(12D) Okamoto, K. K., and Van Winkle, M., IND. ENG. CHEY., 45,. 429 (1953). (15D) Rea, H. E.; Jr., and Hanson, D. N., Petroleum Refiner, 31, No. (l6D)...
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(35C) Wiberley, J. S., and Siegfriedt, R. K., Petrdeum Engr., 25, No. 8, C-12 (1953). (36C) Wingo, W. J., and Browning, I., Anal. Chem., 25, 1426 (1953). THEORY AND CALCULATIONS

Vol. 46, No. I

(20D) Santos, M. S., Ion, 13, 11 (1953). (21D) Schotte, W., and Selke, W. A., IND. ENC. CHEM.,45, 472 (1 953). (22D) Watson; H. E., Ind. Chemist, 28, 339 (1952). (23D) Zuiderweg, F. J., Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 25, 297 (1953).

(1D1 Aza. E. L.. Ion. 13.570 (1952). (2D) Bliss, H., Eshaya, A. M.; and Frisoh, N. W., Chem. Eng. PTOgT., 48, 627 (1952). (3D) Coulter, K. E., Petroleum Refiner, 31, No. 10, 145: No. 11. 156; No. 12, 137 (1952). (4D) Edmister, W. C., and Buchanan, D . H., Chem. Eng. Progr. Symposium Ser., 49, No. 6, 69 (1953). (5D) Francis, J. O., and Van Winkle, A I , , Petroleum Engr., 24, No. 4, C-26 (1953). (6D) Gaumann, T., Gunthard, H. H., Heilbronner, E., and Messikommer, B., Helv. Chim. Acta, 35, 1300 (1952). (7D) Hachmuth, K. H., Chem. Eng. Progr., 48, 523,570,617 (1952). (SD) Hausen, H., 2. angew. Physik, 4, 41 (1952). (9D) Jones, H. H. M., Chem. & Process Eng., 33, 494 (1952). (10D) Lee, K. T., and Kammermeyer, K. L., Chem. Ens. Progr. Symposium Ser., 49, No. 6, 99 (1953). (11D) Meyer, P., Chem. Eng. Science, 2, 53 (1953). (12D) Okamoto, K. K., and Van Winkle, M., IND. ENG.CHEY.,45, 429 (1953).


(15D) Rea, H. E.; Jr., and Hanson, D . N., Petroleum Refiner, 31, No. 11, 139 (1952). (l6D) Reilly, P., M., Ibid., 32, No. 3, 119 (1953). (17D) Romanet, R., Compt. rend., 235, 1390 (1952). (1SD) Rose. A.. and Johnson, R. C.. Cheh. Ena. Proar.. 49. 15 (1953).. (19D) Rose, A., Johnson, R. C., and Williams, T. J., Ibid., 48, 549 (1952).

(15E) Shiiyig,’G. D., Beyer, G. H., and Watson, C. C., Chem. Eng. Progr., 49, 129 (1953). (16E) West, F. B., Gilbert, W. D., and Shimizu, T., IND. ENG.CHEM., 44, 2470 (1952). (17E) White, R. R., Petroleum Processing, 8 , 137, 539, 704, 892, 1026,1174, 1336 (1953). (18E) Zenz, F. A,, Chem. Eng., 60, KO.8 , 176 (1953). (19E) Zuiderweg, F. J., I n g e n k r , 64, Ch 63 (1952).

Arnold, D. S., Plank, C. A,, and Schoenborn, E. M.,Chem. Eng. Progr., 48, 633 (1952). (2E Bakowski, S., Chem. Eng. Sci., 1, 266 (1952). Bragg, L. B., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,45, 1676 (1953). Chahvekilian, E.. Compt. rend.. 236. 1273 (1953). Dell, F. R., and Pratt; H. R. C., J.’AppL’Chem. (London),2,


429 (1952). (BE) Eld, A,‘ C., Petroleum Refiner, 32, No. 5, 157 (1953). (7E) Garcia, J. O., Anales real w c . espdn. fis. g qutm. (Madm’d),48B, No. 6, 449 (1952). (SE) George, J. S., J . Sci. Instr., 30, 172 (1953). (9E) Kafarov, V. V., and Blyakham, L. I., J. Appl. Chem. (U.S.S.R.). 24.1441 (1951). Kamei; S., and Takumatsu, T., Mem. Fae. Engrs., Kyoto Uniu., 15, No. I1 (April 1953). Kirschbaum, E., Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 25, 73 (1953). McLaren, J., Chem. & Process Ena.. 33. 668 (1952). Newton, W. M., Mason, J, w., an& Me’tcalfe; T. B., Petroleum Refiner, 31, No. 10, 141 (1952) Otake, T., and Kimiura, XI., Chem. Eng. Japan, 17, 261 (1 9.53\.






Drying operations are still being improved, as witnessed by over 60 US. patents-largely for improvementsto or modification of equipment. The work done in the aerodynamic, combustion, heat transfer, and like fields has added appreciably to the understanding of the fundamentals OF drying. However, as has been the case in the pest, there is still a real need for good fundamental work on drying. Accurate operating data on plant scale equipment are needed SO that comparison with small scale and laboratorv date can be made to develop more precise design and scale-up factors.


HIS review on drying covers its theoretical aspects, methods

and techniques developed for drying ceramics, cellulosic materials, textiles, foods, coal, and miscellaneous materials.

DRYING FUNDAMENTALS On the basis of experimental work, Chu, Lane, and Conklin (16A) reported drying rates of liquids into their superheated vapors. Rates of evaporation greater than for liquids into air were generally obtained. Wingard and Rozier (75A) reported the effects of the heat source on drying rates. Studies were conducted on sand, sawdust, sugar, calcium carbonate, Celotex, Filter-Cel, and cotton cloth in a compartment-type dryer with infrared and steam heating. Mulsow (56A) discussed the individual items on which heat efficiency of dryers is based. The mode of operation of various types of dryers was discussed by Bachmann ( 4 A ) as an aid to the selection of proper drying equipment.

Schafer ($$A) has pointed out again that mechanical removal of water is generally less expensive than thermal drying,



Several articles were published on the kinetics of drops which may have some application t o spray drying theory. Kinzer and Gunn (46A) determined experimentally that a liquid drop temperature is the wet bulb temperature and that evaporation takes place according to accepted theory. Longwell and Weiss (51A) studied mixing and distribution of liquids in high velocity gas streams. Ingebo (SQA) determined evaporation rates of liquid drops into an air stream a t pressures of 450 t o 1500 mm. of mercury. Penner (68A)estimated the upper limits for the rate of evaporation of small liquid droplets in rocket combustion chambers. Holter and Glasscock (%A) noted an unusual type of vibration of flattened spheroidal liquid drops when those drops were placed on a hot horizontal surface so that they floated on a film of their own vapor. Anson (Id)investigated the influence of quality of atomization on the stability of combustion of liquid fuel sprays. Giffen (9Sd) studied the theory of atomization of fuel sprays into


January 1954


combustion chambers and methods of measuring the size of particles in the sprays. Joyce (4WA) reviewed the operational requirements and characteristic features of atomizer oil burners. Hanson (5OA) studied the effect of relative velocity on the evaporation of a liquid fuel sprayed into an air stream. Tang, Duncan, and Schweyer (70A) determined heat transfer coefficients for a spherical particle in a moving air stream for the Reynolds number range from 50 to 1000. Brun and Mergler ( I 1 A ) evaluated the rotating multicylinder method for the measurement of drop size distribution. York and Stubbs (77A) described a photographic method for determining the size distribution and velocities of drops in a spray. Geist ( M A ) described an electronic spray analyzer for measuring the drop size and size distribution of electrically conducting particles. HEA1 AND MASS TRANSFER

Fundamental studies of mass and heat transfer which should have application to drying theory were reported by Payne, Lechthaler, and Drew (57A),Lin, Moulton, and Putnam (50A), Klinltenberg, Krajenbrink, and Lauwerier (46A), Schlinger, Berry, Mason, and Sage (6SA),Schlinger, Hsu, Cavers, and Sage (64A),Schlinger and Sage ( M A ) ,and Deisler and Wilhelm (17A). The evaporation from wet porous plates to a parallel air jet was studied by Spielman and Jakob (68A). Pigford (69A)reviewed the literatpre on mass transfer. The control of vapor concentration in an enclosed space was studied by Turk (7SA). Hickman and Trevoy (56A) studied the evaporation from liquids in high vacuum. MOVEMENT OF MOISTURE

Haas (29A) found the distribution of dye in fabric wae influenced by the air condition (velocity and humidity) but not by temperature. The mechanism of water vapor transfer through textiles was investigated by Gralen and Werner (25A). Behr, Briggs, and Kaufert ( 6 A )reported that the theoretical equations derived by Stamm (69A)for the movement of moisture in wood have been shown experimentally to be tenable. Jerger (40A) reported on the mechanism of moisture movement in drying of s o p h t u s and corn. EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE

, Preston (60A) reviewed the ways in which water is mechanically held by fabrics as contrasted to that chemically bound. Treloar (72A) studied equilibrium moisture content of cellulose (viscose) filaments as a function of applied tensile stress. Richter, Herdle, and Wahtera (61A) gave equilibrium moisture contents of many celluloses a t high relative humidities, Moisture regain of homogeneously substituted methylcellulose and cellulose acetate a t 65% and 80 or 85% relative humidity was studied by Gibbons (22.4). Sorption data were presented for moisture regains below 2.5% at 25" to 65" C. for a commercial viscose rayon by Taylor (71A). King and Warburton (44A) observed that apparent discrepancies among values obtained from different authors for the saturation moisture absorption of wool can be attributed to the different degrees of processing the sample used. Procedures for determining the equilibrium relative humidity of food products was described in Modern Packaging (644). Gregor, Sundheim, Held, and Waxman ( E A ) reported water vapoi' sorption studies on a series of ion exchange resins. HYGROMETRY

Spencer-Gregory and Rourke (67A) critically examined the dew point procedure of determining the vapor pressure of an atmosphere of moist air or gas and pointed out the limitations of the method. Greinacher (d7A)described a new diffusion hygrometer. Vfts (74A) offered a table for estimating the conditions


of steam/air mixtures. Davis (16A) noted a method of calulating the moisture content of saturated air with a log-log slide rule. Lewis and White (49A)presented a method of making humidification calculations with systems other than air and water. Kobe (47.4) published a chart giving the vapor pressure of water in English or metric units as a function of temperature,. Hogan (37A) has prepared a nomograph giving vapor pressures of saturated salts solutions. A humidity control system for test cabinets was described by Wylie and Harper (76A) for controlling humidity within 1%. Mulsow (66A)described a method for direct measurement of the humidity in drying chambers. The use of controlled humidity in textile operations was discussed by Miedendorp (52A). Hendry (%A) discussed the control of humidity in dealing with cold storage problems. GriRths (28A) surveyed instruments used for determinination of humidity below the freezing point of water. Brebion ( Q A ) described a system for obtaining controlled humidity air supply. Measurements of temperature and humidity in and above a drying fluidized bed of silica gel were given by Heertjes, de Boer, and de Haas van Dorsser (94A). A summarization of the important items in drying tower design was given by Glasgow (24A). Aluminum Co. of America was reported to have a new long life desiccant and Ansul Chemical Co. was reported to have a new desiccant effective up to 140' F. ( 1 S A ) . Intense drying of gases with potassium metal vapor to a partial pressure of 2 x 10-6 mm. of mercury was reported by Harrison ( S d A ) . Hayashi ( S S A ) reported successful use of phosphorus pentoxide to trap out water in high vacuum systems. The equilibrium water vapor pressure over phosphorus pentoxide was reported to be 1 X 10-8 mm. of mercury. METHODS OF MOISTURE ANALYSIS

The use of Karl Fischer reagent for the determination of moisture is still receiving appreciable attention. Eberius (18A) has reviewed the applications of this reagent in organic analysis for the titration of functional groups. Care should be exercised in using Karl Fischer reagent for moisture determination that side reactions do not invalidate the results. Kaufmann (4SA) reported the successful use of a modified Karl Fischer method for the determination of moisture in light-colored fats. Allegrini (1A)applied the microanalytical method of Karl Fischer to tanning extracts, fats, bating materials, salts, and leathers. Ethylene glycol and Karl Fischer reagent were reported by Brickell (10A) to be satisfactory for determining the water content of natural gas. Campbell ( I 2.4.) described a modified Karl Fischer titration cell. Belcher and West ( 7 A ) reported a new reagent similar to Karl Fischer reagent which was claimed to be more stable and cheaper. Chemical Week (14A) reported that R. P. Cargille Laboratories, New Yorli, is marketing a reagent for the detection of water which is added drop by drop to a measured liquid sample until a blue-green end point appears. Aubry and Monnier ( S A )reported that water can be precipitated quantitatively from ether as a hydrate by the addition of a saturated solution of lithium bromide in anhydrous ether. Kockmann ( @ A ) presented a table giving water content rn a function of the pressure of acetylene gas produced by the reaction between calcium carbide and water. Francois and Juillard (19A)studied the determination of moisture of rapeseed with calcium carbide. Bethlahmy ( 8 A ) described calibration procedures for Fiberglas soil-moisture units whose electrical resistance is proportional to moisture content. Garin (EM) has given a survey of moisture determinations in textiles. Beketovsky (6A)described the design of an instrument for the determination of moisture in starch. Hardacker and Rawcliffe (S1A) studied the effect of moisture content on the electrical resistance of paper and evaluated a Hart Moisture Meter and a Moisture Register. Millard (63A) reviewed the



design of capacitance and conductance moisture meters, A method of measuring the moisture content of soils by observing the @-rayactivity induced in an indium foil by thermal neutrons produced from a fast neutron source by neutron-proton scattering due to the hydrogen content of the moisture was described by Sharpe (66A). The Journal of the Franklin Institute (41A) reported that Morowita and Broida a t the National Bureau of Standards have developed a method for determining water content which uses heavy water to determine the total water content of biological tissues and other materials.


Berner and Roll ( 6 B ) described an arrangement of multipleuse drying equipment for semiplant scale. Tray dryers, both vacuum and atmospheric, were used. Broughton and Mickley (IOB) presented a method of designing continuous tunnel dryers based upon a simple experimental test. Berson ( 7 B ) surveyed uses, performance, and characteristics of turbo-type dryers.

Vol. 46, No. I

starch. Hader, Waldeck, and Smith (17B)reported the use of a flash dryer for sodium carboxymethylcellulose. CYLINDER A N D V A C U U M

Neef (25B) reports that electrical heating of rollers and drying cylinders is being used in Germany to attain higher temperatures and a greater working speed. Haas (16B) discussed the structural elements of vacuum dryers. LABORATORY

Many laboratory dryers for various purposes were described by Albon and~Gross( I B ) , Eyck Schenck and Ma (ISB), and Heywood and Ode11 (19B).A dry box constructed of polythene bags for working with deliquescent substances was described by Webb and Softky (S6B). The arrangement of a Stokes drying closet for measuring continuous drying rates is described by Hart and Dunlap (18B). Brown, Loomis, Peabody, and Woods (11B) described a method of modifying an analytical balance to record changes in weight as a function of time. This equipment might be useful in studying drying rates.



Walter (S4B) described conveying-screen drying plants with emphasis on feed preforming equipment and control techniques. Duffy (12B) has reviewed existing data on drying in rotary dryers. Gutzeit and Spraul (15B)described development of rotary dryer for high grade alfalfa and hope to extend into pharmaceutical and distilling industries. Baouman (4B) continued his analysis of rotary kilns with a discussion of heat balances. Vahl and Kingma ( 3 B ) developed equations based on theoretical considerations to give the volume transported per minute, time of passage, holdup, and power requirements for granular solids moving in horizontal rotary cylinders without flights or other lifting devices. Kramers and Croockewit (2OB) expanded Vahl’s equations to the case of holdup in an inclinerotary kiln with and without end constrictions. SPRAY

Laster (12B) discussed the selection and design of spray dryers for the food industry. A description of various types of spray drying equipment used for processing synthetic detergents, soap, and washing powder was given in Soap and Sanitary Chemicals (SOB). Details of construction of a milk spray drying tower of aluminum were given by Pfeiffer (27B). Bixler, Hines, McGhee, and Shurter ( 8 B )described a spray drying process for the production of the blood plasma volume expander, Dextran. Shearon and Dunwoody (8QB)described an ammonium nitrate prilling tower which is, essentially, a spray dryer using pressure nozzles. Oyama and Endou (26B) reported the particle size of drops obtained by centrifugal disk atomization. Their results were approximately the same as reported by Friedman, Gluckert, and Marshall ( I 4 B ) . Tate and Marshall ( S I B ) , and Turner and Moulton (SdB) studied atomization with centrifugal spray nozzles and gave drop size distributions obtained under various operating conditions. Banerjee and Roy ( S B ) analyzed mathematically the flow pattern in a hypothetical spray dryer whose design is similar to that of a cyclone separator. Bergsoe (6B)reported thermal efficiency, power consumption, and various design factors of spray dryers.


Lohausen (18B)reviewed recent developments in infrared drying and heating equipment. Laboratory drying with dielect#ric heat of herbage was reported by Merridew and Raymond (24B). Breuil (9B)has published nomographs to aid in the regulation ob the application and localization of dielectric heating.


At a symposium on drying held by the British Ceramic Society, Williams-Gardner (36C) again reviewed drying of ceramics, Bird and Dale (SC) described the jet drying of whiteware, and Copeland (SC) discussed high frequency drying of clayware. Holdbridge ( I S C ) investigated the influence of moisture content on the dry strength of ceramic bodies and found that appreciable strength increase could be obtained by thorough drying. McDowall and Vose ( W C )published observations on the dry strength of clays and clay bodies. Loundinal (96C)reported on improvements in drying by using steam to preheat clays. Lappin ( 2 4 3 described the modernization of a pottery for the production of vitreous china plumbing fixtures. Developments in temperatufe and humidity control systems for ceramic dryers are described by Green (14C). Walter (35C)stressed the need for effective instrumentation if efficient drying is to be attained. Davis (QC) reviewed the use of town gas as R fuel in pottery manufacture. CELLULOSIC MATERIALS

A summary of heat drying as applied to wood was published by Egner (IOC). Hill and Pyle (17C) reviewed the theory and practice of paper drying. The increase in capacity possible when drying paper with gas burners as an additional heat source waa discussed in light of the experience of the Certain Teed Producte Corp. (8QC). The drying of insulating board was reviewed by Jessen (%E). Inskeep and van Horn (2aC) briefly described the drying of cellophane in a,n article on cellophane manufacture. FABRICS A N D TEXTILES


Schmid, Bartkus, and Corrigan (28B) described work on heat transfer to solids in dense-phase pneumatic flow. This work may be of assistance in establishing design principles for pneumatic conveying dryers. Kroll ( H B ) analyzed the movement of substances being dried, drying time, and specific water evaporation with pneumatic conveying dryers for grass, leavea, and wood chips. Aspman ( 2 B ) reported general details of a flash dryer for

Haas (16C)discussed the theoretical aspects of drying textilea with superheated steam. Commercial equipment (Vapojet dryer) to dry cloth with superheater steam was described in Textile World (SSC). A method of relaxed drying for resinfinished goods was described by Fleming (11’2). Herzog (160) ascribed matting of flax fibers during artificial drying to improper handling. Frederick (12C) put forth a discussion of whether or not textile materials should be sold on a moisture-free b’aeis.



January 1954


Strashun and Talburt (S8C) a t the Western Regional Research Laboratory developed a vacuum drying system for the production of stable powders from fruit and vegetable juices which are readily reconstituted. Richards (SOC) reported the preservation of meat by simultaneous dehydration and defatting using halogenated hydrocarbon solvents. Chemical Week (SC)reported that Chas. Pfizer and Co. is selling an enzyme preparation to be used as an additive for eggs to be dried which will prevent deterioration.. Baker and Earp (WC)reviewed the design factors of hay dryers. Brown and Finn-Kelcey (4C) pointed out the trend toward simplified methods of drying by air and suggested electric heating of this air while M a n u f a c t u r e r s Record (B7C) discussed coal-fired dryers for farm crops. Hurlbut, Petersen, Yung, and Olson (91C) discussed the advantages and methods of artificially drying grain crops. Woodforde (S7C) gave a similar discussion of the drying of grain crops as practiced in Great Britain. Baker, Cannon, and Stanley ( I C ) published a progress report on three years of research work on the drying of peanuts. A procedure for drying animal glue was described by Hull and Bangert (8OC). Glue pearls are produced by shotting into a chilled bath of base spirits and then dried in a two-stage conveying belt dryer. Operation of evaporators, drum dryers, and spray dryers for the production of milk powder was described by Scott (SIC). COAL

Morrisson (88C) reported that a fluidized solids technique for drying coal was successful and suggested application of fluidized solids technique to the drying of other material. The effect of particle size, storage bin design, and wetting agents on the water retention of fine coal was reported by Gilmore and Wright (ISC). Honda and Kurihara ( I Q C )reported that combined water in coal is driven off above 125' C. MISCELLANEOUS

Varron (SdC) discussed the mechanism of drying of inks. Most printing inks dry by a combination of methods. Chemical W e e k (7%") carried an announcement by the Ansul Chemical Co. of a refrigerant dryer consisting of '/*-inch diameter gelatinous aluminu.m oxide hydrate spheres said to be effective a t temperatures up to 140' F. The techniques and apparatus utilized in drying natural gas were discussed by Campbell (E).


Allegrini, R., Cuoio, pelli, mat. concianti, 28, 409-18 (1952). Anson, D., Fuel, 32, No. 1,39-51 (1953). Aubry, J., and Monnier, G., Compt. rend., 235, No. 18, 1037-8 (1952). Bachmann, D., Chimia (Switz.),6, No. 8, 180-5 (1952). Behr, E. A., Briggs, D. R., and Kaufert, F. H., J . P h y s . Chem., 57, No. 4, 476-80 (1953). Beketovsky, S. N., J. A p p l . Chem. (U.S.S.R.), 24, No. 7, 869 (1951). Belcher, R., and West, T. S., J . Chem. Soc. (London), 1953, 1772-6. Bethlahmy, N., Trans, Am. Geophys. U n i o n , 33, No. 5,699-706 (1952). Brebion, G., M e m . 9erz;ices chim. e'tat ( P a r i s ) ,36, No. 4, 433-5 (1952). Brickell, W. F., Petroleum Engr., 24, No. 12, D58, D61, D63, D64, D66 (1952). Brun, R. J., and Rlergler, H. W., Natl. Advisory C m m . Aeronaut., Tech. Notes 2904 (1953). Campbell, D. E., A n a l . Chem., 25,2034 (1953). Chem. Eng., 60, 328 (1953). Chem. W e e k , 72, No. 25, 60 (1953). Chu, J. C., Lane, A. M., and Conklin, D., IND.ENG.CHEM., 45, 1586-91 (1953).


Davis, D. S., Chem. Eng., 59,205-6 (1952). Deisler, Jr., P. F., and Wilhelm, R. H., IND.ENG.CHEM., 45, 1219-27 (1953). Eberius, E., Chem. Tech., 4, No. 7,291-5 (1952). Bull. 'I mens, ., inform. I T E R G , Francois, M. Th., and Juillard, % 6 , 427-35 (1952). Garin, A., Bull. inst. textile France, No. 30,13-35 (1952). Geist, J. M., Dissertation Abstracts, 12, No. 2, 167 (1952). Gibbons, G. C., J. TextileInst., 44, No. 5, T201-8 (1953). Giffen, E., Engineering, 174, No. 4510,6-10 (1952). Glasgow, C. O., Oil Gas J.,51, No. 34,73-4 (1953). Gralen, N., and Werner, G., Bull. inst. teztile France, No. 30, 379-86 (1952). Gregor, H. P., Sundheim, B. R., Held, K. M., and Waxman, M. H., J. Colloid Sci., 7, NO. 5, 51 1-34 (1952). Greinacher, H., Chimia (Switz.),7, Xo. 1, 11-16 (1953). Griffiths, E,, Proc. Inst. Refrig. (London), 48, 89-92 (1951-52). Haas, H., Melliand Teztilber., 34, S o . 1, 67-8; No. 2, 13940 (1953). Hanson, A. R., Dissertation Abstr., 12, No. 2, 164-5 (1952). Hardacker, K. W., and Rawcliffe, R. D., T a p p i , 35, No. 6, 168A-82A (1952). Harrison, E. R., J . Sei. Instr., 30, No. 2,38-9 (1953). Hayashi, C., J. Phys. SOC.J a p a n , G , 414-15 (1951). Heertjes, P. M., de Boer, H. G. J., and de Haas van Dormer, A. H., C h m . Eng. Sei., 2, NO.3,97-.107 (1953). Hendry, R., Proc. Inst. Refrig. (London),48,82-8 (1951-52). Hickman, K. C. D., and Trevoy, D. J., Chem. Eng. Progr.. 49, 105-9 (1953). Hogan, J. T., Chem. Eng., 60, Xo. 3,233 (1953). Holter, N. J., and Glasscock, W. R., J . Acoust. SOC.Am., 24, NO. 6, 682-6 (1952). Ingebo, R. D., Natl. Adaisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. Note+ 2850 (1953). Jerger, E. W., Iowa State Coll. J.Sei., 27, 198-9 (1953). J . FranklinInst., 254, No. 6, 537-8 (1952). Joyce, J. R., J . Inst. Petroleum, 39, No. 350, 57-81 (1953). Kaufmann, H. P., Pharm. Zentralhalle, 91, 379-83 (1952). King, G., and Warburton, F. L., Textile I n s t . J.,43, No. 9, T516-17 (1952). Kinzer, G. D., and G u m , R., J . Heteorol., 8 , No. 2, 71-83 (1951). Klinkenberg, .4.,Krajenbrink, H. J., and Lauwerier, H. A., IND.ENG.CHEM.,45,1202-08 (1953). Kobe, K. A,, Petroleum Refiner, 32, No. 5, 173 (1953). Kockmann, R., Chew.-Ztg., 76, S o . 25,706-7 (1952). Lewis, J. G., and White, R. R., IND.ENG.CHEM.,45, 486-8 (1953). Lin, C. S., Moulton, R. W., and Putnam, G. L., Ibid.,45, 636-46 (1953). Longwell, J. P., and Weiss, M. A,, Ibid., 45,667-77 (1953). Miedendorp, H., Modern Textiles, 34, No. 6 , 92-3 (1953). Millard, D. J., Brit. J.A p p l . Phys., 4, No. 3,84-7 (1953). Modern Packaging, 26, No. 5, 133-7 (1953). Mulsow, R., Melliand Textilher. 33, No. 10, 967-9 (1952). (56A) Ibid., 33, NO. 12, 117-19 (1952). (57.4) Payne, J. W., Lechthaler, C H., and Drew, R . D., IXD.ENG. CHEM.,45, 1233-6 (1953). (58A) Penner, S. S., J. Am. Rocket Soc., 23, No. 2,85-8,98 (1953). (59A) Pigford, R. L., ISD.ENG.CHEX.,45,957-62 (1953). (60A) Preston, J. M., Bull. inst. t e d i l e France, No. 30,467-75 (1952). (6lA) Richter, G. A., Herdle, L. E., and Wahtera, W. E., IND. ENG. CHEM.,44, 2883-93 (1952). (62A) Schafer, O., Melliand Textilber, 34, No. 2, 125-6 (1953). (63A) Schlinger, W. G., Berry, V. J., hIason, J. L., and Sage, B. H., IND.ENG.CHEW,45, 662-6 (1953). (64A) Schlinger, W. G., Hsu, N. T., Cavers, S. D., and Sage, B. H., Ibid., 45, 864-70 (1953). (65A) Schlinger, W. G., and Sage, B. H., Ibid., 45,657-61 (1953). (66A) Sharpe, J., Brit. J . A p p l . Phys., 4, No. 3, 93-4 (1953). (67A) Spencer-Gregory, H., and Rourke, E., Instrument Practice, 7, No. 5, 335-9 (1953). (68.4) Spielman, M., and Jakob, hI., Trans. Am. Soe. Mech. Engre., 75, NO,3, 385-94 (1953). (69A) Stamm, A. J., U.S. Dept. Agr., Tech. Bull. 929 (1946). (70A) Tang, Y. S., Duncan, J. PI.,and Schweyer, H. E., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. N o t e s 2867 (1953).



(71A) Taylor, J. B., J . TextiZeInst., 43, No. 9, T489-515 (1952). (72A) Treloar, L. R. G., Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, Pt. 7, 816-23 (1953). (73A) Turk, A., J. Agr. Food Chem., 1, No. 5,306-8 (1953). (74A) Vita, H., Melliand Teztilber., 34, No. 3,222-3 (1953). (75A) Wingard, R. E., and Rorier, W. H., Alabama Polytech. Inst. Eng. Expt. Sta. Eng. Bull. No. 15 (1952). (76A) Wylie, R. G., and Harper, A. F. A,, Australian J. Appl. Sci., 3, NO. 3, 219-27 (1952). (77A) York, J. L., and Stubbs, H. E., Trans. Am. Soc. Mech Engrs., 74, NO. 7, 1157-62 (1952). DRYING METHODS

(1B) Albon, N., and Gross, D., Analyst, 77,406-9 (1952). (2B) Aspman, K., Food Eng., 24, No. 6,84-7,164,166 (1952). (3B) Banerjee, 8. K., and Roy, H. L., Trans. Indian Inst, Chem. Engrs., 4,97-115 (1950-51). (4B) Baouman, A., Rev. mattiaux construction trav. publ. Ed. C, NO. 427, 118-22; NO. 428, 150-2; N0.430,233-5; NO.434, 328-31; NO. 435, 365-8 (1951); NO. 440, 129-31; NO. 441, 170-2 (1952). (6B) Bergsoe, C., Ingenieur, 64, No. 29,71-6 (1952). (6B) Berner, R. J., and Roll, L. J., IKD.ENG.CHEM.,44, 2819-22 (1952). (7B) Berson, M. J., Chem. Eng., 59, No. 9, 169-71 (1952). (8B) Bixler, G. H., Hines, C. E., McGhee, R. M., and Shurter, R. A,, IND.ENG.CHEM.,45, 692-705 (1953). (9B) Breuil, J., Chemie & industrie, 69, No. 2, 270-2 (1953). (10B) Broughton, D. B., and Mickley, H. S., Chem. Eng Progr., 49, 319-24 (1953). (11B) Brown, F. E., Loomis, T. C., Peabody, R. C., and Woods, J. D., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 59, 159-69 (1952). (12B) Duffy, J. P., Chem. & Process Eng., 34, No. 2, 49-51, 62 (1953). (13B) Eyck Schenck, R. T., and Ma, T. S., Mikrochemie ver. Mikrochim. Acta, 40, No. 3,236-44 (1953). (14B) Friedman, S. J., Gluokert, F. A., and Marshall, Jr., W. R., Chem. Eng. Progr., 48,181-91 (1952). (15B) Gutzeit, G., and Spraul, J. R., Ibid., 49,378-86 (1953). (16B) Haas, H., 2. ver. deut. Ing., 94, No. 13,357-9 (1952). (17B) Hader, R. N., Waldeck, W. F., and Smith, F. W., INDENQ. CHEM.,44, 2803-12 (1952). (18B) Hart, E. E., and Dunlap, H. L., J . Chem. Educ., 30, NO. 7, 364-5 (1953). (19B) Heywood, B. J., and Odell, D. P., Chemistry &Industry, 1952, 777-8. (20B) Kramers, H., and Croockewit, P., Chem. Eng. Sci., 1, No. 6, 259-65 (1952). (21B) Kriill, K., 2. ver. deut. Ing., 94, No. 12,360-4 (1952). (22B) Laster, R., Food Technol., 7, No. 7,264-7 (1953). (23B) Lohausen, K. A., 2. ver. deut. Ing., 94, KO.11/12, 323--7 (1952). (24B) Merridew, J. N., and Raymond, W. F., Brit. J . Appl. Phys., 4, NO. 2, 37-9 (1953). (25B) Neef, K., Kunststofe, 43, No. 6, 245-6 (1953). (26B) Oyama, Y., and Endou, K., Chem. Eng. (Japan), 17, 256-60; 269-75 (1953). (27B) Pfeiffer, R., Schweissen und Schneiden, 4, KO. 6, 182-7 (1952). (28B) Schmid, W. E., Bartkus, E. P., and Corrigan, T. E., Chem. Ew., 59, NO. 10, 172-3 (1952). (29B) Shearon, Jr., W. H., and Dunwoody, W. B., IND.ENG.CHEM., 45,496-504 (1953). (30B) Soap Sanit. Chemicals, 28, No. 5, 67,69,71 (1952).

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(31B) Tate, R. W., and Marshall, Jr., W. R., Chem. Eng. Prom., 49, 169-74; 226-32 (1953). (32B) Turner, G. M., and Moulton, R. W., Ibid., 49, 185-90 (1953). (33B) Vahl, L., and Kingma, W, G., Chem. Eng. Sci., 1, No. 6, 263-8 (1952). (34B) Walter, L., Can. Chem. Processing, 36, No. 9, 30-1 (1952). (35B) Webb, L. A,, and Softky, S. D., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 24, NO. 6, 472-3 (1953). DRYING SPECIFIC MATERIALS

(1C) Baker, V. H., Cannon, B. M., and Stanley, J. M., Agric. Eng., 33, NO. 6, 351-6 (1952). (2C) Baker, V. H., and Earp, U. F., Heating and Ventilating, 50, NO. 3, 77-81 (1953); NO. 4, 100-2 (1953). (3C) Bird, G. W., and Dale, A. S., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 51, NO. 11, 559-72 (1952). (4C) Brown, C. A. C., Finn-Kelcey, P. G., Proc. Inst. Elec. Engrs. (London),100, Pt. 11, No. 74, 115-24 (1953). (5C) Campbell, J. M., Chem. Eng. Progr., 48,440-8 (1952). (6C) Chem. Week, 72, No. 12, 48, 50 (1953). (7C) Ibid., No. 21, 85 (1953). (8C) Copeland, S., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 51, No. 11, 573-83 (1952). (9C) Davis, K., GasJ., 273, No. 4680,343-4,346-8 (1953). (1OC) Egner, K., Schweizer Archiv. angew. Wiss. u. Tech., 18, No. 9, 292-307 (1952). (11C) Fleming, M. T., Modern Textiles, 34, KO.6,72,86 (1953). (12C) Frederick, Jr., J. K., Ibid., 34, No. 6,33,94 (1953). (13C) Gilmore, D. W., and Wright, C. C., Min. Eng., 4, No. 9,886-94 (1952). (14C) Green, J. R., Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 32, No. 1, 18-22 (1953). (15C) Haas, H., Melliand Teztilber., 33, No. 4,346-9 (1952), ( l a c ) Herzog, A., Faserforsch u . Teztiltech., 3, No. 7, 259-70 (1952). (17C) Hill, C. E., and Pyle, C. J., Paper Trade J., 135, No. 20, 402-17 (1952). (18C) Holdbridge, D. A., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 51, KO.8, 401-8 (1952). (19C) Honda, H., and Kurihara, F., J . Chem. Soc. Japan Ind. Chem. Sect., 54, 171-2 (1951). (20C) Hull, W. Q., and Bangert, W. G., IND.ENG. CHEW,44, 2275-84 (1952). (21C) Hurlbut, L. W,, Peterson, G. M., Yung, F. D., and Olson, E. A,, Agric. Eng., 33, No. 7,421-5 (1952). (22C) Inskeep, G. C., and van Horn, P., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,44, 2511-24 (1952). (23C) Jessen, H. C., Tappi, 35, No. 10,455-67 (1952). (24C) Lappin, F. S., MilEand Factory, 51, No. 6, 118-19 (1952). (25C) Loundinal, G., Brick & Clay Rec., 122, No. 4,66,68,84 (1953). (26C) McDowall, T. C., and Vose, W., Trans. Bra. Ceram. Soc., 51, NO, 10, 511-22 (1952). (27C) Mfg. Rec., 122, No. 1, 34-5, 52-3 (1953). (28C) Morrisson, R. L., Can. Mining J., 73, No. 8,66-70 (1952). (29C) Paper Trade J., 136, No. 11,14-15 (1953). (30C) Richards, E. L., Dissertation Abstr., 13, No. 1, 16-17 (1953). (31C) Scott, J. K., New Zealand Eng., 7, No. 9, 325-30 (1952). (32C) Strashun, S. I., and Talburt, W. F., Food Eng., 25, No. 3, 59-60 (1953). (33C) Textile World, 103, KO.6, 108 (1953). (34C) Varron, F. A,, Interchem. Rev., 12, No. 1,3-21 (1953). (35C) Walter, L., Ceram. A g e , 60, No. 6 , 3 2 4 , 3 6 4 (1952). (36C) Williams-Gardner, A., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 51, No. 11, 549-57 (1952). (37C) Woodforde, J., J . Inst. Fuel, 25, No. 147, 327-32 (1953).