doctorates in chemistry and related fields conferred ... - ACS Publications

again offas the following statistics concerning the doctorates in chemistry and related fields conferred by American universities during the academic...
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The Research Information Service of the National Research Council again offas the following statistics concerning the doctorates in chemistry and related fields conferred by American universities during the academic year 1931-32. This is the eighth year in which this compilation has been made; previous lists have been published in the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, 3,77-99 (Jan., 1926); 4,99-109 (Jan., 1927); 4,1303-13 (Oct., 1927) ; 5,1450-63 (Nov., 1928): 6,2209-23 (Dec., 1929); 7,2966-82 (Dec., 1930); 8, 2259-78 (Nov., 1931). In this compilation the doctorates granted by the universities in agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, engineering, and metallurgy have been listed under the separate headings but are included in the totals by university in the statistical tables. In selecting the titles to be included, those doctorates have been used, which, if published, would probably be abstracted in Chemical Abstracts. Attention is again called to the fact that the compilers have only the title of the thesis and, in most instances, the department in which the doctorate was granted, to aid them in the subject classification. I t is not always possible to classify correctly from this information which may account for the inclusion or the omission of a given thesis. Corrections and suggestions as to this publication are always appreciated. There are nineteen universities whichrreport ten or more doctorates in chemistry and related subjects during the past academic year, the same number as last year. This year Chicago and Wisconsin tie for first place, each having granted 44 doctorates; Columbia and Iowa State tie for second place with 30 doctorates each, with Johns Hopkins a close third with 29 doctorates. The places of New York, Stanford, and Maryland are taken by Pittsburgh, Princeton, and Pennsylvania. In this connection it must be remembered that an examination of the dissertations probably would make a diierence in this table, since some of the titles of doctorates give no clue as to their contents. I t is also true that some of the doctorates granted in physics might properly be included in this list, with as much justification as we now include some of the doctorates in biochemistry. The order given above is, therefore, relative only but it still is an indication of the amount of graduate study being carried on at these institutions. Information concerning all the doctorates granted in the sciences (1241 for the year 1931-32) will appear in a forthcoming number of the Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council (No. 104), copies of which may be obtained from the Publication Office.


VOL 9. No . 11




TABLE 1 Distribution of Doctorates in Chemistry by University. by Year Inslitulion

'23-'24 '24-'25 '25-'26 '26-97 '27-'28 '2&'29 '29-10 ' 3 P 3 1

American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryn Mawr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California............... 6 Calif. Inst . Tech .......... 3 Catholic ................. 2 Chicago ................ 19 Cincinnati ............... 2 Clark ................... 3 Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia ............... 35 Cornell .................. Duke ................... Fordham ................ Geo. Washington ......... Harvard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois.................. Indiana ................. Iowa .................... Iowa State .............. Johns Hopkins ........... Kansas .................. Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass. Inst . Tech ......... Michigan ................ Mich. State Coll.......... Minnesota ............... Missouri ................ Nebraska ................ New York ............... N . Y . State Coll. For ..... North Carolina . . . . . . . . . . Northwestern ............ Notre Dame ............. Ohio State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . Penna . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh ............... Princeton ............... Purdue .................. Radcliffe ................ Rensselaer ............... Rice .................... Rochester ............... Rutgers ................. S t Louis Univ . . . . . . . . . . . Stanford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


.. ..


1 1 2



8 4 2 14 4


1 30

2 34




2 1 16



9 6 1 19

4 1 13 4 2 24

. . . .


3 23

3 25

. . . .




3 21 3

.26 4 . . . .

1 28




3 1 6



.. 4 ..

15 4 1 37 4

13 5 1 22 10


2 26


. 18





TABLE I-Continued Inaliwio"

State Coll. Wash . . . . . . . . . . Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wash . T i.. S t. Louis. . . . . Washington . . . . . . . . . . Western Reserve . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'23.. 24 '24-'25 '25-'28 '26-'27 '27-'28 '28-'29 '29-'30 ' 3 W 3 1 '31-'32


.. ..






.. 1









.. 2 1

1 1 ..




TABLE I1 Universities Granting 10 or More Doctorates in Chemistry. 1931 32 Insliluliol

Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johns Hopkins . . . . . . . . . . . OhioState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass . Inst . Tech . . . . . . . . . Yale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh ............... California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


'24-'25 '25-'26 '28-'27 27-98 '28-'29 '29-'30 '3W:lands to I'xcijrd .\lusclr \letahulisrn " LEO PHUIP DOnE, "I. Serum Reactions Produced by Feeding Antigens. 11. The Length of Survival of Paratyphoid Bacilli in Foodstuffs." ROBERT HENRYKING FOSTER,"A Study of Digitalis Preparations and Their Standardization by the Cat and Frog Methods." THOMASFRANCISGALLAGHER, "The Quantitative Assay for the Testicular Hormone by the Comb Growth Reaction." MILLICENT LOUISEHATHAWAV, "Provitamin D Potencies, Absorption Spectra and Chemical Studies of Heat-Treated Cholesterol." CORNELIUS ALEERTUS HOSPERS,''Studies in Cholesterol Metabolism. I. The Experimental Production of Callstones in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits. 11. The Blood Cholesterol in Anesthesia." HELENALVINAHUNSCHER, "Metabolism of Women during the Reproductive Cycle." ARNOLD LEOLIEBERMAN. "The Physiology




of Calcium Gluconate." HUBERTWHATLEY MAFZOW,"The Effects of Sex Hormone Preparations on the Calcium and Blwd-Phosphorus Levels in Laboratory Animals." ENNS BRYANWOMACK,"Biochemical Studies on tbe Yield of Testicular Hormone from Tissues and Body Fluids and on Factors Affecting the Comb Growth Response in the Brown Leghorn Capon." HENRIETTALOUISE ZOBEL,"The Indicator Method of Measuring Oxidation-Reduction Potentials in Algae." Cincinnati, University of ALTAASHLEY, "A Study of Certain Chemical Changes Which Occur in Rabbits with Experimental Diphtheria Intoxication." M n a o m JOHN BOYD,"Hematoporphyrin, an Artificial Proteolytic Enzyme." EDWINERVINDUNN,"The Separation of the Enzymes and Toxic Principles from the Venom of the Rattlesnake." RUBYS. HIROSE, "The Nature of Thrombin and Its Manner of Action." DON DELANCB IRISH, "The Separation, Nature, and Method of Action of a Constituent of Tissue Extracts Which Increases the Coagulability of Blood on Internal Administration." LEONHERBERTSCHMIDT,"The Relation of Blood and Tissue Phospholipoids to Experimental Gastric Ulcer." Columbia University I n m o ANTOWDERBIGNY,"Studies on Vitamin G with Special Reference to Protein Intake " LILLIANNELSONELLIS, "A Quantitative Study of the Nutritional "Studies Significance of Varied Proportions of Vitamin G." MARIANNE GOETTSCA, Concerning Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits and the R6le of Vitamin C in Reproduction." S A ~ GRAFP. L "Determination of Plasma Volume." JANEGLADYS HARTLEY, "Factors Concerned in the Quantitative Determination of Vitamins B and G." HELENS. MORRIS,"Physiological E5ects of Boron on Wheat." ELLAMCCOLLWBIVAHLTEICH, "A Quantitative Study of the Influence of Nutrients on Hemoglobin Regeneration " Cornell Uni~ersity MARGARET DANN,"The Influence of the Vitamin B Complex on the Metabolism of Glucose Administered to the Fasting Dog." C L ~ F O RDARTON D KELLY."Chemical Changes in Cheddar Cheese in Their~ela&ship to the Lactic Acid Streptococci." AMALIAELUAEETA LAUTZ."The Comparative Digestion of Pepsin in vitro by Artificial "Plasma Lipoids Infant Feedings as Used in America Today." PHILIPJOHNSCHAIBLE, in Lactating and Non-Lactating Animals."

Duke University LEONCAREYCH~SLEY. "A Study of Digestion in Marine Fishes with a Critique of Amylase Methodn." Illinois, University of CLYDETRAINCALDWELL, ''Growth Experiments with Mixtures of Amino Acids." LEONORE BEATRICE HOLLANDER, "The Chemistry and Metabolism of Cystine." Iowa, University of

MARYELIZABETH TURNER,"Protein-Lipoid Combinations in Blood and Body Fluids." Iowa State College VALERIANO CALMAY CATACUTAN, "The Growth of Cuttings as Influenced by Their Chemical Composition." CLAUDE L. FLY, "Biochemical Relations between Iron and

VOL.9, NO. 11



Manganese and Organic Matter in the Gmwth of the Green Plant." H. JAMES HARWOOD, "The Physiological Action of Cystinyl Peptides and Guanidine Derivatives." ROGEEPATRICK,"The Fermentation of Levulose by Some Bacteria of the Genus Anobacillus." Johns Hopkins University L l z m H E P ~ A BEYNON, K "Are Minute Inorganic Chemical Constituents of Biological Products Essential for Normal Growth and Reproduction? I. I s Nickel Essential?" MsRmIAN RUTHGREENE."The Effects of Vitamins A and D on Antibody Production and Resistance to Infection." JOKN MACKINTOSHNEWELL,"Studies on PARDO."Nutritional Value of the Amthe R61e of Zinc in Nutrition." JosS HEEREN monium Ion for Higher Green Plants, Especially Agricultural Farms." ALICECALVERT ROBERTS,"A New Method for the Preparation of Thrombin." DANIELLAXONT SECKINGER, "Studies upon the Blood Chemistry and the Clinical and Immunological Nature of Infectious Myxoma."

Maryland, University of MARION W. PARKER, "A Physicc-Chemical Study of the Soluble Polysaccharides of Sweet Corn." Michigan, University of ELDREDROLANDM ~ T E L L''The , Relation of the Physio-Chemical Properties of Norway Spfflce Cell Sap to Site." MABELMA- MILLER,"The Utilization of Xylose by the White Rat." ADOLPHJ. Rorn, "Filtrable Forms of Bacteria in Sewage." Minnesota, University of of Various Dietary Deficiencies upon the C H A ~ EMORRIS S BL~NPELD ''Effects . Morphology of the Suprarenal Gland." EARL ALBONHEWITT,"Certain Morphologic and Chemical Phases of the Blood of Normal and Cholera-Infected Swine." JOHN WnLuna READ."The Effect of Ultra-Violet Irradiation gn the Chemical and Nutritive Properties of Baked Products." VERNONALEXANDER WILKERSON,"A Bicchemical Study of Embryonic (Pig) Growth, with Special Reference to Nitragenous Compounds."

Northwestern University "A Study of the Pharmacology of Metaphen and PHOEBEJEANETTE CRITTENDEN, A d a v i n e " DORAFISKBACK."Alteration of Glycogen, Lactic Acid, and Phosphorus Compounds in Experimentally Produced Acute Molecular Degeneration of Skeletal Muscle." Ohio State Universitg DERWIN WILLOUGKBY A S K C R A"The ~ , Effects of Feeding Varied Rations upon the Hydrogen-Ian Concentration of the Intestinal Contents of Domestic Fowls." EVA GALEREATHCAMPBELL, ''A Thermophil Nitrite Former." WALTERPHILIP ELHARDT. "The Effect of Methyl, Ethyl, Propyl, and Butyl Alcohols on the Growth of White Leghorn Chickens." RUTH MADELINEKRAET "The Effect of Pituitary Hormone on the Activity and Ovulation of Young Female Albino Rats." Pennsylvania, University of EDWINJOHN DR BEER,"The Inorganic Composition of the Parotid Saliva of the SANDERS FRIEDDog and Its Relation to the Composition of the Serum." GERTRUDE m, "An Examination of Cerebra-Spinal Fluid far Oxytocic Activity as Tested by the Rabbit Uterine Fistula Preparation." CRARLESHODGE,4th. "Growth and Nutrition



N O V E ~ E R1932 ,

of Melanoplvr differentialis (Orrhoptera: Acridiae). I . Growlh on a Satisfactory Mixed Diet and on Diets of Single Food Plants." T n o m s KERR,"The Effects of Injection of Essential Metals into the Protoplasm 'and Vacuoles of the Root Hain of Limnobiurn sponyia." WILLIAM AuGusrr~EWoLaF, "Aserine in Mammalian Skeletal Muscle." Pittsburgh, University of D a m GLICK."Kelationships between the Constitution oI Organic Compounds and Their Effects upon Liver Esterase and Pancreatic Lipase." Princeton University GEORGEWELLRORD TAYLOR, "The Effects of Hormones and Certain Other Substances on Cell (Luminous Bacteria) Respiration." Rutgers University HERBERT W. REUSZER, "The Decomposition of Hemicelluloses with Special Reference to Their Uronic Constituents." LLOYD R. SETTER,"A Comparison of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Connecticut and Delaware Rivers and the Brandywine Creek " ERNESTL. SPENCER,"Nutritional Studies with Rhododendron ponticum in Sand Cultures." VICTORA. TIEDJENS,"Factors Affecting Assimilation of Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen, Particularly in the Tomato (Lycopersicon eaculenfum Mill) and in the Apple ( P y u s malus L )." Saint Louis University PHILIP AARONKATZMAN, "The Preparation and the Chemical and Physiological Properties of an Anterior Pituitary-Like Substance from Human Pregnancy Urine." Stanford University DENISLLEWELLYN FOX,"Some Chemophysical Aspects of Carbon Dioxide Narcosis in Living Cells." VEONC ~ E KIECH; "Catabolism of the Amino Acids and Their R Calorigenic Effect." STANLEY WALLACE MORW,"The Effect of Certain Hormones on Amino Acid Metabolism." Washington, University of EWEN G ~ L I S''A . Phytochemical Study of Hydraslis anadensis (Golden Seal)." Washington University (St. Louis) BETTY ROSEMONAGHAN. "The Effect of Dietaw Deficiencies on P h o s.~ h o.l i ~ o i d Metabolism." WILLIAMBEANWENDEL,"Some AS&& of Biological Oxidation as Illustrated by the Oxidation of Lactic Acid by Dog Erythrocytes and Methylene Blue." Western Reserve University JEROMEE. ANDES."Guanidine Bases in the Blood and Urine." DONALD FRANCrs EVELETA,"The Determination of Aluminum in Animal Tissue with a consideration of the Excretion of Intravenously Injected Aluminum Salts." L n c ALFREDWEED,"The Biological Properties of Certain Organic Mercury Salts." Wisconsin, University of HAZELMARIE HAUCK."Manifestations of Fluorine Toxicity." ELMERREVE HITCHNER,"A Cultural Study of the Propionic Acid Bacteria." A n m m RussELr. KEMMERER. "Studies on the Influence of Mannanese in Animal Nutrition." ERNEST CARR M c C U L L O C A , ~ ' Germicidal T~~ Efficiency of Sodium Hydroxide." THOMAS DWIGETMALLERY, "Changes in the Osmotic Value of the Expressed Sap of Leaves and

VOL.9, No. 11



Small Twigs of Covillea lridentala as Iduenced by Factors of Environment." ISAAC WALKER RUPEL,"Vitamin D in the Nutrition of the Dairy Calf." WILLIAMBOWEN SARLES, "The Production of Volatile Acids by the Fermentation of Cellulose a t High Temperatures." JOHNTAYLOR SKINNER,"The Rdle of Manganese in Animal Nutrition." MARIANESTHERSTARK,"Standards for Predicting Basal Metabolism: Prediction for Girls from Seventeen to Twenty-one." PAUL JUDSONTALLEY,"Some Chemical Differences in Staminate and Pistillate Plants of Hemp." Penny WILLIAM WILSON,"The Biochemistry of Certain Bacterial Processes." CHUNCHIEHYOUNG, "Oxidation and Reduction of Alexin." Yale University

RICHARD OWENBROOKE, "The Mineral Metabolism of Rats Receiving a Diet Low in Inorganic Constituents." NORMAN EDWINGIBBONS."A Bacteriological Study oi Fresh and Frozen Marine Fishes." E V ~ L YBROWER N MAN."The Relation of Hwer.. lipemia to the Nutrition and Metabolism of Diabetic Patients." ESTHERHOWLAND MONTGOMERY. "IAuence of Diet and of Thyroid Administration on the Toaicitv of Aretanitrile in Mice." ENGINEERmG Columbia University C~URLES JOSEPHBROCKMAN, "A New Method for Electro-Organic Reductions." GERALD MUNZEDELL,"Studies on the Phenol-Formaldehyde Condensation." JACOB MITCHELL FAIN, "The Stabilization of Aqueous Dispersions of Asphalt with Special J. KENNY,"A Study Reference t o Suspendability and Film Properties." FREDERICK of the Pasivity Produced by Chromic Acid on 8% Chromium Steel, 8% Nickel, Alloy." WALTER WILLIAXSPLECHNER, "The Thermal Precipitation of Hydrated Titanium Oxide from Titanium Sulfate Solutions." LEROYDAVENPORT SOPP, "Elimination of Pigment Drying (in the Production of Water Pain?, Oil Paints, and Lacquers)." Illinois, University of


RALPH LOUISSCORAH,"The Thermodynamics of Detonation with Application to Mixtures of Hydrogen and Oxygen." Iowa, University of CLIPTONL. LOVELL,"The Industrial Biosynthesis of Certain Organic Acids." VIRGILSCARTH, "The Catalytic Effect of Activated Carbon on the Iron Oxide Purification of Fuel Gases " Iowa State College P a m GBAXAM BIRD, "I. The Manufacture of Artificial Zeolites. I1 The Control of Zeolite Water Softeners." CHARLES EARLHARTBORD, "The Design of a Plant for the Production of Insulation Board from Agricultural Wastes and the Cost Data on "I. Some Factors Affecting the Production This Process." TneoDoR~R. NAFFZIGER, of Insulation Board. 11. The Development of the Commercial Production of Refrigeration Board and Pressboard." Massachusetts Institute of Tbchnology JEROMEHOWARD ARNOLD, "The Theory of Diffusional Processes." JOHNGRIS"The Influence of Operating Conditions an Efficiency of Rectification." EUGENE CHENKOO,"~echanisms~of isothermal and on-~sath& Flow of Fluids in Pipes." DONALD MCCLELLAND STURZNICXLE. "A Photographic Study of Flame Propagation." CHANCMINOTu, "The Mechmism of Combustion of Solid Carbon." WOLD.




Michigan, University of CAARLES R m u s HARTB, JR., "A Study of the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide Gas in Certain Aqueous Alkaline Solutions." KARL KAMUER~YEE, "Extraction of Alumina from Kaolin and Other Silicates." CHARLESWILLIAM SELHEWR, JE., "Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Equilibrium Relations between Gases and Liquids." Minnesota, University of ELLIOTTLEB MCMILLEN,''Thixotropy, Its Measurement and Relation to PlasHANSNEENHARD SEVERIN ticity." BURRELL FRANKLIN RUTH,''Studies in Filtration!' STROMBERO, "A Biochemical Survey of the Rochester Sewage Disposal Plant and the Zumbro River." Ohio State University JAY BLACK, "The Value of '85% Phosphoric Acid' in Standard Tests." CLARENCE DEON. "The Classification of Hydrated Limes." ROBERTANTon B. GALLOWAY DERSON FISKER,"Effect of Sodium Aluminate in the Softening of Boiler Feed Water GILL, "A Study of colloid^ a t Other than Ordinary Temperatures." JOSEPH WHEATON in Ohio Surface Clays and Shales." L. A. PARKER. "Effect of Viscosity us. Density of Liquids or Solutions on the Characteristiics of Centrifugal Pumps!' FRANas JESSE WULIAMS,"Some Effects of Mica on Certain Ceramic Glasses." Snou-CHENYANG, "Glucose from Starch." Yale University

JAMESHENRYLUM,"Methods of Investigating the Plastic State of Coal." METALLURGY Iowa Stafe College E~EREITELEE HENDERSON, "The Effects oLMolybdenum and Chromium on the Malleabilization of White Cast Iron." Massachusetts Institute of Technology FREDEEICX LEO COONAN. "The Effect of Alloying Elements on Malleable Cast Iron." Michigan, University of ERNESTBENJAMIN D u r n , "A Study of the Relation of Casting Technique to the Macrostructure and Physical Properties of Tin-Base Babbitt." JOHNTRIMBLEEASE, "The Copper-Rich Alloys of the Copper-Nickel-Tin System." Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute H E W WILLIAM KOREN,"An Investigation of Precipitation Hardening in Certain Iron Alloys." Wisconsin, University of

LA VERNEWINWIELD EASTWOOD, "The Flotation of Southwestern Wisconsin Zinc Ores." OSCAROTTO FRITSCHE,''Viscosity of Blast-Furnace Slags." Yale Universitg DONALD KELSEYC R A ~ T O"The N , Effect of Internal Stress on Properties of D r a m Brass Tubes." DANA WENTWORTHSMITH, "Segregate Structures Produced from Analogous Phases in Copper-Tin and Silver-Zinc Alloys!'