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NO. 7

Du Pont ALATHON® helps solve piping and packaging problems in chemical industries Du Pont "Alathon" polyethylene res­ in is inert to many chemicals used in industry. Hydrochloric, sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids, in concentrated solutions, can be shipped or stored in carboys or bottles of "Alathon." "Alathon" is odorless, tasteless and non-toxic. It has a low watervapor transmission rate. "Alathon" is tough and flexible over a wide temperature range. In some cases, "Alathon" retains its form unstressed in boiling water. "Alathon," with a specific gravity of 0.92, is one of the lightest plastic resins commercially available today.

Combination of Properties Because of an unusual combina­ tion of properties—high chemical re­ sistance, toughness and flexibility through a wide temperature range— "Alathon" presents possibilities for applications in many industrial fields. Among the important industrial uses for "Alathon" are pipe and fittings for water and chemical process lines. Du Pont "Alathon" polyethylene resin is used as packaging material in such forms as film, bottles, clo­ sures, liners for fiber and metal drums, and carboys.

Flexible Bellows of TEFLON Assures Maximum Service Life Where applications are toughest in the chemical processing industry, parts of Du Pont "Teflon" tetrafluoro­ ethylene resin assure dependable operation. For "Teflon" is not at­ tacked by any chemicals normally encountered—only molten alkali met­ als, and fluorine at elevated temper­ atures and pressures affect "Teflon." And, conversely, "Teflon" will not contaminate the products in contact with it. Operating temperature range is from —450°F. to 500°F. This wide ranges coupled with the chemical in­ ertness of "Teflon," provides new opportunities for designers of proc­ ess equipment. Consider the flexible bellows of Du Pont "Teflon" tetrafluoroethylene resin fabricated by Crane Packing Company of Chicago, Illinois. These bellows are designed for heavy-duty applications—as vibration dampeners, expansion joints, flexible con­ nectors—and the manufacturer re­ ports that French gasket-type flanges assure maximum sealing efficiency. Crane Packing Company has devel­ oped a new convolution form, they report, which assures great strength, long service life and maximum flex­ ibility. The bellows are formed at

Flexible bellows a n d companion f l a n g e s , m a n ­ ufactured by the Crane Packing Company, Chicago, Illinois. D u Pont " T e f l o n " tetrafluoro­ ethylene resin, inert to all industrial chemicals, has a w o r k i n g t e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e o f — 4 5 0 ° F . to 5 0 0 ° F.

full free length, to hold residual and working strain at a minimum. Investigate "Teflon." N o other single material provides the unique combination of properties offered by "Teflon" tetrafluoroethylene resin. For complete property data, clip the coupon below.

Molded or Machined Du Pont "Alathon" polyethylene resin can be injection- or compressionmolded and extruded. Parts made of "Alathon" polyethylene resin are easily machined with standard tools used in working soft metals. These parts can be joined by heat welding. Chemically resistant Du Pont "Ala­ thon" may help you develop a new product or process, or improve your present one. For further information on this versatile engineering material, use the coupon.

hfiEED MORE INFORMATION? CLIPTHE C O U P O N for a d d i t i o n a l d a t a o n the properties a n d a p p l i c a ­ tions o f these Du Pont e n ­

E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc. ) , Polychemicals Department Room 348»Du Pont Building, Wilmington 98, Delaware In Canada: Du Pont Company of Canada Limited, P.O. Box 660. Montreal. Quebec.

Please send me more information on the Du Pont engi­ neering materials checked: Π "Teflon"* tetrafluoro­ ethylene resin; Π "Alathon"* polyethylene resin; Π "Zytel"* nylon resin; Π "Lucite"* acrylic resin. I am interested in evaluating these materials for

gineering materials.

* "7tjton," "Alathon," "Zylil"' and "Luette" are registered trade-marks of E. I.