Dose Rates Produced from Gamma Ray Sources

methods for estimating gamma dose rates in configurations and under con- ditions frequently encountered in ir- radiation work. Relationships are shown...
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J. G. LEWIS Engineering Research Institute, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Dose Rates Produced from Gamma Ray Sources A nomograph may be constructed for estimating dose rates in air, helping in the design of experiments and planning for radiation work



emphasis in this work is on methods for estimating gamma dose rates in configurations and under conditions frequently encountered in irradiation work. Relationships are shown in special cases which have been treated previously in calculating gamma dose rates, and nomograms are presented which permit rapid estimation of gamma dose rates in air. Rapid estimating procedures are of particular value to the engineer who does not have a wide background in nuclear studies, but who wishes to assess quickly the potentialities and requirements for radiation effects and experimental installations requiring the use of gamma radiation. T h e dose rates in air calculated from the charts presented here may be corrected for absorption of such things as pressure vessel walls and source containers, by rough approximations taking account of exponential decrease in dose rates with thickness of thin Iayers of absorbing materials. T h e use of sources of radiation has increased rapidly during the past few years because of the increased use of nuclear reactors. Reactors have made radiation available in a number of forms: beams of neutrons emitted directly from reactors, and gamma and beta radiation emitted during fission or resulting from delayed emission from the radioactive fission products. I n addition, nonactive materials may be placed in nuclear reactors and made radioactive by the absorption of neutrons. Cobalt60 is produced in this manner for chemical, radiographic, radiotherapeutic, and other biological work. Radioiodine, radiophosphorus, and radiogold are produced by neutron absorption for medical and other tracer work. Radiocesium and radiostrontium may be separated from nuclear fission products and used in a variety of biological and chemical irradiations. The nuclear radiation emitted by most nuclides of interest to irradiation work

consists chiefly of electrons (beta particles) and electromagnetic emissions (gamma radiation). Dose rates due to beta radiation are not treated here. A knowledge of physical dose rates in air near sources of gamma radiation is bf importance in handling and using many kinds of radioactive materials. Personnel must not be subjected to excessive exposures to gamma radiation. Applications of gamma radiation require quantitative knowledge of the amounts of radiation received by a system of interest, to permit correlation of observed effects with the radiation. Personnel protection requires shielding, and problems involve required thickness, shapes, and weights of shielding materials. These in turn bring consideration of absorption, scattering, dispersion, and other interactions of radiation and matter (7, 7). Applications of gamma radiation to irradiation of systems also involve these effects. However, the present discussion neglects such effects and concentrates upon the rapid estimation of dose rates in air. Moderate thicknesses of air under ordinary conditions attenuate primary gamma radiation so slightly that the effect of air can be ignored in approximate calculation. Dose Rates in Air Due to Sources of Selected Shapes

In this discussion various equations are reviewed, relating the gamma dose rate to the characteristics of the source of radiation. The unit of gamma dose rate used is the “roentgen equivalent physical,” often abbreviated as i‘rep’’ (8). The rep is considered to correspond to the absorption of 93 ergs of energy from gamma radiation per gram of absorber (1 rep corresponds to about 4.0 X 10-6B.t.u. per pound of absorber). The precise definition of units of dose rate is complicated by considerations such as atomic number of the absorber

and energy spectrum of the gamma radiation, but these are not considered further in this paper. The rep is only one of many units suggested for reporting dose rates (70).

Unit cind Conversion Factors 1 electron volt (e.) = 1.59 X lo-’* erg 1 ev = 1.59 X f O - I S watt second 1 million electron volts (m.e.v.) = 1.59 X 10-6erg 1 m.e.v. := 1.51 X 10-’6B.t.u. := 4.43 X 10-20 kw.-hr. 1 kw.-hr. = 3410 B.t.u. 1 erg = 1 0 9 joule 1 watt second = 1 joule 1 gram calorie = 4.182 joules 1 B.t.u. =: 252 gram calories 1 curie = 3.7 X lO1O disintegrations per


The curie, a commonly used measure of the radioactivity of a material, is analogous to current in ordinary electrical practice, in that it gives a measure of the number of nuclear emissions per unit time, without regard to the energy of each ernission. Many gamma rays are emitted from decaying nuclei with characteris tic energies, analogous to the spectral limes emitted by luminous bodies. The characteristic energy of emission of’ the gamma rays is often reported in millions of electron volts. Consequently, emission energy is analogous to voltage in electrical practice, and the product of curies and million electron volts gives a measure of the power output of a source of radiation. A radioactive material often emits both beta and gamma rays of different energies and sometimes distributed among more than one decay scheme. Consequently, caution must be employed in drawing analogies such as these given above. Activities encountered in practice may vary from microcuries (one microcurie equals 10-6 curie) to megacuries (one megacurie equals 106 curies). VOL. 49, NO. 7

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a number of sources (2). The elliptic integrals of the first kind shown in Equations l a and l b degenerate to circular angles expressed in radians when k = 0, corresponding in Equation 1 to the cases where R = 0 or R -4 co-i.e.,



The ellipse to which these functions refer may have a semimajor axis of R Y, parallel to the base of the source, and a semiminor axis of R - r, with center located at (R,8, 21). The following special cases may be developed from Equation 1 under the conditions noted [see also 91.



Case A. Let R = 0-i.e., let point P be on the axis of the source. Therefore, k = 0, and consequently the elliptic integrals of the first kind degenerate to circular angles.

x Figure 1 .

1 m.e.v. X 4.43


IO-U, kw.-hr. X , m.e.v. ~

disinteg. (sec. )(curie) x sec 3600 2 = 5.9 kw.

IO6 curies X 3.7 X 1O1O


One million curies is a large source of radiation, and its power output of 5.9 kw. is not large compared with conventional sources of power. The relatively small power available from what are now regarded as large sources of radiation illustrates the need of either utilizing very large sources of radiation or using radiation for applications not suited to other sources of energy where power is the primary consideration. The total power output of a radioactive source, 5.9 kw. in the example cited, will not all be intercepted by a given specimen or absorber to be irradiated. This observation again leads to the discussion of dose rates. The radiation power is distributed about a radiation source in complicated ways, which depend largely upon the shape of the source and the location of the absorber. If the activity of the source is uniformly distributed within the source and of uniform composition, the estimation of radiation power absorbed a t a point in the absorber (equivalent to estimation of the dose rate a t the point in the

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Geometry of cylindrical source having negligible wall thickness

Example. If a nuclide were emitting only one gamma of 1 m.e.v. per disintegration at a rate of 2,000,000 curies, the power output of this source would be:




absorber) becomes chiefly a problem in relating geometrical variables of source and absorber. Geometrical a n d Radiation Variables. Lewis and others (4) have discussed equations for estimating dose rates near hollow cylindrical sources of gamma radiation. This section discusses various forms into which the general equation may degenerate for certain restricted geometrical situations. Consider Figure 1, a hollow cylindrical source having negligible wall thickness. The dose rate, I , a t point P may be expressed by Equation 1.

Case B. Let r = 0-i.e., let the cylindrical source degenerate to a line.

Case C. Let Z1 = L/2-i.e., let point P be always on the mid-plane of the cylindrical source.

Case D. Let L 6 m-Le., let the source become very long compared with rand R:

Case E. Let R 4 --Le., let R become very great compared with Z1, r, and L. Then lim k = 0, and the elliptic


> 0 , R # r, - L ) / / r- R /

for Z1 2 0, R 2 0 , r -T/2

< tan-'


> r, L, 2 1 , tan-' 2 / I T - RI approaches Zl/lr - R I and tan-' 21 - L/lr - Rl approaches Z1 - L / r - Rl and the following - relation results: ' which can be further reduced to:


are geometrical functions of the bottom and top, respectively, of the hollow cylindrical radiation source as "seen" by the absorbing point at P(R,8 0 , ZI), and hence may be considered analogous to the geometrical factors encountered in radiant heat transfer (5). Expressions l a and l b are "elliptic integrals of the first kind," tables of which appear in


that is, the source behaves as a point source when the receiving point is remote in a direction transverse to the axis of the source. Case F. Let ZI -+ a---i.e., let 2, become very great compared with R,r, and L. For convenience, put Equation 1 in the form:



Figure 2.

An analysis similar to that of Case E results in the following:-


which is also of the form for a point source. Properties of Radioactive Materials

Various methods are available for reporting the ionizing power of radioisotopes. I n the discussion above the quantity M was introduced, related to the methods of Marinelli, Quimby, and Hine ( 6 ) . M is the “roentgen equivalent physical” per hour produced in a n absorber located 1 cm. from a point source of radiation of I-curie activity. Moteff (7) has reported plots of the gamma radiation in million electron volts per square centimeter per second required to produce a dose rate of 1

Dose factors for gamma radiation as functions of energy

roentgen per hour as a function of the energy of the radiation. A similar relation in Figure 2 shows M plotted as a function of million electron volts of the radiation, assuming 93 ergs absorbed per gram per rep. Figure 2 was plotted on the assumption of one gamma ray emitted per disintegration. If more or fewer are emitted in the average disintegration, the M value to be used should be corrected by simple addition of the contributions of each ray emitted. Graphical Estimation of Dose Rates from Hollow Cylindrical Sources

Figure 3 is a nomogram which provides a graphical means of solving Equation l . Equation l relates activity in curies, C, specific ionizing power of the radioactive material in the source, M and the various dimensions of the system comprising source and absorbing point. T h e hollow cylindrical source configura-

tion was chosen for solution, because it is a shape frequently encountered in practice and also lends itself well to the approximation of other shapes. For instance, if the radius, 7 , of the source becomes small compared to other dimensions, the cylinder approaches a rod or line source. If the height, L, becomes small compared to other dimensions, the cylinder approaches a ring source. If all dimensions of the source become small compared with the distance between the absorbing point and the source, the cylinder appears to approach a point source. Provision is made in Figure 3 for direct solution with dimensions in either inches or centimeters. Scale factors are also introduced for taking account of ranges of variables greater than those scaled off directly on the chart. “Preferred ranges of variables” are indicated. If data are entered in these ranges, solutidns for I , the dose rate, should not fall off the chart. VOL. 49, NO. 7

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1 200





Id+Y-22 10,000









1‘0 L

- \

- \ -





\ \









- 20 -25

-?a -0.01

Figure 4.

Nomogram for estimation of dose rates near point sources of gamma radiation

Equation of nomogram. I = MC/R2 Decimal points may be adjusted to flt data on scales

To obtoin I,multiply

I by to8+y-2”


= dose rate, rep per hour in air

M =

Rep at unit distance (hr).(point source of one curie)

C = curies activity of source R = distance from source to point at which I i s measured Example. Find dose rate, rep per hour in air at 24 inches from point source of 3000 curies of cobalt-60. Solution. Draw straight line from 1, at M = 13,500 for cobalt-60, through 2, I

at 3000 curies to locate 3.

Connect 3 with 4, at 24“, locating 5, where

10s+I ”-” is read as

10.9. Since y = 0, I = 0 in this example I = 10,900 rep per hour in air. VOL. 49, NO. 7

JULY 1957

1 20 1

Illustrative Example (see Figure 1 for meanings of dimensional symbols). Dashed index lines indicate the mode of solution in Figure 3. Take a source with the following characteristics : rep at 1 cm. M = 13,500 (cobalt-60) hr. X curie C = 3000 curies L = 10 inches R = 0.3 inch r = 4.7 inches ZI = 15.5 inches (Absorbing point 0.3 inch from axis 15.5 inches above bottom of source.) Compute R/r, here 0.0638; enter chart a t upper right plot. Read u p to curve and then to left, intersecting the index line a t a = 28’-21 ’. ( a = sin-’ k = sin-’ 0.4749.) This operation identifies the proper a line to use in the next step below. h-ext compute ZI/IR - rl, 3.5227; and Z1 - L/IR - rl, (1.25). Enter both these values on the right side of the bottom center plot. Project to the left to the tan-’ curve, and then project u p to the plot above, intersecting the 01 = 28’-21’ line found in the previous step. Project left from the 01 = 28’-21’ line to the ordinate of the F($, k ) us. 4 plot. Read F(+, k )for both Zi/jR - r’ and Z1 L/IR - 71, where is tan-’ Z1/IR - rl or tan-l 21 - L/IR - r , . Subtract F(tan-I Z1 - L/IR - rl, k ) from F(tan+ Zl/,R - 1 , k ) giving A = F(&, k ) F(+z. k ) = 1.3600 - 0.9207 = 0.4393. This value of A, 0.4393, is now transferred to the left scale of the ordinate line of the F(+, k ) us. @ plot. T h e determination of A (the term in brackets of Equation 1) just described is the most tedious part of the solution. Next, the coefficient of the brackets in Equation 1 is combined with A to find the dose rate.

need not be used. One simply uses the = 0 line in the plot of F(@,k ) us. 4. In determining A = F ( d l , k ) - F(+z, k ) , when 0 _< Z I _< L-that is; the absorbing point lies between the top and bottom altitudes of the source-then Z1 - L is negative. This makes the second term in brackets in Equation 1 negative. Subtraction of the negative second term then results in addition of its absolutevalue to the first term in brackets. T h e A found by subtraction must be re-entered on the left side of the ordinate line of the F(+, k ) us. plot. A record must be kept of the exponents, N , P,Q, S, used to put all values on scale and used in the final correction factor. Answers may be read as described above if either inches or centimeters are used for dimensions, but the right scale of M / 1 0 3must be used for inches and the left scale for centimeters. Any other units may be used for dimensions of length L, R, r, Z1, but the values of Z calculated from the Figure 3 must then be corrected for the (length)2 factor in the denominator of M-e.g., if lengths used are in feet, and the M/103 scale for inches is used in reading Figure 3, values of Z read from Figure 3 must be divided by (12)* = 144. Figure 3 may give inaccurate results if the absorber is remote compared with source dimensions, as values of 01 all give nearly the same F(+, a ) for the small values of 9 which result in this case. If values of dose rate on the midplane of the cylinder are desired, and R is sufficiently great that the included angle subtended by the top and bottom of the source is equal to or less than 45O, the source may be treated as a point with an error no greater than about 11%. A graphical solution of the point source case is given below.


In the lower left corner of the chart, locate L , 10 inches, and project through Graphical Estimation of Dose 7 ) scale at 5.0 inches, to find the iR Rates from Point Source r) L(R f r ) , 50 inches, on the L ( R scale. Now move to the M/IO3 scale, Figure 4 is a nomogram for estimating lower left of chart, and locate M/103 = dose rates from a point source of radia13.5 for cobalt-60. Project through the C scale a t 3000 curies to find M C = tion. The symbols have the meanings 40,500,000 in this example. Now congiven above: except that 7, ZI. and L nect A with L(R r ) . Locate the point have no application, and R is the disof intersection of the connecting line with tance from source to absorber. the arbitrary index line. Connect this T h e solution of a case is illustrated by point on the arbitrary index line with dashed index lines. the value of MC previously found, and project to the I scale, where the dose rate M = 13.500 (cobalt-60) will be found (0.055 in this example), C = 3000 curies subject to correction of the decimal R = 24 inches point. Multiply the value (0.055) read from the I scale by 1 0 f Q + ~ + 3 - ( ~ ~ r + ~ ) lThe resulting value of dose rate read from Figure 4 is 10,900 rep per hour. (in this example, 101310+3-(0+0)1 = Numerical calculation yields a value of: loa), the cumulative correction factor resulting from decimal point changes required to get all variables on scale. I = -MC




T h e material contained in this discussion was developed in part under the auspices of the Industry Program, College of Engineering, University of Michigan. T h e author wishes to thank the Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan, for permission to present this article. H e is grateful to H. A. Ohlgren and J. J. Martin, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Michigan, for advice and encouragement in the preparation of this article. Richard Dilley, Gilbert Marcus, Howard Silver. and Wayne Thiessen have assisted the author in calculations, drafting. and criticism of the nomograms.


Z = dose rate, rep per hour A = area of source r = radius of source R = radial distance of point a t which I is taken from axis of source 0 = central angle from R to r Z = distance parallel to axis of source from base of source to element dA 21 = Z-coordinate of point a t which I is taken k = 2 2 / Z / ( R r) a = sin-lk F(0, k ) = elliptic integral of first kind of modulus k and amplitude 6’ K ( k ) = complete elliptic integral of first kind of modulus k C = total curies M = (roentgen equivalent physical a t 1 cm.)/(hours X curie point source) L = length of source


References (1) Goldstein, H., Wilkins, J. E., U. S.


(2) (3)



The resulting dose rate is 0.055 X 106 = 55,000 rep per hour in air at the

location chosen. Precautions. When R = 0, k = 0. Consequently, a = sin-’ k = 0, and the upper right-hand plot of k us. R/T

1 202




(5) (6) (7)

(8) (9)


(13,500) rep a t

cm‘ X

hr. curie

sq. inches 6.45 sq. cm. =

(4) I

3000 curies (24) sq. inches

10,899 rep per hour in air

Atomic Energy Commission, NYO3075 (1954). Jahnke, E., Emde, F., “Tables of Functions,” 4th ed., Dover, New York, 1945. Kaplan, W., “Advanced Calculus” Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, 1952. Lewis, J. G., Nehemias, J. V., Harmer, D. E., Martin, J. J., A’ucleonzcs 12, No. 1, 40 (1954). McAdams, W. H., “Heat Transmission,” 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, S e w York, 1954. Marinelli, L. D., Quimby, F. H., Hine, G. J., Am. J . Roentgenol. Radium Theragy 59, 260 (1948). Moteff, J., U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, APEX-176 (1954). Parker, H. M., “Advances in Biological and Medical Physics,” vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1948. Sievert, R. M., Acta Radiol. 1, 89 (1921). Siri, W. E., “Isotopic Tracers and Nuclear Radiations,” McGrawHill, New York, 1949. RECEIVED for review June 4, 1956 ACCEPTED November 15, 1956