DOWICIDE PRESERVATIVES ADD LIFE TO INSULATING BOARD Manufacturers of cellulosic materials control rot and termite damage using DOW industrial preservatives
Manufacturers of well-known brands of exterior sheathing board are getting positive, long-lasting mold, bacteria and termite control using a
The Do w Chemical Company Department D P - 1 6 2 8 B M i d l a n d , Michigan
DOWICIDE® PRESERVATIVE. T h e positive protective action of the DOWTCIDES
Please send me detailed information on D O W I C I D E PRESERVATIVES.
gives m u c h longer life to this popular building and insulating material. They keep it free from rot a n d mold under t h e most e x t r e m e moisture a n d t e m p e r a t u r e variations.
T h e r e are fourteen DOWICIDE PRESERVATIVES, each designed for a specific mold and bacteria problem. They a r e being used extensively in the textile, leather, latex paint, paper a n d m a n y other industries.
W h e t h e r you are developing a new product or changing a n old one, DOWI-
CIDE PRESERVATIVES may c o n t r i b u t e to its m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d sales s u c c e s s . Address
Call upon Dow for a solution to your mold and bacteria problems. W r i t e _State_
today for detailed information a b o u t DOWICIDE PRESERVATIVES, T H E DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, Michigan.
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