the previously developed methodology of Imai and Torrence [Imai, J., & Torrence, P. F. (1985) J . Org. Chem. 50, 1418-14201, a new approach to synthesis of 2’,5’-linked oligonucleotides utilized adenosine in 3‘3’ linkage as a precursor to the targeted 5’-terminus of the desired product. For instance, A3’pSA could be condensed under conditions of lead ion catalysis with tubercidin 5’-phosphate to give A3’p5’A2’p5’(c7A). Treatment with the 3’,5’-specific nuclease PI led to p5’A2’p5’(c7A). The combined use of the above procedures led to the synthesis of p5‘(c7A)2’p5’A2’p5‘A, p5’A2’p5’(c7A)2’p5‘A, p5‘A2‘p5’A2’p5‘(c7A), and p5‘A2p5’(c7A)2’p5‘(c7A),which were converted to their corresponding 5’-triphosphates by the usual methods. Evaluation of these analogues for their ability to bind to and activate the 2-SA-dependent endonuclease (RNase L) of mouse L cells showed that there were small changes (510-fold) in the ability of the four tubercidin analogues to bind to RNase L. However, whenever the first and/or third adenosine nucleotide units were replaced by tubercidin, a dramatic decrease in ability to activate RNase L occurred. Only the second (from the 5’-terminus) adenosine residue could be replaced by tubercidin without any effect on RNase L activation ability.

2-5A’ is a naturally occurring 2’,5’-linked oligonucleotide (Kerr & Brown, 1978) that is almost certainly involved in some of the antiviral effects of interferon [reviewed by Johnston and Torrence (1984)l. For instance, large amounts of 2-5A accumulate in interferon-treated encephalomyocarditis virus infected cells resulting in degradation of rRNA as well as poly(A+) RNA (Williams et al., 1979; Golgher et al., 1980; Knight et al., 1980). The complete 2-SA system currently

includes the enzyme responsible for 2-5A generation or the 2-5A synthetase, the enzyme responsible for 2-5A action or the 2-SA-dependent endonuclease also known as RNase L, and a 2’,5’-phosphodiesterase that degrades 2-SA [reviewed by Johnston and Torrence (1 984)]. The 2-SA system may also be involved in cell regulation and/or differentiation. For I Abbreviations: 2-5A, pppS’A2’~(5’A2’~),5’A, where n = 1 to about 10; 2-5A synthetase, the enzyme that, after activation by double-stranded

*Present address: Centre International de Recherches, Dermatologiques, Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne 06656, France. Present address: Center for Biomedical Research, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045.


RNA, effects the conversion nATP pppA(pA,),_! + (n - l)PPi; PEI, poly(ethy1enimine); HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; DMF, dimethylformamide; Tris-HC1, tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane hydrochloride.

This article not subject to U S . Copyright. Published 1987 by the American Chemical Society