Drug Metabolism Concepts - American Chemical Society

MIT. Aug.6-10. R. A. Hites. Contact: Director of the Summer Session, Rm. El9-356 ... search Center in Athens, Ga. Theory, ... Reference Services for g...
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News 15-16. D. H. Freeman. $250, ACS members; $300, nonmembers Laboratory Automation: Micro-, Mini-, or Midicomputers? Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting). Sept. 15-16. R. E. Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. Instrument and Design Group of VPI&SU. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers

Drug Metabolism Concepts A C S S y m p o s i u m Series No. 4 4 Donald M. Jerina, Editor The National Institutes of Health A symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry and the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Eight chapters present in-depth research reports on the role of enzyme systems, especially cytochrome P-450, in drug activation and detoxification. This timely study on drug metabolic pathways is vital because of the possibilities of toxic or carcinogenic intermediates caused by the action of enzymes on drugs and anesthetics. CONTENTS Cytochrome P-450 in Oxygen Activation for Drug Metabolism · Synthetic Models for the Reaction Stages of Cytochrome P-450 · Isolation of Mutliple Forms of Liver Microsomal Cytochrome P-450 · Resolution of Multiple Forms of Rabbit Liver Cytochrome P-450 · Enantiomeric Selectivity and Perturbation of Product Ratios as Methods for Studying the Multiplicity of Microsomal Enzymes · Purified Cytochrome P-448 and Epoxide Hydrase in the Activation and Detoxification of Benzo[a|pyrene · In vitro Reactions of the Diastereomeric 9,10-Epoxides of ( + ) and (-)-frans-7,8-Dihydroxy7,8-dihydrobenzo[a|pyrene with Polyguanylic Acid · Metabolic Activation in Chemical-Induced Tissue Injury 196 pages (1977) clothbound $15.50 L C 7 7 - 2 2 7 9 ISBN 0 - 8 4 1 2 - 0 3 7 0 - 9

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Metabolism Concepts at $15.50 per copy. Π Check enclosed for $ . D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 4 0 cents elsewhere.

Gas Chromatography Los Angeles. Mar. 19-21. $225. Con­ tact: C. D. West, Dept. of Chemistry, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. 90041. 213-259-2762 Advances in Polymer Synthesis, Modification, and Characteriza­ tion State University of New York. J u n e 4-8. J. P. Kennedy. Contact: Angelos V. Patsis, Chairman, Dept. of Chemis­ try, State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, N.Y. 12562. 914-257-2175 Atomic Absorption Los Angeles. J u n e 11-13. $225. Con­ tact: C. D. West, Dept. of Chemistry, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. 90041. 213-259-2762 Liquid Chromatography Los Angeles. J u n e 18-20. $225. Con­ tact: C. D. West, Dept. of Chemistry, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. 90041. 213-259-2762 Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis Bethlehem, Pa. June 25-29. J. I. Gold­ stein. $495. Contact: J. I. Goldstein, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Dept., Whitaker Lab No. 5, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18105. 215-691-7000, ext. 672 Design and Analysis of Scientific Experiments MIT. J u n e 25-30. Harold Freeman and Paul Berger. Contact: Director of the Summer Session, Rm. E19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo­ gy, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Applied Molecular Spectroscopy: Infrared, Raman, and Ultraviolet Arizona State University. July 23-27. $300. Contact: Jacob Fuchs, Director, Modern Industrial Spectroscopy, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85281

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Interpretation of Gas Chromato­ graphic Mass Spectrometric Data: Environmental Applica­ tions


MIT. Aug. 6-10. R. A. Hites. Contact: Director of the Summer Session, Rm. E19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Modern Industrial Spectroscopy Arizona State University. Aug. 6-17. $600. Contact: Jacob Fuchs, Director, Modern Industrial Spectroscopy, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85281

For Your Information An air monitoring instrumentation training seminar will be jointly of­ fered by EPA and Beckman Instru­ ments to government agencies and private industries within the southern states March 13-16 at the Russell Re­ search Center in Athens, Ga. Theory, operation, calibration, and mainte­ nance of EPA-designated Beckman air monitors for SO2, 0 : i , CO, and N 0 2 will be discussed. For further informa­ tion, interested government agencies should call Jerry Burger, EPA, at 404-546-3197; private industries are asked to contact Larry Swink, Beck­ man Instruments, Inc., Norcross, Ga., or call 404-449-9009. Scott Specialty Gases, a division of Scott Environmental Technology, Inc., is offering its Collaborative Cross Reference Services for gas analysis. Gases checked for quality control in­ clude: methane, propane, butane, car­ bon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxy­ gen, benzene, and nitric oxide. T h e subscriber analyzes the sample, re­ ports the results back to Scott who compares all results, and provides sta­ tistical data showing the interlaboratory comparisons to each subscriber. For more information, contact: Sally R. Michener, Scott Specialty Gases, Rte. 611, Plumsteadville, Pa. 18949, or call 215-766-8861. Gelman Instrument Co., a multina­ tional firm manufacturing health, fil­ tration, and environmental products, has officially announced a new name, Gelman Sciences, Inc. The new name reflects the expanded growth and progress of the company's prod­ ucts range. Information Handling Services of Denver, Colo., is offering a computerindexed information retrieval system of major U.S. industrial manufactur­ ers' products called Master Catalog. For more information, contact: Infor­ mation Handling Services, 15 Inver­ ness Way East, Englewood, Colo. 80150.