Dow Corning CORPORATION - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - Dow Corning CORPORATION. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (12), pp 82A–82A. DOI: 10.1021/i650576a764. Publication Date: December 1957...
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have proved their efficiency and versatility in countless applications. For example : 1 O U N C E KILLS F O A M I N

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Û 6 2 5 , 0 0 0 lb sodium b r o m i d e crystallization solution

or failure to follow the recognized proper procedures. H e r e again it is wise to consider the extreme hazard potential of the materials a n d processes incorporated in chemical manufacture. Recognition of this fact makes seemingly rigid a n d stringent operating procedures a logical a p p r o a c h to the fire prevention problem. T h e enforced use of a welding permit is a n example in point. Because of the high hazard potential a rigid control on all field welding is a must in chemical processing plants. This also holds true in other operating and maintenance procedures. Carefully worked out operating instructions should be p u t in written form. O p e r a t i n g personnel must be trained to follow these instructions to the letter. A valuable technique in instruction is to include the "reasons w h y " a given sequence is insisted on, or a given set of temperature a n d pressure conditions must be maintained.

6 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 lb molasses, v a t dye s o l u t i o n , p i c k l i n g solution, t a l l oil


6 125,000 lb phenolformoldehyde, urea formaldehyde, asphalt, starch sizing

4 62,500


soft drinks, 7 0 % caustic liquor, black liquor, sulfuric acid pickling bath

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Food products


82 A





Fire C o n t r o l

So far we have talked mainly about fire prevention, but fire control (fire extinguishment, fire fighting) is also a n important p a r t of the program. Despite all the recognized prevention techniques, fires still do occur and appropriate control measures to be most effective must be planned ahead of the fire. Design again comes into the picture. Original design is based on the premise t h a t fires will start, but that the resulting d a m a g e can be kept to a n acceptable minimum. O p e r a t o r training is also important. Practically any chemical plant can cite instances in which extinguishment of a relatively small fire by trained personnel avoided a major fire, personal injury, a n d property loss. T r a i n i n g of all operating a n d maintenance personnel in the proper use of first aid fire fighting equipment is a necessary first step. T h e establishment of a fire fighting brigade or d e p a r t m e n t , the necessary larger scale equipment, and the appropriate training techniques are additional specific steps to be taken. Any a m o u n t of help required in these areas is readily available from such sources as the National Safety Coun-