Double duty for RAYON! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Publication Date: October 10, 1944. Copyright © 1944 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Double duty for RAYON! Chemical exactness makes it possible Giant colored parachutes drop their supplies of food, medicine, water and ammunition to waiting soldiers— And thus rayon serves on both the war and the home front! It is rayon fabric there in the floating canopies—a rayon stronger and tougher than that used for ordinary fabrics—a rayon specially engineered to withstand the sudden shock of the load as the parachute snaps open. In the development and production of war-time rayon, Baker has played, and is playing, a part. Baker supplies uniform chemicals for processing, and to exacting specifications. This is only one of many instances where Baker Chemicals are contributing to our nation's war effort. Baker's Chemicals have been supplied to many manufacturing concerns for the manufacture or processing of various products. If you have special chemical requirements involving purity to the decimal for war-production products, or for the anticipated post-war reconversion program, we invite you to discuss your needs in confidence with Baker. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Executive Off ices and Plant: Phillipsburg, N . J. Branch Offices: N e w York, Philadelphia a n d Chicago.

Baker's Chemicals C. P. ANALYZED


