Research Information Service, National Research Council, Washington, D. C.
HE Research Information Service of the National more doctorates in chemistry and related subjects Research Council again offers the following during the past academic year, the same number as statistics concerning the doctorates in chemistry last year. This year Wisconsin occupies first place. and related fields conferred by American universities with 43 doctorates, one less than last year; Cornell is during the academic year 1932-33. This is the ninth second, with 40 doctorates, an increase of I 8 over last year in which this compilation has been made; previous year; Columbia again occupies thud place with 37 lists have been published in the JOURNAL OF CHEMICALdoctorates, an increase of 7 over last year. The places of Pennsylvania and Cincinnati are taken by California EDUCATION, 3, 77-99 (Jan., 1926); 4, 99-109 (Jan., 1927); 4, 1303-13 (Oct., 1927); 5, 1450-63 (Nov., Institute of Technology and Northwestern. Details 1928); 6, 2209-23 (Dec., 1929); 7, 2966-82 (Dec., are given in Table 2. In this connection it must be 1930); 8, 2259-78 (Nov., 1931); 9, 1976-96 (Nov., remembered that an exammation of the dissertations 1932). probably would make a difference in this table, since 1 n this compilation the doctorates granted by the some of the titles of doctorates give no clue as to their universities in agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, contents. It is also true that some of the doctorates chemical engineering, metallurgy, and pharmacy have granted in physics might properly be included in this been listed under the separate headings but are iu- list, with as much justification as we now include some cluded in the totals by university in the statistical of the doctorates in biochemistry. The order given tables. In selecting the titles to be included, those above is, therefore, relative only but it still is an doctorates have been used, which, if published, would indication of the amount of graduate study being carprobably be abstracted in Chemical Abstracts. Atten- ried on at these institutions. Table 3 shows the total number of doctorates tion is again called to the fact that the compilers have only the title of the thesis and, in most instances, the granted by the universities listed in Table 2 and those department in which the doctorate was granted, to aid granted in chemistry and related fields. them in the subject classificat~on. It is not always , Information concerning all the doctorates granted in possible to classify correctly from this information, the sciences (1343 for the year 1932-33) will appear in which may account for the inclusion or the omission of a forthcoming number of the Reprint and Civ~ular a given thesis. Corrections and suggestions as to this Series of the National Research Council (No. 105), publication are always appreciated. copies of which may be obtained from the Publication There are nineteen universities which reported ten or Giiice of the Council.
TABLE 1 D I ~ ~ . ~ ~ OB ~ I DO O CNI O R A ~ S M
' 2 ~ 2 9.29.'30
'30-'31 ..'-I.'
................ .................. ................... ................... ...............
American. Arirooa Boston Brown Bryn Mawr California ................ Calif . Inst. Tech Catholic Chicago Cincinnati Clark .................... Colorado ................. Columbia Cornell Duke .................... Pardham ................. Geo. Warhington Georgetown .............. Haward ................. Illinois ................... Indiana .................. Iowa Iowa state John Hopkin s............
.................. ..................
................ ...................
Inrlilulion '27-'28 Nebraska New York N . Y State Coil For North Carolina Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio state Pennrylvania Penna State Pittsburgh princetan Purdue RadeliEe Reosselaer Rice Rochester Rutgem S t Louis u n i v Stanford State Coll. Wash ..........
................. ................ . . ...... ........... ............. .............. ................ ............. . .............. ................ ................ ................... ................. ................ ..................... ................ .................. . ............
'29-'30 '30-31 '31-'32 3 2 - 3 3
..................... ............... Kansas ................... Zawrenc e ................. Maryland ................ Mars. Inst . Tech .......... Michimn ................. Mieh. State Colt .......... Minnesota ................ Missouri .................
.................. . .. . .......
Virginia w a s h U St Louis Washineton .............. Yale
..................... ............
UNIYBBS~TIBS GRANT~NO 10 OR MOPS DoCTOBATBS T N C m l r S m Y . 1931-32 lnslilufia
'25'27 '27-'28 '2&'29
'29-'30 '30-'31 31-32 '32-'33
........................... Camel1 .............................. Columbia ........................... Illinoin .............................. Chicaw ............................. Michigan ............................ Minnesota ........................... Johns Hopkins ....................... Ohio State ........................... Yale ................................ California ........................... Princeton ........................... Harvard ............................
wireonsin Cornell ............ Columbia 11iinois Chicago Michigan Minnemta Johns Hopkins Ohio State Yale Cdilornia Ptinecfon Harvard Mars. Inrf Tech
......... ............ ........... .......... ......... ..... ......... .............. ......... ......... .......... . .. Iowa state........ Calif . Inrt Tech ...
Mars. Inst.Tech
43 40 37 33 29 27 26 25 24 20 19
19 18 16
AIl Sdcnccs
87 110 71 63 73 81 62 68 53 50 62 32 63 30
Pittsburgh Northwestern
the energy levels of the samarium ion in various crystal environments from the behavior of the absorption spectra a t low temS I ~ RN T. GLARUN"Studies relating to the germanyl and peratures." NOELSTANLEYBAYLISS."The continuous absorpalkyl germanyl groups in liquid ammonia and ethylamine." tion spectrum of chlorine." RICHARDWmnNo BLUE. "The WrNSTON MARVELMANNING"I . The photochemical decom- entropies and vapor pressures of hydrogen sulfide and nitrous position of nitrous oxide sensitized by mercury vapor . I1 A oxide." EDWARDJOHN CZARNETZKY. "Studies on the comspectrographic study of ozone formation." JOHN FRANCIS bination of amino acids and proteins with gaseous acids and RYAN. "I . The reduction of phenylated olefins with alkali bases in the dry state." LAURANCE HENDERSON DONNALLY. metals in liquid ammonia solution . I1. The action of sodium "Aldehyde-bisulfite systems." ASTA OHN GEE. "A study of .on certain organic halides in liquid ammonia solution." FRANK pectin." JOHNFRED GROSSHICKS.JR., "The entropy of sulEARLTOONDER. "Methyl gallium derivatives." fate ion in aqueous solutions." WILLARD FRANKLIBBY."Radioactivity of ordinary elements. especially samarium and neoCalifornia. University of dymium; method of detection." DUNCAN PECKMACDOUGALL. HERBERTJAMESALMQUIST."The absorption of oxygen by "The production of temperatures below 1' absolute by means of the demagnetization of Gdn(S04)a.8Hz0." ANDFLEWMcIbenzaldehyde." RICHARDS c o n BEAR. "A determination of
Brown Unierersity
KELLAR,"The relative masses of the lithium isatope from the spectrum of Lir." At.1 M O H A ~ A "The D , kinetics of the reduction of hydrogen peroxide by iodide ion. The salt effect." C H ~ E WOODWARD S MONTGOMERY. "Photochemical reactions of phosgene."
California Institute of Technology R. C. BARTON, "Studies of various methods for the separation of the common elements into groups. The activity coefficients of hydrochloric acid in aqueous solutions containing sodium dithionate and perchloric acid." LAWRENCE BROCKWAY, "Electron diffraction and the molecular structure of gases; crystal structure of chalcopyrite." C. E. HABLUTZEL, "The effect of lead oxides on the oxidation of hexane." RALPHHULTGREN, "I. The spark-in-flame method of spectrographic analysis. 11. Equivalent chemical bonds formed by s, fi, and d eigenfunctions. 111. The crystal structure of sylvanite." W. B. LEWIS,"Dissociation constants of para-substituted henzoic a d d s in alcoholic solutions." JOHN MCMORRIS,"I. The thermodynamic constants of iodine monobromide, of iodine monochloride, and of cyanogen gas. 11. A photochemical reaction involving zinc oxide and oxygen." R. S. ROSE, "I. The catalytic decomposition of n-butyl alcohol; the equilibrium between the three normal hutenes. 11. The use of crotonaldehyde in the synthesis of lepidine." H. F. ScHorr, "Reversibility in biological oxidation." M. D. S ~ P P E L L"The , crystal structure of hixbyite and the C-modification of the sesquioxides. The cleavage of ionic minerals." J. W. URMSTON,"I. The separation of the two types of iodine molecule and the photochemical reaction of gaseous iodine with hexene. 11. The photochemical reaction of gaseous bromine with platinum." E. B. WILSON,JR., ''Wave f m ~ t i o n for s simple atoms."
of hydrogen bromide to unsaturated compounds." JOHN HENRYSKROYER,"The preparation of colored derivatives of 5-phenyl-5-ethylbarbituric acid." VERNEDONALDSON SNYDER, "A study of the absorption spectra of sulfides, thiosulfates, and thionates with reference t o strudural relationships." ROY WILSONWAMPLER,"The activity coefficients and adsorption of n-butyl alcohol in aqueous solution." AUSTIN BIRDINE WILDER, "Metal catalysts in biologic oxidations. I . The simple systems: thioglycollic acid, buffer, metal, dithioglycollie acid. 11. Tissue inhihiton." CALVIN STOCKTON YORAN, "The sulfonation of 5-phenyl-5-ethylbarbituricacid."
Cincinnati, University of LESLIE GERMAN,"Factors affecting the electrode potential of cobalt." KENNETHL. MILSTEAD,"The action of hydrogen peroxide on glycolic and lactic acids." WILLIAM ALBERT MOOMAW, "The synthesis and resolution of asymmetric amines; effect of negative substituents on their stability and optical rotation." SISTERIGNATIUS SANCHE, "Stereoisomers of ar.8.ytrimethylglutaric acid." ROLANDMICK~EL SCHAYFERT, "The infra-red absorption spectra and molecular structure of NOz and NsO,."
Columbia University
REGINALD AUCHINCLOSS, "The effects of glucose and fructose on the sucrose content in potato slices." RAYPARKIN CHAPIN, "A reversible oxidation-reduction indicator of high potential especially adapted t o oxidimetric titrations." RICHARD B n o m CONKLIN,"Research iu the acenaphthene field." HAROLD CORBINDOWNES,"Indicator studies of acids and bases in benzene." SYLVAN MILTON EDMONDS, "Oxidation potential indicators and their application to the volumetric determination of vanadium and iron in the presence of each other." RICHARD Catholic University WILLIAM FESSBNDEN, "The chemical kinetics of high valence GEORGEANTHONY BAUMSTARK, "The potential of the lead type electrolytes in dilute aqueous solutions." Vwron GEORGE "Catalytic dehydration of ionone and related comamalgam-lead sulfate electrode and the application of the FOURMAN, pounds." JOSEPHGREENSPAN, "The kinetics of a general ionic Debye-Hiickel theory t o dilute solutions of sulfuric acid." S I S ~ MARY R DORCASSMITH, "The activity coefficients of reaction: the saponification of acetylated hydroxy acids." HEW BENJAMIN HARDT,"The dissociation pressures and the hydrochloric acid in sulfate solutions of different valence types." imition of mamesium ammonium Dhowhate hexahvdrate." . JOHNGRANTHILDEBRAND, JR., "The constitution of lactams Chicago, University of resulting from the Beckmann transformations of certain cyclic KENNETH HOWARD ADAMS,"The pinacol-pinacolone molecular aliphatic ketonimes." ALEXANDER F. J. KNOLL,"Reactions of rearrangement: I. The rearrangement of pinacol and of tetra- organic compounds a t the surface of heavy metal sulfides." methylethylene chlorohydrin. 11. The rearrangement of @SIMONJASPERMARION,"The occurrence of n-nonane in the aminotetramethylethan01." JOHN GROVERALBRIGHT,"The DAVIDMOSSvolatile oil of Sarothn gentdoides L." DONALD crystal structure of lithium sulfate." THOMASMILTONBECK, MAN, "Bergamot oil. A monograph including original contribu"The direct auration of aromatic nitriles." P a m VERNON tions concerning the analysis of the oil." EDWINALLINROBINBROWER. "The pinacol-pinacolone molecular rearrangement: SON,"Substituted 5.6-benzocinchoninic acids." GERHARD MARthe rearrangement of 2-phenylaminotetramethylethanol." KEN- TIN SALZMANN, "The sction of aqueous alkali on starches and NETH NIELSENCAMPBELL, "A study of the action of the Grignard their amyloses." THOMAS JOHNSCHOCB, "Studies on the nature reagent of aromatic oximes." LORENBENJAMINGRIMSLEY, of potato starch." JAMBS CLAUDETHOMSON, "A study of "Studies of conjugated systems. I . The preparation and Chinese wood oils." LAURENCE ADNAWEBER,"A contribution properties of l-phenyl-4-anilidobutadiene and l-phenyl-4- to the photochemistry of phosgene." PAULJOHNWITTE, "A aminohutadiene. 11. The addition of bromine, hydrogen method far the determination of water and carhon dioxide by bromide, and hypobromous acid to I-bromobutadiene." EDITH the conductivity change of liquid absorbents." JAMESHEYSA-ER HAMMOND, "The ammines of chramous chloride." WARD YOUNG, "Experimental studies on Bredig gold sols." ROBERT RAYHAUN,"I. The vibration of atoms a t the end of organic molecules; the Raman effect and the carhon-chlorine Cornell University bond. 11. The Raman spectrum of germanium tetrachloride." ARDITH PAUL DAVIS, "Reactions in the brush discharge." JOHNMATHEWSJACKSON, "I. A spectro~copicstudy of the FANKUCHEN. "The crystal structure of the uranyl decomposition and synthesis of organic compounds in electrical ISIDOR discharges. 11. The electrodeless and glow discharges." acetates of sodium and potassium." ESTHERCOE FARNHAM. "A study of RAYMOND WRIGHTJOHNSON, "Velocities of hydrolysis of stereo- "Alumina lakes." N o ~ n r sWHITNEYGOLDSMITR, isom~richydrazones and oximes." AARONBAKERKENDRICK, overvoltage by the use of a string galvanometer." LAWRENCE GOULD,"The hydrols." B A R B O LAWSON ~ HERRING"Studies on the action of nitric oxide on hemoglobin." JAMES PEABODY STEWART MACHIN."Variation of the heats of dilution of sodium TON, "Same physico-chemical properties of lactose." DAVID chloride solutions with temperature." BENJAMIN LEO MAIZEL, HALBERTHOWARD,JR., "Equilibri~m studies in the systems "'A study of cyanogen bromide and unsaturated compounds. hydrazine, ammonia; ammonium trinitride, ammonia: hydrazine trinitride, ammonia." JULIUSANSONKUCK,"A study of ,especially of the enolic type." ROSE LEDIEU MOONEY,"The MCCLBLLAN, "The crystal structure of potassium permanganate." THOMAS aliphatic boric acids." PAULPENDLETON higher saturated fatty acids of peanut oil." WILLIAMJOSEPH CHARLESPOULTER, "Epoxy acids from oleic and elaidic acids." ROBERTSAMUEL SHANE,"The peroxide effect upon the addition O'LEARY,"The analytical reactions of rubidium and cesium."
in the presence of bromides " LEWIS WILLIAMBUTZ, "The chemistry of some physiologically active proteins." CHIN CHANG,"Stereochemistry of dipyrryl and dipyrrybenzenes " TSB-TSINGCHU, "The structure of azoxy compounds." JOHN DEVRIES,"The band spectra of boron hydride." HOMER RusSELL DUPPEY,"A study of the equilihiium hetween propylene, hydrogen sulfide, and isopropyl mercaptan." F ~ E A DL E ~ N D E R DYKINS,"Preparation of a palatable sirup from Jerusalem artichokes!' JOSEPA BAYLIES HALE, "I. Stereochemistry of 2,2',6-trisubsituted diphenyls. 11. Polymerization: (A) Intermolecular esterification of hydraxy acids. (B) Condensation of mesitylene and carbon tetrachloride." JESSE HARMON,"I. Synthesis of certain phenyl substituted aliphatic acids. 11. Tetraphenyldi-(3-ethyl-3-methylpentynyl-l)-ethne." WILLIAM Duke University HENRYHonNE, "I. The reaction between diethylamine and Lours BERTRAM COOK,"The action of fluorine on naphthalene ethylene oxide. 11. Some new local anesthetics: (A) +Aminohenzoates of dialkylaminoethoxy alcohols. (B) @-Aminophenyland some of its derivatives." ATHEYG u m s GILLASPIE,"An investigation concerning the relative stabilities of aromatic urethans of dialkylamino alcohols. 111. The action of optically active nitrates on ketones." E ~ m nELY JUKKOLA,"The ald-chlorimines and their geometrical configuration." JOHN HEEBERTPEARSON,"The action of fluorine on certain aromatic preparation and properties of some rare earth metals." WALTER organic compounds under various conditions." GRADYTAR- KLABUNDE,"Magnetic moment of the iron atom." ERVIN BUTTON, "The system lead acetate, acetic acid, water and a vol- CARLETONKLEIDERER,"The preparation and properties of 2,2',6,6'-fluorinated diphenyls." ALBERTENSIGNKNAUP,"The taic cell with aqueous acetic acid as the solvent." stereochemistry of diisoduryldisulfonic acid and certain Nphenyltriazoles." EDWIN GEORGBKOCA, "Preparation and George Weshington University properties of the alkali and alkaline earth metal perchlorate WILLIB OTHO POOL, "The preparation and properties of ammines." MILPOR~BODES L E ~ M A N"The , polymerization some 13-dialkyl ethers of glycerol." of bromoheptyl- and brom&ctyldimethylamines." MARION ELSIE MACLEAN,"I. A study of the stereoisomerism of Georgetaun University some sulfur compounds. 11. A search for a new type of JOSEPH ANTHONY MATHEWS, "The initial rates of decomposi- stereoisomerism." J o m NEIL MRG~DICH,"I. An X-ray tion of levulose in aqueous solutions of varying pH." diffraction study of high-tension impregnated paper eahles 11. An X-ray diffraction study of the effect of rachitis upon the Haward Unioe~sity structural characteristics of hone." HARLANWILLIS NELSON. lam^ Brsnop ARNOLD,JR., "I. The absorption spectra "A study of the oxidation of pyritic sulfur in hituminous coal." of organic molecules a t low temperatures. 11. The homogene- JOHN OmoN PAGE, "Studies on enzyme action" A n r m W~RD SADDINGTON, "Temperature-solubility relations in liquidous thermal decomposition of ethylene iodide in the gas phase." So=, "The ROBERTPERCYBARNES,"The reactions and keto-en01 equilibria vapor systems under pressure " WILLIAXEDWARD of an or-diketone." CHARLESFREDERICKBICKPORD,"I. The preparation and properties of compounds related t o cuscoelectrical conductance of aqueous solutions of electrolytes. 11. hygrine." DONALDTARVIN,"The methane fermentation of "I. The palymeriPreparation of methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl benzyl amines and organic acids." hDENISONTHOMPSON, methyl 0-phenethyl amine from the corresponding @-toluene- zation of w-halogenated tertiary aliphatic amines. 11. Symmetrical di-Mt-butyl-di-Mt-hutylethinyldiphenylthne"JUNE sulfonamides." FRANK PARKHURST BRACKETT,JR., "Photochemical processes in the ultra-violet." ALBERTQUIGGBUTLER, CHIEN-Yu TUO, "Rearrangement of polyines. Tetrabiphenyl"I. The atomic weight of titanium. 11. The atomic weight tert-hutylethinylethane." MILTON HEINS W a , "The formaof iodine." RICHARDBURT Dow, "The viscosity of mixtnres tion of hydrogen peroxide in the water vapor discharge." S WERNER,"A study of the formation of molecnof liquids a t high pressures." HERVEY BERTRANDELKINS, C F I ~ L EORVILLE "I. Eledrochemical and optical studies of fused salts. 11. lar addition compounds by means of crystal diffraction data." Refraction of ultra-violet light by salt solutions." LAURENCE Indiana University "I. The atomic weight of arsenic. 11. The DAVIDFRIZZELL, aqueous pressure of hydrated crystals: Nar%Ol.5HsO, NaH2F u ~ EUGENE g DOLIAN,"Some physical properties of solutions POc2H,O, and N Q P O ~ ~ Z H ~ O . "ROBERTGORDON GOULD,JR., of certain salts in non-aqueous solvents." MAURICEMONROE "I. The electron affinity of celtsin free radicals. 11. Some FELGER, "Addition agents in stannous sulfate-sulfuric acid synthetical experiments with 8-ionone." GEORGEHERBERT refining electrolytes." ROBERTCuwhnrNS GORE,"The dielectric HITCHINGS,"The separation and estimation of adenine and constants of solutions of some organic acids in ethyl alcohol and HAZEN KIMBALL, "Hydroxyl and benzene." DAVIDDOUGLASS hypoxanthine." &WARD HARTLEY."Synthesis in the hiketonic derivatives of a.7-diphenylbntyric acid." WILLARD phenyl series. I. The electrolytic reduction of isomeric monoDOUGLAS PETERSON,"I. The rate of coupling of diazonium nitro biphenyls in alkaline solutions. 11. A new series of disalts with naphthols. 11. Some transformations in the pyrrole phenylhenzidine dyes." series." HERBERTSILAS RHINES~TH,"The action of the Iowa, University of Grignard reagent on the esters of propiolic acid." SADL KINTERTALLEY,"Precision viscometry of dilute aqueous soluRAYMOND LOGANALBROOK."The preparation of d-glutamic THOMPSON,JR., "I. The free acid." HOWARDM. BsNNINcnoaa, "Preparation of glntamic tions." ALBBRTOFREDERIC energy of enolization of substituted acetoacetic esters in the acid from Steffen's waste." ALVIN PERCYBLACK,"The detergaseous phase. 11. Syntheses with tetrahydroionone." JOSEPH mination of the hydrogen-ion activity and buffer capacity of T n o m s WALKER,"Syntheses in the allene series." N A T H ~ N natural and treated waters." MARION ALEXANDER BUCKANAN, WEINER,"I. The mechanism of acylation and alkylation. 11. "Identification of non-fermentable sugars present in 'Hydrol.' " The reactions of phenylbenzhydrylglyoxal and the structure of FREDERICK C L ~ FREYTILG, K "The linsaDonifiahle lioids of beef the reaction products." liver." JOE L. HERMANSON, "Zinc alkyls with monoehloroamine and nitrogen trichloride." GEORGEE. HONEYWELL, Illinois, Uniwersity of "The preparation and resolution of Bmethyltaurine." GERALD WULIF ~ L E ~ N BAILEY, G "I. The activity of the cupric 0.I ~ N "The , migration of acidic groups from nitrogen t o ion in solutions of ammonia. 11. The detection of chlorides oxygen in o-aminophenols." ADRAINC. KUWER,"Biochemical
JAMES ALBERT RAYNOLDS,"The synthesis of branched-chain fatty acids." RICHARDALMNREINECKE,"The rearrangement of furylethylenic compounds." HARRISWHITE ROGERS,"The colors of the copper salts." GEORGELEWISROYER,"Indium." "I. Synthesis of some substituted ROBERT SCHEMBER SHELTON, symmetrical aryl mercury compounds. 11. Studies of derivatives of aryl germanic anhydrides." GEORGEFRANKLIN STEWART, "Shell characteristics and weight losses of hen's eggs." JOHNWILLIAMTHEN,"Effects of a magnetic field upon chemical reactions." EUGENEWMNER."X-ray spectrography in chemiCHARLESOLIVERWILLITS,"Reactions of Nescal analysis." sler's solution." ROBERTWYLLIEWOE, "The action of ammonia on monochloromonogermane and dichloromonogermane."
N CaMAXWELL, "The reaction the use of urea and formic-formate hufier." J ~ I A L. studies of citric acid." ROYDONALD "A study of the contact angles formed by liquid-air of potassium amide in liquid ammonia with chlorine derivatives BERTSON, of substituted ethenes and ethanes." A n m m F. NELSON, and liquid-liquid interfaces on silica, gold, and platinum." HE"Vapor pressures of aqueous perchlotic acid solutions." LEE D. MAN CHARLESFOG, "A study of the precipitation of gallium OUGH. . "Electromotive farce and free enerw -. relationshios in hydroxide and basic gallium sulfate by means of urea." Smn"The infra-red absorption spectrum , LEIDICHGERHARD, aqueous solutions of potassium ferracynnide" \'r:nnn I. ~ ; ~ R T HMAN T "Electromotive force and free enerm rrlationships in aqueous and the molecular structure of ozone." R ~ B B R LORIMER GRANT,"The preparation and properties of some products of solutions of potassium iodate." SHELDON the partial hydrolysis of fibroin of silk." CLINTON Iowa St& College H m , "The composition of a cobalt compound of thioglycolic YOUNG JENNINGS, ''Study of pressure of disanilide." HARLEY R ~ ~ LINDLEY R D FOSTER,"The production of furfural from BARBERT o m , placement methods for measuring adhesion tension." JOHN concentrated solutions of xylose." EDMTJND GILBERTMALONE,"The use of the Drude method and the F. WRIGHT, "Furfural and "Organolead compounds." GEORGE development of a voltage tuning resonance method for the some of its derivatives." measurement of the dielectric constant of aqueous solutions of electrolvtes and relatin." R ~ C H WERNER ~ D STENZEL."A , Johns Hofikins University study of the hehavior of liquid.liquid intcrfxcr in vitreous cnpilWILLARD EVANBLEICK,"The mutual repulsive potential of lary tuhes." CHARLES JR., ".lltcration of WILLIAM \VALTOY. STEPKENBRUNAUER, "Studies in the thermo- thc surface properties of stibmtc as rwr:~lrdby adhesion tension dosed shells!' dynamics and kinetics of surface nitride formation on iron studies." THOMASCROSS, JR., "The synthetic ammonia catalysts!' Michigan State College relative oxidizability of organic compounds by gaseous oxygen." FXANCES WILLARD L-, "I. he free surface energies and JOSEPHGREENBERG. "Properties of ketene." LINDSAV HELMnoLz, "Lattice energies of rubidium bromide and sodium chloride parachors of some derivatives of benzylated phenols. 11. The and electron affinities of their halogens." WILLIAMI~EDMOND determination of adsorption from mixed gases by the recording JOHNSTON, "Activation energies in thermal organic decomposi- interferometer." Minnesota, University of tions." WILLIAMEVBRETTLAND,"A study of the iduence of capillarity on the melting paint of iodine." Ismon LEVIN. ANGUSEWANCAMERON. "The sorption of bromide and iodine "X-ray stndy of so-called amorphous varieties of silica." WIL- vapor by highly activated silica gel and coconut charcoal." LHow~kDLOCKWOOD, "Catalytic oxidation!' JOHNHER- DONALD LEASKFULLER,"The solubility of various gases in PICK LONG, "A study of the structure and the activity of mixed various liquids a t high pressures. I. The system hydrogen metal catalysts." R ~ Y M O NNATHAN D LOVE,"A study of the chloride-propane." KERENELIZABETH GILMORE, "Effects prodistribution of solutes in gels." JACOBROBERTMEADOW, duced by radon on the system: hydrogen-iadinehydrogeu io"Ring compounds and polymers from polymethylene dihalides dide." JOHNREHNER,JR., "The activity of silver acetate and and dimercaptans." JOHNWOLCOTT MURRAY,"The Raman similar salts in the presence of electrolytes." CHARLES PARKER spectrum of the benzene ring as shown by some benzene com- ROE,"The solubilities of various gases in various liquids a t high pounds." REWENROSEMAN. "The preparation of very pure pressures. 11. The system hydrogen chloridekrypton." h s solutions of titanic sulfate and titanous sulfate and the estima- TEE HINBSSRIWLETT,"The temperature cwfficient of the conk tion of iron in solutions containing both bivalent iron and tri- bination of hydrogen and oxygen under alpha radiation!' MARvalent titanium." THOMAS FRANCISSIIEA, "Adsorption on a VIN ANDREW SPIELMAN, "A study of the molecular rearrangeplane surface." FRED Bnnms SLAGLE. "X-ray studies of fatty ments of the a,O-unsaturated ethers." VERNONARTHUR acids and mixtures of fatty acids." ROBERT DANIELSTIEHLER, STENGER, "The adsorption of cations from ammoniacal solutions "Equilibria in azine oxidation-reduction systems." DONALD by silica gel." FRANKHAROLDSTODOLA, "The addition of A ~ I WILSON, N "X-ray studies of long-chain compouuds a t low bromine to pentene-2." AUGUSTWILLMAN,"Glacial acetic temperatures and a t room temperature." acid as a solvent for acids and bases." JOHN LEWISWILSON. "The activation of molecular oxygen by electron impact." Kansas, University of ~~~
Nebraska, University of J. ALDENMURRAY, "Some reactions of the ethyl esters of certain urea-, thiourea- and gnanidine-carboxylicacids!' FRANK- LYLEVERNON ANDREWS, "The oxidation potential of the alkaLIN STRAIN,"Certain iodo and other derivatives of dipheuyl THoMpSoN line lead oxide, lead dioxide electrode." HOWARD ether." BONNBTT, "The action of barium hydroxide on certain of the monobasic sugar acids." JAMES OAKLEYLAWRENCE,"The Maryland, University of a m derivatives of arsono naphthalenes." ALBERT LIGFITEODY. THOMASBENTONSMITH, "The demmposition of ethylene "Properties of binary system: alcohol-benzene and the variaGLENNSTATLBR WEILAND, tions due to the presence of water." glycol in the presence of catalysts!' "A stndy of the factors influendug the yield of ascaridole in New York University Cheno+odium ambrosoides L., vat. Anlhelmimti~um." FELIXB R A U D E , " T synthesis ~~ of certain axindole derivatives." Massachusetts Institute of Technology ALFREDDIXONCALLIHAN, "Raman scattering by crystalline B. FnzW I L L I ~SIDNEY BENEDICT."The absorption spectra of hydrogen halides and aqueous solutions." THOMAS "The reaction of amines with sulfur dioxide." CLARnitrogen dioxide and nitrogen tetroxide." Ecr VICTORF A ~ C E , GERALD, HERMAN, "The thermal decomposition of diethyl"The relative reactivities of the carbon-chlorine bond in henzoyl ENCE RICHARD LEWIS KEOPA,"The preparation of certain chloride and certain of its derivatives." Loms GOLDMAN, "The amine." EDWARD synthesis of ammonia in the electrodeless discharge." HELEN 0-substituted cholines." EDWIN TOWERLAYNG. "The thermal FARNSAM TUCKER,"The effect of substituents on the thermal decomposition of propyl memaptan." WILLIAM FRANCIS WALDECK, "The aqueous solubility of salts a t high temperatures." stability of certain derivatives of malonic acid." Michigan, University of
North Carolina, University of
JACOBADDLESTONE, "A study of the soda-alum system." A n ~ m ADEL, "The carbon dioxide molecule, its infm-red BERNARD LARSJOHNSON, "A study of the aging of fflhher." spectrum and mechanical structure." HENRYBROWN,"Interfacial tension relationships between contiguous fluids." FRANK THOMASLUTHERKING, "The nitration of 2.6-dibromo-1.5LAI NGI CHAN,"On the-determination of calcium as oxalate by dihydroaynaphthaleue."
rearrangements." JOHNDEHAVENLONG,"The effect of temperature on the time-lag of fibering in rubber." WILLIAM ARTEIURRAYMOND GOLDSBY,"The behavior of the normal ERNEST SINGER,"The structure of rubber as shown by the timebutenes and pentenes a t decomposition temperature." RALW lag of fibering." NEILJONES,"Studies of ketenes and allenes." GLENNWILLIAM Pittsburgh, University of KLINGMANN, "The reaction of carbon suhoxide with the Grignard WILSONMCNAMEE, "Alkyl ally1 ethers of LESLIE HENRYANDREWS,"Catalytic reduction of azo and reagent." RAYMOND L. ARNOLD, phenol and resorcinal and their rearrangement." EUGENE anthraquinone types of compounds." CH~STER WILKINMOPPETT,"The preparation, physical properties, and "The isolation and study of the humic acids from peat." MAWBlcaLow, "A study of the sodium series of identification of some aliphatic amines." ELMER BERN^^ RICE HOBBARD selenium glass." CATHERINE MITCHELLBRIDGHAM, "A study OBERG,"A study of the monoalkyl esters of sulfuric acid." of the chemical nature of lemon albedo pectin." HUGH E. CHARLES ITHAMER PARRISH, "Unsaturated ethers of pyrogallol." GILLANDER, "A study of the factors involved in the weathering Notre Dame, University of of creosotes." SAMUEL MANERMARTIN,JR., "The distribution LAWRENCE HENRYBALDINGER. "I. The preparation of some of gum-forming constituents in a cracked gasoline." GERALD alkyl phenylacetonitriles in liquid ammonia. 11. The relation MCKINNEYPETTY, "The system sulfur-octachlorobiphenyl." of some physical properties to bactericidal action of some phenyl- FORRESTWESTERN,"The atomic weights of radioactive substances. Actiuouranium and the problem of geologic time." substituted acids." LAWRENCE ANDREWO'LEARY,"Reactions and properties of boron fluoride in methyl alcohol." MERRITT Princeton University MICHAEL OTTO,"The electric moments of acetylenicompounds." FREDEnrc HENRYADAMS,"An experimental study of the spaHENRYANTHONY PERSYN,"Thermal conductivity of condensing tial configuration of the valence in tricovalent carbonium ions vapor films in vertical tubes." FRANCIS JOSEPHSOWA,"Organic reactions. Condensations and rearrangements with boron and free radicals." NELSONALLEN,"New analytical methods for fluorine." ROBERTWALLACE C brBOND," S O ~ reactions fluoride." RAYMOND JOHN SPAFIR, "Organo-mercuri-acetylides." ELMERTHEODOREWEIBEL,"Some reactions of acetylene and tween alkylene oxides and hydroxylamine derivatives." TmvcCHINO CHOW."On the spectrum of sulfur dioxide." EDWARD potassium acetylide in liquid ammonia." MORRISCOLLINS,"A new method of measuring aqueous tensions Ohio State University in salt hydrate systems." P ~ L I P DARTTH A ~ O N "The D , reacCLARENCE BREMER,"The synthesis of phthalimide deriva- tion of sulfur with benzene and the synthesis of some aryl sulHITCHCOCK. "Dipole rotation tives." ALAN THEODOR& CHAPMAN, "The accurate determina- fonium salts." CURTISSSUMMERS "The adsorptive and catation of the specific heat of nitric oxide gas from its boiling point in crystalline solids." JOHNHOWARD, to 150°C. by the velocity of sound method." ELMERWILLIAM lytic properties of chromium oxide." KIA-KKWE JEU. "ComCoon, "Electrolytic reductions." DAVID HAIGH DAWSON, parative inhibitory powers of organic substances in chain reac"Studies in dielectric "Investigations in the spectrum of the OH molecule." ROBERT tions." SAMUELEDWARDKAMERLING, polarization. I . Someorganicsolids. 11. Thepolyrnethylene KRIEGBAUM FOX,"The oxidation of activated and non-activated carbon in the presence of certain carbonates and oxides." ALPRED bromides." WALTER BARKERUEIGHTON,JR., "A study of BENJAMINGARRETT,"A study of the amphoteric character of catalysts for the removal of thiophene from benzene by hydroLACOSS,"Iduence of intensive pilver oxide from solubility measurements in alkali and in alkaline genation." DONALDADOLPHUS salt solutions." RAYLEROYMCCLEARY, "The action of oxygen desiccation on certain physical properties of benzene." CHARLES LINDSLEY,"The cryoscopic study of certain aliphatic upon mono- and polysulfides, mono- and polyselenides, and mono- HALSEY alcohols." JOHNMACLEOD MORTON, "The kinetics of the dissoand polytellurides of sodium." MARYANNETTA MAGILL,"A ~ ~ L L I spectrophotometric study of unsaturated hydrocarbons and their ciation of some typical hydrocarbon vapors." WENDELL color reactions." JOHNDONALD PIPER, "A study of the effect MUNRO,"The mechanism of the slow oxidation of propane." of separating the chromopharic groups of disazo dyes." VERNON ALBERT SHERMAN,"Experimental and quantum mechanical OSBURN LESLIERICKETTS,"The calculation of molecular dimensions from studies of some chemical reaction rates." CORNEILLE "Adsorption of hydrogen by zinc oxide and promoted diffusion rates." JAMESGREENSTEED."Quantitative spectro- STROTHER. catalysts." WENDELLHERTIGTAYLOR."Studies in thiophenol scopic analysis of solutions." DWIGHTLESTERWARRICK,"A copper membrane gas molecular sieve: Callendar's theory of chemistry. I. Thiophenol-aldehyde condensations. 11. A osmosis." EDWARD FLOYD WESP, "A spectrophotometric study general condensation reaction between thiophenols and condensed of the ferric iron-phenol color reaction.'' SOLOMON FREDER~CK aldehyde-ammanias," WILLIAMSPARKSWALLS, "Dipole moWHIRL,"The effect of solid matter on boiler-water foaming at ment, molecular shape, and valence angle." pressures higher than that of the atmosphere." HAROLD MONPurdue Uniwersity ROE WHITACRE, "An alkali-stable complex carbohydrate from WALLISREMANBENNETT,"Determination of geological time Aerobacter oerogenes." DOROTHYJANE WOODLAND. "An investigation of the relation between surface energy and curvature by radioactive disintegration: volumetric determination of uranium in radioactive minerals." JOSEPH EMERYHECK, of surface." "Studies with organic precipitants. I . Rhythmic precipitaPennsylwania, University of tions. 11. Adsorption of cations." GmnGE ALLENSCAERER, CLAUDEKNAWSS DEISCHER."The ratio of mercury to chlorine "Potential of the magnesium electrode in ether solutions and the in mercuric chloride." ARTHUROSOL, "The 'salting-out' and free energy of formation of magnesium bromide." 'salting-in' of weak adds. The activitv coefficients of the molecules of certain substituted benzoic &ids in aqueous salt Stanford university "Rate of solution of magsolutions." JOHNHENRYRUSHTON, E ~ JOY BALDWIN, ~ ~ ,,The ~ design . and of a nesinm in acids." KAMENOSURB S ~ N O H A R "I. A . The kinetic va,m monochromator and a photochemical study of the study of oxidation of cystine by iodine. 11. Stability of cystine oxygen-ozone BA-R, .,The in acid solutions." JOHNKENSON SIMONS,"Some tolyl deriva- chmistry of egg.albumin, with reference to the phetives of germanium." nomenon of heat denaturation." ROBERTDIXON BROWN, "The kinetics of the homogeneous decomposition of the aliphatic Pennsylvania State College aldehydes." F R AALLEN ~ LUCY,"Photochemical and spedroJAMES MARION CHURCH,"The development and certain graphic studies of three nitrobenzaldehydes." RAYMOND ARCHIE applications of the technic of ozonolysis." AUGUSTHENRY MORTENSEN, "The photolysis of some organic compounds of HOMEYER."Studies on tert-bntylacetic acid and neopentyl- lead." MONROEEDWARD SPAGHT,'.Physical studies on simple ethylene." DAVIDPERCYLANGLOIS, "Studies in intramolecular glasses."
Northwestern University
Syracuse University
BUCHANAN a sucrose degradation product." RICHARDFRANCIS Cox, "A study of the mechanism of the acetoacetic ester conDOROTHY MARYFITZGEMLD."The ion yield in the decomposi- densation." ALansD WINSHIP DOWNES, "The chemistry of tion of ammonia by alpha rays." indium." ERNESTWUPRID GRERNE,"The temperature variation of the dielectric constants of gases and vapors." ROBERT Texas, University of CLINTON HARING, "A study of certain factors affecting the autoBURNARD STOREYBIGGS,"The isolation of certain kero bases oxidation of stannous chloride." MERLE ALPREDHEATH,"A study of the effect of salts on the catalytic decomposition of and a study of their reactions." CHARLESMABRYBLAIR,"The OBERDON hydmiysis of hydantoin-oxindoles and the number of structurally hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum." VERNARD HESTON,"Activity studies in glacial acetic acid." BENWILSON isomeric aliphatic compounds." FRANK WELDONJESSEN, "The heat capacities and free energies of formation of the methyl- HOWK, "The reactions and structure of n-benzoyl-n-bromo "The relation of hydrogen amines." LUCIENJEANBATISTELACOSTE,T h e crystal s h e esters." HARRYNOBLEHUNTZICKER, ture of the aragonite group." Jonn TAYNTONMURCHISON, to nickel with special reference to the catalytic power of the "a-Substituted ethyl n-butyl ethers. Utilization of a-chloro- latter." SULO ARTHURKARJALA,"The stereochemical conand a-cyanoethyl ethers for the synthesis of typical alkoxy alkyl figuration of ephedrine: sulfur-containing local anesthetics." derivatives. rrC,HvO.CHXCH,." THOMAS SMITH PERRIN, EDWARDNOBLEKRAMER,"The oxidation of selenium in the KUETTEL,"The chemical "Cumulative extractions as a means of segregation of kero bases glow discharge." GLENMARCELLUS obtained from petroleum. Isolation and identification of 2,4,8- nature of dyestuffsin pine wood pulps." ERVIN FRANKKURTH, "Contributions t o wood chemistry: the chemical nature and and 2.4.5-trimethvlauinoline." TUDSON STERLING SWEARINGEN. MCQWEN,"An "Gaseous reactions- produced by high frequency discharges; distribution of extractives." DAVIDMALCOLM electrokinetic investigation of the mutual coagulation process." effects due t o variations in frequency." RAYMOND LUTHERMITCHELL,"Contributions to wood chemistry: some chemical properties of lignin." JOHN LAWRENCE "The frequency variation of the dielectric constant of L. D ~ L o s sPARSONS, "Neutralization reactions of phosphoric ONCLEY, dilute non-aqueous salutions." EDWARDALBERTPRILL, "A acid and calcium acid phosphate." study of the condensations of w,w-dicarbethoxydialkyl methylamines by means of sodinm ethoxide." WALTER HAMMOND Virginia, University of SARTMAN, "The hydrogenation and hydrogenalysis of certain DAVID EUGENEMORRIS,"Studies in morphine chemistry. organic compounds." EUGENE WILRELM SCROEPPEL,"The (A) The desoxymorphines. (B) The thiocydides and thelanino." preparation of glucnrouic acid from gum arabic." CLARENCE WILLIAMSONDERN, "Thyrnotinic compounds: a chemical study Washington, University of of thymol derivatives." JOHN FRANKLIN STEINER."Studies on VERHOEK, "I. The HERBERTK E N ~ T MCCLAIN, H "Nemst and electrokinetic the passivestate of metals." FRANKHENRY SEYMOUR, "A study of the dissociation constant of nitrogen trioxide. 11. The kinetics of potential behavior." KEITHMORTON the decomposition of trichloroacetic acid and its salts in various adsorption a t the benzene-sodium oleate solution interface." solvents." C-ES FRANCISWINANS,"The hydrogenation of BERTRAMDAVID THOMAS,"The electrical conductivity of sea organic nitrogen compounds." water."
Washington University, St. Louis
Yale University
THOMAS FRANCIS MCDONNELL. "I. Some derivatives of decahydronaphthalene. 11. A study of the constitution of aloin."
ELTONSTRAWS COOK,"The synthesis of ester derivatives of 2-dialkylamina-3-hydroxytetrahydronaphthaln. LAWRENCE STAMPER DARKEN,"The dissociation constants of cyanoacetie Western Reserve University and glycollie acids from conductance measurements." JOHN CLARK DEAN, JR., "Alkyl and arylaminopyrimidines." WILLIAMDUNCAN STILLWELL, "The fluorination of trichlaroFLEISCHBR, "Equilibrium studies on solid polyiodides." "The measurement of the MICHAEL silane." CARLFRANCIS SWINEHART, critical constants of various fluoride gases and the preparation WILLIAMGEORGEGORDON,"The reaction between certain amino acids and mercuric chloride in the presence of alkali." of the fluorochlorosilanes.'' JOHNWILLIAMHAUGHT, "Preparation of physiologically active amino derivatives of acenaphthene." JOHN CHALMERS HECKEK, Wisconsin, Unierersity of "The thermodynamic properties of sodium sulfate and sodium JOHNSON, "Some new ARTHURBERNHARDANDERSON,"Dehydroperillic acid, an hydroxide solutions." HENRYSTODDARD acid from western red cedar, Thuje +l*ata Don." WALTER derivatives of morpholine." MEARLALTONKISE, "Alkamine HERMANBAWR, "The photobromination of cinnamic acid." ethers and amides of the pyrimidine and qninazoline series." HAROLD EUGENEBURDICK,"The hydrogenation and hydrogen- ROBERTPRESCOTI.PARKER,"Amino esters derived from methylolysis of compounds containing the furane nucleus." MILPORD substituted o-tolnic acids." DONALDDECKERWRIGHT,"The ALTONCOWLEY,"Studies an certain derivatives of levulinic acid, dissociation constant of chloroacetic acid from 0' to 40°."
Arizona University
Cornell University
ROBERTALVAGREENE, "Studies on protein synthesis by the genus Aaotobacfer."
ARNOLD JOHNBAUR,"Chemical and biological changes in composted peat." JACOBUS JOHANNES BRONKHORST, "A physical, chemical, and physiological study of high and low hatching lines of single comb white leghorns." CHARLES HUGHESCRAWPORD,"Dry concentrates as a partial substitute for whole milk in calf rations." JOHN LAMB,JR., "The availability of soil potassium." FR&RICK GROW; MEF~KLE,"Base &change studies on the Pennsylvania Jordan field plots." FRANK
California, University of TOHN P. CONRAD."The relation of colloid disoersion in sails to chemical changesinduced by biological tr&formations of organic materials."
MOSBR,"The calcium-magnesium ratio in soils and its relation to crop growth." OSCARDEANSMITH,"The relation of feed intake to economical milk production."
I!Ainois, university of
Minnesota, University of SAMWLTODDCOULTER, "The relation of silage to the composition of the butterfat, churning qualities of the weam, and keeping qualities of the butter." WIL~.IAM HUGH RIDDELL, "The relation of phosphorus deficiency to the utilization of food."
DANIELBRESLERSMUTS,"The relationship between the basal metabolism and the endogenous nitrogen metabolism in mature Ohio State University animals of different species." CORNELIUS AUSTINVANDOREN, "Bound water and eiectrical conductivity as measures of cold JAldEs A~~~~~~~~ NABTEL, .,Glass electrode studies: a study resistance in winter wheat." CLEVELANDwlMER, lrThe of the quinhydrone electrode errors in soils by means of the glass composition of mature corn stover as affected by variety, soil electrode,u YUN-KUEI YANG, ..The relation of pseudo-starch type and fertilizer treatment." to vigor in sweet corn, Zea sucherala Sturt."
Iowa State College CHARLESE. BELL, "Effects of soil conditions on citrus fruits." GORDON BEVERLY KILLINGER,"Some properties of the soil solution and the colloids in certain Iowa soils."
Boston University C m o ~ r mTUM SUDEN,"The response of the uterine smooth muscle of the rat to histamine and in anaphylactic shock."
Cal$ornia, University of FRANK WOKTHINGTON ALLEN,"The metabolism of certain uurine derivatives." GLADYS ANDERSON ED~ERSON. "The effect of vitamin A defici~ncyupon the urinary nitrugen metaholism of the dog." J o s a m l ) ~ m ~ . e(;nt.:n\~s. u "The r:Xe of hilc in the ahsorption of vitamin I)." AKYHUK G I I . ~ RAICC.%LL%. T ''I'mtein and nou-protein nitrogen of cereal plants, as iduenced by the nutrient solution." ALEXANDER JOHNSZARKA, "The effect of the growth promoting factor of the anterior pituitary on the oxygen consumption of the rat and some aspects of the relationship between the anterior pituitary and thyroid gland."
State College of Washington LLOYD DAVIDDONEEN,"Nitrogen in relation to composition, growth, and yield of wheat."
MARGUERITE ALBERTINE VANHAUWAERT, "A quantitative study of the factors influencing the removal of loosely bound nitrogen from eggs." LUCILEBETSEYWHITCAER.''Further studies on the calcium content of the body in relation to the calcium and phosphorus content of the food."
Cornell University
RACFIAELSANDERS BIZAL."A study of infant feeding practice as found by a survey of 702 New York State babies." DonsEY WILLIAMBRUNER, "The influence of nutritive conditions on acid-fastness of bacteria." Ho-TSENG CHANG,"The effect of light and darkness on the uptake and distribution of nitrogen in Phaseolus vulgaris L." WILLIAMROBERTHoasaAt.~, "Some effects of the vapor of ethylene oxide on the various stages of HWANG, the bean weevil. Mylabris obtectus (Say)." SHUI-LWEN "A chemical study of the r61e of mercuric oxide in the control of some potato diseases." HARRIET MORGAN,"The laxative Chicago, University of e5ect of an edible cellulose and its influence on mineral retention 0. POLAND, "Studies on crystalline in human subjects." LLOYD HARRIS MILLERBENEDICT,"Effects of ultra-violet radiation urease." Nonwooo CHARLESTHORNTON,"Carbon dioxide on the calcium and phosphorus content of plants." MEYER storage: I. The influence of carbon dioxide on the oxygen SAMUELMI-IS, "Studies of bromides and chlorides in blood uptake of fruits and vegetables. 11. The influence of carbon and cerebrospinal fluid." JAMES FRANCISREOAN,"The action dioxide on the acidity of plant tissue." HAROLDHENDERSON of insulin on the motility of the empty stomach." Bonrs BBNJAWILLIAMS."The effects of specific lipids in the diet of lactating MIN RUBENSTEIN, "Studies an the metabolism of Sarcine lutes." goats." Dnvm OSCARROSBASH, "The respiratory catalysts of the Rous sarcoma." C ~ R L ESSc a w m ~ z ."Serum calcium and hyperFordham University parathyroidism in rickets." ALBERTF. MCGUINN,"The quantitative determination of mercapturic acid in urine." Cincinnati, University of
MARVINHENRYKUIZENGA, "Blood changes after nephrectomy as affected by cortin."
Colorado, University of JAMBS M. ORTEN, "A study of the hematopoietic action of certain metals."
Harvard Universzty InmN SIGWALD DANIELSON, "Amino acid nitrogen in blood and its determination."
Illinois, University of
FRANCIS MATTHEWCLARK, "The formation of hydrogen sulfide by thermophilic bacteria." JOHN ROY DOTY. "Are traces of aluminum necessarv for normal nutrition?" ELBERT HELENRIYKINBENJAMIN,"The nature and significance of RL'YLII.''The rnicrohiology of cnnned meat products." HOLLIS the filtrable absorbable calcium phosphorus complex." ROGER ROBERTA S I I M ~ H SCOTT. R "\l~taholirmof amino acids." IsA4C M. H s m r o r r , "The reactivation of invertase." MARYLEE I