Drying silica gel in a microwave oven - Journal of Chemical Education

Dec 1, 1985 - An acrostic for chemistry teachers. Journal of Chemical Education. 1985 62 (12), p 1126. Abstract: A quotation from John Milton. Abstrac...
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Drying Sillca Gel in a Microwave Oven l i k e many lalmatorrea, we o f t m hake to dry exhawfed ailirn grl, a d th13 usually tnkes many hours in a drying own. T h e ofhrr day we were in a hurry, so a lhyer 01 ~ryrta1.rwas plnrrd in a beaker and put m the microwave oven. After one minuteon f h r highsetting muat u f t h r pinkcrystals had turned n brilliant b l u e . T h i s r a i s e s t h ~possibility ofdryinguther solid drying agents or activating silica gel T L C plates in the same way, b u t we have made n o systematic study.

J.M. Brand J. S. S. Gray Department ol Biochemistry and Microbiology University ol Fort Hare Alice. Ciskei South Africa

Volume 62

Number 12

D e c e m b e r 1985