Do All-Metal Antiaromatic Clusters Exist? - Journal of the American

Antiaromatic Characteristic Analysis of 1,4-Diazapentalene Derivatives: A Theoretical Study. Jie Zheng , Xuhui .... Journal of Chemical Theory and Com...
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Do All-Metal Antiaromatic Clusters Exist? Zhongfang Chen,†,‡ Cle´ mence Corminboeuf,§ Thomas Heine,⊥ Jon Bohmann,| and Paul von Rague´ Schleyer*,†,‡ Department of Chemistry and Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, UniVersity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, Institut fu¨r Organische Chemie, UniVersita¨t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg, Henkestrasse 42, Erlangen, D-91054, Germany, Department of Physical Chemistry, UniVersity of GeneVa, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211, Gene` Ve 4, Switzerland, Institut fu¨r Physikalische Chemie, Technische UniVersita¨t Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany, and Department of Chemistry, Texas Lutheran UniVersity, Seguin, Texas 78155 Received May 14, 2003; E-mail: [email protected]

Notable recent gas-phase observations extend the aromaticity concept1 to all-metal clusters, NaAl4-,2 with aromatic, and Al4Li3-,3 with claimed “antiaromatic” character. Extensive theoretical analyses4 support the Boldyrev-Wang description of the central aluminum ring in NaAl4-: “the Al42- dianion can be considered as π-aromatic and doubly σ-aromatic” 3 due to the delocalized π and σ orbitals. However, the “antiaromaticity” claim for the lowest energy Al4Li3- isomer located computationally, as well as other Al44--derived species,5 was based solely on the existence of four electrons in two π molecular orbitals and the consequent distortion (also as in cyclobutadiene)6 of the central Al4 rings from square to rectangular geometries. Potentially important contributions from the delocalized σ electrons, like that in the Al42- dianion,2,4 were mentioned but not evaluated. We now show that the π antiaromaticity in several Al44--based clusters is overwhelmed by their σ aromaticity. We find the Al44- clusters to be net aromatic rather than antiaromatic! However, true antiaromatic all-metal clusters, such as Sn62-,7 have long existed experimentally but have escaped recognition. We base our conclusions on new refinements of nucleusindependent chemical shift (NICS)8,9 analysis. These characterize the magnetic character of each canonical MO (CMO) individually in two different implementations. CMO-NICS analyses are performed by using the NBO 5.0 program10 and by computing the individual Kohn-Sham CMO contributions.11 Both methods give consistent results. Using Gaussian 98,12 geometry optimizations, frequency analyses, GIAO,13 and NBO CMO-NICS10 computations employed the B3LYP/6-311+G* level (except for LanL2DZp12 with Sn62-). CMO-NICS computations at the PW91/IGLOIII level also employed the GIAO method, but as implemented in the MAGReSpect program.14 NICS(0) points were computed at the centers of the four-membered rings or of the cages. CMO-NICS(0) analysis of the two-π-electron Al42- (D4h) (Figure 1) confirms that not only the diatropic π (-17.8) but also the σ MOs (sum -11.1) contribute importantly to the considerable aromaticity2,4 (the total NICS(0) value of -30.9 ppm includes small core effects). The importance of σ delocalization in the Al44--based clusters is documented by implementation of CMO-NICS analysis of the reported singlet Al4Li3- (Cs) global minimum.3 The CMO-NICS(0) results, shown in Figure 2, are representative of both methods. Consider first the individual π orbital contributions, diamagnetic (-12.9, as in Al4Li3-, Figure 2) for the lower-lying but paramagnetic (+27.5) for the higher-lying π MO. The much stronger † University of Georgia. ‡ Universita ¨ t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg. § University of Geneva. ⊥ Technische Universita ¨ t Dresden. | Texas Lutheran University.



J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2003, 125, 13930-13931

Figure 1. CMO-NICS(0) analysis at the ring center of Al42- (D4h).

Figure 2. NBO CMO-NICS analysis at the aluminum ring center of Al4Li3- (Cs).

paramagnetic effect dominates; hence, the 4e π system (NICS(0)π 14.2 ppm) of Al4Li3- is antiaromatic, conforming to the Hu¨ckel rule and the Boldyrev-Wang expectations.3 However, this π antiaromaticity is overcome by the diamagnetic contributions of all the σ orbitals together (NICS(0)σ -16.8). The total NICS(0) of -4.8 ppm at GIAO-B3LYP/6-311+G* characterizes the overall aromatic character of Al4Li3- (Cs) and contradicts the Boldyrev-Wang conclusions.3 If Al4Li3- (Cs) were antiaromatic and destabilized, as claimed, it would adopt a different structure, since the reorganization barriers of such clusters are very low and many alternative geometries are possible.3 10.1021/ja0361392 CCC: $25.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society


antiaromaticity of Sn62- is related to its high octahedral symmetry, as has been discussed for the analogous Si62- (Oh) and Si122- (Ih) deltahedra.17 The symmetry of the highly degenerate Oh Sn62- MOs precludes mixing of the external lone pair orbitals of the vertex atoms with the tangential surface skeletal orbitals. This enhances the paratropic at the expense of the diatropic contributions to the total NICS(0). In summary, we find the very recently reported gas-phase Al4Li3species to be aromatic rather than antiaromatic, due to the predominating effects of σ aromaticity over π antiaromaticity. However, true antiaromatic all-metal clusters, such as Sn62-,7 do exist. The latter provides another example of unrecognized but novel properties of well-known compounds, akin to the aromatic Hg46(used since ancient times)18 and the superconducting [MgB2]19 (available from supply houses). Acknowledgment. The National Science Foundation (Grant CHE-0209857) and the University of Georgia supported this work. Supporting Information Available: Figure 1S, a CMO-NICS plot of C2h Al4Li4 (PDF). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at References

Figure 3. NICS points (red, diatropic; green, paratropic) for Al42- and various Al44--related species at the GIAO/B3LYP/6-311+G* level. Magnitudes are given by the sizes of the dots. The NICS(0) values, in red, are at the Al4 ring or cage centers.

The detailed CMO-NICS analyses of Al4Li4 (C2h) (see Supporting Information) is like that of Al4Li3- (Cs). The aromatic character of Al44- species also is confirmed by the NICS plots in Figure 3. Besides NICS(0), these plots show additional NICS points in the centers of the unique faces of these species, as well as various Al4Li3- isomers. Due to the predominant σ aromaticity discussed above, the Al44- cores and most, but not all, of the faces are aromatic in these clusters. The substantial aromaticity of the nearly isoenergetic3 triplet is noteworthy.15 Al42-, the Al44- core,5 and cyclobutadiene (CBD), C4H4 (D2h), afford instructive comparisons. The 14 valence electrons of Al42can be assigned (see Figure 1) to four lone-pair MOs (with a composite -22.7 NICS(0) contribution), two diatropic MOs, and one σ (-3.9) and one π (-17.8) as well as a paratropic σ MO (+10.8). The contributions to the 16-valence-electron Al44--based species5 are very similar (see Figure 2), except that the additional two electrons occupy a second, highly paratropic π MO. The 20 valence electrons of CBD occupy two additional σ MOs, both of which are highly paratropic.6 The effects of the first (diatropic) and second (paratropic) π orbitals oppose each other, leaving only a weakly net paratropic π contribution to NICS(0) for CBD, but larger ones for the Al44--based species.5 In contrast to the overwhelming σ aromaticity of Al42- and the Al44- core, CBD, like other four-membered rings,16 has a strong σ antiaromatic fourmembered ring, which is primarily responsible for its large paratropic total NICS(0) (+20.8 at GIAO/B3LYP/6-311+G*).6 Truly antiaromatic all-metal clusters do exist, but this has not been appreciated. The octahedral Zintl ion, Sn62-, prepared in the solid phase in 1993,7 is an example. The paratropic NICS(0) value at the cage center, +18.8 ppm at GIAO-B3LYP/LanL2DZp// B3LYP-/LanL2DZp (+26.8 at GIAO-MP2/LanL2DZp//MP2/ LanL2DZp), documents its strongly antiaromatic character. The

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VOL. 125, NO. 46, 2003 13931