Does your silicone supplier make too many promises? - C&EN Global

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Does your silioone supplier make too many promises?

What good is making a promise if you end up breaking a promise? Thafs no way to do business. So when Dow Corning makes a promise, we do everything we can to keep it. Our ability to deliver the silicone products you need is more than just promising. After all we're the world's largest silicone producer, offering you the broadest range of silicone products and related specialty materials. We also offer you the added value of our technical service, backed by the largest research and development investment in the industry. And, if you sell internationally you should know that we manufacture internationally. So we're ready to respond wherever—and whenever—you need us. Another promise we make—and keep—is to recognize your marketing needs. So you can continue to get the kind of technically-advanced silicones that help you build differentiation into your products, and help you grow. When you work with us, you work with the only global company that has built a business exclusively around silicones. We know their capabilities, we know their limitations. Quite simply, when we make a claim for a silicone product, we can back it up. And that's a promise. Dow Corning Corporation, Dept. A4018, Midland, Ml 48640. Source One for Silicones.