Dont miss the bus

Dont miss the bus. Destination. ... continue as you require. Λ. LABNET™ instruments have standard ... extensive diagnostics to help you f. ^^Λ φ ...
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Dont miss the bus. Destination... Chromatography Automation. The Spectra Physics LABNET™ Bus built into our GC, LC, and data handling products offers a complete system to solve your needs. Routes are provided to dedicated analyzers such as simulated distillation, or to multi. channel data systems and laboratory management to solve your analytical problems. JM The schedule is flexible. Start with any single channel data system or chromatograph and continue as you require. Λ LABNET™ instruments have standardi/ecl dialogs. BASIC controllability and ^—.^ JÊBÊÊÊÊ extensive diagnostics to help you f ^^Λ φ provide low cost, precise and reliable / , analytical results...automatically. / ^^--

Spectra-Physics Innovators in Chromatography

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Siemensstrasse 20 D 6100 Darmstadt-Kranichstein Fed. Rep. Germany Telephone: (06151) 708 0 Telex: 0419471