Dry Blending Vinyl - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - A new vinyl resin, designed for dry blending, has been developed by Bakelite. When used with a new extrusion technique, the new resin, ...
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a n d wearing properties; low dirt retention a n d easy clean-up are cited as C3 A n e w vinyl resin, designed for dry additional benefits. • Two n e w standard samples of hyblending, has been developed by Bakédrocarbons a r e available from t h e lite. W h e n used with a new extrusion American Petroleum Institute. T h e technique, the new resin, QYRS, allows compounds a r e 1,2-dimethylcyclohexfabricators to produce High quality ene and l,cis-3,£rans-5-trimethylcycloproducts a t t o p production rates, according t o Bakélite. hexane. T h e samples consisting of 5 C4 Bakelite's new resin is m a d e b y the ml. are priced at $ 5 0 p e r unit. suspension process. I t has a bulk • Two silicone treatments for paper density of 30 to 3 5 pounds p e r cubic a n d paperboard developed b y D o w foot. This gives larger tonnage output Corning impart a high degree of surrates from a given size blender. Also, face resistance to tacky or sticky m a says Bakélite, it has a high specific terials, says company. A water emulviscosity of 0.205 to 0.220 resulting in sion and a solvent solution, respecimproved strength. And narrow tively, D o w Corning 2 2 a n d 2 3 m a y particle distribution in QYRS ensun He applied with conventional equipmaximum extrusion rate, minimum ment to p a p e r and paper-like materials dusting, a n d proper dispersion of plastiincluding kraft, parchment, glassine, cizer with resin. a n d cellophane. After curing, t h e siliAccording to Bakélite, fabricators cone treatments exhibit full release can u s e t h e same blending cycle with characteristics immediately, says D o w , QYRS as they use with other dry blend retaining t h e m for t h e life of t h e p a p e r resins; they can use a shorter cycle if stock. C5 they wish. Tests show that QYRS will dry b l e n d some 10 to 1 5 % faster than • Structural adhesive by Narmco conventional d r y blend resins and still Resins eliminates t h e need for core maintain excellent ingredient disper- priming in aircraft a n d missile sandsion. wich component fabrication. Also, QYRS is recommended b y Bakélite company says, it gives materially imfor use in extruding building wire, proved peel strength. Trade-named flexible cord, appliance wire, a n d N a r m t a p e XP-108, the adhesive is a power cable. It may also b e used for nylon carrier impregnated with a modicontour extruded items such as garden fied phenolic resin. This is overcoated hose, welting, a n d belting. C 1 on one surface with a highly mobile filleting resin. N a r m t a p e XP-108 is said to b e highly resistant t o aircraft fuels, salt spray, solvents, a n d other • Stecker Chemicals is offering two corrosive materials. C6 new compounds, a fungicide ( T i n San), a n d an antiseptic agent (ASC-4, • Rubber antioxidant b y Catalin is Brand of D i a p h e n e ) . Tin-San is being said to give highly effective, economical marketed as a pulp preservative a n d protection against oxidative degradaslime control agent i n the paper in- tion, even when trace metal contamidustry, a s a mildew inhibitor i n t h e nants are present. Additionally, Catalin textile industry, a n d as an agricultural AC-5 shows nonstaining a n d nondisdisease inhibitor for control of cereal coloring properties. This makes it grain a n d fruit diseases. Applications suitable for use in white a n d light for ASC-4 include treatment of textiles colored rubber, rubber foams, tires, and materials subjected to perspiration, d r u g a n d surgical sundries, a n d mildew, and bacterial decomposition. specialty applications, company says. C2 C 7

Dry Blending Vinyl



Middleport, N.Y.

A U G . 12, 19 5 7

• Paint system for concrete floors, walls, a n d structural surfaces has been introduced by Mobay Chemical. N e w coating is based on company's MondurMultron urethane system. M o b a y says the coating gives exceptional hardness

• Improved



which provide a base for completely stainless insecticides have been developed b y FMC's Fairfield Chemical Division. T h e n e w concentrates, in addition to being stainless, maintain t h e

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ο New development by

full value of t h e pyrethrins, company says. C8

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Î A r o m i l Chemical is offering 4 - ( p nitrobenzyl) pyridine a s an analytical reagent. C o m p o u n d c a n b e used, for the quantitative colorimetric determination of alkylating agents, ethylene iinines. a n d nitrogen a n d sulfur mustards- Axomil says investigators using these materials find t h e compound a valuable tool. C9


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• T i t a n i u m dichïoride a n d trichloride

are n o w offered by N e w Jersey Zinc in multipound quantities. Compounds are considered promising catalysts for isotactic polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Introductory prices of $ 5 . 0 0 to $ 1 0 p e r pound, depending on quantity, have been set for titanium trichloride; $15 p e r pound for titanium dichïoride. C 10


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• For natural rubber l a t e x formulat i o n s containing unusual amounts of w a t e r , Dodge & Olcott has developed the Mulsotex series of latex masking compounds. These form uniform perm a n e n t emulsions, says company. For formulations containing less water, the company has developed a new Texar o m e series. Trial quantities of both are available. C 11 • Merck, Ltd., h a s a d d e d n e w deuterated and carbon-14 compounds to its line. These include: DL-noradrenaline-/?-C 14 , L-glutamine-C 14 (uniformly labeled), y-aminobutyric acid-l-C 1 4 , 2pyrrolidinone-2-C 1 4 , a n d DL-histidinecarboxyl-C 1 4 , ethyl-d 5 bromide, methyld 3 alcohol, methyl alcohol-d 4 , azomethane-d e , p r o p e n e - l , l , 2 - d 3 , and propene-2,3,3,3-d 4 . C12 • S u n Chemical has developed a new

N e w selection of c a t a l y s t supports by C a r b o r u n d u m Seventeen compositions . . . three degrees of porosity . . . symmetrical or poly-surface pellets . . . there are over t w o dozen types of catalyst sup­ ports made by Carborundum. These m a k e u p the greatest variety of catalyst supports in the field. 16 big vials, each containing over 8 0 cc. of representative samples, plus complete product literature, all packed in a n attractive durable stor­ age case can be had for $15. Send order to Refractories Division, T h e C a r b o r u n d u m C o m p a n y , Perth Amboy, N . J., D e p t . F 87.

neutral gray paint for u s e in color testing. Paint is called Graphic Arts China-Luxe Grey. Company says surfaces finished with t h e paint, when measured spectrophotometrically, show virtually linear response to all wavelengths i n t h e visible spectrum, and distortion of a color under observation is t h u s held t o a minimum. Over-all reflectance of t h e new paint is approximately 60 r / r, says company. C 13

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