Don't pour dollars down the drain... recover precious metals from your

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Don't pour dollars down the drain... recover precious metals from your wastewater with Sodium Borohydride

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If y o u use precious metals in your manufacturing process and are not now recovering them from your effluent, you may be pouring thousands of dollars down the drain. A twenty thousand gallon per day waste stream w i t h less than 100 ppm of silver will return over $100,000 annually, using our Sodium Borohydride System. Or, if you are currently using metal displacement to precipitate your precious metal, we can offer you a better solution to this costly, time-consuming and environmentally unsure method.

- O u r Sodium Borohydride System offers a simple, economical and environmentally protective solution to turn y o u r wastewater problems into profits. Whether your application is for on-stream or batch scale recovery, you can r e c l a i m up to 99.5% of the precious metal in your wastewater in its pure reuseable state. And our system requires only a minimal capital investment, is space efficient, and can be operated with existing manpower working only a few hours per week. Here's just one example of return on investment with Sodium Borohydride: 20 worth of Sodium Borohydride will return $2.00 worth of silver from wastewater, at today's prices . . . quickly, simply, and with no potential pollution problems. Now that's really getting your two cents worth. f u r t h e r information on the use of this system to recover precious and other heavy metals, such as lead or mercury, send for our free brochure. Or for immediate action, call Doug Littlehale at (617) 922-1875. Ventron Corporation, Congress Street, Beverly, Mass. 01915 "Performance Takes Priority"