Do You Have Any Questions For Me? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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ACS career tips


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Do You Have Any Questions For Me? JOB INTERVIEWS are stressful. You’re worried about making a good impression, selling your skills and abilities, and not spilling food on yourself. At the same time, you’re trying to learn all about the organization, determine what the job will really be like, and decide if you like your potential future coworkers. However, the last question can be the most stressful—when the interviewer asks if you have any questions. You not only need to have questions prepared, but you should also tailor them to the person you’re speaking with. WHAT NOT TO SAY. “No, not really,” or “What does your company make?” These are probably the worst things you can say. They indicate a lack of preparation and real interest in the company or the job. Other than giving a bad talk, asking no questions is may be the easiest way to make sure you don’t get an offer.

Some companies have a formal review process, others not so much. In some companies technical expertise is rewarded and promoted; in others managerial aptitude is needed to get ahead. This question shows your interest in growing with the company and will help you prioritize your activities once you start work. “What is the next step?” You should direct a version of this last question to the human resources representative. It shows your continued interest in the process. What you really want to find out is where the company is in the hiring process, where you stand relative to the other candidates, and when a decision will be made. The question shows you’re interested and enthusiastic without

USEFUL QUESTIONS. “Why is this position open?” The answer to this query will most likely be short but very telling. It could be due to a promotion, a new direction for the company, or something else. Your interviewer Good questions can probably won’t tell you the making you appear desperate, and help a job candidate the answer will suggest when to folprevious person quit bestand out. cause the department was low up with the company. dysfunctional. However, you Preparing for questions you may be able to gain some insight into the know you will be asked is a great way to goals and future of the department. manage the stress associated with the job “What is the biggest problem I will face interview process. By formulating insightful, in this position?” Phrasing the question probing questions that show you are excited this way makes the hiring manager think about working for this company and this of you as already in that position. It shows role, you will end the interview on a posiyou are involved and planning how best to tive note, with every chance of a successful do the job. outcome. “What do you like best/least about working for this company?” This question will Get Involved In The Discussion. The ACS give you some insight into both the culture Career Tips column is published the first of the company and the values of the speweek of every month in C&EN. Post your cific person who is answering it. This makes comments, follow the discussion, and sugit especially useful to ask of your potential gest topics for future columns in the Career future boss. Development section of the ACS Network “How will I be evaluated?” or “In your (—Brought opinion, what is valued at this company?” to you by the ACS Career Navigator CEN.ACS.ORG


JUNE 2, 2014